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The Call — The Walls Came Down
Album: Modern Romans
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Released: 0
Length: 3:34
Plays (last 30 days): 3
Well they blew the horns
And the walls came down
They'd all been warned
And the walls came down
They juststood there laughing
They're not laughing anymore
The walls came down
Sanctuary fades
congregation splits
Nightly military raids
The congregation splits
It's a song of assassins
Ringin' in your ears
We got terrorist thinking
Playing on fears
Well they blew the horns
And the walls came down
They'd all been warned
But the walls came down
I do't think there are any Russians
And there ain't no Yanks
Just corporate criminals
playin' with tanks
Comments (135)add comment
Thanks RP!!!
Shit hot stuff Bill, thank you!
Just corporate criminals...playin' with tanks.  *sigh* will it ever change?
 TheKing2 wrote:

"Shaka, when the walls fell"

Temba, his arms wide.

"Shaka, when the walls fell"

 mleidig wrote:

Song was actually released 1983 n the Modern Romans Album... Best of was released in 1989     So you were dead on. 

Thanks.  I thought I was losing my mind thinking it was early-mid 1980s
 bigbargain wrote:

This song could have been written on a stage after a few beers.  No talent.  Honestly, I don't respect a band that just produces filler and lives off their reputation earned from a couple song, and now they're coasting.  That's The Call.

You are indeed quite the fool! The four most powerful lines of lyrics ever written are contained within this song!

I don't think there are any Russians

And there ain't no Yanks

Just corporate criminals

playin' with tanks
 bigbargain wrote:

This song could have been written on a stage after a few beers.  No talent.  Honestly, I don't respect a band that just produces filler and lives off their reputation earned from a couple song, and now they're coasting.  That's The Call.

Having seen them live twice, and owning all of their recorded music, I could not disagree more. They were VERY talented musicians; Michael Been especially. 
 bigbargain wrote:

This song could have been written on a stage after a few beers.  No talent.  Honestly, I don't respect a band that just produces filler and lives off their reputation earned from a couple song, and now they're coasting.  That's The Call.

And, what are YOU good at?  ...eh?
This song could have been written on a stage after a few beers.  No talent.  Honestly, I don't respect a band that just produces filler and lives off their reputation earned from a couple song, and now they're coasting.  That's The Call.
 DW4554 wrote:

God damn good.  Nuf ced.

Yep!! ..."Call" me anytime!!   
God damn good.  Nuf ced.
Great anthem!
Great memories of summer 1983 hanging out in the backyard in Arizona listening to this song.
Also some good person needs to fix Wikipedia because "The Walls Came Down" has a different song by some country musician I've never heard of.  There's no link to The Call's song, and not even a page for this album or song, really a damn travesty.
I will never again hear this song without thinking of the day in November, 1989 when I was in Munich and the government announced that the Berlin Wall was coming down. The Germans in the city immediately burst into the streets to celebrate, and someone had a boom box and played this song at top volume over and over. It still gives me chills to think about it...
Personally, I love this stuff. I wonder what kind of music Michael Been would have been making now, if he were still with us.
 csetti wrote:
I'm surprised this was released in 1989 -- seems so much more "80s" that to be at the end of the decade.  Synthesizers, yelling, political lyrics. I absolutely love it.
Song was actually released 1983 n the Modern Romans Album... Best of was released in 1989     So you were dead on. 
Takes me back. Good stuff.
 ThePoose wrote:
David Byrnish
Always wanted to say something similar.  

Say something once, why say it again ...
David Byrnish
I'm surprised this was released in 1989 -- seems so much more "80s" that to be at the end of the decade.  Synthesizers, yelling, political lyrics. I absolutely love it.
 kingart wrote:
Copy a lyric passage that's more true than this one:

I do't think there are any Russians
And there ain't no Yanks
Just corporate criminals
playin' with tanks 
Well, if that's the mood you're in, how about Leonard Cohen "The Future":

Give me crack and anal sex
Take the only tree that's left
and stuff it up the hole
in your culture
Give me back the Berlin Wall
give me Stalin and St. Paul
I've seen the future, brother:
it is murder.
Quite Talking Heads-ish. Good!
 skindy wrote:
Ah geez... I never looked at the info on this song until right now. I always thought David Byrne was guest vocalist on this song. Apparently not! Am I alone here? 
OK, I had to go back 6 years in these comments to find someone who thought this too. Now back to more productive things, like arguing with my husband. 
Ah geez... I never looked at the info on this song until right now. I always thought David Byrne was guest vocalist on this song. Apparently not! Am I alone here? 
Perhaps the best political lyrics of all times...

