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Stevie Wonder — I Wish
Album: Songs in the Key of Life
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Total ratings: 3140

Released: 1976
Length: 4:11
Plays (last 30 days): 2
Lookin' back on when I was a little nappy headed boy
Then my only worry was for Christmas what would be my toy
Even though we sometimes would not get a thing
We were happy with the joy the day would bring

Sneaking out the back door to hang out with those hoodlum friends of mine
Greeted at the back door with, "Boy, thought I told you not to go outside!"
Tryin' your best to bring the water to your eyes
Thinkin' it might stop her from woopin' your behind

I wish those days could come back once more
Why did those days e-ver have to go?
I wish those days could, come back once more
Why did those days e-ver have to go?
'Cause I love them so

Brother says he's tellin' 'bout you playin' doctor with that girl
Just don't tell, an' I'll give you anythin' you want in this whole wide world
Mama gives you money for Sunday school
You trade yours for candy, after church is through

Smokin' cigarettes, writing something nasty on the wall (''You nasty boy!'')
Teacher sends you to the principal's office down the hall
You grow up and learn that kinda thing ain't right
But while you were doin' it it sure felt outta sight

I wish those days could come back once more
Why did those days e-ver have to go?
I wish those days could, come back once more
Why did those days e-ver have to go?
Comments (362)add comment
how can you go wrong with a killer horn section and a bass that's playing in five dimensions

If I was trapped on a desert island, and only allowed 1 musician... Stevie Wonder's catalog would see me through... There was something incredible happening when he was making this double album and it seems to take over my feet and hips and head and soul whenever it comes on.
 eileenomurphy wrote:
I love that electronic bass line!!   

Real bass - Nathan Watts, who had only been playing for there years.
I love playing this on the bass!!
A Classic Album.
I was 20 when this hit the streets. Made me smile then as well as now.
Try not to bop in your seat. Go ahead. I dare you.
 jagdriver wrote:

I'm a naysayer. Once a big promoter, I got permanently burnt out on this album after it was overplayed everywhere in 1977.

I can see that @jagdriver.  Like the way I turn off any of the 5 Beatles songs, Led Zep's "Stairway," Skynyrd's "Free Bird," 12 T Petty, and most Dylan that are in heavy rotation, still.  I appreciate them when I listen, but overactive on the commercial radio playlist is a death knell, imo.   That being said, I hope you've gotten your grove back and can enjoy this one.        
dancing bananna was made for this.

There is nothing about this song which isn't absolutely fantastic.
I love that electronic bass line!!   
 islgirl66 wrote:
I never dance in my office chair, but here I am, bopping away to one of the all time great songs and artists! 

Oh - you definitely need to to chair dance more! It's good for you!
I never dance in my office chair, but here I am, bopping away to one of the all time great songs and artists! 
God, what a groove.  And Stevie created a few more just as good.
Never realized Wild wild west covered this song.
This has really stood the test of time.
Superb album!  Great memories of blasting this in our rented A-Frame cabin in Tahoma, California.
If you're not bopping to this. You have no pulse.
What a tune. . .
Man, this guy made a lot of great music.
 Canadese wrote:
I Wish........this could go on forever.

in a way it does.......still great song.......lop off last 2 minutes 
monotonous jam (or should've got Jeff Beck to sling some mo' "stink" on it)
Got me from the opening cords. Sublime groove just puts you right.
I Wish........this could go on forever.
 kingart wrote:
imho, one of the great American works of music, r & b or otherwise, period. Virtually every song, on a double LP of tracks, is a thing of passion and, uhh, wonder.  40 years later, it holds up. 

True dat...
Stevie is the Funkmaster General.

Thank you  Stevie Wonder
 for  I Wish


8 -> 9
 lauriet wrote:
Just saw him in concert this week performing Songs in the Key of Life. Amazing show. 45 plus people on stage. Herbie Hancock and Chick Corea joined him for a couple of numbers after their own show. So cool.

I was there!  Such an amazing concert.
The older I get, the more I appreciate Stevie. What a talent.
In 1976 I was 18 and a DJ with a mobile rig doing all kinds of gigs. 

This came out and I probably played it at every gig I did for years and years.

