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Eric Clapton — Let it Grow
Album: 461 Ocean Boulevard
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Total ratings: 1717

Released: 1974
Length: 4:52
Plays (last 30 days): 0
Standing at the crossroads, trying to read the signs
To tell me which way I should go to find the answer,
And all the time I know,
Plant your love and let it grow

Let it grow, let it grow,
Let it blossom, let it flow
In the sun, the rain, the snow,
Love is lovely, let it grow

Looking for a reason to check out of my mind,
Trying hard to get a friend that I can count on,
But there's nothing left to show,
Plant your love and let it grow

Let it grow, let it grow,
Let it blossom, let it flow
In the sun, the rain, the snow,
Love is lovely, so let it grow, let it grow

Time is getting shorter and there's much for you to do
Only ask and you will get what you are needing,
The rest is up to you
Plant your love and let it grow

Let it grow, let it grow,
Let it blossom, let it flow
In the sun, the rain, the snow,
Love is lovely, let it

Let it grow, let it grow,
Let it blossom, let it flow
In the sun, the rain, the snow,
Love is lovely, let it grow
Comments (128)add comment
Never understand the appeal of EC unless you're a fan of his anti-vacc, politically right wing views.  Ironic that he's famous for playing the blues (sigh!)
 bahalana wrote:

His body, his choice you MF. Keep this shit off RP.

You are no position to tell anyone to keep anything off of RP.   Vaccination doesn't work like that you idiot.   You aren't going to listen to any scientific or rational explanation so let me just say this.   If you were around during Polio - you would shut your fucking mouth.
 jelgator wrote:

Shut up & go get your 5th booster.

Hey Asshat jelgator fuck off - and don't get vaxxed - and go to the hospital with Corona and stay there.   Clapton wasn't looking too good there during corona.   People in positions of power should be wary of their politics when they are stupidly fucking wrong.   Vaccination for Corona has been a pretty decent success, vaccination in general is an amazing human scientific success.   If you don't remember Polio - you are lucky.
 SmackDaddy wrote:

Anti-vaxxer asshat

Shut up & go get your 5th booster.
Comes with the territory I guess…
Also what a narcissist, stealing his best friends wife and not a single mention of his poor suffering wife that went through the same or worse agonies.
 Pjesnik wrote:

Read his Autobiography a year ago. What a survivor. Hats off!  

I just finished it a month or so ago...  He went through a lot of self doubt and personal hell.  His drug and alcohol abuse it is a wonder he made it through.
Read his Autobiography a year ago. What a survivor. Hats off!  
 bahalana wrote:

His body, his choice you MF. Keep this shit off RP.

Props, brother!!
 schitfitz wrote:
Back in the 1970's radio in the UK kinda sucked. If you wanted anything other than pop you had few choices as there was the Allen (Fluffy) Freeman Show and Radio Caroline when you could get it. I remember hearing Let it Grow on Caroline one night in 1975 and hopping the train down London to buy the album. Caroline and Freeman were my RP back then and they cost me a whole lot of money for the same reason. Much cheaper to go on Amazon and buy a CD than catch a train to get a Clapton fix.
Still, those were great adventures and completely worth getting grounded when caught.

Radio Luxembourg as well.
 PinkSo wrote:

Neither did he the baby, actually...

Yeah - he wasn't even fucking there - how could he have helped?  Sorry the ex was involved with caretaking.
Gave this a 10 because always loved this song Bill have you ever thought about increasing the ratings to above 10?
Why have I always thought this was by The Strawbs?!?!
I agree that Clapton's anti-vaccine diatribe is not helpful, but I do not think it comes from a place of ignorance. He is a former heroine addict who developed a huge fear of needles because of that. Even so, he STILL got his first shot which had to take a lot of bravery but it made him very sick as it has done for more than a few people. It was like having his worst fears about the vaccine realized. If I had gone through that I might have been skeptical too. The vaccine, while being the BEST answer for this crisis, is not the PERFECT answer for this crisis. Read the Rolling Stone article below:

 Laptopdog wrote:

Reading through the comments, it hurts to realize just how jaded and cynical people have become since the days when musicians were trying to promote peace and love through their music. This isn't a great song, but it doesn't deserve the villification it's getting here. Sign of the times, I suppose.