Well, I don't believe there are any Russians
and there ain't no Yanks
playing with tanks!
Love that unmistakable sound of Garth Hudson's organ playing


I miss Michael Been and the music he brought forth into the world.

I have always loved this song! The Call holds up well.
Talking Heads influence maybe!
 Proclivities wrote:

Not when I've seen him - fortunately.

That diss on "Bang the Drum All Day" just ripped the heart out of every overweight Packers' fan, as they play it every time one of their heroes hits paydirt at Lambeau (which happened to be SIX TIMES IN THE FIRST THREE QUARTERS vs. The Vikes in a 42 - 10 rout last Oct. 2).

Where have you gone, Joe Kapp? 
Copy a lyric passage that's more true than this one:

I do't think there are any Russians
And there ain't no Yanks
Just corporate criminals
playin' with tanks 
 treatment_bound wrote:

Nice—never saw Todd live. 

What's the rest of his show like?

I'm guessing "Bang the Drum All Day" has to be in there, right?

Not when I've seen him - fortunately.
 ColdMiser wrote:
I saw Todd Rundgren cover this a few years back. He rocked the house with it. {#Bananajam}


Nice—never saw Todd live. 

What's the rest of his show like?

I'm guessing "Bang the Drum All Day" has to be in there, right?
I saw Todd Rundgren cover this a few years back. He rocked the house with it. {#Bananajam}
"Just corporate criminals, playing with tanks"

Feels like apt political commentary tonight… the second Tuesday of November, 2014

 Relayer wrote:
I love the fact that we have multi-generational playlists on RP, you can hear Michael Been on this song, and later today I am sure we will hear his son Robert Been in BRMC.  I always like The Call, and love BRMC.

Other multi generational artists on RP:
George and Dani Harrison
Butch Trucks (Allman Bros) and Derek Trucks
Who else?

Johnny & Roseanne Cash? Bob & Jacob Dylan?
I love the fact that we have multi-generational playlists on RP, you can hear Michael Been on this song, and later today I am sure we will hear his son Robert Been in BRMC.  I always like The Call, and love BRMC.

Other multi generational artists on RP:
George and Dani Harrison
Butch Trucks (Allman Bros) and Derek Trucks
Who else?
Ok, now it is officially a paaa-tee...wooooo hooooooo!
 sunybuny wrote:
RIP - He was mixing sound at a BRMC concert I went to with NewWaveGurly - and I didn't stop to tell him how much his music meant to me. Stupid me.

I like his son's band Black Rebel Motorcycle Club.  
I love this band!  Unfortunately, for some reason I confuse them with The Cure.  I guess because they both are under rated bands that have produced a lot of great music.  And maybe because they both start with a C. 
The Caaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaallllllllllllllllll!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Loved, loved, loved, hearing this anthem again!  It's not something I'd buy, but I sure do love hearing it.  Reminds me of a mid-80s road trip.  Nothing profound, here, but several folks mentioned exuberance.  I agree completely.  Quite Likable overall, but the exuberance is Most Excellent.  
 Segue wrote:
A 10 for how underrated (back in de day of DJ radio already corporatized) ALL of this band's songs were. More exuberance than Talking Heads, more juevos than U2. Oh well. Long live the underdogs. "Still Believe" is the song that invokes that era, 4evah

"Much more creative in song writing" is in the eye of the beholder. This IS the way TH could have sounded if they were into rocknroll defiant exuberance, rather than overanalytical, intellectualized, overwrought, histrionic, tweeness. Different strokes.
justin4kick wrote:

The vocals sound a bit like David Byrne. But David is much more creative in song writing.

