2raumwohnung — Da Sind Wir

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Total ratings: 266
Length: 5:38
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Ya, or Division Kent ObsidianInfinity wrote:
I feel a bit of Goldfrapp here.
I was looking out the window for the cops.... 

Electronica is still music, people. Say you don't like it, that's fine, but don't deny their artistry.
i really shouldn't have had a mouthful of chicken and rice when i read that...sending you the keyboard cleaning bill.
Honeyman wrote:
How do you say "dogshit" in German?
FeydBaron wrote:
Swear to god, I never knew Space Invaders had a soundtrack.
Yow, no kidding. I'm sitting here in my office with RP in the background, thinking "Who's got Space Invaders installed on their desktop?" and then realizing it's coming from my speakers.
?? I could do this
How do you say "dogshit" in German?
Swear to god, I never knew Space Invaders had a soundtrack.
Wo? Wir sind doch hier!

bcorcoran wrote:
Kind of refreshing actually... without the siren it would be even better.
I disagree - it really sets the atmosphere, and adds a necessary edgy discordance to the whole number. This is the second track from this album that RP's played recently, and makes a nice change from the anglo focus of most of RP's output. Mind you, I've always been a fan of German techpop, going way back to Kraftwerk...
davin wrote:
too much information or not enough information.
chocodog wrote:
I agree 100% ... and damn I'm missing my (German) girlfriend from last summer. She also "makes it work".

I think this is the band which does "nur ein wort" - just one word. It might be too pop for this group, but it got a lot of airplay while I was in germany.
I ended up buying that album (err CD) while I was there. It has more than a few good tunes.
Heh, I just checked the album info. This is not the same band. Still good.
serendipity_blue wrote:
Hooray for German techno.
Hooray for famine and flood.
rare sort of trace music I like...thanks for expanding my horizons!
I can like this but that intermittent siren really p****s me off.
chocodog wrote:
I agree 100% ... and damn I'm missing my (German) girlfriend from last summer. She also "makes it work".
too much information or not enough information.
Kind of refreshing actually... without the siren it would be even better.
Step away, this car is protected by viper...
this is neato mosquito. is that a rating?
I feel a bit of Goldfrapp here.
I likey. Visions of black latex and spike-heels.
(Did I say that out loud?)

The longer this goes on, the lower my rating goes.
a total non sequitir segue-
Squirrel Nut Zippers
BB King
Medeski, Martin & Wood
Time for some Leo Kottke to keep the groove going, then follow with some Beethoven, either Ludwig or Camper...
wade44 wrote:
I like the beat and the bass line in this song.
BTW, I don't consider German a particularly "sexy" (for lack of a better term) sounding language (like French and Spanish), but she makes it work.
It gets a 7 (from a Kraftwerk fan!)
wade44 wrote:
I like the beat and the bass line in this song.
BTW, I don't consider German a particularly "sexy" (for lack of a better term) sounding language (like French and Spanish), but she makes it work.
I agree 100% ... and damn I'm missing my (German) girlfriend from last summer. She also "makes it work".
Ixion wrote:
OK, I just got yelled at by my boss for "playing games" at work because of that damned stupid siren. WTF? Not clever, cool, or even remotely entertaining. If it is a 6 without that stupid noise, it is a 1 with it. BOOOO!
Get Headphones.
And wear them.
the beginning of this song freaks me out.

Waybo wrote:
Contrarian opinion here -- I like the tune a lot, even with the Astroids siren. Nihilistic German techno-pop is usually not my favorite but I like the groove and the sound.
Uncontrarian to what you were saying, bring da noise, bring da nihilism!
Listening to German is enough to give me a Halloween feeling

Hey! This really sucks!
Contrarian opinion here -- I like the tune a lot, even with the Astroids siren. Nihilistic German techno-pop is usually not my favorite but I like the groove and the sound.
serendipity_blue wrote:
Hooray for German techno.
Wort! (7)

Nein, danke...
The beginning of this song always catches me offguard and never fails to startle me 

I kinda like this but I could do without the kid toy sound effects...

A nice tune for typing... helps keep up that steady typing pace that Miss Parfitt tried to beat into us.
And if your boss is complaining about the siren, you have your headphones turned up much too loud!

OK, I just got yelled at by my boss for "playing games" at work because of that damned stupid siren. WTF? Not clever, cool, or even remotely entertaining. If it is a 6 without that stupid noise, it is a 1 with it. BOOOO!
Hey, I had a sound effects machine from Radio Shack when I was a kid, too!
(Cool song, otherwise.)
The siren makes listening whilst working impossible... so off to LRC. Otherwise I like the non-siren noises.
Please... never again.
mabra70 wrote:
I don't like them that much, and it's a bit of a pity seeing them, of all bands, representing German pop...
How about some Blumfeld, Tomte, Kettcar...
Hey Ihr Ignoranten das ist eine gute deutsche Band!
If you don't like it, ignore it!
usservise, ve haff vays to make you ignore it... 