Agreed, except for the rating of the song, which I find really beautiful and it has some Led Zeppelin vibes to me...
 westslope wrote:

Clapton is a great musician but is not very well educated.  Sad really.

He's turned out to be a real "yob".
 SmackDaddy wrote:

Anti-vaxxer asshat

Clapton is a great musician but is not very well educated.  Sad really.
I think the house on the album cover is where the Bee Gees recorded "Saturday Night Fever"
 SmackDaddy wrote:

Anti-vaxxer asshat

His body, his choice you MF. Keep this shit off RP.
 nick10 wrote:

Simply a great album and this is one of my favorite tracks. I wonder did Jimmy Page contact Clapton about the opening riff which is a straight lift from Stairway to Heaven?  But I guess being 2 of the worlds greatest ever guitarists they couldn't be arsed!

Since Led Zeppelin borrowed the melody from Spirit, this would be a rather brash thing for him to do.
Anti-vaxxer asshat
 itsme_bygolly wrote:
What's the difference between an oz of cocaine and a baby? Eric Clapton would never let an ounce of cocaine fall out a window.

Neither did he the baby, actually...
I always thought this was by The Strawbs!
Simply a great album and this is one of my favorite tracks. I wonder did Jimmy Page contact Clapton about the opening riff which is a straight lift from Stairway to Heaven?  But I guess being 2 of the worlds greatest ever guitarists they couldn't be arsed!
 dfphillips1 wrote:

What's the difference between an oz of cocaine and a baby? Eric Clapton would never let an ounce of cocaine fall out a window.


That is a really cruel comment.

This is enough for Bill to introduce a delete comment option.
"Love is lovely" - no excrement, Sherlock. This coming from a guy infamous for a reactionary racist rant live in concert ;-\
Thought this was Ween at first
Good grief! I didn't realise people were still playing/listening to Clapton? 
When this album came out, my boyfriend sang this to me when we started dating. 
Going on 47 years later, married, still letting it grow.
love is lovely ♥
 Laptopdog wrote:
Reading through the comments, it hurts to realize just how jaded and cynical people have become since the days when musicians were trying to promote peace and love through their music. This isn't a great song, but it doesn't deserve the villification it's getting here. Sign of the times, I suppose.

At least the highest rated comments speak to how great this one is!

And I came to comment how great this sounds to me...seems way cleaner than I remember from the 8 track and cassette I heard it on GROWing up.  Still a 9 of mine. LLRP!!
 buddy wrote:
This was a great album when it came out & has held up for me over the years.  I saw him on the album tour, where he played most of and a lot of his signature blues jam.  Good memories.
Yeah, I saw that tour at Three Rivers in Pittsburgh.  Great show.  There were four acts.  The first I cannot remember, but there was Todd, then The Band and finally Eric. We actually got to see the Aurora that night driving back home to Cleveburg as we drove past the Lordstown Chevy plant on the Ohio Turnpike.  Ah yes, in my 73 VW bus that was my 21st B Day present to myself.

The show was marred by EC getting hit in the face by a bottle rocket.  He stopped the show and expressed his displeasure and told everyone to knock it off or the show would stop.  Three Rivers was notorious for heavy duty fireworks in the 70's.  I remember the Floyd WYWH concert where someone dropped an H - 100 from the seats above me and it went off basically right next to me.  I cannot recall going to anymore concerts there after that.

And yes, this is a great album.  Solid from start to finish.  Has my all time favorite version of Motherless Children to mention just one more track.

