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Gomez — Ping One Down
Album: In Our Gun
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Total ratings: 2010

Released: 2002
Length: 3:17
Plays (last 30 days): 6
We'll return to the ocean
Ride the tide again
Test the water, jump right in
And try to swim

So ping one down
Let it sink
Sink on down
Like heavy metal

We should take off the lotion
Let the sun shine in
Admire the holes with shaded eyes
And fry again

And ping one down
Let it sink
Sink on down
Like heavy metal

Ping one down
Let it sink
Don't ponce around
Like poor old men

Colour clean
This sterile scene
Move as we please
No use in complaining

Purify now
Saints alive
We're all deprived
Be careful what you're saying

We've been on a safari
Just collecting skin
Head to toe in camouflage
But high again

So ping one down
And let it sink
Sink on down
Like heavy metal

Colour clean
This sterile scene
Move as we please
No use in complaining

Purify now
Saints alive
We're all deprived
Be careful what you're saying

Careful what you're saying
Careful what you're saying
Comments (122)add comment
 justin4kick wrote:

Penguin down

4 down votes? Who down votes this gem?
Ben and Ian are touring the east coast again with Buddy opening and occasionally joining in with the guys.  Last tour was fun but LOUD. 
 justin4kick wrote:

Penguin down

Somehow this comment makes me like the song more.
 justin4kick wrote:

Penguin down

OMG! The timing's perfect!  :-)
 daz_metalhead_2 wrote:

the poor penguin

It's what penguins do - all in a day's travels! 
 justin4kick wrote:

Penguin down

I can hear their collaboration in this  song and indeed; we will return to the ocean
Gomez! Dang, In Our Gun is a bangin' album.
the poor penguin
 Triquel67 wrote:

Interesting. I too use the 'provisonal 7' system. If I'm going to bother rating something, I start at a 7 unless it really knocked my socks off. Down the road I may move it up or down.  There's some comedy in that, I may glance down and think 'only 7?' or glance down and think 'wow, why did I go that high?'


This system is essentially what I use, too! I wonder how many other RP listeners use this?
 glennon6274 wrote:

Nah..... Still does good by the song!! Not to mention, hilarious!! 

 adib wrote:

Well, I'm 36 and am very excited about them! - went to see them recently - best gig I've ever been to (and I've been to a few). The ultimate Gomez tracks (the hall just rocked when they played these) are "Get myself arrested" and "Whippin' Piccadilly".

I wonder what adib thinks of them now at 54?
 joejennings wrote:

Good Tune! I never heard of this band before. Thanx RP!

Same here!
 Relayer wrote:

Damn I miss this band.  This album is by far their best, just amazing from start to finish. Thanks to RP for helping me discover them. 

As of Christmas Eve 2021, their website lists 2022 live shows...
Good Tune! I never heard of this band before. Thanx RP!
 glennon6274 wrote:

Sorry 6274, your post makes it 'Penguins down.' The pun no longer works.
 justin4kick wrote:

Penguin down

Penguin down
 joanferva wrote:
This is the kind of weird songs one think won't like and then realize you really don't like, just to be surprised that after a few seconds into it you do really like it. I feel inconsistent 

What I love about Gomez is the varied styles of all the cuts on a disc.  With 3 singers and 4 writers, chances are that you'll only dislike 1% of their music.  Don't stop with one song, I hope you'll be surprised!
 Triquel67 wrote:

Interesting. I too use the 'provisonal 7' system. If I'm going to bother rating something, I start at a 7 unless it really knocked my socks off. Down the road I may move it up or down.  There's some comedy in that, I may glance down and think 'only 7?' or glance down and think 'wow, why did I go that high?'


Similar approach here, though I use a provisional rating of 6 or 7, depending on if I think I'll like it better next time.

I've also set "My Favorites" to 8+ so these "not sure which way they'll go" tracks don't show up on that playlist.

Heck, this comment is becoming a PSA now - I strongly suggest y'all use the My Favorites and other playlist options sometimes. BillG's magic works with them too!

Long Live RP and BnR's Magic Radio Station!!

This is the kind of weird songs one think won't like and then realize you really don't like, just to be surprised that after a few seconds into it you do really like it. I feel inconsistent 
 Triquel67 wrote:

Interesting. I too use the 'provisonal 7' system. If I'm going to bother rating something, I start at a 7 unless it really knocked my socks off. Down the road I may move it up or down.  There's some comedy in that, I may glance down and think 'only 7?' or glance down and think 'wow, why did I go that high?'

