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Radiohead — There There
Album: Hail to the Thief
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Total ratings: 5262

Released: 2003
Length: 5:16
Plays (last 30 days): 4
In pitch dark I go walking in your landscape
Broken branches trip me as I speak
Just 'cause you feel it, doesn't mean it's there
Just 'cause you feel it, doesn't mean it's there

There's always a siren
Singing you to shipwreck
''(Don't reach out, don't reach out)
(Don't reach out, don't reach out)''

Steer away from these rocks
We'd be a walking disaster
''(Don't reach out, don't reach out)
(Don't reach out, don't reach out)''

Just 'cause you feel it, doesn't mean it's there
''(There's someone on your shoulder)
(There's someone on your shoulder)''

Just 'cause you feel it doesn't mean it's there
''(There's someone on your shoulder)
(There's someone on your shoulder)''

There there!

Why so green and lonely?
And lonely
And lonely

Heaven sent you to me
To me
To me
To me

We are accidents
Waiting waiting to happen

We are accidents
Waiting waiting to happen
Comments (658)add comment
Perhaps my favourite Radiohead track, which is saying something for me!
Fun little music video too... very Brothers Grimm.
Hail to the thief was the first full Radiohead album that I purchased. I had heard some of their singles before, but it did not prepare me for what was to come. Love this album - top 10 album for me, and it might be my favorite Radiohead album. (Hard to compete with OK Computer). There There is one of the best songs on the album as well. 10 10 10.
 ick wrote:

It took a few years for Radiohead to click for me but once it did I found a deep appreciation for the art and creativity of the band.  This particular song is what pushed me over the edge.

They got a great live-in-a-studio recording  of an album(?).

These boys are quite talented. 
It took a few years for Radiohead to click for me but once it did I found a deep appreciation for the art and creativity of the band.  This particular song is what pushed me over the edge.
 impactmobile wrote:

One of Radiohead's best. 

Spare me the worst!
Probably my favorite song by one of my favorite bands.  This is unbelievable live.  One of my buddies simply didn’t get Radiohead until I dragged him to a show at the Moody in Austin and he was immediately converted!  
6 -> 7
theres a pearl jam vibe on guitars
Brilliant! Love the percussion
one of my absolute favorite videos of all time.

from the forest creatures and their events/daily lives to the crows waking up at the end.

he couldn't just take the jacket! no! he had to take the shoes too. 
 impactmobile wrote:

One of Radiohead's best. 

I'm not a big Radiohead fan at all but this is an 8 for me. 
RH is a band I appreciate more than enjoy.
The more I hear from RH, love, love, love-

Thank you Bill!
 pinto wrote:

Ah!  Radiohead.   Cue the comments:
1) Radiohead is perfect
2) They suck
3) Thom Yorke is without peer
4) I don't get them
5) They haven't been the same since their third album
6) They get better with age
7) What is this bloviated noise from people with no talent?
8) You suck!
9) No, YOU suck!

no I don't
® Ӈ 
 Montreal_Mort wrote:

Interesting to see how polarizing RH is …. I too can relate to both sides of the discussion. But here’s where I land: great musicianship (all of them), fantastic production / engineering, open gap below the high treble vocals strategically filled, great bass and drums, innovative guitar, and solos …. and MOOD. so, who else is doing this these days??

I've whined/grumbled a lot about Radiohead's significant presence on RP--mostly because of Thom's voice. But this is really cool. The video is like an animated Wes Anderson nightmare...
 lizardking wrote:

4+ years later, and not only do I like a lot of RH tunes now, I'm going +1 to 8 on this one. 

I still like The Doors more than RH, just less more than before. 

Long Live RP and changing tastes! 

Another convert like me!
I can't make up my mind whether I like their music or not.  Interesting and unique.
God Damn! I looked down and I'm doin' 93 mph! Amazing build up and release!

This song never fails to amaze me & it rocks ... singing you to shipwreck!
Where's the album title song?  I want to sing it to Mango Man.
Ah!  Radiohead.   Cue the comments:
1) Radiohead is perfect
2) They suck
3) Thom Yorke is without peer
4) I don't get them
5) They haven't been the same since their third album
6) They get better with age
7) What is this bloviated noise from people with no talent?
8) You suck!
9) No, YOU suck!
Jeez.....this song burns it up!  Can't keep still....
beautiful sound
Dug into "The Smile" album this weekend - it is quite good. A must listen for any Radiohead fan (a new project with Johnny, Thom, Godrich, and jazz drummer Tom Skinner)
 Montreal_Mort wrote:

Interesting to see how polarizing RH is …. I too can relate to both sides of the discussion. But here’s where I land: great musicianship (all of them), fantastic production / engineering, open gap below the high treble vocals strategically filled, great bass and drums, innovative guitar, and solos …. and MOOD. so, who else is doing this these days??

