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Paul McCartney — Maybe I'm Amazed
Album: McCartney
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Released: 1971
Length: 3:46
Plays (last 30 days): 0
Maybe I'm amazed at the way you love me all the time
Maybe I'm afraid of the way I love you
Maybe I'm amazed at the way you pull me out of time
You hung me on the line
Maybe I'm amazed at the way I really need you

Maybe I'm a man
Maybe I'm a lonely man who's in the middle of something
That he doesn't really understand

Maybe I'm a man
And maybe you're the only woman who could ever help me
Baby, won't you help me to understand?

Maybe I'm a man
Maybe I'm a lonely man who's in the middle of something
That he doesn't really understand

Maybe I'm a man
And maybe you're the only woman who could ever help me
Baby, won't you help me to understand?

Maybe I'm amazed at the way you're with me all the time
Maybe I'm afraid of the way I leave you
Maybe I'm amazed at the way you help me sing my song
Right me when I'm wrong
Maybe I'm amazed at the way I really need you
Comments (90)add comment
Pretty good for a 'Granny Music Shit' song (as John used to call Paul soppy ballad's). 
But when Paul starts to scream, it's pretty comical. Even on Helter Skelter.  
AOR has returned!
One of the few post-Beatles songs by Paul that I really enjoy, maybe because it feels so honest and heart-felt. If it weren't for the silly screaming bit in the middle it would be even better.
Paul McCartney: living proof that in the Beatles, the total was greater than the sum of the parts. Yuk. {#Beat}
I'm a big Beatles fan, but I've never care much for Paul's solo work. But, there are two of his songs that I absolutely love.  This one, and Here Today.  And they are both songs that Paul has written from the heart about people he has loved.  Admiral Halsey?  No thanks.  Maybe I'm Amazed.... Oh yeah.
A cracker and the first song played at my wedding. All instruments played by McCartney- what a talented fella!
 This is the only song Paul did that I like post-Beatles. The timing of its debut, following the breakup of the Beatles, gave me hope of many more future hit songs by him-it never happened. No longer care to hear his music.
 gvan wrote:
You guys are getting good with your segues.

Cult with No Name — You Know Me Better Than I Know Myself --> this. Almost perfectly done. It was hard to tell when the first song ended and the second began. 
Liked this effort by Paul.  Kind of lost him during the Wings era.
 pcicatar wrote:
From The Simpsons episode "Lisa the Vegetarian":
Paul: "Linda and I both feel strongly about animal rights. In fact, if

you play "Maybe I'm Amazed" backwards, you'll hear a recipe for a

really ripping lentil soup."


  As classic as the song.  One of my other favorite lines from this episode: Lisa goes through the lunch line at school and her only choice is the bun from the hamburger.  Lunch lady Doris:  "it's rich in bunly goodness".  Never fails to make me laugh.

 Elroweho wrote:
Maybe I'm Amazed RP is playing this one -Heard it too many times on mainstream radio!

The live version, which was released as a single five or six years after this version, is generally the version one would hear on commercial radio.  That version was a Top 10 hit.
"i was the beatles
i am the beatles
wait - who the hell are the beatles anyway?"

liner notes from McCartney 1970


Every time I hear this song, I picture a pig, expelled from a hole in a dam, flying through the air.  {#Think}

What a monumental contribution this man has made to the world!  And how cool it is he did so much through all his many musical talents!
 drewd wrote:
Ooh ! Lazarus has risen ? With large green font..... This is my favorite Paul song. We be dancing .... 

Everybody in my mushrooming multitude of churches be dancing with you...  love this song...

life is grand...  hope you be having fun right now... 
 WonderLizard wrote:
For an otherwise stellar track the church/pipe organ in the middle sixteen sounds out of place, like he's trying to beatify the song. It pops up out of nowhere and disappears forever. Strange.

McCartney will change everything at any time, even in the last few bars of a song. It's central to his genius.
Studio version is better than any live version because of organ/guitar (IMO). {#Biggrin}
Carleen Anderson's cover is so much better. Top song though...
 Lazarus wrote:

Everybody in my church loves this song...


Ooh ! Lazarus has risen ? With large green font..... This is my favorite Paul song. We be dancing ....

 bachbeet wrote:
I must be in a minority because I never did like this one.
One of the few Maccarneys I didn't mind so much!       {#Eh}

Everybody in my church loves this song...