agaran wrote:
What they said. If it weren't for the siren sound, I'd like this alright. But the siren makes it completely suck. Very jarring.
A big DITTO to that. Holy crap. Nah, just crap. (The sirens, not the rest of the song.)
I like the beat and the bass line in this song.
BTW, I don't consider German a particularly "sexy" (for lack of a better term) sounding language (like French and Spanish), but she makes it work.
Since I can't speak or read German, I clicked on song lyrics and clicked on Translate This Page. The translation is not perfect, of course, but this seems to be a love song:
Remain nich where you are
How it is no matter there
It is ever more beautifully here
With me
Stop you there not firmly
All the same no matter, which does not leave you
Love passes
Mach the sky free
There are we
I and my longing after you
We are already so much closer with you
Come ago return
Come ago return
Feel you mean view
give me each small piece
Each atom of you
Give it to me
Soon you become awake
All the same no matter which I then Mach
Between you and me
Is only a offne door
There are we
I and my longing after you
We are already so much closer with you
Come ago return
Come ago return
There are we
I and my longing after you
We are already much closer with you
Hear times
algrif wrote:
Hey Bill. I was rather hoping you would close this set with your usual ' ..that was xxxxx and before that you heard xxxx...' just to find out how you pronounce this bands name. You let us all down !!
That would be "zvie-rahm-voh-nung," meaning basically "two-room apartment."

Thanks Bill! This is so kÃŒhl!
And Thanks Mari for the KlÀrung!
Hey Bill. I was rather hoping you would close this set with your usual ' ..that was xxxxx and before that you heard xxxx...' just to find out how you pronounce this bands name. You let us all down !!

Yeah, um Bill? I was really hoping for something slightly more annoying. If possible.
Wow, people around the world are listening to 2Raumwohnung, great. Forget about the Chinese! The days of global cultural dominance in Deutsch will come!!!
Just kidding, really funny. Where did they get this song?

Proposed translation of "2raumwohnung," which looks like a classified ad category:
"Two Room Dwelling"
Similarly, there was once an art gallery in my hometown called "12rms2bths" or something like that.
yeah, more cool songs sung not in English please.
I got it! The siren is a tribute to Falco's Der Komissar.
So what does the band's name mean?
... drums seldom do it for me, but I like them on this song.

DeafByBeheading wrote:
I'll second that. I *almost* like this (I'm usually into weird sound effects in songs), but this siren thing (and in fact most of the noise here) doesn't fit. It's distracting.
What they said. If it weren't for the siren sound, I'd like this alright. But the siren makes it completely suck. Very jarring.
cool stuff
Krautrock. No one does it better. :)~
winniemama wrote:
The sound of sirens in a song makes me turn the volume down immediately. I hear enough sirens every day.
I'm surprised no one else mentioned it. :-k
I'll second that. I *almost* like this (I'm usually into weird sound effects in songs), but this siren thing (and in fact most of the noise here) doesn't fit. It's distracting.
Odd. Has a nice sound. Interested in more.
MCKY wrote:
How do I pronounce 2raumwohnung?
(other than incorrectly, of course!)
tsvai-rowm-vaughnoong (vizz a tscherman 'r')
How do I pronounce 2raumwohnung?
(other than incorrectly, of course!)
Cool. Thanks Bil
Was geht's auf Deutsch? Vielen dank RP!
ganz geil
I love the way the music is bouncing from speaker to speaker. I bet this sounds great with headphones.
Thanks to rolf for the German.
Here's my translation into English:
There we are
Don't stay where you are
It doesn't matter what it's like there
It's always prettier here
Next to me
Don't stick yourself over there
It doesn't matter what you don't allow
The fog clears
So you can see Heaven
There we are
Me and my longing for you
Will soon be so much closer to you
Come here
Come back
Do you sense my gaze
Give me each small piece
Every atom from you
Give it to me
You'll be awake enough soon
It doesn't matter what I do then
Between you and me
Is only an open door
There we are
Me and my longing for you
Will soon be so much closer to you
Come here
Come back
Acceptable I guess. Not crazy about everything (noise) going on in the tune.
TreborG2 wrote:
Smoothy.. love the music.. wish I understood the lyrics.. 
Da Sind Wir
bleib nicht wo du bist
ganz egal wie es dort ist
es ist immer schöner hier
bei mir
halt dich dort nicht fest
ganz egal was dich nicht lÀÃt
der nebel geht vorbei
macht den himmel frei
da sind wir
ich und meine sehnsucht nach dir
sind schon so viel nÀher bei dir
komm her
komm zurÃŒck
spÃŒrst du meinen blick
gib mir jedes kleines stÃŒck
jedes atom von dir
gib es mir
bald wirst du ja wach
ganz egal was ich dann mach
zwischen dir und mir
ist nur eine offene tÃŒr
da sind wir
ich und meine sehnsucht nach dir
sind schon so viel nÀher bei dir
komm her
komm zurÃŒck

mabra70 wrote:
Hey Ihr Ignoranten das ist eine gute deutsche Band!
If you don't like it, ignore it!
:headshake: we have better bands in Germany

The sound of sirens in a song makes me turn the volume down immediately. I hear enough sirens every day.
I'm surprised no one else mentioned it. :-k
Great percussion.
Smoothy.. love the music.. wish I understood the lyrics.. 

this song just goes on a wee bit too long..
Hey Ihr Ignoranten das ist eine gute deutsche Band!
If you don't like it, ignore it!

Ouch, my ears hurt. please make it stop!!

Hooray for German techno.
Have a nice Halloween.