A 10 for how underrated (back in de day of DJ radio already corporatized) ALL of this band's songs were. More exuberance than Talking Heads, more juevos than U2. Oh well. Long live the underdogs. "Still Believe" is the song that invokes that era, 4evah
RIP - He was mixing sound at a BRMC concert I went to with NewWaveGurly - and I didn't stop to tell him how much his music meant to me. Stupid me.
 DaveInVA wrote:
This sounds the way The Talking Heads should sound...

The vocals sound a bit like David Byrne. But David is much more creative in song writing.
9 - RIP Michael Been
 Gregorama wrote:

That's just sad.
Pathetic I'd say...
 Kittee wrote:
If I went the rest of my life without hearing this song, that would be amazing.

-1 major sucko-barfo.

That's just sad.
 cohifi wrote:

Good thing we got RP !   Ya never know when they'll play a gem like this.  One of the better 80's bands, jmo.

One of the top rock anthems of that decade. A simple classic.
 GawgaBoy wrote:

didn't miss it this time....   and the walls came down
Good thing we got RP !   Ya never know when they'll play a gem like this.  One of the better 80's bands, jmo.
 GawgaBoy wrote:
damn...  walk downstairs for a few minutes and I miss it.

didn't miss it this time....   and the walls came down
Nostalgia track only these days...Better than the Pearl Jam song now playing, though. 
damn...  walk downstairs for a few minutes and I miss it.

The more things change the more they stay the same.
 nmcvaugh wrote:
Yes we were all warned. Walls failed to come down, Jebus failed to appear, and the world is still here. We are pointing and laughing.
This was released in 1989. The walls (or at least one) DID come down....


Yes we were all warned. Walls failed to come down, Jebus failed to appear, and the world is still here. We are pointing and laughing.
If I went the rest of my life without hearing this song, that would be amazing.

-1 major sucko-barfo.
 k_trout wrote:
I don't think there are any Russians
And there ain't no Yanks
Just corporate criminals
Playing with tanks

My how our world has changed!  Not!  Winning!

Talking Heads on prozac.
 romeotuma wrote:

This song is good for the ears...



I don't think there are any Russians
And there ain't no Yanks
Just corporate criminals
Playing with tanks

What excellent, horribly prescient lyrics!  They could have been written in 2002!
 DaveInVA wrote:
This sounds the way The Talking Heads should sound...


Some people have CERTAINLY lost their minds!
DAVE - it's you I am talking about!
wow. never heard this before... talking heads-ish. i like
Haven't heard this one in awhile - still enjoy it.
It's hard to believe I've been listening and loving this for over 25 years, WOW! 

 Kite_Flyer wrote:
Perfect song to wake up by... {#Dancingbanana_2}
Waking up! {#Dancingbanana_2}{#Bananajam}{#Dancingbanana}
Perfect song to wake up by... {#Dancingbanana_2}
This sounds the way The Talking Heads should sound...
 romeotuma wrote:

This song is good for the ears...


Yea, this'ns and oldie and a goodie!{#Bananapiano}
love the line: "...Just corporate criminals playing with Tanks..."
 MJMJ wrote:
When this came on. for few seconds I thought Wow a Talking Heads song I'm not completely sick of. 
I remember when this first came out thinking "what a crappy Talking Heads/David Byrne imitation." Time has mellowed my reaction, and I appreciate the lyrics more now, but I still don't like it that much.

 randomprime wrote:
The lead singer's son is the lead singer for Black Rebel Motorcycle Club.

Thanks for that little musical tidbit!

If you owned and liked Reconciled, look up a few other albums.  They are dirt cheap when you see them used.  Hard to explain why they didn't really catch on (Millenium greatest hits edition notwithstanding).

When this came on. for few seconds I thought Wow a Talking Heads song I'm not completely sick of. 

 SoundThinker wrote:
I think the best set of lyrics of any song to have a political edge is in this song! Outstanding and holds true as long as there are warring nations: "Well I don't believe there are any Russians
and there ain't no Yanks,
playing with TANKS!" And now the Corporate Criminals are about to attack Iran!
Violent agreement!

