Deleted the Spanish-language version of ... which if you go there, you're first greeted with a splash page. So named because when certain magas see it, ...
The website has translations to Spanish and other languages as well. It also has a section on Climate Change but I'm wondering when that gets removed or redirected to a dead link.
Deleted the Spanish-language version of ... which if you go there, you're first greeted with a splash page. So named because when certain magas see it, ...
So what is the over/under for Texas to remove the translation button on the header of their website?
Deleted the Spanish-language version of ... which if you go there, you're first greeted with a splash page. So named because when certain magas see it, ...
It's a metaphor. It's meaning as defined by me, not you, is that you and your minions will make life as miserable as possible for those who disagree with you.
I am not beholden to the way you define things. Redefining things is one way that you operate to shut down discussions over things that you disagree with. Your hubris and narcissism will be your undoing.
I already know my place. In your world I'm 100% white trailer trash and you're just getting back what you give. It's true and you simply cannot make me feel any smaller no matter how hard you try. I punch up while you punch down because you are afraid of your peers.
I have accepted my station in the final days of my life and have found peace within it. Doesn't mean that I will roll over and play dead. Just that more than ever, I will pick my battles more carefully and with that, more fearlessly. Fear is not a virtue no matter how hard you try to extol that it is.
I appreciate that you may think this is's not. You have succinctly summarized the last 10 years of politics above.
It's a metaphor. It's meaning as defined by me, not you, is that you and your minions will make life as miserable as possible for those who disagree with you.
I am not beholden to the way you define things. Redefining things is one way that you operate to shut down discussions over things that you disagree with. Your hubris and narcissism will be your undoing.
I already know my place. In your world I'm 100% white trailer trash and you're just getting back what you give. It's true and you simply cannot make me feel any smaller no matter how hard you try. I punch up while you punch down because you are afraid of your peers.
I have accepted my station in the final days of my life and have found peace within it. Doesn't mean that I will roll over and play dead. Just that more than ever, I will pick my battles more carefully and with that, more fearlessly. Fear is not a virtue no matter how hard you try to extol that it is.
It's a metaphor. It's meaning as defined by me, not you, is that you and your minions will make life as miserable as possible for those who disagree with you.
I am not beholden to the way you define things. Redefining things is one way that you operate to shut down discussions over things that you disagree with. Your hubris and narcissism will be your undoing.
I already know my place. In your world I'm 100% white trailer trash and you're just getting back what you give. It's true and you simply cannot make me feel any smaller no matter how hard you try. I punch up while you punch down because you are afraid of your peers.
I have accepted my station in the final days of my life and have found peace within it. Doesn't mean that I will roll over and play dead. Just that more than ever, I will pick my battles more carefully and with that, more fearlessly. Fear is not a virtue no matter how hard you try to extol that it is.