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Harry Manx — Crazy Love
Album: Wise And Otherwise
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Total ratings: 291

Released: 2002
Length: 3:48
Plays (last 30 days): 0
(no lyrics available)
Comments (86)add comment
right on shakti, Great Note!!

brilliant blue sky, 70 sweet degrees and a slender sweet squeeze to enjoy it all with … happiness and joy 
This is brilliant. You kick back for a second, take this tune in the old heart chakra, let it do it's thing.......this song got me, in the kitchen while I was cleaning up.   I looked out the window at the kids doing there thing in the backyard and suddenly felt grateful for the whole shootin match.  I was laughin, I was crying and I was cursing Manx for that song. Felt like he was singing to me alone.
    No, he's a taken a Van Morrisson song and gave it his own take. No need to compare this to the original, it's something of it's own, Manx is good at giving a tune a refit like no one else I've ever heard.......he brought the east in on this too, love that Indian stuff. Pure romantic shit, Love it.....seriously....love it.  My wife's crazy on this tune.

chinchita wrote:
Whoa...totally didn't expect this song after the sitar intro ...was sadly disappointed with what came after
Ditto. Good hook, but then .....
Whoa...totally didn't expect this song after the sitar intro ...was sadly disappointed with what came after
solid 7
Jacksonstat wrote:
Can't say that I have... care to enlighten me?
A Band from Portland OR. Some what underground/cult following could be described in short as aggressive rock to melodic mellon colly middle eastern flare to pink floyd inspired bass guitar driven tribal....RP material I think
Jacksonstat wrote:
Can't say that I have... care to enlighten me?
A Band from Portland OR. Some what underground/cult following could be described in short as aggressive rock to melodic mellon colly middle eastern flare to pink floyd inspired bass guitar driven tribal....RP material I think
Can't say that I have... care to enlighten me? creativebones wrote:
Hey RP listeners my first time adding a comment anybody ever heard of Floater?
Hey RP listeners my first time adding a comment anybody ever heard of Floater?
ScottN wrote:
Manx does nothing very interesting in this cover.
Manx does nothing very interesting in this cover.
...CurmudgeonlyGal goes and pulls out her copy with Ray and Van singing this as a duet...
BluEyes wrote:
What the hell was I thinking? I can't believe I wrote that!
I know!--in front of God, and everyone!
dango wrote:
This bites
In a good way or a bad one? ;)
Anyone who tries to beat Van Morrison has got to be a lunatic...
Acoustic John Mellencamp gone bad?
This bites
BluEyes wrote:
What the hell was I thinking? I can't believe I wrote that!
Many of us will recognize such disbelieve! (though mostly not admit it).
I have tickets to see him here in Kelowna Apl 12th....woohooo
BluEyes wrote:
Okay, I love Van Morrison. He seems to sing to my heart at times. He can take me from carefree to wanting to cry in a heartbeat. But, that being said, Harry Manx sings to something else entirely. I can't say it is exactly my libido but I can't say it isn't either. He touches me. And Crying isn't what he makes me want...
What the hell was I thinking? I can't believe I wrote that!
I've heard this version before on RP, and I didn't know what to think about it. I love Van, and like a lot of you, I think it's almost sacrilegious to cover his work--he's just that special. However, there's something kind of warm and soothing about this recording. I guess what I'm saying is, Manx's version has grown on me.
buddhakowski wrote:
I'm just not digging on this guy at all. His covers are, to put it bluntly, unnecessary.
unnecessary is exactly the right word...
You know....I heard other songs by this guy on RP before and thought, wow, "another artist to keep on my shortlist of stuff to get." But this just got his name scratched off. Covering anything by Van Morrison gets you an automatic '1' in my book.
Okay, I love Van Morrison. He seems to sing to my heart at times. He can take me from carefree to wanting to cry in a heartbeat. But, that being said, Harry Manx sings to something else entirely. I can't say it is exactly my libido but I can't say it isn't either. He touches me. And Crying isn't what he makes me want...
ciscochasbro wrote:
anyone else bugged by the high pitched ringing when he hits certain notes?
Yes! My ears hurt. :(
anyone else bugged by the high pitched ringing when he hits certain notes?
Not different enough and especially no better than the original. Very average.
Sittin' on the front porch on a summer Sunday afternoon music.
I'm just not digging on this guy at all. His covers are, to put it bluntly, unnecessary. The only other version of this I can get into is Aaron Neville's. You would find that on the Phenomenon soundtrack.
William Shatner has nothing on this guy!
Sweeeet. Just upped my rating.
This is as mellow as it gets. I can't get enough of this song actually.
I agree, Manx did a good job covering, but I thought that it was a little too laid back. I know, I know, the original was no foot-stomper, but still, the word crazy seems to imply at least a moving tempo... This song just sort of sits there and rests.
When you hear a cover that makes you forget the original for a while...or to renew your interest in that song and the original artist, that is special. The boy did good. Any other covers people would like to hear? And to segue beautifully into Oliver Mtukudsi...that takes balls or talent or skill Bill, or all 3.
GordianKnot wrote:
OK maybe I'm just imagining this.....but is Harry Manx this guy's real name? Cuz Manx is a breed of cat that is nearly hairless (as well as tail-less)......perhaps it's supposed to be some sort of cute joke?
