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Santana — Dance Sister Dance (Baila Mi Hermana)
Album: Amigos
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Total ratings: 743

Released: 1976
Length: 8:13
Plays (last 30 days): 0
Dance sister dance
I love the way you move
I love to watch you
Dance sister dance
Feel the rhythm flow into your soul
Dance sister dance
Feel the rhythm flow
Feel the rhythm flow through you
Dance sister dance
I love to watch you move
I love the way you dance

Baila mi hermana
Baila para mi
Baila mi hermana
Baila para mi

I love to watch you move
I love the way you dance with me
Dance sister dance
I love the way you move
I love to watch you
Dance sister dance
Feel the rhythm flow into your soul
Dance sister dance

Mi hermana
Baila para mi
Baila mi hermana
Baila para mi
I love the way you move
I love the way you baila
Baila para mi

Baila para mi
Baila para mi hermana

Baila mi hermana
Baila para mi
Baila mi hermana
I love to watch you move
I love the way you dance with me

Dance with me (5x)
Comments (114)add comment
 njswede wrote:

And even if it were his actual sister, all the song is saying is that he thinks she's a good dancer. Geez, people really get wound up over stupid things.

I Agree!! It is a slang term that usually does not refer to a biological sister. Check out how the term "sister" was used in old  Bogart & Cagney movies!!   
 theanniewithin wrote:

I like Santana, but this song just goes on a bit tooooooooo long for my taste.  Let's get on to something completely different.

I agree.  More Santana. 
 LowPhreak wrote:

Perhaps most people don't have weird thoughts like incest on their minds? Could also be referring to a female friend as "sister". People do that ya know.

And even if it were his actual sister, all the song is saying is that he thinks she's a good dancer. Geez, people really get wound up over stupid things.
Live version from Moonflower is incredible. Carlos' playing is amazing.
The title of this should have been "Endless Noodle".
 mrtuba9 wrote:

You had me googling!!!
Ok you got me too!  Funny comment

Yes - still remember when Europa from this album hit the FM station in 1976.  Great Santana album, back in the day we used to listen to the whole album.
What a great song!  The samba and the rock blended into something so warm and satisfying.  
 trailhead wrote:
The live version from Moonflower is so much better.
So much better - that is one of my all time favourite albums.  This gets 6, still a good song, but without the live "oompf".  It is thin...
 LawDude wrote:
So cool that this guy plays baseball and also has this great band.

You had me googling!!!
 LawDude wrote:
So cool that this guy plays baseball and also has this great band.

 yofitofu wrote:
Unfortunately this sounds disturbingly like something I'd hear in a disco on South Beach. Was really disappointed to see it was Santana.

Perhaps that is because it was cut in 1976, you know, 40 years ago, in the disco era, in South Beach or anywhere else. 
So cool that this guy plays baseball and also has this great band.
Wonderful re-discovery. I thought I had every Santana album nailed in my collection, either on vinyl or CD and somehow totally spaced this one out, though as soon as I heard Dance Sister Dance, it all came back. RP has been great for hearing both new and old artists that I never knew existed, not to mention lost gems from some of my oldtime favorites. Mil gracias senores.
Man, follow this up with some Return to Forever and that'll make my afternoon!
 tomcool wrote:

Yeah, I guess it is my fault.  I should have known that when Carlos says, "sister," he means "girlfriend."

Why so serious and offensive? ''Sister' can mean something like 'pal', 'buddy', 'friend', hell even girlfriend is ok and has a meaning with no sexual connotations and it is quite a popular one.
Wow, haven't heard this in ages. Love it!! Thanks Bill!  Need to dig through the Santana in my old vinyl collection soon...
Unfortunately this sounds disturbingly like something I'd hear in a disco on South Beach. Was really disappointed to see it was Santana.
 tomcool wrote:
I guess nobody else finds this song creepy.  Lyrically, I mean.