That's a good system. I like it!
 NoisyMiner wrote:
Never heard of them before, not sure if love or hate, provisional 7.
Interesting. I too use the 'provisonal 7' system. If I'm going to bother rating something, I start at a 7 unless it really knocked my socks off. Down the road I may move it up or down.  There's some comedy in that, I may glance down and think 'only 7?' or glance down and think 'wow, why did I go that high?'

Never heard of them before, not sure if love or hate, provisional 7.
I will listen to this, but was in the process of accessing Gomez in Apple Music when this came on. Maybe after this one I will switch to my intended target. Saw Gomez in SF at Hardly Strictly Bluegrass a couple of years ago and regret that such events are presently not happening. 
Moar Gomez.
 ExploitingChaos wrote:
Smoke weed

I prefer edibles, but I agree
Damn I miss this band.  This album is by far their best, just amazing from start to finish. Thanks to RP for helping me discover them. 
Great song to listen to during storm Ciara!
Go see Gomez play this live. Simply awesome.
 ExploitingChaos wrote:
Smoke weed
Great suggestion, our politicians should take your advice and ROLL with it!!
 ExploitingChaos wrote:
Smoke weed

Every day  
Smoke weed
(You don't have to)
When will we see a new album from these guys?
YEAH! I first got turned onto them right around this time, by good old RP. Such a killer talented band, with varied singers, sounds!
This is a band whose music sometimes works for me, but this voice is driving me away. In the modern world, there are numerous voices that would not have passed muster in earlier times and I think this is a good thing, maybe even great. But not grate. It must be the inverse of a resonance frequency, but his singing voice is one of the few that drives me elsewhere.
Updated comment: I saw these guys at Hardly Strictly Bluegrass in 2018 and have revised my estimation. Very interesting and worthwhile band. Without RP I would never have known to look out for them. 
This is indeed a song which has withstood the test of time.......not many songs still on the playlist from 2002, methinks.
 OlderGentleman wrote:
{#Bananajam}Fun band to see live if you get the chance 
Yes indeed, if that ever happens again. I saw them live a few years ago and they did the all-time killer Ping One Down.
{#Bananajam}Fun band to see live if you get the chance 
Nice set!
 Stefen wrote:
I don't know if it's because RP is being selective, but I like every tune I've heard from this band.
No...RP plays a very wide variety of Gomez songs....and they all vary so much...but I too, have not heard a single one I don't love!!!
 teapot wrote:
Love this album, but Ping One Down is not one of the better songs on the album.
Turning this one UP!  It's so good for getting things done, even if those "things" involve phone calls and crossword puzzles.  Love it! {#Dancingbanana}{#Dancingbanana_2}
I don't know if it's because RP is being selective, but I like every tune I've heard from this band.
see, newer music CAN sound good! 
I love this song, but to me ping always evokes early UNIX network-check technology.
 UltraNurd wrote:

Arguably, I'd say it's a valid coinage to verb the noun "passifier" to "to passify", as in "to insert a passifier into one's mouth", which has a distinct sense from "to pacify" as in "to quiet", because it implies a baby-like level of comfort.

Pace = Peace
Hugely underated band, don't know why they haven't got a much higher profile here in the UK
 teapot wrote:
Love this album, but Ping One Down is not one of the better songs on the album.
I think it is absolutely one of the best songs on the album. For the life of me, I cannot sit still when I hear it.

 teapot wrote:
Love this album, but Ping One Down is not one of the better songs on the album.

I'd have to agree, but this song live.....excellent
Gomez, Yes, Peter Gabriel...excellent!
Love this album, but Ping One Down is not one of the better songs on the album.
 EssexTex wrote:
they sound like someone rummaging in a toolbox
Perhaps my least favorite Gomez tune, to date, on RP. {#Beat}
 annersjen wrote:

You'd probably be more comfortable if you were pacified, but I agree with your appraisal
Arguably, I'd say it's a valid coinage to verb the noun "passifier" to "to passify", as in "to insert a passifier into one's mouth", which has a distinct sense from "to pacify" as in "to quiet", because it implies a baby-like level of comfort.
 i4niblind wrote:
Man, I can be passified with Gomez and Elbow alllllll day
You'd probably be more comfortable if you were pacified, but I agree with your appraisal

Man, I can be passified with Gomez and Elbow alllllll day
And here i thought of the old script kiddie Ping of Death attack...
Great band, live or recorded.  Play this LOUD and see if you can sit still.  I hope they have a huge hit in them on their next album.  They would benefit from greater media exposure.
They could have started by releasing this as a single —- one of their high water marks, for sure.

