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Nirvana — All Apologies
Album: Unplugged In New York
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Total ratings: 1839

Released: 1994
Length: 3:36
Plays (last 30 days): 0
What else should I be
All apologies
What else could I say
Everyone is gay
What else could I write
I don't have the right
What else should I be
All apologies

In the sun
In the sun I feel as one
In the sun
In the sun

I wish I was like you
Easily amused
Find my nest of salt
Everything is my fault
I'll take all the blame
Aqua Sea Foam shame
Sunburn freezer burn
Choking on the ashes of her enemy

In the sun
In the sun I feel as one
In the sun
In the sun
Yeah yeah yeah yeah

All in all is all we are
All in all is all we are
All in all is all we are
All in all is all we are
All in all is all we are
All in all is all we are
All in all is all we are
All in all is all we are
All in all is all we are
All in all is all we are
All in all is all we are
All in all is all we are
All in all is all we are
All in all is all we are
All in all is all we are
All in all is all we are
All in all is all we are
All in all is all we are
All in all is all we are
All in all is all we are
Comments (251)add comment
Post punk grunge version. Such a brilliant experience. For us to have.
 stunix wrote:

Humour because there should be no praise or adoration for anyone who takes their own life.   'tis a chickens way out and just causes great pain to everyone else.    I understand depression more than I'd like to.   

Compassion is the key, my friend. Give it a try.
 rob_m wrote:

I wasn't into her music, but after listening this song (great vocals & guitar both by the way), I gave it an 8 and changed it to 9 later at the end of the song. 

"her" music?
I wasn't into her music, but after listening this song (great vocals & guitar both by the way), I gave it an 8 and changed it to 9 later at the end of the song. 
Sing It Boy!!
I just sometimes forget how absolutely amazing his singing voice was.
Heck with the haters and the angst stuff.  I'm no expert but to me he had his throat totally 'tuned in' and was able to sing threw it with such power. wow
I was never the biggest nirvana fan, but this album is one of the best ever and will always be in my collection!
 Jota wrote:

Not really.  Perhaps it's you who underrates them.

For me, Nirvana has a unique sound, and I find melody an lyrics touching.
I'll be glad to proclaim:  this must have been ahead of its time, because it has never sounded so good to me as it does now. Powerful!
 lowelltr wrote:
UUGGHH...efffing awful. Most overrated band of all time. Pure crap.

Not really.  Perhaps it's you who underrates them.
Musical vibe - 4
Excellence of expression of angst and despair - 9 
Love this one
UUGGHH...efffing awful. Most overrated band of all time. Pure crap.
Humour because there should be no praise or adoration for anyone who takes their own life.   'tis a chickens way out and just causes great pain to everyone else.    I understand depression more than I'd like to.   
I love this version. 
A mistake, this song was all about wall of sound guitars and screaming angst...
 ziakut wrote:
Over celebrated mediocrity.

I think Kurt was more than that but got overhyped partly because he was a symbol of a generation. No idea if that role played with his artistic choices as it did with Elvis and John Lennon. 

I don't know if musical styles like grunge and punk that that deliberately use a messy, low-fi sound age well. It'd be interesting to see how Kurt's music would have evolved if he hadn't killed himself. 
 boober wrote:

terrible comment man!

I fail to see the humor

........... totally agree
I have to admit that at the time, my friends and I were disappointed with this phase compared to the previous one. I liked it, but it was rather bleak and too dark; maybe too deeply self-involved, to the point of being an ugly portrait of the tortured artist. However, it has aged so well!
 stunix wrote:
to me, it just sounds like a couple of students on open mic night!

all in all he was just another brick in the wall... well, spattered all over it really!

terrible comment man!

I fail to see the humor

Everybody in my churches loves this live version of this song...
Dreary...  but  likeable compared to the weather and people in Aberdeen, WA
This was the first CD I purchased.  I think I was 12 or 13 years old.  Great collection of songs.
Over celebrated mediocrity.
to me, it just sounds like a couple of students on open mic night!

all in all he was just another brick in the wall... well, spattered all over it really!

(in my very humble opinion ofcourse)    

 romeotuma wrote:

Yes, I agree...  love this song...

 Byronape wrote:

What more needs to be said?