I'd add a great sense of melody and a high level of creative exploration
Fav RH song!!!
Didn't know RH b4 RP.  Now I can't get enough.

super fine and hits the spot as always - love the whiney bitch head vocals above all else
Interesting to see how polarizing RH is …. I too can relate to both sides of the discussion. But here’s where I land: great musicianship (all of them), fantastic production / engineering, open gap below the high treble vocals strategically filled, great bass and drums, innovative guitar, and solos …. and MOOD. so, who else is doing this these days??
 eileenomurphy wrote:

Radiohead is hit or miss for me. This tune is a hit!

Same Here!!
 kenslvr wrote:

   When I first heard Radiohead I was indifferent, now I've grown to abhor them.  All because of the whiney little bitch lead vocals. Does anyone agree?  Great music, lousy lead vocals.

Total opposite for me.  I've gone from total indifference to buying their albums.
Didn't really like this album upon release - felt like a step back after Kid A and Amnesiac - same with In Rainbows too, which many folk hail as one of their best - need to revisit them 👍
Radiohead is hit or miss for me. This tune is a hit!
 paloeguevo wrote:

Lots agree with you, not me though. Love RH and couldn't imagine another singer than Yorke leading them

I'm with you.  Saw them years ago...in a big marquee tent, and Thom was mesmerising.  A genius at work.
12> volume 12>
 kenslvr wrote:

   When I first heard Radiohead I was indifferent, now I've grown to abhor them.  All because of the whiney little bitch lead vocals. Does anyone agree?  Great music, lousy lead vocals.

Couldn't agree more.  I bought Pablo Honey, obviously because of Creep, but since then...horrible crap.
 kenslvr wrote:

   When I first heard Radiohead I was indifferent, now I've grown to abhor them.  All because of the whiney little bitch lead vocals. Does anyone agree?  Great music, lousy lead vocals.

Lots agree with you, not me though. Love RH and couldn't imagine another singer than Yorke leading them
The vocal is pitched high, but so are Neil Young, Colin Blunstone (The Zombies),  Geddy Lee and Robert Plant when he wanted to be.  
   When I first heard Radiohead I was indifferent, now I've grown to abhor them.  All because of the whiney little bitch lead vocals. Does anyone agree?  Great music, lousy lead vocals.
 derhey9416 wrote:

I have to admit that this is the first  Radiohead song that I have managed to listen to in its entirety. I  realise that it is a vastly unpopular opinion, but I have just never been able to get past the vocals. The fact that I listened to this on headphones at work  probably has everything to do with it.  Great music, talented musicians, lyrically solid, just can't get behind the vocals. I 've resolved that it must be a personal problem  on my end, seeing as how everyone else seems  to be enthralled. Great drums, guitar on There There - so good in fact, that I barely noticed the vocals. I give it an eight, if nothing else, for getting me to reconsider my previous bias. And, to quote the late , great Mr. Zappa  "The music was Thud-like." which to me , has always been a good thing.

Educating for me to hear someone taking the time to objectively reflect on what turns them "off" about a particular song and then going on to notice the elements that make it great. Thanks!

 lizardking wrote:

I also don't normally like RH - and this track is no exception!  I will double my rating though (from a 1 to a 2) and maybe eventually I'll be like everyone else (7.6 overall?) and actually like this track.  If I can only make it through the entire 5:16 to the end....which I did...and then I got my buddies The Doors (lol not The End) and "My Eyes Have Seen You." I'll take the Doors over RH EVERY day!

4+ years later, and not only do I like a lot of RH tunes now, I'm going +1 to 8 on this one. 

I still like The Doors more than RH, just less more than before. 

Long Live RP and changing tastes! 
BillG - more RadioHead pls!!! And this is my fav from their catalogue - anyone channeling Gertrude Stein?
A great song to see live with jonny and ed playing the toms.
 cely wrote:
Okay, yeah, Thom Yorke's intentionally flat voice doesn't take you everywhere, even though it's oddly satisfying, but I just raised this one to a 9 because of the guitar texture which is like nothing else.  How do they do that flat slapping sound no one else does?  This is a real band where every member gets credit.
It's clever how the rest of the band play flat to compensate... Not my bag, but I'm seeing/hearing bits now that might explain their popularity to others.

