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James McMurtry — Racing to the Red Light
Album: Walk Between the Raindrops
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Total ratings: 78

Released: 1998
Length: 5:13
Plays (last 30 days): 0
(no lyrics available)
Comments (18)add comment
stornoway wrote:
Dreary irritating banal derivative tosh. It really annoys me that we have to hang on thru this kind a c**p to get to the good stuff.
I totally agree. And I'm even American.
I'm glad Bill put on the red light.
ChicoCyclist wrote:
Why don't you use this opportunity to go get another crappy English beer from your fridge and shut up while this American master makes great music. Clearly you just don't understand...
Hell Yes!
stornoway wrote:
Dreary irritating banal derivative tosh. It really annoys me that we have to hang on thru this kind a c**p to get to the good stuff.
Why don't you use this opportunity to go get another crappy English beer from your fridge and shut up while this American master makes great music. Clearly you just don't understand...
Apparently there is a bug on this site in that the Submit button posts the comment, but fails to navigate you back to the song info.
Dreary irritating banal derivative tosh. It really annoys me that we have to hang on thru this kind a c**p to get to the good stuff.
The McMurtry live record is pretty damn good but his studio stuff just kinda leaves me cold for some reason. Reminds me of Timbuk 3 in his sorta world weary way. If its really this miserable why bother making music about it. :!:
i'm really trying to find a liking to his vocals, but man. sounds like a clerk at walmart or something. lifeless, flat. love the arrangements, tho. nicely quirky.
boodle wrote:
Thought it was David Byrne at first - heh
me too!
I like the "red light" connection, Bill (this and 'Roxanne'). Solid tune by a great artist. Keep 'em coming.
Pyro wrote:
Wow, something on RP by McMurtry besides Choctaw Bingo! Hooray!
yeah, i hope Bill plays his version of Freebird!!
Wow, something on RP by McMurtry besides Choctaw Bingo! Hooray!
My favorite McMurtry album so far. The whole album is great. Great songs. Great low Telecaster Twang.
Originally Posted by Johray63: Like that "Nutbush City Limits kinda guitar thang" in it. Keeps it from getting monotonous.
yeah I hear it to...hmmm
Like that \"Nutbush City Limits kinda guitar thang\" in it. Keeps it from getting monotonous.
Thought it was David Byrne at first - heh