I've always thought that one of the measures of a good song is if it still holds up when done in a different style.  This one does, as well as everything from this album.  Love 'em or hate 'em as you will, but I'm not embarrassed to say that this is fantastic. 
I couldn't agree more. This was the first version of this song that I heard, and I've loved it ever since. Never gets old. It's a nugget of songwriting and performing perfection. I like the original amped-up version of this song too, but this unplugged version really trumps it.
 romeotuma wrote:

Great song...  that's all I have to say about that...  love it...

What more needs to be said?

I've always thought that one of the measures of a good song is if it still holds up when done in a different style.  This one does, as well as everything from this album.  Love 'em or hate 'em as you will, but I'm not embarrassed to say that this is fantastic. 
 romeotuma wrote:

Great song...  that's all I have to say about that...  love it...

Can't agree more - love the unplugged stuff
I have never posted a negative comment.  So I will keep my mouth shut.   But it must be time for The Ramones.  It's Friday afternoon somewhere!
 On_The_Beach wrote:

For the record, Rush is easily the most overrated band of all time.
I can see Rush being a love or hate band, but in terms of talent at their instruments Rush can never be overrated.  You don't have to like a great pro athlete with statistics and years of success to prove their greatness, but you just sound ridiculous to say they 'suck'.
 On_The_Beach wrote:

For the record, Rush is easily the most overrated band of all time.

Right up there with the guy in the cowboy hat who strums his harmonica on Granville?
 rush-2112 wrote:
Up there with Sonic Youth as most overrated bands of all time.
For the record, Rush is easily the most overrated band of all time.
ps (12 years later): Yes, they are excellent musicians, particularly Neil, I just don't like their music. And Geddy's voice is my least favourite of any singer ever. That said, perhaps "overrated" is an unfair description. Peace!
 crockydile wrote:
This song makes me remember why I thought Nirvana sucked. Simple songs.Bad lyrics. Terrible singing. {#No}
Agree. I just can't stand Nirvana. Makes me {#Puke}
What ever happened to MTV's Unplugged? I think we are losing some amazing performances. Glad we have this performance.
 sirdroseph wrote:
Good song and I actually prefer the unplugged version.{#Yes}
Damn rights.  I didn't 'get' Nirvana or Kirk Cobain until seeing this live.  Then the lightbulb went on. 
Feeling nice and generous this morning, 7 to an 8.  Might be the segue, and now to Dylan, its working.
Rush 2112 - You're right on.  Garbage pure and simple.  And a coward to boot.
Masterful segue, Bill {#Notworthy}
 romeotuma wrote:
Yes, soooo profound...

This song makes me remember why I thought Nirvana sucked. Simple songs.Bad lyrics. Terrible singing. {#No}
Good song and I actually prefer the unplugged version.{#Yes}
I liked this song back in the day... but the 'unplugged' version loses everything I liked about it.  But then, 'unplugged' versions usually do, for me.
Cobain was messed up but he had an ear for melody.
Neil can handle fame...

oh and actually has talent.
slartibart_O wrote:

This from a guy named Rush-2112? Who would have thought...
(and I like both bands, Rush too) 


 rush-2112 wrote:
Up there with Sonic Youth as most overrated bands of all time.
This from a guy named Rush-2112? Who would have thought...
(and I like both bands, Rush too) 

Up there with Sonic Youth as most overrated bands of all time.
Give me the In Utero version over this any time.

One of my favorite CDs of all time.  {#Music}
Great song but didn't we hear it enough on terrestrial radio? 

Still get the tingles when I hear his voice. 
 romeotuma wrote:

great song...  an icon...  love it...

 jagdriver wrote:
I get it:

Nirvana - All Apologies                         RIP Kurt
Ben Harper - Alone                              (sounds dead)
The Doors - You're Lost Little Girl          RIP Jim


Awful song.
I get it:

Nirvana - All Apologies                         RIP Kurt
Ben Harper - Alone                              (sounds dead)
The Doors - You're Lost Little Girl          RIP Jim

Not much into Nirvana, but one has to admit, this is an excellent song. niner
no comment   -  8.
Nirvana weren't overrated, many bands were and are but not them.

 songbirdfemme wrote:
judging from the ratings and comments here, i think we could find a more over-rated band.

About the only more overrated band I can think of atm is Smashing Pumpkins, only because they suck even more than Nirvana...

I don't have to understand why I like this so much, but I do.

