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AliGator Avatar

Posted: Mar 22, 2010 - 8:29pm

 Beaker wrote:

Thanks Kurt. 

What I so often find especially galling is the simplistic solutions frequently offered by so many on the left to our world's major issues.  Its almost as though they have no concept of the world around them.  Witness for example the posts of one of my fellow Canucks here.  Dead set against the existence of our oilsands here in Alberta, she and others like her, post screeds declaiming their harm to the environment and massive CO2 emissions.  Said screeds contain the words of celebrities touting what benefits to the poor and impoverished all the billions of dollars that those evil oil company revenues could accomplish, if the oil companies would willingly redirect them, no longer used for the pursuit of the aforementioned 'dirty' oil.

Of course the screed uttered by the celeb is only words - its not like the celeb had stopped using that modern innovation called air travel to get them from place to place, or donated all of their income to benefit the poor - as they suggest the oil companies should.

Of course the screed and those who repeat it, also fail to consider the implications of actually implementing their wish - making the oil sands disappear from the pool of global oil.  Poof.  Okay.  Oil sands be gone.  Oh sure, the job losses are one thing, people can always be retrained.   But what of the loss of this oil from Canada?  Oopsie - America (and Canada) would immediately be increasing their import of oil from the unstable middle east.  Oh wait.  The oilsands oil is off the table, so what else  does that mean?   Why it means higher oil prices on the commodity markets.  This means we're all suddenly paying more for our gas.  Ooops.

What else does it mean?  Well, for one, in Canada, we have this thing called transfer payments between the provinces and Ottawa.  Alberta is one of what we call a "have" province while many provinces are "have not".  It means that Alberta's wealth, largely obtained though our oil patch and tar sands revenues, is a net contributor to the welfare of all Canadians. Take away our tar sands prematurely - as the activists would do - (the oil sands will go away eventually) and suddenly this province becomes a have not.  Is the country ready to start contributing to Alberta's citizens so we can maintain our standards of social programs like the rest of Canada?  Of course they would have to be ready - even if it meant a decline in the overall social coverage for all Canadians ( ie a decline in our standard of living) — or, not liking that, we could always increase taxation.  Sure - let's go with that!

See - this is but one example of what pisses me off about liberal and lefty thinking.  Their answers are always easy and make great sound bites in this ever-PC world we live in.  But when it comes to the rubber hitting the road, their plans land with a dull thud when the lefty is exposed to the harsh reality of The Real World.

So sirdroseph, and all you other bleaters that continue to decry my 'constant negativity', now you have a sense of where its coming from.  I'm sick and fucking tired of la-la land liberal thinking that spouts all the good words and ideas THAT WE ALL WANT TO HEAR AND ACCOMPLISH — and FAILS OVER AND OVER AGAIN to realize the realities and practicalities of this world.  Barack Obama sold the you American voters a pile of bullshit.  Where's the "green jobs" he promised?  Will he deliver those before or after he puts America's "dirty coal" out of business, as he has promised to do.  Think all the positive thoughts and vibes you want, but you're NOT solving the problem by discarding thought that is not yours.

I hesitate to call any liberal thinking acquaintances here stupid, as they are most certainly not that.  But deep thinkers and pragmatists most are not.  And there seems to be a direct correlation between how dead wrong their thinking is and the speed that they reach for the broad brush to tar all those who don't think like them.  Its a pattern I've seen repeated over and over.

Anyway, I'm now out of steam and have better things to do tonight, so to quote the 'wisdom' of a DD, I bid you high school.
Hey Beaker, I really appreciate hearing your point of view on happenings in your own country. Somehow it tempers your snide remarks in the US political threads here. Honestly, this explains EVERYTHING, or almost everything you've said, in any political thread here.


islander Avatar

Location: West coast somewhere
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Posted: Mar 22, 2010 - 7:51pm

 ScottFromWyoming wrote:


edit: Hey, I'm the one in charge of patting Beaker on the head.
I think we should rank Americanism (way better than patriotism) based on you sign up date for RP. A sliding scale of point could be applied based on consistency in post history, and multiplied by sheer volume (tone and quantity). All we need are a few moderators...