Perhaps most people don't have weird thoughts like incest on their minds? Could also be referring to a female friend as "sister". People do that ya know.
The live version from Moonflower is so much better.  That version would get a 10 from me. The studio version doesn't have the same pop.  I'll withhold a rating for now. 
The longer this song goes on, the less I like it.
 PeeBee wrote:
An average rating of 6? Come on people!
Yeah, I guess you are right. Crossover crap like this deserves a 3
 jagdriver wrote:

The first part (the vocal segment) is mediocre, then all of a sudden it changes course and takes OFF!

yep, somehow I've not noticed this before in all the years of hearing it.
Good stuff {#Bananajam}{#Laughing}
An average rating of 6? Come on people!

 technohippybiker wrote:
Ugh. Noise noise and more noise. When will this song end?
How can a technohippybiker not like this?  Very smooth....

Ugh. Noise noise and more noise. When will this song end?
This song has me snakin' my hips and doing high kicks. I know that tomorrow I'll hurt in places I never knew I had, but oh - SO worth it!  Love this....{#Bananasplit}{#Cry}
I love that this band made a great version of 'Black Magic Woman" and most people don't realize its a great fleetwood Mac song
The instrumental outro has shades of Al Di Meola. Interesting that this album came out a year before Elegant Gypsy.

(There are probably shades of Return to Forever, too; their big albums came out earlier. But I wasn't paying much attention to them back then.)

Nice instrumental at the end. Applause!

 reptillicus wrote:
Oh man, this song may be long, but it is GREAT !
I wish I could cut the end groove into a continuous loop and just keep it running.... Thanks, RP: I had actually not heard this song in a long time and forgotten how cool it is. Nice to have a departure from 2 minute 30 songs of most radio stations !!
The first part (the vocal segment) is mediocre, then all of a sudden it changes course and takes OFF!

...this is cool...
There is great and shorter live version of this on the "Viva" CD
Wow, I'm surprised this song is getting such a low rating. It's classic Santana man!
 chinchita wrote:
Depends where you are...in Puerto Rico they call them "guineos" supposedly because they were brought over from Guinea and "plátanos" are plantains (cooking bananas).
 algrif wrote:
You're partly right. A small edible banana from the Canaries, for example, is a 'plátano' in Castellano. But a big cooking banana, or plantain, is called a 'banana'. Of course, it all depends on whether you can definitely identify a cartoon e-motion as a banana or a plantain.
xkolibuul wrote:
All depends on your locale. Mexicans call a banana a 'banano' but call a plantain a 'platano'. They also have a bulky square-sided banana variety that is a 'platano macho'. In Central American spanish a 'platano' is similarly a plantain, but a banana is a 'guineo', and the square-sided one a 'platano manzano'. Meanwhile, in the english-speaking Caribbean, a banana is called a 'fig'.
Linguistics is a blast
¡Gracias a todos!
Yes, linguistics is a blast.
This is all fascinating, but I'm not going to remember this at all, at least not before I speak Castellano a LOT better.
A banana is "un Plátano" and a plaintain is "una banana", except where it isn't? Pfff...
I like the "plátano macho", though.

I long for Indonesian/Malaysian: dozens of types of bananas, and AFAIK they're all "pisang something-or-other"

¡Seguid bailando, mis amigos amarillos!

 Rendergirl wrote:
um...1070's weeknight TV drama...anyone...anyone?
Funny! I was thinking 1980s weeknight TV drama. 1070? Is that a radio call number? As in, when radio stations did the simultaneous stereo broadcast while Miami Vice was on TV?

Other relevant numbers: 1 (my rating)

I like Santana, but this song just goes on a bit tooooooooo long for my taste.  Let's get on to something completely different.
 punkbot wrote:
Minutes 84-91 of Santana's seemingly endless 1 song routine...ok, I get it. Cut it out. Take a Colada break or a vacation in the Alps, but put the guitar down and give me a break already.

