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Jimi Hendrix — Rainy Day/Still Dreaming
Album: Electric Ladyland
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Total ratings: 197

Released: 1968
Length: 22:47
Plays (last 30 days): 0
(no lyrics available)
Comments (68)add comment
EXCELLENT!!  Thanx RP!   
Jimi:  Yeah. I see what you mean, brother....

Hmmm.  Is there another somewhat clear example of a musician smoking or snorting on a recording? 
Musical artifact. Time machine soundtrack. One sample of exemplary Jimi. 
Personally, the second track bests the first. And I've heard its influence in many subsequent cuts, right up to more or less now. 47 - 48 years and counting. That's rare air by any measure. So don't be Jimi if you please. But you're missing out, and the point.
I had forgotten how good this is.
nice and long bit o' Jimi, woo-hoooo Godlike excellence! 
Very special!
fahartle wrote:
Yeesh, I'm not a huge Hendrix fan, but I still like him in small doses. This is a gigantic, rambling, repetitive, disorganized mess, quite frankly. It's pretty hard to stay tuned into RP when you have to sit through 20 minutes of this...
Your take on this song is a bit overblown but I'll go with gigantic and rambling. And even though Jimi wanders quite a bit in Still Dreaming I do enjoy this double song a lot. I very much appreciate hearing someone else play this for me...not just at home - on a turntable, no less. (Awright, I can be a fossil somedays.) It still sounds great after all these years.
Simply wonderful. Imagine hearing this for the first time in the late sixties. There was nothing like it before, I was in awe of what my ears were hearing!
Always loved this one...regardless of all the strange places it goes. To clear up confusion for those who think that none of this fits or that this is one long song - this is actually four different songs being played back to back - Rainy Day, Dream Away 1983...A Merman I Should Come to Be Moon, Turn the Tides...Gently, Gently Away Still Raining, Still Dreaming Actually, pretty cool lyrics for 1983... He's tired of all the war and fighting above ground so he builds a machine that allows him to breath underwater and leaves the land for a life in the sea. Sometimes I think that might not be such a bad idea...hmmmm
I can see how this wouldn't be for everyone, but for me...... Psychedelic Hendrix
It's raining here for the first time in weeks.... How did you know? Great song, Thanks again RP.
Yeesh, I'm not a huge Hendrix fan, but I still like him in small doses. This is a gigantic, rambling, repetitive, disorganized mess, quite frankly. It's pretty hard to stay tuned into RP when you have to sit through 20 minutes of this...
I can't dig the left to right to left to ... channel shifting. It's probably better on speakers. With headphones, it makes me kinda queasy.
That's Steve Winwood on the Hammond B3.
Gregorama wrote:
No one was as far ahead of the rest of the world musically as Hendrix was. He was on a plane separate and above all others. Too bad about the OD. One can only speculate how far he would have taken music, and where it would have transcended to had he not died. Like the Beethoven of our generation. Pure genius.
Absolutely! I have always been very proud to share the same last name. I wish I could say we were relatives!!,
I'm not an insane Hendrix fan - but one of the great things about RP is that we can hear the extended album tracks that you would never hear on classic rock radio.
The song that turned me onto Jimi Hendrix. Still my favorite. 10. Awesome.
criminy. enough already.
Long song or is there something wrong with my cpu.
so much filler.........
Grow up.
No one was as far ahead of the rest of the world musically as Hendrix was. He was on a plane separate and above all others. Too bad about the OD. One can only speculate how far he would have taken music, and where it would have transcended to had he not died. Like the Beethoven of our generation. Pure genius.
Truly f*cking amazing
parrothead wrote:
It's Hendrix,one of those rare tunes that never gets heard unless you have the CD in your collection.So set back and enjoy!!!!