ScottFromWyoming Avatar

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Posted: Mar 22, 2010 - 7:24pm

 kurtster wrote:

I find you more of an American in point and perspective than most who live here and either fail to see or choose to ignore the big picture.


edit: Hey, I'm the one in charge of patting Beaker on the head.


kurtster Avatar

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Posted: Mar 22, 2010 - 7:18pm

 Beaker wrote:

I've been on RP since 2003 chump and my views on American politics are well known — I've been commenting on the politics of America since before you even heard of RP let alone listened to your first speech of bull uttered by Barry. 

When its all said and done, I find you more of an American in point and perspective than most who live here and either fail to see or choose to ignore the big picture.  You are a North American at the very least and I welcome your point of view.  Your delivery is your own thing, but I see the humor behind it and it makes me laugh.  I know I'm a sick puppy, but the company ain't bad.


plaice3 Avatar

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Posted: Mar 22, 2010 - 6:43pm

 sirdroseph wrote:

I have been listening to RP since 2001, just not participating in the forum, but you are correct in that I have not been reading your post history as I do not care enough to peruse through an individual's post to acquire a gotcha moment and finally I am not a tool.{#Wink}

My pet peeve is negativity, you have an overabundant supply and it is spilling all over the political threads in this forum. Such negative energy is bad karma man!{#Meditate}

Well said, especially the part in teeny-tiny type.


sirdroseph Avatar

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Posted: Mar 22, 2010 - 6:30pm

 Beaker wrote:

What took you so long?  Perhaps is was your joy that Dubya was in office - and you went silent for eight years...
The good people over at the MSNBC politics board didn't think so!{#Lol}

sirdroseph Avatar

Location: Not here, I tell you wat
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Posted: Mar 22, 2010 - 5:44pm

 Beaker wrote:

I've been on RP since 2003 chump and my views on American politics are well known — I've been commenting on the politics of America since before you even heard of RP let alone listened to your first speech of bull uttered by Barry.  If you weren't such a superior than thou tool you would have recognized this.
I have been listening to RP since 2001, just not participating in the forum, but you are correct in that I have not been reading your post history as I do not care enough to peruse through an individual's post to acquire a gotcha moment and finally I am not a tool.{#Wink}

My pet peeve is negativity, you have an overabundant supply and it is spilling all over the political threads in this forum. Such negative energy is bad karma man!{#Meditate}

hippiechick Avatar

Location: topsy turvy land
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Posted: Mar 22, 2010 - 5:28pm

 Beaker wrote:

I've been on RP since 2003 chump and my views on American politics are well known — I've been commenting on the politics of America since before you even heard of RP let alone listened to your first speech of bull uttered by Barry.  If you weren't such a superior than thou tool you would have recognized this.
In other words, no.


hippiechick Avatar

Location: topsy turvy land
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Posted: Mar 22, 2010 - 5:05pm

 sirdroseph wrote:

What are you going to do when the Republicans regain control over Congress and then retake the White House in 2012; just go politically silent for 4 years until the Dems retake it back because all of the problems of the world are solved for this 4 year window? Do you ever discuss policy or issues that is not in the context of how it makes Obama or other Dems look bad? Do policies really even matter to you at all outside of the context of Republican good; Democrat bad? I am just askin.........
Let's be clear: Beaker only talks about issues that he thinks can rile enough people around here so he can sit back and wank gleefully while we all stand on our heads trying to convince him otherwise.

He couldn't care less about Obama, the world, or anything else. This is just popcorn entertainment for him.

And, horrors! if the Republicans take control again. Everything will truly go to shit then.


sirdroseph Avatar

Location: Not here, I tell you wat
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Posted: Mar 22, 2010 - 5:00pm

 Beaker wrote:
Coolio.  Barry has a depressed economy on his hands, just introduced a new boondoggle of health care legislation that will send employers and their jobs running, and now it seems he's close to a trade war with China.  That will certainly help the economy!  Barry is most certainly a master of ... timing.