Why don't you take a Colada break ... maybe you wouldn't be so grumpy, then. Sheesh. 
Droidac wrote:
Wow, what a great song! Why can't he keep doing stuff like this instead of those horrible collaborations that we've been subjected to over the last several years!
No Alex Ligertwood (lead singer) and this version of his band that cut several excellent pop records in the '80's... they're all gone on to other things. After that group's record sales started heading down, he disbanded it and did a bunch of different jazz collaborations with Buddy Miles, McCoy Tyner and other jazz artists, until the '90's when he started doing the guest vocalist pop records.
Just when I think, "OK, enough noodling Carlos", things change and keep it interesting. It sort of has a Zawinul feel, or maybe Ponty....only on guitar, of course.
Wow, what a great song! Why can't he keep doing stuff like this instead of those horrible collaborations that we've been subjected to over the last several years!
That's one Santana song you don't hear very often. Very nice.
Oh man, this song may be long, but it is GREAT ! I wish I could cut the end groove into a continuous loop and just keep it running.... Thanks, RP: I had actually not heard this song in a long time and forgotten how cool it is. Nice to have a departure from 2 minute 30 songs of most radio stations !!
um...1070's weeknight TV drama...anyone...anyone?
Kurt_from_La_Qui wrote:
"I Cheat the Hangman" Doobie Brothers.
Aw c'mon, not that bad. Ok, I guess it is tedious.
Minutes 84-91 of Santana's seemingly endless 1 song routine...ok, I get it. Cut it out. Take a Colada break or a vacation in the Alps, but put the guitar down and give me a break already.
"I Cheat the Hangman" Doobie Brothers.
Take out the middle and I really dig this song :)
The end of each chorus sounds like the MAD TV theme.
wow, I feel as if I should be in some groovy chase scene!
Tagish_girl wrote:
...still dancing, thanks Bill!
My turn! (~shake-shake-shake~step-step-step~)
Oh, c'mon RP! Now you've got me shaking my bottom and stepping to the rhythm! :-)
Ah, Carlos a legend in his own sandals! Quite good apart from the bit where he gets his doo-dads stuck in the guitar strings and he has fight to get free...
All depends on your locale. Mexicans call a banana a 'banano' but call a plantain a 'platano'. They also have a bulky square-sided banana variety that is a 'platano macho'. In Central American spanish a 'platano' is similarly a plantain, but a banana is a 'guineo', and the square-sided one a 'platano manzano'. Meanwhile, in the english-speaking Caribbean, a banana is called a 'fig'. Linguistics is a blast algrif wrote:
You're partly right. A small edible banana from the Canaries, for example, is a 'plátano' in Castellano. But a big cooking banana, or plantain, is called a 'banana'. Of course, it all depends on whether you can definitely identify a cartoon e-motion as a banana or a plantain.
This song reminds me of the Sesame Street pinball counting song by the Pointer Sisters. You know, the one that goes... One two three four five, Six seven eight nine ten, Eleven twelve!
coding_to_music wrote:
Tagish_girl wrote:
...still dancing, thanks Bill!
Me too! It's nice to have a Latin beat to liven up Monday!
Hum... Really don't like it... Not the kind of song I like to hear on RP...
...still dancing, thanks Bill!
Ahhh Santana, Radio Paradise is the best!!, just the best rockanroll, no more....
A Santana song I don't hate. Remarkable. Of course, I don't like it either....
Time to switch off RP .. this song is horrible.
algrif wrote:
You're partly right. A small edible banana from the Canaries, for example, is a 'plátano' in Castellano. But a big cooking banana, or plantain, is called a 'banana'. Of course, it all depends on whether you can definitely identify a cartoon e-motion as a banana or a plantain.
I give this song a big cooking banana! I dig it.
love the earthy feeling of this song....C/Santana rocks!
Sayers of nay! A pox on your semi close relatives! I had to get up and dance when this came on. I danced so hard I hurt my neck. And I don't even dance!
Yeah, dude plays a hell of a guitar, but vocals just gotta go. 4.
More doodle dee per second (ddps) than any other guitarist.
On par with the line of shoes he designed. Mainstream at best.
Kevstar wrote:
I hate Santana's guitar playing. Below average.
How do you determine what's ''average''?