Great band, live or recorded.  Play this LOUD and see if you can sit still.  I hope they have a huge hit in them on their next album.  They would benefit from greater media exposure.
UltraNurd wrote:
Your musical distinctiveness will be added unto our own. You will live to listen to us. Your life... as it has been... is over. :oP
11 on the Hilarity Meter
they sound like someone rummaging in a toolbox
Older_Gentleman wrote:
Absolutely hilarious.
Thanks :o). I had forgotten I had posted that >.>. Admittedly, borg jokes are a bit cliche, but I have good childhood memories of TNG.
wow, these guys have about 10 different sounds and they are all good!
dang wrote:
I love Gomez and this is a great song, but this encoding sounds so flat. I know you can't be that picky when listening to a 128k stream but I was surprised at how much energy this track lost in this case. d.
I have to wonder what you are using for speakers on your computer. I have a ancient set of Boston acoustic with subwoofer speakers on this machine and the tune has plenty of depth and energy for me. BTW i'm running the 16k dialup speed here
UltraNurd wrote:
Your musical distinctiveness will be added unto our own. You will live to listen to us. Your life... as it has been... is over. :oP
Absolutely hilarious.
I saw them in concert last weekend in Houston. They are one of those bands that are totally awesome live. The audio was clear and loud and they have a great stage presence.
shay_shay wrote:
The more I hear from this band the more I don't like. Nothing original, and a constant, droning vocal.
Your musical distinctiveness will be added unto our own. You will live to listen to us. Your life... as it has been... is over. :oP
So why can't a droning vocal be original? Neither particularly original or derivative, this song is still unquestionably GOOD. The best Gomez my ears have heard. shay_shay wrote:
The more I hear from this band the more I don't like. Nothing original, and a constant, droning vocal.
madtowner11 wrote:
Gomez are your friends.
Gomaz for all!
This song is a leading cause of neck strain.
The more I hear from this band the more I don't like. Nothing original, and a constant, droning vocal.
Good to see RP delving deeply into this album. Even the first single is a really good song. They have a somewhat fresh approach.
Baby_M wrote:
maybe I've read too many Tom Clancy stories, but I see the phrase "ping one down" and I think it's a song about active sonar. "Yankee search, Jonsey!" "Aye, Cap'n!" The Red October's bow-mounted sonar lashed the ocean with a wall of sound. As the echoes came back, computers plotted the location of the Akula-class sub and fed the coordinates to the four 533mm torpedoes waiting patiently in the forward tubes. . . .
Oh My Gosh!!! You just took me to a place way in my past!!!! Thanks for the giggle!!! You are too funny!
Ok Still dancing!!! Don't know this one but I like it! ;-)
Love the bass on this track.
maybe I've read too many Tom Clancy stories, but I see the phrase "ping one down" and I think it's a song about active sonar. "Yankee search, Jonsey!" "Aye, Cap'n!" The Red October's bow-mounted sonar lashed the ocean with a wall of sound. As the echoes came back, computers plotted the location of the Akula-class sub and fed the coordinates to the four 533mm torpedoes waiting patiently in the forward tubes. . . .
rulebritannia wrote:
I find the name of the band kinda unfortunate for a UK band.
I keep trying to see how you could have meant this statement in a non-racist way.
GGendeman wrote:
All three are very good. There are great songs on each, but the best overall, and most consistent is "In Our Gun". You won't be unhappy.
This is an excellent disk. I find this song just OK. There are some great tunes on the disk. I find the name of the band kinda unfortunate for a UK band.
Gomez are your friends.
JokesandJokesandJokes wrote:
No, but you will be after I stab you with my pointy stick!!
You need a new nickname, like TriesTooFrigginHard. Ya, that'd fit.
phineas wrote:
....am I gushing?
No, but you will be after I stab you with my pointy stick!!
phineas wrote:
....am I gushing?
@ the Fine Line Music Cafe in Mpls, one of the top 5 shows I've seen recently. Catch them if you can...
The opening vocals of this track are very reminiscent of Chris Rea. In fact, that's who i thought it was until I looked. If you like this track, check out "On the Beach" by Chris.
I was thrilled to see these guys last week at "The Fabulous Commodore Ballroom" here in Vancouver ---- great show in a perfect venue, and they didn't even play this gem. I don't go to a ton of concerts these days, but I'd see them tomorrow given the chance. Wonderful to see/hear all their great music created live. ....am I gushing?
pdhski wrote:
This song was pretty cool the first time I heard it...but it seems to be getting overexposed. Familiarity breeds contempt, and I am getting a bit contemptuous. (Keep in mind I am only on this stream one week, and I know I've heard it at least 5 times...) :-k
Five times in seven days does not seem that often to me.
This song was pretty cool the first time I heard it...but it seems to be getting overexposed. Familiarity breeds contempt, and I am getting a bit contemptuous. (Keep in mind I am only on this stream one week, and I know I've heard it at least 5 times...) :-k