Yup, it's definitely a song that I've never heard before. I LIKE! :) Although, I think like the Rainy Day portion better then the Still Dreaming portion.
shmiverson wrote:
Whoa... I thought this was two different songs for a good 30 seconds!~ haha. good stuff.
sort of
OK, so it's not an easy listening song! This tune rocks and is best when turned up LOUD! The longer the better!
wow, I am really digging this. (working late, only one in office)
One of the best tunes from one of the influential musicains that ever lived.
Not really digging the head trip right now...
KevinM wrote:
This crap that goes on forever is like torture.
I love extended tracks. They leisurely go on trips you would never even dream of. They are a dream.
It's Hendrix,one of those rare tunes that never gets heard unless you have the CD in your collection.So set back and enjoy!!!!
Whoa... I thought this was two different songs for a good 30 seconds!~ haha. good stuff.
Feels like I just wasted many minutes in my life. Bljack!
algrif wrote:
I don't understand what people have got against this. It's Hendix. I know it's not 'All Along The Watchtower' etc. but it sure doesn't deserve a 1 !!!!! And it's raining here in Spain at the moment. So it's just fine to hear this now.
It's excessive, it's repetitive, it becomes noise pollution...
brilliant brilliant brilliant brilliant
I don't understand what people have got against this. It's Hendix. I know it's not 'All Along The Watchtower' etc. but it sure doesn't deserve a 1 !!!!! And it's raining here in Spain at the moment. So it's just fine to hear this now.
This is truly a treat! Thanks for playing it--Rock On! :D
I'm sure you can find something by Justin Timberlake or Ricky Martin somewhere else. As for me, this is pure bliss.
hey Wack-A-Mole, that's MY modis operandi. :D
Instead of driving my parents crazy when I turn up Jimi I drive my teen age daughter crazy.
I suppose if I dropped a couple tabs I\'d enjoy this. However, the boss frowns on taking acid trips on company time.
Well here is another ex-hippie that just can\'t ever get enough Jimi. Hereis my flash back: As a black person in high school and college in the late 60s and early 70s I was scroned by my \'brothers\' for liking Jimi. I did not care one bit and I proceeded to buy paisley scarfs and wear them as flowing headbands around my wild afro. To sit here at home in the \'burbs as a famliy guy and listen to Jimi now is still awesome. Instead of driving my parents crazy when I turn up Jimi I drive my teen age daughter crazy. :D
too cool
So is this the longest song RP plays? Or is that still Tubular Bells?
Originally Posted by Mot: I like this, but it gets pretty tedious after a while...
I agree Mot.. though I like it, it's a bit long.
I like this, but it gets pretty tedious after a while...
Well, this is certainly interminable.
pretty cool to hear this today. its cold and rainy!
This crap that goes on forever is like torture.
\"rainy day, rain all day, ain\'t no use in gettin\' uptight... just let it groove its own way.\"
Gives a hint bout what direction Hendrix would have taken. There where even plans for recording with the Gil Evans orchestra and of course with Miles Davis. But, just the same we\'ve heard the best of him. Listening to what other, still living poplegends from the sixties did since, there\'s enough reason to assume that. Though Hendrix, could\'ve been the exception to the rule.
Brings divinity back to earth/harry the beast
Originally Posted by Leslie: Pardon my French, but these two songs together are f**kING AWESOME!!!
French?? Dear Lady...That ain't French. But they are f**kING AWESOME!!!
Pardon my French, but these two songs together are f**kING AWESOME!!!
Originally Posted by Platypus: this whole album deserves to be on the playlist
Amen... too true! Whoever uploaded these as a pair is to be congratulated however... :)
Excellent obscure Hendrix, bet I haven\'t heard this track in over 30 years! A friend of mine turned me on to Hendrix back when I was in Jr. High, he had Experienced, Axis, and Ladyland in his record collection. I thought it was all pretty amazing stuff. I saved my paper route money and bought a second hand electric guitar with horrible harmonics along with a cheap tube amp. Used to crank it up full volume for max distortion and play \"Star Spangled Banner\" Hendrix style to torture my parents. Thanks for the memories! :D
this whole album deserves to be on the playlist