Does chair dancing count? That's all I'm able to do right now.
The Moonflower version is much better
nadz wrote:
if only there was a fast forward button...
Better would be a Delete button so that this wouldn't ever be played again. BOOOOOOOOOOO!
ce wrote:
Nice one! Unfortunately, it should be "platano", not banana...
how about Baile, me amigo amarillo...
Waaaoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo !!!
if only there was a fast forward button...
Derecho wrote:
Needs more cowbell.
Hey, this isn't Blue Oyster Cult!
ArbiterOfGoodTaste wrote:
This tune sears on Moonflower, a (mostly) live album. This version is incredibly tame in comparison. Edit: OK, this version picks up as it progresses, but the live version is still better!
I couldn't agree more. Moonflower is one of my favorite albums.
Needs more cowbell.
If the guitar solo towards the end didn't sound half decent I would have left the room or turned down the volume for the entire song!
Hmm, not feeling this one
THIS IS SANTANA? I almost turned the radio off when i heard it............instead, i have turned the sound down until the next song appears. Til then, i may hurl so i can purge this from my system....
wtf? this is laughably bad.
Do I have to be a middle aged sister to get this song?
ce wrote:
You sure? 'cos I'm not. My Spanish teacher insisted that "banana" was wrong. He was from Spain though, perhaps it's (more) OK in America. Google Translate seems to agree with you, but it prefers "plátano".
You're partly right. A small edible banana from the Canaries, for example, is a 'plátano' in Castellano. But a big cooking banana, or plantain, is called a 'banana'. Of course, it all depends on whether you can definitely identify a cartoon e-motion as a banana or a plantain.
Carlos Santana once was so innovative, but 30 years later... = not more than a 3.
This tune sears on Moonflower, a (mostly) live album. This version is incredibly tame in comparison. Edit: OK, this version picks up as it progresses, but the live version is still better!
Seems like this would make a great drag-queen cover toon...
Ehh....... OK I guess
ce wrote:
You sure? 'cos I'm not. My Spanish teacher insisted that "banana" was wrong. He was from Spain though, perhaps it's (more) OK in America. Google Translate seems to agree with you, but it prefers "plátano".
Depends where you are...in Puerto Rico they call them "guineos" supposedly because they were brought over from Guinea and "plátanos" are plantains (cooking bananas).
algrif wrote:
Banana tambien. Hombre
You sure? 'cos I'm not. My Spanish teacher insisted that "banana" was wrong. He was from Spain though, perhaps it's (more) OK in America. Google Translate seems to agree with you, but it prefers "plátano".
Utterly fails to rock. And this failure is especially stark after the Mavericks "Dance the Night Away" which was pretty catchy.
Banana tambien. Hombre
algrif wrote:
Baila, mi banana..
Nice one! Unfortunately, it should be "platano", not banana...
Kevstar wrote:
I hate Santana's guitar playing. Below average.
This Kev won't say it is below average, but it really doesn't do anything for me. It is grating after awhile.
plutodazed wrote:
This song is 8 min. 15 sec. of bliss which gets better as the song progresses. It is as good if not better than Santana's better-known songs such as "Oye Como Va" and "Black Magic Woman/Gypsy Queen." It can be found on "The Best Of Santana" 16-song CD.
this song is 8 min. 15 sec. alright.
I hate Santana's guitar playing. Below average.
Baila, mi banana..
I am beginning to get a theme of Dancing now
dragged this one out last week for our Cinco de Mayo celebration! Baila.......
I appear to have been time-warped back to the 70's. It's definitely groovy here.
Hmmm...what could be next: Van Halen "Dance The Night Away" The Gentrys "Keep On Dancin'" The Stones "Dance Little Sister" Awesome fun set Bill - I'm going to donate some $$ right now
Dance Bill, dance! Carlos' guitar sound (and sustain) on this song helped convince me Mesa Boogie amps are the hotness.
continuing the Dance set. better than the last one dancing queen though.
This song is 8 min. 15 sec. of bliss which gets better as the song progresses. It is as good if not better than Santana's better-known songs such as "Oye Como Va" and "Black Magic Woman/Gypsy Queen." It can be found on "The Best Of Santana" 16-song CD.