Burns Sisters Band — I Am A Patriot
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Comments (19)add comment
PattonFever originally wrote:
take your patriotism and shove it up your ass.
this is NOT what i listen to RP for. thanks.
...then wrote:
but you find a point in being full of personal attacks on people for not liking a song? so much for "higher calibre" listeners. i resented that remark.
sergeant_x wrote:
As far as your politics, I've never found much point in getting into that kind of debate online.
but you find a point in being full of personal attacks on people for not liking a song? so much for "higher calibre" listeners. i resented that remark.
sergeant_x wrote:
Settle down Echo, apparently you missed my point, which is that this is not the kind of blind patriotism that others in this thread seem to be accusing it of...
hehe. I agree with that part.
I think I drank too much tea this morning. I am going to go drink some de-caf and see if that will chill me out. Forgive my argumentative post.
I said what I believe in my soul
It ain't what I see with my eyes
Settle down Echo, apparently you missed my point, which is that this is not the kind of blind patriotism that others in this thread seem to be accusing it of... and its NOT a Jackson Browne song. He did do a cover of it, but its from a fine album by Little Steven and the Disciples of Soul.
As far as your politics, I've never found much point in getting into that kind of debate online.
sergeant_x wrote:
difference between a real patriot and flag waving war mongers. Dissappointing. Thought we had a higher caliber listener around here.
I assume it's up to you to define a 'real patriot' and a 'high caliber listener'. It's not too boneheaded to think that a few republicans, capitalists, democrats and other "..ists" the Burns Sisters mention define themselves as real 'Patriots' and they may have a valid argument to support their definition. In fact, some people who believe in war as a means of protecting our liberties may have a valid arguement that they too are patrriots. In fact, some may argue that the patriots that liberated this country were 'flag waving war mongers' since they waved their own flag and participated in a war. Odd how war, patriots and liberty can be related. I wonder how the Burns SIsters think we got this liberty? Did we play folk music for the British until they handed us our Constitution and autonomy?
osubucknut wrote:
Still sounds cheesy in the U.S. I think Jackson Browne did this on his "Lives In the Balance" cd.
It wasn't on Lives in the Balance but I think you might be right about it being a Jackson Browne tune. And, in spite of what someone called 'moronic' lyrics (or songs), Jackson Browne has put out some pretty intelligent thoughts (several examples, along with some fluff, can be found on the aforementioned Lives in the Balance. The title track, in particular, makes up for something like In the Shape of a Heart).
Just one guy's opinion, but it's mine.

PattonFever wrote:
take your patriotism and shove it up your ass.
this is NOT what i listen to RP for. thanks.
What a bunch a boneheads... did you actually listen to this? Its basically trying to explain the difference between a real patriot and flag waving war mongers. Dissappointing. Thought we had a higher caliber listener around here.
I agree this isn't the best version of this. Look for the original, its by Steven Van Zandt, of Sopranos fame... the Boss's old guitar player.
And the river opens for the righteous, someday
I was walking with my brother
And he wondered what was on my mind
I said what I believe in my soul
It ain't what I see with my eyes
And we can't turn our backs this time
I am a patriot and I love my country
Because my country is all I know
I want to be with my family
With people who understand me
I got nowhere else to go
I am a patriot
And the river opens for the righteous, someday
I was talking with my sister
She looked so fine
I said baby what's on your mind
She said I want to run like the lion
Released from the cages
Released from the rages
Burning in my heart tonight
I am a patriot and I love my country
Because my country is all I know
And I ain't no communist, and I ain't no capitalist
And I ain't no socialist
and I sure ain't no imperialist
And I ain't no democrat
And I ain't no republican either
And I only know one party
and its name is freedom
I am a patriot
And the river opens for the righteous, someday
..and I ain't no lyricist.
( hum this one along the same tune ... )
I am a Canadian ! And we don't sing about crap like this ! This is the worst song, I've ever heard !
There goes my donation ! Out into the ocean ! Never again do we need to hear this drivel !!!
take your patriotism and shove it up your ass.
this is NOT what i listen to RP for. thanks.
parkov wrote:
Terrible. How about using that liberty to decide on some political beliefs, Burns Sisters?
Thats exactly what I thought... terrible, indeed.
iggy33 wrote:
I'm feeling sick...RP please shelve this one FOREVER !!
I'm a LIBERAL (and proud of it, Sen. Dole!!) a Democrat, a progressive, support the UN, world peace, understanding among peoples, etc. but ALSO a patriot--"there is only one party: Liberty!"
Terrible. How about using that liberty to decide on some political beliefs, Burns Sisters?
charlesr wrote:
Is this cheesy or what? Maybe it is just because I am from the UK?
no, I think it's because the lyrics are moronic
Still sounds cheesy in the U.S. I think Jackson Browne did this on his "Lives In the Balance" cd.
charlesr wrote:
Is this cheesy or what? Maybe it is just because I am from the UK?
No, it's cheesy. And I'm from the U.S.
Is this cheesy or what? Maybe it is just because I am from the UK?
I'm feeling sick...RP please shelve this one FOREVER !!