For an otherwise stellar track the church/pipe organ in the middle sixteen sounds out of place, like he's trying to beatify the song. It pops up out of nowhere and disappears forever. Strange.
I must be in a minority because I never did like this one.
Posted by: lemmoth  (NYC)
Aug 03, 2012 - 14:26   < Reply >

 lkovathana wrote:
What's with the sudden uptick in playing Paul McCartney in the past few days?  Can we have a 30-day moratorium on Sir McCartney?

Why would we ever want to have that?

..^ the more Beatles (before or after), the better..
Maybe I'm Amazed RP is playing this one -Heard it too many times on mainstream radio!
Love hearing this again..I never get tired of it.
 lemmoth wrote:

No - Born in 1942 - so in 1970 he was 28.

Sorry—I took the orig. post as stating the song was 28 years old in 2010.  My apologies to Businessgypsy & lemmoth.

 Will now head back over to my remedial reading class, already in progress...{#Beat}
 lkovathana wrote:
What's with the sudden uptick in playing Paul McCartney in the past few days?  Can we have a 30-day moratorium on Sir McCartney?

Why would we ever want to have that?
 Businessgypsy wrote:
28 years old, played every instrument - all while trying to figure out who he was without the Beatles. Genius 

Agree...except. His drumming should put to rest forever the notion that Ringo was a hack, and all the great drum parts on Revolver, Sgt. Pepper's, Abbey Road, and so on were played by Paul. Paul's drumming is adequate for this effort. Ringo was and is a great drummer.
There are far better tunes off this album.
 mrdak wrote:
This is the shit right here, my brothers............ {#Notworthy}
Amen to that.....
 treatment_bound wrote:

Uhhh, make that 38 years old.  You somehow lopped off a decade when you posted this (which I would love to do to my age right now).
No - Born in 1942 - so in 1970 he was 28.
 Businessgypsy wrote:
28 years old, played every instrument - all while trying to figure out who he was without the Beatles. Genius

Uhhh, make that 38 years old.  You somehow lopped off a decade when you posted this (which I would love to do to my age right now).
This is the shit right here, my brothers............ {#Notworthy}
From The Simpsons episode "Lisa the Vegetarian":
Paul: "Linda and I both feel strongly about animal rights.  In fact, if

you play "Maybe I'm Amazed" backwards, you'll hear a recipe for a

really ripping lentil soup."


One of Paul's best...
Yep, amazing  what 30 years of trying to improve can do to increase one's expertise in almost any field.
You guys are getting good with your segues.

 cosmiclint wrote:
For me, this is one of those cases where the live performance of a song is a dramatic improvement over the studio version.
The live (Wings) version is kind of over-played for me; maybe because it was released as a single and I heard it all the time back then.  This version seemed to have more feeling to it for me.  To each his own. {#Meditate}

For me, this is one of those cases where the live performance of a song is a dramatic improvement over the studio version.

Great, great love song. 10 for sure...
What's with the sudden uptick in playing Paul McCartney in the past few days?  Can we have a 30-day moratorium on Sir McCartney?
 GuiltyFeat wrote:
I've always been a McCartney fan, but this track came to me later in my fandom and just grew and grew in importance. 

At the risk of being sacrilegious, Jem did a gorgeous cover version at the close of the first season of The O.C. Definitely worth chasing down.
Me a big McCartney fan too dispite the screen name. Wings over America version got me hooked on this toon may years ago.

 redstorm wrote:

That is not saying much...Very few things McCartney did came anywhere close to "All Things Must Pass" ....IMHO

I'm really surprised no one caught that faux pas. All Things Must Pass was George Harrison.

Hmmm... OK, now that I think about it, you're comparing McCartney's work to Harrison's. Then it's an apt point, possibly. McCartney is pretty different from Harrison in terms of songwriting, and I think Harrison was just a different kind of genius. Whether he was better or not... that's a subjective opinion, probably. I do think Harrison's songwriting tended to be more "weighty" or substantial in many ways.

I have always enjoyed the group Faces' version also. Bill 'how 'bout spinning some Faces? Perhaps from A Nod is as Good as a Wink.... or Long Player.

I've always been a McCartney fan, but this track came to me later in my fandom and just grew and grew in importance. 

