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Afro Celt Sound System — The Silken Whip
Album: Volume 3 - Further in Time
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Total ratings: 884

Released: 1996
Length: 7:10
Plays (last 30 days): 0
Comments (78)add comment
Rather monotonous and repetitive and overstays its welcome by about 5 minutes
 sheeelaaa wrote:

Zippy!  8

I Agree!  GREAT TUNE!   Thanx RP!  
Zippy!  8
 Jelani wrote:
This is like a musical treadmill; a lot of activity, but not really going anywhere... nor a change of scenery.
You have to click on the button that says "slideshow" in order to make that change of scenery thing work.
This is like a musical treadmill; a lot of activity, but not really going anywhere... nor a change of scenery.
 VH1 wrote:
Well,now it is official: This "last played" thingy does not work!! 

Last played "6 December 2015"??

Yeah right, I heard it today twice, I heard it yesterday, and the day before and so on.

It IS played EVERY DAY!!! 

Not that I mind, I love this song, but I do also not want it to be overplayed like so many other songs here.


That info is correct. I'm just now scheduling it to play for the first time since then.  

Other songs by AfroCelts perhaps — though never the same one twice in the same day, or 2 consecutive days.  
Well,now it is official: This "last played" thingy does not work!! 

Last played "6 December 2015"??

Yeah right, I heard it today twice, I heard it yesterday, and the day before and so on.

It IS played EVERY DAY!!! 

Not that I mind, I love this song, but I do also not want it to be overplayed like so many other songs here.

 Sloggydog wrote:
This song just ruined my bath.  It is greatly displeasing to mine ears.

That made me lol
Mine ears

Love that  
Awful rendition of the original. This group is much, much better than this mixed-up version!
Some things just shouldn't be put together — this is like mixing peanuts and bubblegum. 
Not among my favorites from this album.
This song just ruined my bath.  It is greatly displeasing to mine ears.
Nope... reminds me of Ennia and of other Celtic sounds: not my cup of tea! Not Bill-worthy!
 crockydile wrote:

It makes me want to beat out rhythms on my desk. You dance all you want....

It makes me want to beat the drummer (or more likely drum machine) with a hammer.
 Ebabeleba wrote:

Are the Hair Bears Recruiting new members?

yes. exactly. 

markthecarp wrote:
Techno/trance slop.


Techno/trance slop.
Techno junk
 Jelani wrote:
I used to think I liked these guys. Now I know I don't.
International Elevator Music. 
Then you obviously haven't seen them live, creating loops mid song, then creating another on top, until the nineteen players on stage produce such a wall of a rich sound mosaic, that it's very elevating!
Way cool, although a tad long.
I used to think I liked these guys. Now I know I don't.
International Elevator Music. 
Since I own this cd, I give it a thumbs up.  {#Cheers}
 Snorfalorpagus wrote:
After spending a weekend in the touristy parts of Dublin, I had hoped to get away from this pipe rubbish. :(
Why did you go to Ireland, the very heart of Ireland, the very heart of a nation that holds music as a national treasure, if you didn't like the music? I'm just askin' and I'm hoping it was a business trip and not a poorly thought out vacation :)

I went there FOR the music... loved every busker and every pub band I saw. Next time go to the horribly touristy town of Kilkenny and find "Molly's" a lovely little pub with real beer and real music and at that time, no TVs and only one fruit machine. Not many pipers there, it's a folk rock sort of pub. I had a wonderful night there. My pound cover was well spent (a pound! ha!). Or Wexford, or anywhere.

At Molly's about half way through the band's set a friend of theirs showed up and did an impromptu version of psycho killer that I still can't forget, as much as I might want to...absolutely terrifying and brilliant :)
After spending a weekend in the touristy parts of Dublin, I had hoped to get away from this pipe rubbish. :(
Wow, that woke me up...
An outstanding album from an outstanding band!
{#Roflol}  LOL.

rtrudeau wrote:

I have noticed a disproportionate number of archly negative comments on RP from the fair city of London and its environs. Can anyone explain this phenomenon?


 Slarti wrote:

Well another negative here, 35 miles outside of London.

It is probably a reaction the volume of Riverdance and similar we get foisted on us.

And it just gets on your nerves after a while.


Wow, what a funny coincidence — you're from Maldon, Essex and here I am, writing an essay on Rev. George Gifford of Maldon, Essex from the 17th century! 

rtrudeau wrote:

I have noticed a disproportionate number of archly negative comments on RP from the fair city of London and its environs. Can anyone explain this phenomenon?

Edit - AdyMiles - I'm not sure exactly where you're located within the UK, but I believe you've butressed my point even as I was writing it.

Well another negative here, 35 miles outside of London.

It is probably a reaction the volume of Riverdance and similar we get foisted on us.

And it just gets on your nerves after a while.{#Puke}

Well, I beg to differ, a big thumbs up from Hertford (30 miles from the smoke){#Dancingbanana_2}

 toomanyollys wrote:
eugh... like a techno version of those awful CDs you get on racks in gift-shops... I can see this sat between breakbeat whale-song and ambient forest-sounds. 1.

{#Lol}  You nailed it!  The same gift shop that sells the polished rocks, sea shells and redwood burls.