To save you from his usual whinnery, the actual, cool song starts from 4:03, mute the rest.
Huge fan and this is one of their best songs - well I think so but just cause  I feel it...
Okay, yeah, Thom Yorke's intentionally flat voice doesn't take you everywhere, even though it's oddly satisfying, but I just raised this one to a 9 because of the guitar texture which is like nothing else.  How do they do that flat slapping sound no one else does?  This is a real band where every member gets credit.
Genius. Just genius..like all of their stuff.
My favorite RH song!  Love how it blows up into magnificence!
 derhey9416 wrote:
I have to admit that this is the first  Radiohead song that I have managed to listen to in its entirety. I  realise that it is a vastly unpopular opinion, but I have just never been able to get past the vocals. 
This sums up my feelings as well. Brilliant musicians, but Thom Yorke's vocals just aren't my cup of tea. This one was OK. 
"Just 'cause you feel it, doesn't mean it's there"   -- that eerie minor change always cheers me right up!  A real finger-snapper; "I'd give it a NINE, Mr. Clark because it has a good beat and you can dance to it." Also it's the theme music for my tragic divorce and resulting descent into madness and mayhem!
Good Tune! ...Radiohead is hit or miss for me. ...this is a hit!
 blueboots wrote:
There is a  lot of Radiohead played here, not enough (any?) Ezra Furman. Anybody else agree? He is pure talent and oh so under-rated :) ta
I have heard Better than Ezra though ;-)
I have to admit that this is the first  Radiohead song that I have managed to listen to in its entirety. I  realise that it is a vastly unpopular opinion, but I have just never been able to get past the vocals. The fact that I listened to this on headphones at work  probably has everything to do with it.  Great music, talented musicians, lyrically solid, just can't get behind the vocals. I 've resolved that it must be a personal problem  on my end, seeing as how everyone else seems  to be enthralled. Great drums, guitar on There There - so good in fact, that I barely noticed the vocals. I give it an eight, if nothing else, for getting me to reconsider my previous bias. And, to quote the late , great Mr. Zappa  "The music was Thud-like." which to me , has always been a good thing.
 whultman wrote:
Not bad, but not as good as some of their previous stuff... looking forward to hearing more from them
Fucking genius - cant stop moving
 spacemanspiff wrote:
Does anybody hear the Tragically Hip in this song?
I said something similar awhile ago, the music reminds me of Poets.
My oldest daughter's high school graduation present was to go to see Radiohead (of course I had to go along). When they brought the drums out front I knew we were in for a treat with There There.
Jees, this is still part of the 0.001% of the stuff I hear every day that still gives me serious goosebumps when the heavy bit kicks in.  Massive respect to the boys. And to RP for keeping my musical environment top of the tree.  
 spacemanspiff wrote:
Does anybody hear the Tragically Hip in this song?
ummm, nope
This is one of those songs that blew me away when I first heard it.  I still love it but I've played it to death. 
This tune is a "builder" gets louder as it progresses, excellent jam !
 frisbeepilot wrote:
A perfectly-built song. Starts lower and builds up, magnificently-crunchy guitar tone, hypnotic rhythm that feels like a heartbeat. One of their best, and that's saying a lot.
I bet you send great text messages! Fuck all those Radio Head haters, I don't even get it... like how can you not be moved by the symphony even if it's not your jam?
Slowwww  BurrrrrrRRRRRNNNNnn!
A perfectly-built song. Starts lower and builds up, magnificently-crunchy guitar tone, hypnotic rhythm that feels like a heartbeat. One of their best, and that's saying a lot.
 rezadent wrote:
The darkest days of the new century opened  with...Hail to the Thief.

20 year later and...

"The Hail to the Thief  lyrics were influenced by what Yorke called "the general sense of ignorance and intolerance and panic and stupidity" ...