At the risk of being sacrilegious, Jem did a gorgeous cover version at the close of the first season of The O.C. Definitely worth chasing down.
28 years old, played every instrument - all while trying to figure out who he was without the Beatles. Genius

 fugglesworth wrote:
If only all his post-Beatles output were of the calibre of this track, most of the tracks on Ram, Live and Let Die and Band on the Run (title track)....


My own view is that Band On The Run is a classic, that Venus and Mars was a near miss, and there were a fair number of other good tunes in Macca's early catalog —- this one, Time to Hide, and as you point out, Live and Let Die.  If you want a GREAT recent track (of which there are admittedly not many) check out Sing The Changes w/The Fireman.
This song is indeed a classic in so many ways, but I've always thought his vocal during the bridges (choruses?) to be kind of ridiculous. Maybe bring this song down a couple half steps or something?
Good stuff!{#Music}
 Al_Koholic wrote:


Is this Bernard McGuirk
 jarrudy wrote:
as jack black says:

"is it in fact unfair to criticize a formerly great artist for his latter day sins, is it better to burn out or fade away?"


to me, this song is a latter day sin...

Relatively speaking being only a few years away from say...Long and winding road, and many decades from say ... Flaming Pie....this ain't no "latter day" sin,  And of course this is a f&*&*ing masterpiece, son.

 lemmoth wrote:
Nice Segue from the beautiful neo-classical piece to this masterpiece.
Came here to make this exact comment

Nice Segue from the beautiful neo-classical piece to this masterpiece.
 ronniegirl wrote:

This is the original cover.  You are thinking of a different record.

 peacockangel wrote:
like being stabbed i tell you

f*kcnig liar

One of Paul's best
like being stabbed i tell you
 apd wrote:
Is this an alternative cover for the album? I've only ever seen the "sheepskin coat" version, which is cute, but this is beautiful.

This is the original cover.  You are thinking of a different record.
Is this an alternative cover for the album? I've only ever seen the "sheepskin coat" version, which is cute, but this is beautiful.
as jack black says:

"is it in fact unfair to criticize a formerly great artist for his latter day sins, is it better to burn out or fade away?"


to me, this song is a latter day sin...

Dillinquent's comment - not even REMOTELY amusing.  Bad form!
 Dillinquent wrote:
Oh dear. Mark Chapman got the wrong guy.
Presumably that was an attempt at humour?

Oh dear. Mark Chapman got the wrong guy.
 onlylynne wrote:
Paul's best song.  {#Yes}
That is not saying much...Very few things McCartney did came anywhere close to "All Things Must Pass" ....IMHO

Hate to intrude on the moment, but for all you Ringo bashers out there and the persistent theory that McCartney played all the recorded drum tracks on the Beatle albums, this is how McCartney plays drums. Good but not even remotely close to Ringo's chops.
And, if you play it backward you get to hear a recipe for a really ripping lentil soup.
...maybe i'm amazed at how this song just sucks so hard...
Drums, lead guitar, everything... all Macca!
R P : thanks for sticking wiht the original !!
Damn.  I used to love this song.

Maybe I'm amazed at how bad memories can ruin good music.
If only all his post-Beatles output were of the calibre of this track, most of the tracks on Ram, Live and Let Die and Band on the Run (title track)....

Great song, but when I hear it, I just think how much better it would have been with the other three lads. Needs George on lead guitar and John singing harmony.
Paul's best song.  {#Yes}
Maybe I'm amazed that there is only one comment on this song, from 3 1/2 years ago.

edit - well, there was only one comment.

 jagdriver wrote:
Wow...the first and only other comment is from four years ago????

I was just gonna say that —- rarely played here.

Some of Macca's early solo stuff was pretty good.
Ah, the original! ...not the burned out, hysterical, overplayed live version that pollutes the grocery store aisles....

There are of course other lost gems on this LP...
For the RPeeps who know what I'm talking about and may care... did you know that this was M and I's first dance song at our wedding?
I'm amazed your playing McCartney on RP (don't get me wrong here. I love Beatles and PM and George etc) Keep it up!
Woah - this one hasn't been played much.
I wish I could play piano and sing like Paul McCartney because his playing and singing on this track are among the best things he's done (including The Beatles).
I presume he's also playing drums, guitar and whatever else happens to be going on.
Wow...the first and only other comment is from four years ago????
This is a very good song from Paul's first solo album,McCartney where he played every instrument by himself and did a great job! :D