Although I'm not a fan of Clapton (famous for not being able to keep his hands of other people's girlfriends and ended many bands and collaborations.) I understand he's popular and a good guitar player. But frankly where I grew up, guitar players sitting in a living room sounded better. But I'm from the land of JJ Cale which Eric despite his best efforts could not emulate him. Listen to  Living on Tulsa Time where he gives it a go. Nice try, Eric.
What's the difference between an oz of cocaine and a baby? Eric Clapton would never let an ounce of cocaine fall out a window.


That is a really cruel comment.
 itsme_bygolly wrote:

Although I'm not a fan of Clapton (famous for not being able to keep his hands of other people's girlfriends and ended many bands and collaborations.) I understand he's popular and a good guitar player. But frankly where I grew up, guitar players sitting in a living room sounded better. But I'm from the land of JJ Cale which Eric despite his best efforts could not emulate him. Listen to  Living on Tulsa Time where he gives it a go. Nice try, Eric.
What's the difference between an oz of cocaine and a baby? Eric Clapton would never let an ounce of cocaine fall out a window.

 Laptopdog wrote:
Reading through the comments, it hurts to realize just how jaded and cynical people have become since the days when musicians were trying to promote peace and love through their music. This isn't a great song, but it doesn't deserve the villification it's getting here. Sign of the times, I suppose.
Although I'm not a fan of Clapton (famous for not being able to keep his hands of other people's girlfriends and ended many bands and collaborations.) I understand he's popular and a good guitar player. But frankly where I grew up, guitar players sitting in a living room sounded better. But I'm from the land of JJ Cale which Eric despite his best efforts could not emulate him. Listen to  Living on Tulsa Time where he gives it a go. Nice try, Eric.
Back in the 1970's radio in the UK kinda sucked. If you wanted anything other than pop you had few choices as there was the Allen (Fluffy) Freeman Show and Radio Caroline when you could get it. I remember hearing Let it Grow on Caroline one night in 1975 and hopping the train down London to buy the album. Caroline and Freeman were my RP back then and they cost me a whole lot of money for the same reason. Much cheaper to go on Amazon and buy a CD than catch a train to get a Clapton fix.
Still, those were great adventures and completely worth getting grounded when caught.
This was a great album when it came out & has held up for me over the years.  I saw him on the album tour, where he played most of and a lot of his signature blues jam.  Good memories.
I think the Stairway thing is also called contrapuntal lines.
Whoa that riff sounds like the one in Stairway to Heaven -
I hear butterflies ,arpeggio and a violin , I hear the whole orchestra and I feel happy hearing this great song : )
I hear some arpeggio playing similar to Stairway to Heaven by Led Zep.  Anybody else hear it?

Would  anybody ever say that painting with a red color is a imitation because some other artist had used that color already ?

Bach and Beethoven both utilized arpeggio.  The Star Spangled Banner as well. 

Did Led Zeppelin rip them off?  Or is it painfully obvious that they did not? 

 growing up and staring at a cell phone  all day and everyday may alter anybody's mind  and as you can see  just about everybody loves this great tune

What a horrible, post-60s, bad Beatles imitation piece of junk.  Sorry, but this doesnt belong here.

I never had any idea this is Eric Clapton . This  is so very pleasant , undisturbed, peaceful , friendly and unpretentious  melody.
always great to hear this one again 
Reading through the comments, it hurts to realize just how jaded and cynical people have become since the days when musicians were trying to promote peace and love through their music. This isn't a great song, but it doesn't deserve the villification it's getting here. Sign of the times, I suppose.
Nice song. For someone else.  Eric who? 
What a horrible, post-60s, bad Beatles imitation piece of junk.  Sorry, but this doesnt belong here.
One of the most beautiful songs that has ever been written (as far as I know).  Thank you Eric for creating this for us.  
My favourite track from this album. Thanks for this one.
 h8rhater wrote:

Bach and Beethoven both utilized arpeggio.  The Star Spangled Banner as well. 

Did Led Zeppelin rip them off?  Or is it painfully obvious that they did not? 