 PeeBee wrote:
This song has an awesome strong rhythm; makes you wanna dance! {#Dancingbanana}
It makes me want to beat out rhythms on my desk. You dance all you want....

Cranked up on my headphones!


This song has an awesome strong rhythm; makes you wanna dance! {#Dancingbanana}
 rtrudeau wrote:

I have noticed a disproportionate number of archly negative comments on RP from the fair city of London and its environs. Can anyone explain this phenomenon?

Edit - AdyMiles - I'm not sure exactly where you're located within the UK, but I believe you've butressed my point even as I was writing it.

Well another negative here, 35 miles outside of London.

It is probably a reaction the volume of Riverdance and similar we get foisted on us.

And it just gets on your nerves after a while.


 AdyMiles wrote:
predictable, like most celtic or afro music


Doesn't it suck when melodies get into music and ruin songs!  This one's a 8 though.

 rtrudeau wrote:

I have noticed a disproportionate number of archly negative comments on RP from the fair city of London and its environs. Can anyone explain this phenomenon?

Edit - AdyMiles - I'm not sure exactly where you're located within the UK, but I believe you've butressed my point even as I was writing it.

Hmmmm. Not sure I can explain it, but in my case I must admit that having looked through my comments, most of them are a bit negative! Of course, this is completely un-representative of my feelings towards the vast majority of the awesome music on RP (otherwise I wouldn't be here almost all day, every day). I shall henceforth attempt to balance out my negativity with some more jolly comments about all the stuff I love here {#Group-hug}

(still can't stand this one tho ;)

Enough already!
 AdyMiles wrote:
predictable, like most celtic or afro music

Now that is one of the most sweeping, and inaccurate, comments I've ever seen on RP. Africa is the biggest continent on the planet, and celtic music comes from a stack of nations, including Ireland, Scotland, France, Spain, and Canada. How on earth can you dismiss them all in a simple one-liner? {#Beat}

Arguably ACSS is "predictable" in that you immediately know, within a few bars, that you're listening to a ACSS number, but celtic music as a whole is most definitely not predictable. I would suggest that you take time out to listen to modern Scottish groups who are as eclectic as feck, including Salsa Celtica, Shooglenifty, Peatbog Faeries, Capercaillie, to mention but a few, then try saying that celtic music is "predictable". Sometimes the ignorance of folk is absolutely breathtaking {#Stupid}
 toomanyollys wrote:
eugh... like a techno version of those awful CDs you get on racks in gift-shops... I can see this sat between breakbeat whale-song and ambient forest-sounds. 1.

I have noticed a disproportionate number of archly negative comments on RP from the fair city of London and its environs. Can anyone explain this phenomenon?

Edit - AdyMiles - I'm not sure exactly where you're located within the UK, but I believe you've butressed my point even as I was writing it.

predictable, like most celtic or afro music
eugh... like a techno version of those awful CDs you get on racks in gift-shops... I can see this sat between breakbeat whale-song and ambient forest-sounds. 1.

 Gartholamundi wrote:

i've been in the total unabashed fandom club ever since the 2nd album. 

Ditto.  Love love love these guys.

this is my kind of New Age music. Love the beat.
arserocket wrote:

Me too

i've been in the total unabashed fandom club ever since the 2nd album. 

 vit wrote:

Yeah. So contrived you can pick them out from a mile away.


Go see em live.  They are absolutely great, and the furthest thing from contrived.
whtahtefcuk wrote:
Sucks like the day is long!

Yeah. So contrived you can pick them out from a mile away.

Sucks like the day is long!
 MsJudi wrote:
I love these guys.
Me too

I love these guys.
Marina1 wrote:
make it stop ...
That's easy. Just hit MUTE.
make it stop ...
Adding this to my long list of cd's to buy . . . I've liked everything I've heard off this cd. Excellent.
Love these guys. The combination really works.
This song is for everyone who insists on putting genre boundaries around music. If you're not enjoying this one, don't complain, upgrade your headphones instead. Delicious!
This is bad ass! Beautiful bagpipes. . .yet I've got my feet tapping to a techno beat. Sweet.
Originally Posted by casablues: I've heard some interesting stuff from them, but not this one...enough already!
It does get old, doesn't it?
I\'ve heard some interesting stuff from them, but not this one...enough already!
Originally Posted by imgarten: Just too much of Afro Celt for my taste. I think once a month would be plenty.........
I hate to say it, but I agree. :oops:
Originally Posted by msb: Is John Tesh in this band? He's a musical genius and this sounds a lot like his stuff!!
OUCH !! And I was just about to say I've liked everything I hear by ACSS ... but hearing that maybe *the tesh* has something to do with them .. eeech... now I'm torn.. ;) :D Oh to hell with it.. outta the closet.... I LIKE ACSS no matter WHO's in with them.. ;)
Check out their homepage, you can view an entire concert online. 2 hours long, pretty good quality as well. web page
Another one of Bills\' selections that features a pretty cool percussive flourish with appeal. I\'ve heard Bill play other stuff from this group and have enjoyed every one. Guess it\'s time to get a copy and check it out. Thanks Bill.