I love Gomez and this is a great song, but this encoding sounds so flat. I know you can't be that picky when listening to a 128k stream but I was surprised at how much energy this track lost in this case. d.
This is song that first got me into Gomez --- and there's been no looking back. To the poster who asked which album to grab, yes In Our Gun is excellent, but you'll come to love any and all of them. Don't wait!
iggy33 wrote:
To any Gomez connaisseur out there..which of their three albums is the must have..?
All three are very good. There are great songs on each, but the best overall, and most consistent is "In Our Gun". You won't be unhappy.
To any Gomez connaisseur out there..which of their three albums is the must have..?
The opening moments of this song are great -- always gets my attention. After that it becomes more ordinary.
just up'ed my rating from 7 to 8 -- this song has really grown on me very catchy rhythm!
sure would like to hear Hangover, Revolutionary Kind, or esp We Haven\'t Turned Around.......
Wonder if these guys ever heard of T Rex? :) Like \'em, though.
Originally Posted by yancy: I didn't know Gomez had a new album out. Their first two -- Liquid Skin and Bring It On -- are very, very good. They should be much more than the cult band they currently are. Of course, too much success seems to ruin most groups so maybe we should be happy with their relative obscurity.
I'm surprised by a lot of comments here about never hearing about Gomez! as this listener rightly mentioned, their 1st 2 albums are great. Liquid Skin is my favourite, and check out the songs: We haven't Turned around, Rhythm and Blues Alibi, Rosalita- (no, not a Springsteen cover! though Gomez would do that well I think!) I think their marketing dept really zoned in on Australia, as they toured here and were well represented in the music press. Met them after a show at the metro in Sydney, in around 2000? they're very intelligent guys, almost bookish and geeky, very thoughtful. Definitely not your archetypal rock stars, which is great. The show rocked. Pease, more Gomez!
This kind of reminds me of a Patti Smith number, but I\'m darned if I can bring it to mind clearly enough to remember which it is. Patti blows these guys away, though :D
Saw them when they came through Columbus... it\'s a fun show; I highly recommend it; --d
Originally Posted by tom_tom: I'll be seeing them tomorrow night in Dallas and can't hardly wait.
I would really love to see these guys in concert. Bet theirs is quite a show.
Originally Posted by adib: Well, I'm 36 and am very excited about them! - went to see them recently - best gig I've ever been to (and I've been to a few).
I'll be seeing them tomorrow night in Dallas and can't hardly wait.
Well, I\'m 36 and am very excited about them! - went to see them recently - best gig I\'ve ever been to (and I\'ve been to a few). The ultimate Gomez tracks (the hall just rocked when they played these) are \"Get myself arrested\" and \"Whippin\' Piccadilly\".
if i were 20 years old again i would be really really excited about gomez. Big Sigh
Originally Posted by catmaven: REALLY like the idea of bookmarking songs. Bill, can that be looked into?? It would let us later compile a shopping list, when we are not busy.
Clik on "My Settings". Clik on "Highest Rated Songs." There y'go.
I'm so glad this song came on...I've been humming it for days, not knowing what it was! What a groovy beat and fun background vocals.
Originally Posted by Myrrh: If Bill is going to dethrone Natalie, PLEEEZ can he dethrone Tori too?
no way, I love Natalie and Tori, but also Gomez, Chillies and the doves, keep them all just more balance...
REALLY like the idea of bookmarking songs. Bill, can that be looked into?? It would let us later compile a shopping list, when we are not busy.
Originally Posted by OrsonBallard: This is great, I'd never heard of them before either. It's hearing songs like this that make me wish Radio Paradise had a way you could bookmark songs or go back and review your own ratings and comments. Play more of these guys please, if it's anywhere near as good as this I'd buy.
Actually, you might of heard of Gomez without even knowing it. They did the remake for the Phillip\'s \"Getting Better\" commercials a year or two ago. Yet another great song on RP :)
This is a great song with a unique sound. I would like to listen to more songs from this artist.
Originally Posted by yancy: ...Of course, too much success seems to ruin most groups so maybe we should be happy with their relative obscurity.
Ahh yes, the double-edged sword of success. I too wish them all the success they need ;) Great band.
I didn't know Gomez had a new album out. Their first two -- Liquid Skin and Bring It On -- are very, very good. They should be much more than the cult band they currently are. Of course, too much success seems to ruin most groups so maybe we should be happy with their relative obscurity.
Never heard of Gomez before, nice, very nice ;)
Gomez is a good band. Their older albums are much better IMHO. Liquid Skin is a good album worth a listen. They have a very unique sound for a young group. I hope to hear more of their music on RP. :D -var