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Ray LaMontagne — Be Here Now
Album: Till The Sun Turns Black
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Total ratings: 6027

Released: 2006
Length: 6:12
Plays (last 30 days): 6
Don't let your mind get weary and confused
Your will be still, don't try
Don't let your heart get heavy child
Inside you there's a strength that lies

Don't let your soul get lonely child
It's only time, it will go by
Don't look for love in faces, places
It's in you, that's where you'll find kindness

Be here now, here now
Be here now, here now

Don't lose your faith in me
And I will try not to lose faith in you
Don't put your trust in walls
'Cause walls will only crush you when they fall

Be here now, here now
Be here now, here now
Comments (689)add comment
 Rondevouz wrote:

I hear a little of  ‘If I Needed Someone’ in that guitar part. Anyone else?

No, but I def hear Within You Without You in the chords!
suspended as if levitating
 unclehud wrote:

Almost four years later.  This time with good headphones.  The music is more powerful than his (whiny) voice, and I am — once again — transported.

Live in the moment: Be Here Now. 

One must wonder, what  comprises "whiny-ness"  in this case?
Majestic piece of music!
Love this song, love this album.
I managed to see Ray LaMontagne live on my 40th birthday a number of years ago. I wanted to go but no-one I knew was interested (not even my partner). So I went by myself. I have the most excellent evening! I went and had a terrific meal beforehand and then settled down at the venue and was taken to another place for the duration of the concert. It was utterly, utterly perfect!
 bodinrichard1 wrote:

I've not come across this artist before but totally loved this. Will be exploring Ray LaMontagne more. Discovering new 'gems' is one of the many reasons I love RP. 

This album is masterful, you'll love it!!
I've not come across this artist before but totally loved this. Will be exploring Ray LaMontagne more. Discovering new 'gems' is one of the many reasons I love RP. 
Another masterful segue: "A Day in the Life" slowly fades away and, seamlessly, "Be Here Now" ever-so-slowly fades in...

William, you have such a talent!
 Egctheow wrote:

I love this song!!
"Don't put your trust in walls
'Cause walls will only crush you when they fall" So true! 

Thank you for bringing that forward.
I missed it, so I went back and read the lyrics.  Such powerful words with a perfect melody.  It deserves a 10.
All his songs are just great.
 Rondevouz wrote:

The Beatles ‘If I needed someone’ would be a nice track after this.

Or Within Without You
Sublime perfection 😌
You can make a whole stream of nothing but this song and I would be happy with that. 
...and now a gentle and meditive reminder from Mr. Ray LaMontagne to be here now.
Thank you for teleporting me back to 2006. Oh the memories. <3
One (of many artists) who truly understands depression
Gorgeous song from a wonderful album. The supporting concert concert was fantastic.
airy beautiful!
Love the voice on this guy. He uses it well to create atmosphere.
Bill, the seamless segue from 'Transcendental Blues' to this tune is one of the most beautiful things I've ever heard... Genius, man! 
This album is gold...  Amazing Ray was always in love with Stephen Stills and his songs always remind me of Stephen in some way because I can hear the connection.  Love 
Didn't know about Ray - lovely tune! Good vibes
How do some people have the audacity to rate this a 1, heck it should be illegal to rate this anything lower than godlike in my opinion!
I often wonder what that subtle 'voice' is saying in the background.  
 Lemonhead wrote:
Trying to sound like Nick Drake.
Nobody must do that.{#Frustrated} 

I second the nomination that this is a Top 10 Dumbest Comment on RP candidate

... are you sure it's not Dickhead
I mean, if we're going to play Pink Floyd-lite, maybe let's just play some Pink Floyd?
The Beatles ‘If I needed someone’ would be a nice track after this.
Yup. Surprised that the Beatles haven’t noticed… Exact note for note melody. Great tune regardless.
I hear a little of  ‘If I Needed Someone’ in that guitar part. Anyone else?
 jukes1 wrote:

Entire album is a 10.

Geeze, no kidding.  In the time of Joni Mitchell he would be a superstar.  What a fantastic singer/songwriter.
Entire album is a 10.
 LizK wrote:
...  I would want Heaven to be a Jewish delicatessen in a fruit garden - ready to go ham & swiss on crusty rye, with a side of cherries, strawberries and raspberries.  And a Claussen pickle.