Yeah Let's wait until Iran actually develops and launches nuclear ICBM's at us. Then we should attack? I'm done fighting, you go... And now the Corporate Criminals are about to attack Iran!
Whenever I hear this while driving, I don't just sing along, I sing at the top of my lungs. Not a big fan of 80s music, but this one really gets me going.
I think the best set of lyrics of any song to have a political edge is in this song! Outstanding and holds true as long as there are warring nations: "Well I don't believe there are any Russians and there ain't no Yanks, Just CORPORATE CRIMINALS, playing with TANKS!" And now the Corporate Criminals are about to attack Iran!
Still rings true after all these years . . . so sad.
PureGirl wrote:
Gotta love that 80's sound.
oh yeah!
Gotta love that 80's sound.
Wow!! I haven't heard this since I last played it on my (long-gone) Trouser Press 7-inch flexi-disc about 25 years ago...
I saw this band in the 80's in a tacky nightclub on the Florida Panhandle. Their instruments had been stolen from their van the night before, but they scrambled around town, borrowed what they could, and performed an amazing set. Michael Been was definitely an anomaly for the 80's.

I too, saw them play in Portland Or, they had the joint jumping, an outstanding set!
If these guys ever got back together and toured, I would be there in a second! Rockabobbie wrote:
Saw them at the Illinois Sate Fair in 1987, openning for the Psychedelic Furs. The Call ROCKED! I went right out and picked up their Peter Gabrielle-produced LP, The Reckoning (with the killer single, I Still Believe, which was covered for the Lost Boys sound track to great effect). Agreed: Michael Been doesn't fit the "rockstar" mold, but he did it his way and totally pulled it off. What a great set, Bill!
Good song - but starting to sound a little dated. Rebellion rock from the age of Reagan.
I came and looked...because I thought it was David Byrne too!
Weh-hell Well they blew the horns And the walls came down They'd all been warned And the walls came down They stood there laughing They're not laughing anymore The walls came down, ahhh Sanctuary fades, congregation splits Nightly military raids, the congregation splits It's a song of assassins, ringin' in your ears We got terrorists thinking, playing on fears Well they blew the horns And the walls came down They'd all been warned But the walls came down I don't think there are any Russians And there ain't no yanks Just corporate criminals Playin' with tanks ...the more things change...
superfido wrote:
i thought it was david byrne. hmm
same here
OMG, this brings back some AWESOME memories - thanks Bill!
i thought it was david byrne. hmm
randomprime wrote:
The lead singer's son is the lead singer for Black Rebel Motorcycle Club.
! really! I remember this song ya ya ya ya ya ya
ha ha! I used to have this on a cassette
mamerjamer wrote:
I saw this band back in the 80's. They were awesome. They had to play this song twice for the crowd. The singer had some real style and some personally crafted moves! A heavy set guy but carried it off flawlessly. They definitely rocked. Good, fun 80's stuff.
Saw them at the Illinois Sate Fair in 1987, openning for the Psychedelic Furs. The Call ROCKED! I went right out and picked up their Peter Gabrielle-produced LP, The Reckoning (with the killer single, I Still Believe, which was covered for the Lost Boys sound track to great effect). Agreed: Michael Been doesn't fit the "rockstar" mold, but he did it his way and totally pulled it off. What a great set, Bill!
The lead singer's son is the lead singer for Black Rebel Motorcycle Club.
AliGator wrote:
always did like it.
I always did like it too.
This one had Garth Hudson ex of The Band playing keys
I saw this band back in the 80's. They were awesome. They had to play this song twice for the crowd. The singer had some real style and some personally crafted moves! A heavy set guy but carried it off flawlessly. They definitely rocked. Good, fun 80's stuff.
daveesh wrote:
never liked this song.
always did like it.
lmic wrote:
Allmusic lists John Mellencamp as a similar artist - but NOT Talking Heads?
Wha!? I wouldn't even say similar, this sounds like a total rip-off of Talking Heads.
One of my favorite bands of all time - simple yet pure rock. Their best work never sees the light of day, as only 3 or 4 songs ever received commercial airplay..
This is way I love this station. I never heard Modern Romans on the airways when it came out, what was that, 25 years ago? It doesn't matter if you like this or not, way to go Bill. Keep mixing it up.
Business in front, party in back!
I spy a MULLET!
Aye yi yi yi yi yi yiiiiiii. Or is it Ya ya ya ya ya yaaaah?
Meh. Not their best.
With Garth Hudson on keys--very cool. Tho' I have a provincial San Franciscan's love of this band.