What are you going to do when the Republicans regain control over Congress and then retake the White House in 2012; just go politically silent for 4 years until the Dems retake it back because all of the problems of the world are solved for this 4 year window? Do you ever discuss policy or issues that are not in the context of how it makes Obama or other Dems look bad? Do policies really even matter to you at all outside of the context of Republican good; Democrat bad? I am just askin.........


hippiechick Avatar

Location: topsy turvy land
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Posted: Mar 22, 2010 - 12:11pm

 Beaker wrote:

Al Sharpton: 'The American Public Overwhelmingly Voted for Socialism When They Elected President Obama'

"First of all, then we have to say the American public overwhelmingly voted for socialism when they elected President Obama," Sharpton said. "Let's not act as though the president didn't tell the American people - the president offered the American people health reform when he ran. He was overwhelmingly elected running on that and he has delivered what he promised."

That is NOT what Sharpton said, and this is very misleading. He said that they overwhelmingly voted for HEALTH CARE. The word "socialism" was put into his mouth by the commentator.


hippiechick Avatar

Location: topsy turvy land
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Posted: Mar 22, 2010 - 11:14am

The Obameter: Tracking Obama's Campaign Promises



hippiechick Avatar

Location: topsy turvy land
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Posted: Mar 19, 2010 - 5:17pm

 romeotuma wrote:

You should come over to my motel room to watch Real Time tonight, honey...

I'll be there! Order us some dessert and a bottle of wine.

(former member)

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Posted: Mar 19, 2010 - 5:14pm

 Mark_E_DeSnow wrote:
 romeotuma wrote:
Obama is my hero...  if you think we would have been better with one of the Keating Five as president, you are just plain knuts...  the health reform bill will pass, and then Obama is going to be taking care of energy issues...

I just wish Hillary had passed her public option program 17 years ago...  my best friend would still be alive...

All well and good, but when is the economy going to pick up?

It will take about four more years...  you can learn everything you need to know about it here...  this be very good—

The term business cycle (or economic cycle) refers to economy-wide fluctuations in production or economic activity over several months or years. These fluctuations occur around a long-term growth trend, and typically involve shifts over time between periods of relatively rapid economic growth (expansion or boom), and periods of relative stagnation or decline (contraction or recession).


islander Avatar

Location: West coast somewhere
Gender: Male

Posted: Mar 19, 2010 - 5:11pm

 Beaker wrote:

Caterpillar: ObamaCare will cost us $100 million in first year

posted at 12:15 pm on March 19, 2010 by Ed Morrissey

How will ObamaCare impact American business?  Democrats insist that the bill will help stimulate the economy and create jobs.  Caterpillar, the manufacturer of heavy construction equipment, tells a different story:

Caterpillar Inc. said the health-care overhaul legislation being considered by the U.S. House would increase the company’s health-care costs by more than $100 million in the first year alone.

In a letter Thursday to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) and House Republican Leader John Boehner of Ohio, Caterpillar urged lawmakers to vote against the plan “because of the substantial cost burdens it would place on our shareholders, employees and retirees.”
Caterpillar, the world’s largest construction machinery manufacturer by sales, said it’s particularly opposed to provisions in the bill that would expand Medicare taxes and mandate insurance coverage. The legislation would require nearly all companies to provide health insurance for their employees or face large fines.

The Peoria-based company said these provisions would increase its insurance costs by at least 20 percent, or more than $100 million, just in the first year of the health-care overhaul program.

Last year, Barack Obama pitched his stimulus plan at Caterpillar’s main facility in East Peoria, Illinois, promising that the Porkulus bill would prompt Caterpillar to rehire workers recently laid off from the plant.  The CEO, Jim Owens, said that wouldn’t happen for a long time — and then had to lay off more workers the next month.  It looks like Owens won’t get a Christmas card from the White House this year, either.

Even if one accepted the reforms in ObamaCare as necessary, the timing is flat-out awful.  The economy has barely begun growing again, but not at a rate that creates jobs.  One reason employers haven’t invested in expansion is because of the pricing signals sent from ObamaCare.  If the penalties and taxes for employment cost Caterpillar $100 million in the first year, that’s money that won’t go to hiring more people.  In fact, it will provide a big incentive to pare down their employment rolls even further to avoid paying the taxes and penalties.

And where will those jobs go?  As employment becomes more expensive in the US, companies will transfer more manufacturing overseas.  That’s not exactly brain surgery.