And it makes a great lullaby.
judging from the ratings and comments here, i think we could find a more over-rated band.
One of the most overrated bands ever.
I guess that If it didn't say Nirvana in the cover of the album this song would get nailed because of the awful vocals...
1wolfy wrote:
I kinda disagree. "Grunge" rock existed long before Nirvana came along..example-I'm lonely wanna die off of the Beetles White Album sounds like a 'Grunge' derivative to me..just my opinion though.
Sure there have been songs that you can now call "grunge." But that term wouldn't make any sense to you if Nirvana hadn't blown up the way they did.
Jamunca wrote:
Sure, when I was living in a van down by the river. But I got over it.
Hey I was living down by the river but couldn't afford a van, and I was OK.
horstman wrote:
Ever been so sad you didn't think life was worth living?
Sure, when I was living in a van down by the river. But I got over it.
I kinda disagree. "Grunge" rock existed long before Nirvana came along..example-I'm lonely wanna die off of the Beetles White Album sounds like a 'Grunge' derivative to me..just my opinion though.prickelpit96 wrote:
No Nirvana == No Grunge?
joshfm wrote:
You selfish bastard! Why did you do it? I'm still mad.
Ever been so sad you didn't think life was worth living?
You selfish bastard! Why did you do it? I'm still mad.
EssexTex wrote:
Yep. I saw this live, and while not for everyone, I found it rather moving...most excellent performance, full of emotion and honesty.
splooge wrote:
wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyy over rated.
That's puting it mildly...
mildau wrote:
LOL Thats like saying Kafka ain't great, cause most people could adept to the miserable life back then.
I'm not sure I get your analogy, but I side with those who say that Kafka is overrated (except for his brilliant treatment of guilt in The Trial). Interestingly, I googled "Kafka is overrated," and one of the results was a thread on TheologyWeb in which an author's list of the 5 most overrated guitarists included -- surprise surprise -- Kurt Cobain. Most. Overrated. Musician. Ever.
This song, and this version of it in particular, just breaks my heart. I'm glad this is finally getting a DVD release.
well I am not mad keen on this particular Cobain number, however Sinead O'Connor does a blinding rendition of this hahaha! ... that's ridiculous actually--he's right, the Sinead version is quite nice...pretty haunting.
TJS wrote:
Although I don't dislike Nirvana, I just never really saw the big deal about them. Why the sensation? I never thought their music was anything more than average. That's why it's an opinion, I suppose.
No Nirvana == No Grunge?
Although I don't dislike Nirvana, I just never really saw the big deal about them. Why the sensation? I never thought their music was anything more than average. That's why it's an opinion, I suppose.
bokey wrote:
themotion wrote:
When your ears run screaming into your cranium and they promptly hang themselves it's called being "deaf", not blind. Blind is what happens when you see Fergie from the Black Eyed Peas without her makeup.
I didn't write this nonsense. hokey bokey wrote:
Cheese is better when fermented in my gym socks.
Although, intrigued I did look up Fergie without makeup ...
Heavy lyrics...
Seems like folks either love or hate Cobain. I've just in the past few months come to enjoy listening to Nirvana. That comment about Fergie without her makeup, below us in the thread ... well, I'll bet that 90% of the women who are pictured look better with their makeup. That's why it's called makeup.
According to Herbie Hancock this is one of the class of 'New (Jazz!!!) Standards', and I agree with Herbie... Excellent! 10
splooge wrote:
wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyy over rated.
Agreed 100%.
splooge wrote:
wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyy over rated.
I remember being pretty anti-Nirvana when Teen Spirit became a huge single. When In Utero came out though I had to admit they were really good - it's a great album. This song was definitely a favorite although I do prefer the album version a little. I can't remember the last time I listened to it.
wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyy over rated.
MrDill wrote:
well I am not mad keen on this particular Cobain number, however Sinead O'Connor does a blinding rendition of this
themotion wrote:
When your ears run screaming into your cranium and they promptly hang themselves it's called being "deaf", not blind. Blind is what happens when you see Fergie from the Black Eyed Peas without her makeup.
Johnny_Wave wrote:
Gaah -- first it's some lousy tune by Pearl Jam, followed up by more pissing and moaning by Nirvana. Life is what you make it folks, and if someone chooses to dwell in the darkness, that's their choice, but don't expect me to start fawning over them just because they can't cope with everyday life. Was a 2, still a 2