Your posts are always good for a laugh AND "I should have thought of that comeback" h8rhater!  Thanks!
Eric really needed a lyricist on this one.
 user4176 wrote:

Glad I'm not the first to comment on this. It is painfully obvious. Do people like EC really need to do such ripoffs?

Bach and Beethoven both utilized arpeggio.  The Star Spangled Banner as well. 

Did Led Zeppelin rip them off?  Or is it painfully obvious that they did not? 
Let it Grow vs. Let it Go.  Nod goes to Clapton.over Menzel.
 Axelito wrote:

Totally agree with you! And some eagles sometimes as well! ;)

Glad I'm not the first to comment on this. It is painfully obvious. Do people like EC really need to do such ripoffs?
 Stephen_Phillips wrote:
I hear some arpeggio playing similar to Stairway to Heaven by Led Zep.  Anybody else hear it?

Totally agree with you! And some eagles sometimes as well! ;)
 On_The_Beach wrote:

{#Lol} Exactly!
I hear some arpeggio playing similar to Stairway to Heaven by Led Zep.  Anybody else hear it?
like stirring a bowl of Jimmy Page and George Harrison.
Heavy opiate use can lead to constipation.

Does constipation catalyse great art and music?   
 horstman wrote:
It is called evolution of the songwriter/performer and he did many, many great things after Cream. {#Bananajam}

Sure, if by "many, many great things" you mean Layla.
 jgrosch wrote:
Clapton made this album after he stopped using Heroin. Proof that drugs do make you play better.

<Scratches head>  And here I thought his passion for flyfishing trout made him a better player and composer.

BTW, that is the first time I ever heard of heroin as a catalyst for art.
she's so heavy
Not his finest moment, this album or this song.
"Let it grow"?!  not me man, I'll pull it up roots and all and toss it in the can  {#No}
Clapton made this album after he stopped using Heroin. Proof that drugs do make you play better.
danke  die CD  ist spitze  beruhigt und tut mir gut   wunderschön  und dieser song  !!

I played this over and over when it came out......sigh...such a silly girl! Nice to hear it...
 gemtag wrote:
This song sums up EC for me. Boring, old, and listless. Never understood the appeal for him outside Cream. 
  It is called evolution of the songwriter/performer and he did many, many great things after Cream. {#Bananajam}
This song sums up EC for me. Boring, old, and listless. Never understood the appeal for him outside Cream. 
Does anyone remember laughter?
Never like Slowhand...
8 ———> 9
 calypsus_1 wrote:

Eric Clapton by rising70

Copyright All rights reserved
Did you read his book? If not, you should!

Eric Clapton by rising70

Copyright All rights reserved

Eric Clapton - Drifting Blues, Live (2008)

Brilliantly performed acoustic version of Drifting Blues. Played by a 63 year old Clapton at the Hard Rock Calling Festival on 28th June 2008 in Hyde Park, London. Pro shot video clip with excellent audio quality.

"It was an unforgettable day and my first chance to see Mr Clapton live. "

"Thank u EC for bringing so much feeling and soulfull blues to us!!! Its an enlightement in these times of commercial bullshit!!! Keep on Bluesin'! "

 Wisecrowe wrote:
Makes me pine for the Grateful Dead's "Let It Grow." This thing is a perfume scented turd.

Ooooffffph.  Let it stop, let it stop.
Maybe George first rubbed it off onto wife Patty, who then went off to Eric and rubbed it off all over Eric, and so perhaps Patty was the artistic messenger between George and Eric?

 lemmoth wrote:
So ya think Eric's best friend George may have rubbed off on him when he wrote this one eh?