Yep.  Its a pretty straightforward and predictable effect.  Why aren't the Dems and Obama listening?  Because its a once-in-a-lifetime chance for the Dems to remake the US and add a new costly entitlement that future administrations may find impossible to remove.  Damn the torpedoes and our re-election chances!  Full speed ahead by any means necessary!
I call BS, or at least questionable analysis.

I know this directly: Cat has a gold plated health insurance plan for most of it's union workers. It's a plan that is likely far better than the vast majority of people here.

I'm wild ass guessing at this based on my own experiences and some clues gleaned by my wife working at a health insurance company: Due to the size of the company and the number of people covered, they get some pretty good rates and have a fair amount of competition from providers already.

More stuff I know directly: Overall medical insurance costs to businesses to provide coverage for their employees is skyrocketing, it takes substantial time an effort to hold those costs within a 2-3X multiplier of the CPI. I know many business owners who would be thrilled with "just" a 20% increase in their costs. And this is the situation today, pre-health care bill.

I don't like the health care bill. It really isn't about health care, it's an insurance reform bill. I think it's a giveaway to an industry (one that I'll be investing in now) and window dressing on the real problem(s). But all the wailing and gnashing of teeth about cost ignores the fact that the costs are already spiraling out of control, and the only people who are getting deals are the ones who are gigantic enough to have some bargaining power, and Cat is firmly in that camp. This is just them setting the stage to move more jobs to areas with less restrictive labor laws. Cat hates their union labor and would love to pin the loss of union jobs on Obama's health care bill - reality be damned.


musik_knut Avatar

Location: Third Stone From The Sun
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Posted: Mar 19, 2010 - 5:07pm

 romeotuma wrote:

Obama is my hero...  if you think we would have been better with one of the Keating Five as president, you are just plain knuts...  the health reform bill will pass, and then Obama is going to be taking care of energy issues...

I just wish Hillary had passed her public option program 17 years ago...  my best friend would still be alive...


Ahh, the oft misunderstood Keating Five, again. Sen. McCain was found innocent of any wrong doing in that scandal. He was judged to have exercised poor judgment. Might the same be said of Mr. Obama and many, many, many of his past associates and associations?
*for the record, of The Keating Five, 3 US Senators were cited as having violated laws, all 3 were Democrats*
I'm sorry your best friend is not with us. Was this the friend with ALS? Not to be cold, but no health care policy in place today would have cured ALS...and still not to be cold,  how many 'would be alive today' examples must your side play  in this National debate?  By some, anyone who has died with that past 20 years or so, would be alive today if only Uncle Sam was administering to their every medical need...and of course, there are those cited cases, one most recently by Mr. Obama, that are factually presented with falsehoods. Another fine job of vetting...so to speak.

EDIT: It was never Hillary's role to pass anything as First Lady. That was and still is the domain of The US Congress. Although with a twisted attempt to pass something without voting on it might make the whole notion of The Constitution's dictates on the actions of Congress, moot.

hippiechick Avatar

Location: topsy turvy land
Gender: Female

Posted: Mar 19, 2010 - 5:03pm

 romeotuma wrote:

Obama is my hero...  if you think we would have been better with one of the Keating Five as president, you are just plain knuts...  the health reform bill will pass, and then Obama is going to be taking care of energy issues...

I just wish Hillary had passed her public option program 17 years ago...  my best friend would still be alive...

He is my hero too!


helenofjoy Avatar

Location: Lincoln, Nebraska
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Posted: Mar 19, 2010 - 4:57pm

 musik_knut wrote:

Proof that the campaign waged by Sen. Obama was the most seamless ever from campaign to taking office: one endless lie upon another.

You need to pay closer attention to the whole picture.  They all lie one upon the other in the political world.  This has always been this way and always will be.  It's people like you they love - you can be so easily led.


musik_knut Avatar

Location: Third Stone From The Sun
Gender: Male

Posted: Mar 19, 2010 - 4:49pm

 Beaker wrote:
7 Lies In Under 2 Minutes


Proof that the campaign waged by Sen. Obama was the most seamless ever from campaign to taking office: one endless lie upon another.
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