Wait.  *Ham* & Swiss on Rye at a Jewish deli?  I'll bite.
There such beautiful chord progressions in this...
Lush tones is beautifully put my friends ! I tips me lid ta u and your mates
I hear some Within Without You going on in this one.

That isn't a bad thing. Lush beautiful voice.
 Kaw wrote:

I love that he is sounding a bit like Nick Drake. Good music.

But I wish Bill would make a rule that you are not allowed to say "It's bad because it sounds like a rip off from X"
I have seen so many bad comparissions:
- Muse / Radiohead (Just because they both hava a falcetto)
- Tame Impala / The Beatles (Because they both make trippy music
- Ray / Nick (Because they both used a certain style involving strings and piano) 
- Fink / Led or Pink Floyd (Because of?)

Let's just enjoy music in 2016. 
Agree with Kaw.  Enjoy.  Besides, what was it Pete Townshend said?  Something about "musicians are all magpies and thieves..."?  Musicians (myself included) are all influenced as they learn/grow/evolve, and it's human nature to do what you like... i.e. play what you like... i.e. sound a bit like your influences.  Or a lot.  It's natural and it's excellent and it's a big part of what music is all about.
Reminds me of Nick Drake.
I think I want to wake up to this song.
 apsteinmetz wrote:
Long, long ago, I awoke on a Sunday morning to hear “I talk to the wind” by King Crimson on my clock radio. The song kept me in a suspended animation trance that was complete peace. This is that, again.
Inspired here! "Be Here Now" would be a great song to wake up with.
 Lemonhead wrote:
Trying to sound like Nick Drake.
Nobody must do that.{#Frustrated} 
Sounds like Ray LaMontagne to me.  This tracks with his catalogue.
This has always sounded like Nick Drake to me.
 stegokitty wrote:

You are correct. It's 100% taken from "Within You and Without You", especially as it's the title of the ridiculous book by Ram Dass, which is all in keeping with George Harrison's interest in Krishna Hinduism.  It appears that Ray is using the title and tune  more in the idea of a love song rather than overtly spiritual.

 While I haven't read "Be Here Now," it seems condescending to call it ridiculous, and a bit disrespectful to an artist like Harrison. He wasn't just interest in Hinduism, he converted, and we wouldn't have a lot of his fine works without that fact. 

And FWIW this song reads to me as a spiritual song... that there's a human relationship in it doesn't negate the call for presence. 

 tichy wrote:
Funny how everyone seems to hear a different song hidden inside this one! Personally it reminded me of "Within you and without you" by the Beatles.
You are correct. It's 100% taken from "Within You and Without You", especially as it's the title of the ridiculous book by Ram Dass, which is all in keeping with George Harrison's interest in Krishna Hinduism.  It appears that Ray is using the title and tune  more in the idea of a love song rather than overtly spiritual.

And it's no wonder that it would bear a semblance to "If I Needed Someone" since Georgie wrote that one as well. Artists do tend to borrow from themselves a bit, and I think it ends up making endearing windows for fans to peer through. The tune only bares slight similarity to "Grantchester Meadows", as the notes are a bit different. Pink Floyd is another great self-borrowing band.
beautiful... :)
 Pilsenaaa wrote:
I only listen to the tunes , I will listen for the words next tima Huddersfield wrote:
in the midst of global lockdown, the lyrics, somehow, seem to resonate rather well.

 ... but the breathing would require a facemask in a public place! 

I only listen to the tunes , I will listen for the words next tima Huddersfield wrote:
in the midst of global lockdown, the lyrics, somehow, seem to resonate rather well.

This will take you places , far away places
in the midst of global lockdown, the lyrics, somehow, seem to resonate rather well.
Funny how everyone seems to hear a different song hidden inside this one! Personally it reminded me of "Within you and without you" by the Beatles.
Reminicent of Grantchester Meadows on the Pink Floyd  Ummagumma LP.
 lizardking wrote:
Freund wrote:

Isn't the melody not a Pink Floyd tune? 

Laptopdog wrote:  You are correct. The melody is not a Pink Floyd tune.

 Good answer, Laptopdog; reminds me how my wife asks questions that aren't easily answered b/c the question contains a double negative (or sometimes a double positive w/ a negative answer expected.)  

And I agree...this one does indeed not sound like a PF tune.  LLRP!!

 I think the OP is thinking of Granchester Meadows off Ummagumma. 