I loved Radiohead then and I love them now. 
True in this time.
 TianGongZhong wrote:

I do not like very much Radiohead, because I have the impression that (nearly) all they release is "same but different". After reading your comment, I checked the song and waited for the "explosion" of the song as you call it. I did not hear anything like "explosion", there was kind of interlude and then the song continued basically in the same way as before.
Could you please describe a little bit more specifically what makes you think that the song exploded. It might help me understand better how die-hard Radiohead fans think. 
The drums get much more active and loud (guitars louder as well) around the three-minute mark and continue for the rest of the song.  I wouldn't necessarily describe it as an "explosion", but it is not "the same" as the previous three minutes either.
Stupendous. 10+++
There is a  lot of Radiohead played here, not enough (any?) Ezra Furman. Anybody else agree? He is pure talent and oh so under-rated :) ta
Builds and builds and builds. Brilliant. Love this song.
Does anybody hear the Tragically Hip in this song?
The darkest days of the new century opened  with...Hail to the Thief.

20 year later and...

"The Hail to the Thief  lyrics were influenced by what Yorke called "the general sense of ignorance and intolerance and panic and stupidity" ...

I loved Radiohead then and I love them now. 
..great..5 points from Germany
Just 'cause you feel it, doesn't mean it's there
 hells_bells wrote:
This is a brilliant song live.  The drum beat comes through much stronger.  it's an absolute belter.
Basically ALL of their songs are better live. They are magic. 
Nicely crafted piece of music.
Finally getting into the RnR Hall of Fame!
This is a brilliant song live.  The drum beat comes through much stronger.  it's an absolute belter.
Limited lyric, nothing good about that sound either, unless you like the feel of a badly mixed live gig with fuzz boxes
An important band. It's a shame they paved the way for much less valuable shoe-gazers selling this island as a miserable rainy nation of sad freaks working in call centres. I'm looking at you Snow Patrol.
They nailed it with this song. Just perfect.  The album is just fantastic, and I never really "got" any of the albums after this one until A Moon Shaped Pool.  Moon Pool is another great album, but it is so low key it will put you to sleep.  Great album, but just overall too slow.
Radiohead is one and only
Qué belleza terrible! pinte un cuadro de mi serie Lacertilios, con esta banda! 
This song is worth listening when the guitar kicks in. Till then you're tortured with Yorke's usual whining.
One of Radiohead's best. 
Unbelievable track, Radiohead is hitting every spot of my soul with their songs. This one is no exception. If you can't feel it, I'm truly sorry.
Genius, pure rythmic genius by the best band now working in the world!!!!!!
 LinThizzy wrote:
terrible recording
Actually the sound quality is quite excellent.
{#Dancingbanana_2} Ignoring the haters and just soaking in  yet another Thom Yorke masterpiece. 
 LinThizzy wrote:
terrible recording
terrible comment
terrible recording
 Totally agree mardisoninnc wrote:
This song is so perfect in so many ways.


This song is so perfect in so many ways.

"Go to Sleep" and "There There" are the two "surviving" songs from the album "Hail to the Thief" from the five songs previously selected by RP-Prodution since 2003. But something is missing here.
There is another essential song from this album that has been forgotten (say this way):
"Where I End And You Begin"  (The Sky Is Falling In)
They can not all be here, right?  Okay Chief.  :))

The chastity-belt

ethical choices about content and lyrics of songs

In my personal point of view, in a first phase, this position of the RP functions as a kind of self-imposed "chastity-belt" right from the start, which is a mistake, having as main consequences, in the first phase, the exclusion of certain songs with greater relevance and depth of content, of the factual truth of subjects of emotional, social, sentimental and poetic character, where the artists express their feelings and states of spirit. In a second, more serious phase, it excludes altogether the artists themselves.
And I say it is a mistake, because absolutely no one in the U.S., and even much less outside the U.S. can blame them for exposing the truths and concepts inherent in the freedom exercise of the arts in general, or of music in particular.
This is not why they will lose support and admiration, on the contrary, they will be even more respected and admired. And some who, dangerously dare to do so, through ignorance, shamelessness or unconsciousness, do not know how to live in freedom and are hostages, admirers and homesick of "worlds" that history has already extinguished. And if it is because to not scare or shock children and youngsters, it is useless because the younger people of today know much more than a certain adult population.

"Where I End And You Begin"

There's a gap in between
There's a gap where we meet
Where I end and you begin

And I'm sorry for us
The dinosaurs roam the earth
The sky turns green
Where I end and you begin

(2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, get to heaven!)