LOL Thats like saying Kafka ain't great, cause most people could adept to the miserable life back then.
Gaah -- first it's some lousy tune by Pearl Jam, followed up by more pissing and moaning by Nirvana. Life is what you make it folks, and if someone chooses to dwell in the darkness, that's their choice, but don't expect me to start fawning over them just because they can't cope with everyday life. Was a 2, still a 2
Pheral wrote:
A self-absorbed whiner.
An unbelievably shallow comment.
MrDill wrote:
well I am not mad keen on this particular Cobain number, however Sinead O'Connor does a blinding rendition of this
hahaha! ... that's ridiculous
This is really not that good.IMO I read that Kurt hated his own music. He developed a following so he stuck with it even though he really did not understand the following.
Oh my gawd, thanx god :) great song, awesome record... this actually sounds mind blowing after all that crappy muzak
I remember watching this on TV. Nirvana def has their place in rock evolution.
well I am not mad keen on this particular Cobain number, however Sinead O'Connor does a blinding rendition of this
lol!!. say word!!. and to think Nirvana was what started off the whole grunge craze for me..
I can listen to this. Decent tune,decent artist. I bet he was one freaked out f***** about all this though(obviously))
sorry but i simply dont like it at all
jewmanchu80 wrote:
This album, song, and band are way to highly overrated. I think it is a shame that Nirvana was the number one grunge band of the early 90's. There were many times many more talented musicians and bands that were overshadowed by Kurt Kobain and company.
If you're gonna knock the band, the least you can do is get the singer's last name spelled correctly. It's Cobain.
It's a boring lunk-headed song, but by sheer virtue of its own mass it has achieved classic status. And that's not entirely fair. Cobain's delivery is profoundly sincere in retrospect, if painfully naive. I'll almost never "turn the dial" if it comes on.
have it, love it, learned from it. hats off :)
so easy to sing along with, even though some of his lyrics are as unusual combinations as Beck's are.
I guess 32 morons never grew up in the 90s
eastcoast wrote:
Come on, Nirvana unplugged what kind of crap is this...its like uplugging Hendrix.
You never heard Jimi's "hear my train a comin'" acoustic (album "blues") ?? It's superb Nevertheless, Nirvana, not my cup of tea... And this is boring...
Yeah, let's have only the anti-Blues! The Pinks? All bubble-gum, babies, and birthday parties - All The Time! aekl wrote:
From now on, let's limit ourselves to songs that do not point out how hard and ugly life can be sometimes. How about "What a Wonderful World" and "I'm a Believer" on a loop?
Pheral wrote:
A self-absorbed whiner.
Yes, let's only have songs about how wonderful other people are. This whole 'singing about himself' thing is very off-putting. Why isn't he happy like me? From now on, let's limit ourselves to songs that do not point out how hard and ugly life can be sometimes. How about "What a Wonderful World" and "I'm a Believer" on a loop?
rluking wrote:
What?! Murdered? Next you're going to tell us that Courtney Love did it!
me, no ! i don't remember if sonic youth mentioned "courtney" in the interview... they might !!!
Great tune. Almost U2 / Bono-ish in the way pain, hurt and despair is expressed so well vocally. Kudos to any artist / group who dares to be so bold as to perform an acoustic session.
waggrj wrote:
its a shame that this guy passed away... i mean, they could be making good songs now... i am not a nirvana fan, but its a shame that he died... by the way, i saw sonic youth saying that they are convinced that kurt was murdered !
What?! Murdered? Next you're going to tell us that Courtney Love did it!
A self-absorbed whiner.
its a shame that this guy passed away... i mean, they could be making good songs now... i am not a nirvana fan, but its a shame that he died... by the way, i saw sonic youth saying that they are convinced that kurt was murdered !
Come on, Nirvana unplugged what kind of crap is this...its like uplugging Hendrix.
It was the music for the time. Historic! Musicianship and vocal prowess aside, love them.
it's a headache that won't go away... make the voices stop!
This song makes my throat hurt.
lmic wrote:
What they said.
Yeah! And check out this great pic of this great group I just came across on the web: https://www.portlandmercury.com/blogtown/2006/09/15_years_of_nevermind_1.php
lmic wrote:
What they said.
I don't even really like Nirvana and I like this song. Plus its historic significance gives it like 8 points anyway