Growing tired of RP lately. Same old songs every day. Not to mention that some bands like Suede (godfathers of Britpop), Nightwish, Mike Oldfield, Vangelis and others are either completely neglected with zero songs or are being played few times a year.
Long, long ago, I awoke on a Sunday morning to hear “I talk to the wind” by King Crimson on my clock radio. The song kept me in a suspended animation trance that was complete peace. This is that, again.
Never heard this until now and I am instantly transfixed!  Great sound!
Sounds an awful lot like "If I Needed Someone" by the Fab Four

Freund wrote:

Isn't the melody not a Pink Floyd tune? 

Laptopdog wrote:  You are correct. The melody is not a Pink Floyd tune.

 Good answer, Laptopdog; reminds me how my wife asks questions that aren't easily answered b/c the question contains a double negative (or sometimes a double positive w/ a negative answer expected.)  

And I agree...this one does indeed not sound like a PF tune.  LLRP!!

 Freund wrote:
Isn't the melody not a Pink Floyd tune?
You are correct. The melody is not a Pink Floyd tune.
I can respect Ray LaMontagne's music, but I just can't listen to it. 
Such Beauty
+1 - this is a 10 to me...LLRP!!
Just enough of the echoey piano and strings to catch the feelers...
Just wanted to say thanks for the great music + love your new site.

Gideon from Tel-Aviv, Israel
 markus333 wrote:
Thank you! Right song at the right moment.

I agree, to a point.  For me, this song always creates its own moment.  I just stop what I'm doing and get swept away.  Contrary to the anti-breathers, I find that the breathing is what helps give this song greater impact. But each to his own.
Thank you! Right song at the right moment.
 Freund wrote:
Isn't the melody not a Pink Floyd tune?

same style but definitely unique melody
That descending piano run on this track reminds me of Elbow's track Some Riot from The Seldom Seen Kid, in my opinion.
Isn't the melody not a Pink Floyd tune?
 deepwoodskev wrote:
Breathe Here Now
Oh, I howled with laughter at this one. I can't listen to this song both because the voice is so breathy and because of the breaths ... between ... every ... word. It drives me to distraction. Still, I get why people like it.
Masterpiece.  Resonates deep in my soul.

But every time I see the album cover my brain wants the flashlight to be a banjo, like in a spotlight on a distant darkened stage.  Weird.  Happens every time.
 RabbitEars wrote:
beautiful mystical song. his best IMO
I think Empty is my favorite, but they are both 10s to me.
I love this song!!
"Don't put your trust in walls
'Cause walls will only crush you when they fall" So true! 
beautiful mystical song. his best IMO
Saw Ray in St.Louis last summer and he rocked it up a bit. In a good way. 
 Orodrigues wrote:
If I needed someone to play this song for me, I'd choose The Beatles.
You mean George Harrison. Most of this song is 'Within You Without You' already
If I needed someone to play this song for me, I'd choose The Beatles.
 khardog145 wrote:
It's so incredibly romantic.
Chocolates or Flowers?
It's so incredibly romantic.
 iamhearingu wrote:
"Don't let your mind get weary ..."
Dude breathes too much, and it kind of spoils it for me.

Wow, haven't heard this one in quite a while. Still as uplifting as ever.
 michael46 wrote:
and again .... {#Beat}

man, i hate those fuckin' emoticons. you don't need them. let your words speak for you.
 viewfinder509325 wrote:
I'm glad it seems like enough people aren't tired of hearing this song - yes it's melancholy, but it's a great song....

agreed...and I was surprised to find it in my 'not-as-vast-as-BillG's' digital music collection (well, at just over 7 weeks of music, it's pretty big for a regular citizen, eh?) - I must have not been in the mood when I got it because I don't remember it.  And now that I really DIG this track, rating it a 9, I can't imagine not listening to it now-and-again.


and again .... {#Beat}

I'm glad it seems like enough people aren't tired of hearing this song - yes it's melancholy, but it's a great song....
 . . . and for people you might know fighting depression . . . resonates on a different level.
I'm not this guy's biggest fan, but this song always makes me look out the window and wish it was raining. I mean that in a good way. Oh the irony.
Breathe Here Now
 {#Wink} me as well.  makes me think on those I'd like to spend the moment with {#Meditate} fatcatjb wrote:
all controversy aside, I really love this song 


Jim Croce on PSD or Ray L here? I be gone.
If I needed someone to help me writing a song, I'd call The Beatles.
 chinaski wrote:
No matter when or where I hear this song in my minds eye I have a panoramic view upon a north country November landscape, the trees are barren and the fields dormant under a slate gray sky while a damp chill accompanies a light misty rain.