Um. Manx cats aren't hairless. They're short-haired, but hardly hairless. (The are tail-less, so if this guys name were "Longtail Manx" I might be inclined to think it was a joke.) Anyway, nice tune. I see no reason not to cover Van Morrison.
GordianKnot wrote:
OK maybe I'm just imagining this.....but is Harry Manx this guy's real name? Cuz Manx is a breed of cat that is nearly hairless (as well as tail-less)......perhaps it's supposed to be some sort of cute joke?
I can't really answer whether or not there's some intended joke in there, but can say that "Manx" also (and primarily) means a person from the Isle of Man . Someone, that is, like Harry Manx. If his surname is a pseudonym, then I'd guess it was mainly chosen for that reason. But maybe the oxymoronic hairy hairless cat thing is, like, icing.
svensktokan wrote:
I am a true lover of Van the Man and don't think that lesser artists should fiddle around with his songs - but this is just SOOOOOOOO good! As a woman it makes me melt into a little pool of emotions. To enjoy with every pore of your body!
I think your description just exploited what little room for improvement there was in my opinion of this cover.
Greenman wrote:
Thou shalt not cover Van. <-X
If Van can do Mose ( Mose Alison ) then this guy can do Van. Van does an excellent job on One of these Days
OK maybe I'm just imagining this.....but is Harry Manx this guy's real name? Cuz Manx is a breed of cat that is nearly hairless (as well as tail-less)......perhaps it's supposed to be some sort of cute joke?
I am a true lover of Van the Man and don't think that lesser artists should fiddle around with his songs - but this is just SOOOOOOOO good! As a woman it makes me melt into a little pool of emotions. To enjoy with every pore of your body!
Greenman wrote:
Thou shalt not cover Van. <-X
Eh. I think this does Van's great tune justice.
Thou shalt not cover Van. <-X
Not Van, but not bad! I really enjoy his voice and the guitar work is great.
This doesn't work for me (except the guitar work). If you're going to have the balls to cover Van, you sure as hell better do a good job. His vocal rendition takes too many liberties. (well, well now...)
harry manx's voice is soothing. O:)
It's a nice rendition of Van's classic (and he's got a lot of them, doesn't he) - well I consider Crazy Love to be from that period that everything Van touched turned to gold. I like the instrument on this version - sounds a bit like a Dobro guitar -- Shari
Three in a row, RP (Neil Finn, BNL, and this). Good stuff!
Love this edition of Crazy Love (sorry you Van purists.) Great blues singer/player from Saltspring Island on Canada\'s West Coast!
was surprised and pleased to hear Harry Manx. I saw him last year at a small festival in Maple Ridge BC. Had a chance to speak briefly with him after the show. Very gracious and an amazing musician. Hope to hear some more from him. This station continues to delight me! Steve
Originally Posted by jdaharsh: what a cool song – cool sound – too bad about his guitar's feedback. Otherwise, this gets high marks from this direction.
He's actually playing a cross between a Sitar and a guitar called a Mohan Veeno. I caught his all-to-short set at the Canada Day festivities in Ottawa earlier this week. Very nice playing and a great voice. I really like this version of Crazy Love. Manx really adds his own touch to it.
what a cool song – cool sound – too bad about his guitar\'s feedback. Otherwise, this gets high marks from this direction.
This is my absolute favorite song ever, no matter which version or who\'s singing it. :D :p :)
I love the start to this song.... great guitar :D
Originally Posted by Roto: I'd like to see a pie graph to show what percentage of songs are covers at RP
Nobody can eat that much pie. ;) Covers are the easiest way to phase in an act. If we get to like a new artist with a familiar song, then maybe we'll like their original stuff. Worked for the Beatles. Problem is, it seems like we never get to the original songs. Camper Van Beethoven's cover of Pictures of Matchstick Men was forced on them; it was never something they would have done when they were independent. Still, it's some RP listeners' favorite CVB track.
This guy sounds good, but not like VAN can sing it!......Also way too much feedback from the guitar pickups on his playing.....there\'s a ringing feedback distortion from his guitar.
Great tune with a very nice rendition. Really like this guy\'s vocals.
I\'d like to see a pie graph to show what percentage of songs are covers at RP
Sounds nice, but it seems this gets played quite often.
This man sounds awfully disinterested in his crazy love... blah.
Simply not worthy of Van. I like the general feel of the music, but as a cover of this great song, it does not rank.
Not either or, but that and. Dot
This is, as mentioned below, one of those covers that make me hear the lyrics for the first time. It also made me buy his CD and I like the whole thing. This is a great cut. Thanks!
Originally Posted by Leslie: I always thought Paul Simon was the original artist. Sorry. :)
According to the AMG Site, Van Morrison did write "Crazy Love" (even though there are about 150 entries under the title "crazy Love") what information do you have Leslie that Morrison didn't?
Originally Posted by 3Dave: This is a great version and I like it a lot, but "Ouch" your blasphemous statement comparing this to the original is uncalled for, and goes against all that is "Van" ....
I always thought Paul Simon was the original artist. Sorry. :)
Originally Posted by Leslie: I like this much better than the original tune.
This is a great version and I like it a lot, but "Ouch" your blasphemous statement comparing this to the original is uncalled for, and goes against all that is "Van" ....
I like this much better than the original tune.
I think this is a quietly beatiful version of this song. Very nice.