Awesome then, awesome now, 40 years on. I'm looking forward to grooving to this in another 40. 
imho, one of the great American works of music, r & b or otherwise, period. Virtually every song, on a double LP of tracks, is a thing of passion and, uhh, wonder.  40 years later, it holds up. 
i this Stevie's funky stuff way better than his later corny crap...this is an awesome groove
Godlike composer Damn!   : )
 GuiltyFeat wrote:
If every song had a bassline and a brass section as pumping as this, no one would ever go to war and we would all live happily ever after on ice cream and salt and vinegar crisps.

Now you're talking, my friend.  Is anyone in the history of the world so funky as Stevie?
The Master Blaster
pretty much sums up my '70s Middle School years. 
the first time I heard this song, I jumped on my bike and rode as fast as I could down to Music Lovers to buy the album.  I've been listening to songs in the key of life over and over again, on vinyl, tape, cd, mp3, ever since.  I've never been without a copy close at hand.  Thank you, Stevie!😍
If every song had a bassline and a brass section as pumping as this, no one would ever go to war and we would all live happily ever after on ice cream and salt and vinegar crisps.
 Skydog wrote:
good early Saturday nite cut, the nite's looking good

also makes an excellent Monday morning song
good early Saturday nite cut, the nite's looking good
listening to this song = immediate smile and good mood !!! I love it :)

this is one of the greatest songs of all time. off the rating scale

lauriet wrote:
Just saw him in concert this week performing Songs in the Key of Life. Amazing show. 45 plus people on stage. Herbie Hancock and Chick Corea joined him for a couple of numbers after their own show. So cool.

major jealousy.

If you can't shake yer booty to this, you may need a doctor. 
Did Bill just Play two Stevie wonder songs in a row or did I just sense a glitch in the matrix?
 SquiddlyDiddly wrote:
Came in to give this a 10. . . found I had already done so, so put it back to a 9 so I could have the satisfaction of making it a 10 again. 

And then danced to the rest of the tune.

Just saw him in concert this week performing Songs in the Key of Life. Amazing show. 45 plus people on stage. Herbie Hancock and Chick Corea joined him for a couple of numbers after their own show. So cool.
 ziakut wrote:
Gotta love the streamin' eighth note bass line....yeah!

Yeah, that's some kick-ass bass playing.  I think it's Nathan Watts playing on this album.
I've known several people in my life who claim this as their absolute favourite album ever.
I think I only know like 3 or 4 tracks from the album — never owned it.
Another one I'll have to check out on Spotify ... and if I like it, I'll buy the CD ... Yes, I still buy CDs. 
 jagdriver wrote:
I'm a naysayer. Once a big promoter, I got permanently burnt out on this album after it was overplayed everywhere in 1977.

Psssst.... Its 38 years later now and it probably isn't all over the radio anymore - so time to get over your burn out and appreciate this work of genius when you are privleged to hear it from time to time.
I agree, my all time favorite album.  I have or had it on vinyl, cassette, cd and MP3!
{#Bounce}Best ever album.  Still have the vinyl  Never gets old.  THANKS RP!!!
I'm a naysayer. Once a big promoter, I got permanently burnt out on this album after it was overplayed everywhere in 1977.
{#Bananapiano}  Magnificent !


yes, yes he is 
Came in to give this a 10. . . found I had already done so, so put it back to a 9 so I could have the satisfaction of making it a 10 again. 

And then danced to the rest of the tune.
Looking into their empty Christmas stocking:

"Damn. Oh well. Let's just be happy with the joy the day will bring." 
Classic Stevie. Legend. 
Brilliant.  What a groove !

Why did those days e-ver have to go?

 aaronm wrote:

phenomenal album throughout
Classic Stevie Wonder .. Thanks!
Hahaha :) Ever since I was 13? 14?, I get a big smile on my face when I hear this song.
"You nasty boy!"
{#Bananajam} {#Bananajam}  {#Bananajam}"O U T S T A N D I N G"  
Classic Stevie. Love it!! {#Bananajumprope}
DANCE you bastages!  {#Bananasplit}{#Whipit} 
Gotta love the streamin' eighth note bass line....yeah!
max volume. :-)
If this can't be a classic, then what then?  {#Dancingbanana}{#Drummer}{#Bananasplit}{#Bananajam}
I'm sitting doing my work, with headphones on, and I don't even realize my head is bobbling back and forth...everytime when Stevie comes on. {#Bananajam}
 nightdrive wrote:
Awful, not really a fan of blind singers anyway.
What you posted here is more than awful...next time the urge comes to post something as horrendous as this...please refrain.
Awful, not really a fan of blind singers anyway.
I am jumping in my seat!  {#Dancingbanana}
What great riffs.