 Wisecrowe wrote:
Makes me pine for the Grateful Dead's "Let It Grow." This thing is a perfume scented turd.

the Dead had better vocals than this.
This song is so... nice.  That's not a compliment.
this was clapton after he grew tits
LUV this song....Had it played before my wedding!{#Kiss}
So ya think Eric's best friend George may have rubbed off on him when he wrote this one eh?
Never having been a real fan of Clapton, with some exceptional exceptions, I was not aware that this was his. Always something in the background in a pleasant if nondescript way. Now in the foreground, it is pleasant in a rather nondescript way, but I know who it is. Pretty decent sums it up well.

I am not a Clapton fan at all, but love that riff; this is a great song!{#Clap}

time in a bottle anyone? anyone?
Looks like a cardboard cut-out of him on the cover.
Makes me pine for the Grateful Dead's "Let It Grow." This thing is a perfume scented turd.
This song blows, this song blows.....

I prefer the Grateful Dead's song of the same name.


I get enough of Clapton, Pretenders, et al on 'classic rock' radio. Gag

 bknv wrote:

Agree somewhat.  Clapton is an amazing guitarist but a so-so songwriter.  This is among the better songs he's written, along with Layla & Lay Down Sally. 

He's not much cop as a singer either. Stick to the pickin', Eric, it's what you're brilliant it, and leave the singing to those who can sing.

 OHMish wrote:
Let it grow?

                              {#Lol}   {#High-five}  {#Roflol} {#Yes}

Let it grow?

I'm not usually much of a Clapton fan, but this one is pretty good!
 Dahnyul wrote:
Got to cut Slowhand a LOT of slack.

Sure. Of course we do!

After all:

The Dog had it right!
(And Clapton agrees.)


 fingerpin wrote:
I have a deep appreciation for Clapton but the man always bores me to tears. {#Think}
Agree somewhat.  Clapton is an amazing guitarist but a so-so songwriter.  This is among the better songs he's written, along with Layla & Lay Down Sally. 

I kind have to agree with 'bores', at times, but more for his later work.  But even the most articulate painters tend to paint with broader, more subtle strokes as they get older.
In the case of "Let it Grow" the lyrics are weak in spots indeed.

"Love is lovely", yeah, okay Eric.  and Anger is Angry, and Joy is Joyful, we get it dude.

I chalk it up to the spirit of the times in which the song was written.  Got to cut Slowhand a LOT of slack.

 conglif wrote:

"Brings," I can grok.

...But "bores"?


 fingerpin wrote:
I have a deep appreciation for Clapton but the man always bores me to tears. {#Think}
"Brings," I can grok.

...But "bores"?


Holy sheep sh*t!

(I had forgotten just how special this little ditty is.)

Shesdifferent said:
>>Oh, the memories......sigh!




love the swirling guitar riff in the round at the end - I always want to hear "I want you (she's so heavy)" from abbey road after this...
I have a deep appreciation for Clapton but the man always bores me to tears. {#Think}
The music on the verses is beautiful. Wow. Makes we want to cry...in a good way.{#Cry}
Have not heard this for who knows how many years...
Oh, the memories......sigh!
 lawman wrote:
461 Ocean Boulevard: the zenith of EC's career!

Very, very hard to argue, friend!

 lawman wrote:
461 Ocean Boulevard: the zenith of EC's career!

Along with Derek and the Dominos and some Cream, I'd have to say I agree.
ooh what a fantastic guitarwork

461 Ocean Boulevard: the zenith of EC's career!
 catsoup wrote:
I love Clapton, but I keep hearing the lyrics to "Dream On" by Aerosmith in the back of my head when I hear this song. What's up with that?
I hear a pastiche of tunes including Stairway to Heaven. I can appreciate his technical virtuosity but he's just a gawdawful songwriter. How many words can we think of that rhyme with "grow"? Love is lovely? Ew!

 coding_to_music wrote:
Eric's heroin period, I'll guess...
Actually, his recovery / post-addiction album. 
Eric's heroin period, I'll guess...
Visiting nirvana every time while listening to this song {#Meditate}

I remember as a teenager, lying in my bed listening to this track on the brand new technology of Compact Casette, and deciding that music was going to be a very big part of my life. {#Yes}