 It'd be nice if she were here now. 

I think you nailed the mood of this song!
all controversy aside, I really love this song 
 chinaski wrote:
No matter when or where I hear this song in my minds eye I have a panoramic view upon a north country November landscape, the trees are barren and the fields dormant under a slate gray sky while a damp chill accompanies a light misty rain.

 It'd be nice if she were here now. 


Nice imagery. 
No matter when or where I hear this song in my minds eye I have a panoramic view upon a north country November landscape, the trees are barren and the fields dormant under a slate gray sky while a damp chill accompanies a light misty rain.

 It'd be nice if she were here now. 
 unclehud wrote:
One of my sons gave me this two/three years ago.  Listened to it a few times, then stopped, because it was too depressing.  Today, with earbuds, walking around the waterfront under the clouds, this song was powerful.  

Won't rate it, because I realize today was 'set and setting' rather than a genuine assessment of the song.  
Almost four years later.  This time with good headphones.  The music is more powerful than his (whiny) voice, and I am — once again — transported.

Live in the moment: Be Here Now. 
Never get tired of hearing this.
  I just get lost in this and forget where I was at and what was I doing anyway?  {#Eh}
I guess sometimes people just want/need to feel sad.
"Don't put your trust in walls; they will only crush you when you fall"
 Shesdifferent wrote:
While I enjoy this song from time to time, it seems that everytime I listen to RP, its playing!! Overplayed indeed.


I agree!!!

I can't stand it anymore.
Sheer beauty.
 simonebor wrote:
 Grantchester Meadows' floyd song .... the same guitar tab

It sounds very similar, but the two songs have entirely different melodies and progressions.  In other words: it is not the "same guitar tab" at all, but facts don't seem to matter any more anyhow.
While I enjoy this song from time to time, it seems that everytime I listen to RP, its playing!! Overplayed indeed.
This is a most excellent album all the way through. Always a pleasure to hear Ray, whether he is belting or whispering. 
 Kaw wrote:

I love that he is sounding a bit like Nick Drake. Good music.

But I wish Bill would make a rule that you are not allowed to say "It's bad because it sounds like a rip off from X"
I have seen so many bad comparissions:
- Muse / Radiohead (Just because they both hava a falcetto)
- Tame Impala / The Beatles (Because they both make trippy music
- Ray / Nick (Because they both used a certain style involving strings and piano) 
- Fink / Led or Pink Floyd (Because of?)

Let's just enjoy music in 2016. 

 rob_m wrote:
Here and now...at least for a few brief moments.

Yea, me too.
Be still
and know
that I AM

1/0 Love! 
Certainly anything played after a reggae cover of Radiohead would sound nice, but who would have thought it would be one of my favorite songs ever.
 Lemonhead wrote:
Trying to sound like Nick Drake.
Nobody must do that.{#Frustrated} 
I love that he is sounding a bit like Nick Drake. Good music.

But I wish Bill would make a rule that you are not allowed to say "It's bad because it sounds like a rip off from X"
I have seen so many bad comparissions:
- Muse / Radiohead (Just because they both hava a falcetto)
- Tame Impala / The Beatles (Because they both make trippy music
- Ray / Nick (Because they both used a certain style involving strings and piano) 
- Fink / Led or Pink Floyd (Because of?)

Let's just enjoy music in 2016. 
Here and now...at least for a few brief moments.
What a great way to take off from "If I needed someone" ! Ethereal 
 OceanBlue wrote:
That descending piano glows right through me like taking a deep breath after you've been working for hours at your desk forgetting to breathe...

so true OceanBlue
Haunting!  Great.
 Lemonhead wrote:
Trying to sound like Nick Drake.
Nobody must do that.{#Frustrated} 
New nominee for the most ignorant comment EVER posted on RP?
 krichard72 wrote:
The string arrangements are lovely.

Agreed to that and to the soft piano in the background 
 Sasha2001 wrote:
This is the only song Lester Bangs liked off this album, which could be used as an argument for or against Zep's greatness.