As Eddie Murphy says, "Stevie Wonder is a musical genius!"

Horns so funky it ought to be illegal.
quite definitely the funkiest bassline in the history of sound

Everybody in my churches loves this song...
This has to be one of the 100 top rock albums of all time.
 winni wrote:
Immer noch ein phantastischer Song!! Echt Knaller yeah :))
  Hey Winni, I think I agree with your opinion. Fantastic song.

The original King of Funk!
Some things do get better with age, my appreciation of this song being among those things.
Immer noch ein phantastischer Song!! Echt Knaller yeah :))
Stevie is a deity but I always felt this album was too polished and overrated.
 shellbella wrote:
{#Angel} {#Bananapiano} {#Bananajumprope} {#Drummer} {#Nyah} {#Daisy} {#Cheers} {#Sunny} {#Dance} {#Clap} {#Dancingbanana}{#Bananasplit} {#Dancingbanana_2} {#Dancingbanana} {#Notworthy} {#Bananajam}
It looks like shellbella has it covered. 
{#Angel} {#Bananapiano} {#Bananajumprope} {#Drummer} {#Nyah} {#Daisy} {#Cheers} {#Sunny} {#Dance} {#Clap} {#Dancingbanana}{#Bananasplit} {#Dancingbanana_2} {#Dancingbanana} {#Notworthy} {#Bananajam}
Rated a 10 only because there's no 11.
Woop!!  {#Drummer}
Yes 10/10 bananas for Stevie.
 brookap wrote:

My new rating system: the Banana Split Scale

ten out of ten dancing bananas agree, Stevie's the MAN!
(they're almost synched to the beat. close enough to make me smile anyway.)
Love the banana scale. Go Stevie go 10 bananas from me.

My new rating system: the Banana Split Scale

ten out of ten dancing bananas agree, Stevie's the MAN!
(they're almost synched to the beat. close enough to make me smile anyway.)
The pinnacle of pinnacles.
 Sloggydog wrote:
And this is why I don't bemoan the odd song I find unpleasant on RP too much - cause its followed up by gold like this

Two great songs in a row.

And this is why I don't bemoan the odd song I find unpleasant on RP too much - cause its followed up by gold like this

 shellbella wrote:
This song makes me jump for joy!!
 michaelgmitchell wrote:

GO STEVIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Genius, Stevie. I wish a LOT of those days could come back once more. Just once.
This song makes me jump for joy!!
This makes me HAPPY!!!! {#Daisy}
I have to think it was 2 different people that did this song and those sappy duets with McCartney.
I can't believe he stole this song from Will Smith
Chair dancing!
I will never tire of hearing this song!
What a great year too! {#Dance}
Super. Dooper. {#Notworthy}
Stevie's lyrics and phrasing are amazing. This cut has gotten stale after a zillion listens but as it's off a superfine album I rate it high. I remember dancing all night long at college parties to some of the cuts. Can't get better memories than that and as it's an album so positive and upbeat I can't help but beam on hearing on it. 
 mike_chouinard wrote:
Awwwwww, yaaaaaaah.

Awwwwww, yaaaaaaah.
Has anyone seen or heard anything about his tour?  The first one in a long time that I'm aware of.  I'd be interesting to see what the play list is.

He's one of the headliners one night at the Austin City Limits festival this fall.
I can't hear this song without thinking of Happy Feet.
"You nasty boy!"  I wish those days could come back once more.
 cc_rider wrote:

Stevie Wonder rocks, and I love horns as a rule. This is right up there with his very best. Wow.

Close listening is its own reward. The horn arrangement on this is amazing—and too funky by half. Whoooo!

 hschlossberg wrote:
This was a good — no — a great song the first 100 or two times I heard it.  Now it is just stale.  But I'll bet there are a half-dozen other songs on this album that we're not all so sick and tired of and that are just as worthy.
Sometimes.... Maybe.... Nah!

Good music is always welcome to my ears and hearing this on a sunny Friday morning right before the holiday weekend makes this just about perfect.

This was a good — no — a great song the first 100 or two times I heard it.  Now it is just stale.  But I'll bet there are a half-dozen other songs on this album that we're not all so sick and tired of and that are just as worthy.
You nasty boy!