I am up in the clouds
I am up in the clouds
And I can't and I can't come down

I can watch and cant take part
Where I end and where you start
Where you, you left me alone
You left me alone

X'll mark the place
Like the parting of the waves
Like a house falling in the sea
In the sea

I will eat you alive
There'll be no more lies
I will eat you alive
There'll be no more lies
I will eat you alive
There are no more lies
I will eat you alive

Another exellent tune. Very beautiful set!
 lizardking wrote:

I also don't normally like RH - and this track is no exception!  I will double my rating though (from a 1 to a 2) and maybe eventually I'll be like everyone else (7.6 overall?) and actually like this track.  If I can only make it through the entire 5:16 to the end....which I did...and then I got my buddies The Doors (lol not The End) and "My Eyes Have Seen You." I'll take the Doors over RH EVERY day!

Well, you could be right. For me, this song truly starts about ~30secs before drums & guitars kick in. Too bad we have to listen to his usual whining just to witness the grand finale.
 midget wrote:
I don't normally like Radiohead (except for Creep of course) but this is really intense. Nicely done.

I also don't normally like RH - and this track is no exception!  I will double my rating though (from a 1 to a 2) and maybe eventually I'll be like everyone else (7.6 overall?) and actually like this track.  If I can only make it through the entire 5:16 to the end....which I did...and then I got my buddies The Doors (lol not The End) and "My Eyes Have Seen You." I'll take the Doors over RH EVERY day!
Hey!  This sounds pretty good.
Ugly sucking!
 midget wrote:
I don't normally like Radiohead (except for Creep of course) but this is really intense. Nicely done.

Ditto my take on RH. 
This is not only a thumper drone with cojones above their average, but it's pertinent and timely in its way.
I don't normally like Radiohead (except for Creep of course) but this is really intense. Nicely done.
 Sbed wrote:

when you see them live it's like you were hearing in black and white before, and then ou hear IT in full color.


{#Yes}  absolutely

Bang - 10!
maybe 9?
Dirge radio{#Yawn}
Bleah. {#Fight}
 wretched wrote:
From 'White Rabbit' to 'There There'... awesome! {#Dancingbanana}

Don't for get what the Door Mouse said "feed your (Radio)head".
 Sbed wrote:

We if you don't hear that, i think there  is a problem we can't explain 😉

Agree... it obviously just went BOOM...
From 'White Rabbit' to 'There There'... awesome! {#Dancingbanana}
 TianGongZhong wrote:

I do not like very much Radiohead, because I have the impression that (nearly) all they release is "same but different". After reading your comment, I checked the song and waited for the "explosion" of the song as you call it. I did not hear anything like "explosion", there was kind of interlude and then the song continued basically in the same way as before.
Could you please describe a little bit more specifically what makes you think that the song exploded. It might help me understand better how die-hard Radiohead fans think. 

We if you don't hear that, i think there  is a problem we can't explain 😉
 Synth80s wrote:
One of the lads' best post OK Computer moments. How can you not leap out of your seat when the song explodes about 2/3 of the way along? As impressive as Radiohead's recorded catalog is, you need to see them live to appreciate their talents. This is one of their studio recordings which comes close to capturing the power of their shows IMO?

I agree, if i can put an image on this,   when you see them live it's like you were hearing in black and white before, and then ou hear IT in full color.

 Synth80s wrote:
One of the lads' best post OK Computer moments. How can you not leap out of your seat when the song explodes about 2/3 of the way along? As impressive as Radiohead's recorded catalog is, you need to see them live to appreciate their talents. This is one of their studio recordings which comes close to capturing the power of their shows IMO?

I do not like very much Radiohead, because I have the impression that (nearly) all they release is "same but different". After reading your comment, I checked the song and waited for the "explosion" of the song as you call it. I did not hear anything like "explosion", there was kind of interlude and then the song continued basically in the same way as before.
Could you please describe a little bit more specifically what makes you think that the song exploded. It might help me understand better how die-hard Radiohead fans think. 
One of the lads' best post OK Computer moments. How can you not leap out of your seat when the song explodes about 2/3 of the way along? As impressive as Radiohead's recorded catalog is, you need to see them live to appreciate their talents. This is one of their studio recordings which comes close to capturing the power of their shows IMO?
 too PaoloManana wrote:
Radiohead is ok but  I don't like this song.

Too bad. One of ther best.

Radiohead is ok but  I don't like this song.
 shawnwu75 wrote:
I'm really surprised to see all the disdain for Radiohead. New to RP and just discovered the comments section. 

Welcome to the best radio station around. Sit and stay a while....{#Bananajam}
 maboleth wrote:
Music = great, interesting. His thinly voice = SO bloody annoying.

My sentiments exactly.