Jeff Beck — A Day In The Life
Comments (67)add comment
Wow. This is... suck. Very suck. With a dose of suck.
Also: Suck.
mojoman wrote:
Kinda like mixing chocolate ice cream and ketchup. Each is fine by itself, but together ...?
yup, agree...

Definitely has an elevator music sound, but I like it. Of course , if it was played on a kids play piano I would still probably like it. .....hmm, did I take one or two valium earlier? Regardless, this was perfect for a bleary autumn saturday morning.
Worse than I could have ever imagined. Beck gets at least ten demerits for this. I'll just pretend he never did it, so his otherwise nearly spotless resume remains as such.
Wisecrowe wrote:
nice follow up to "All You Need Is Love"
nice follow up to "All You Need Is Love"

Magnificent!! Try maximizing the DBs

Pure unadulterated crap.
Kinda like mixing chocolate ice cream and ketchup. Each is fine by itself, but together ...?

Way over produced. When I have seen Jeff live and he plays the song, chills run up and down my spine the way he tears into it, but this version lacks the guts that Beck gives the song in concert.
I can't believe Jeff Beck is responsible for this!

drife wrote:
For some strange reason, I feel like I am in an elevator....
But it's a really, really nice elevator :-). With great music.
Oh ... my ... gawd, but this is such a bad idea! If it weren't for the guitar, this would be Muzak. To borrow a line from David Spade: Do you know why The Beatles recorded that number? So you wouldn't have to. It's called Originality; look into it.
Why do people insist on playing voice parts on instruments? It always sounds terrible, especially when more or less the same.
For some strange reason, I feel like I am in an elevator....
At first I thought this would be cool, but it seems to be Jeff Beck dumped right on top of the original arrangement. I would have expected a more original cover. It seems like this thing was (over)produced by George Martin?
Muzak on acid.
Oh boy.
jadewahoo wrote:
Like most listeners, I feel that a cover of a Beatles song is sheer impudence... but, ya know? Jeff Beck pulls this off really well!
I'm somewhere between this and most of the comments here. I sure hear a lot of other covers of classic songs that irritate me MORE, I'll say that. . . .
Just half step up from Muzak.
Let me start by saying I love and respect the Beatles and their music-, you can't make much of an argument for any other band as the greatest in history.
Having said that, the foundation of their greatness is songwriting, not the actual performing of the songs, and there are instances (not this particular song) where I enjoy remade versions of their music better than the originals. (BLASPHEMY!!!)
I won't get specific, but (in my opinion)songs like Tomorrow never knows, Across the Universe and Blackbird off the top of my head, have been covered so successfully as to improve on the originals.
when did he start playing kazoo?
Oh Bill, Bill, Bill .....
This sucks so much it hurts
Jeff Beck is a Guitar God and this is a classic song. What the hell was he thinking when he did this.
It's almost as bad as when Eric Clapton did that emasculated version of Layla.
It's sad to know that Jeff Beck did this.
yeah....almost a good idea.
jadewahoo wrote:
Like most listeners, I feel that a cover of a Beatles song is sheer impudence... but, ya know? Jeff Beck pulls this off really well!
8O dont like it, nice try jeff beck.
Mugro wrote:
What is the point of covering a Beatles song? None. How can you do better than their originals? I just have to say two words to prove my point: JOE COCKER. 'Nuff said.
The point of covering a song is not to outdo the original band, but to bring your own interpretation to a piece of music. I dislike covers that are too faithful to the original interpretation, because then there truly is no point.
Now, I'm not saying this particular song works....I think it's fairly weak myself, but I'd rather this than some band trying to do it "just like the beatles." Then, you'd be right, there would be no point.
i thoroughly adore this cover. hardly any muzak-type covers keep me singing along with the songs, and this one does a damn fine job of doing just that!
(dances in her chair at work)
This appears to be a case of the sum being less than the parts. Jeff Beck is indead amazing, but I don't see much point to this cover.
Incidently, how much less appreciation for the tune would we have without the lyrics and song structure playing in our heads during the tune. Taken totally out of context, which I know we can't really do, this would probably sound a little wierd...
Hate it, thank you very little.
rgj13 wrote:
Add: Feh. :nodhead:
But I agree withg another that it starts off nicely. Then it's just weird and just a wee bit too close to some kinda supermarket muzakal revision.
Especially, Bleh
ptooey wrote:
Kinda unnecessary, really.
Add: Feh. :nodhead:
But I agree withg another that it starts off nicely. Then it's just weird and just a wee bit too close to some kinda supermarket muzakal revision.
Argggh! Make the guitar-spew stop!!!
What is the point of covering a Beatles song? None. How can you do better than their originals? I just have to say two words to prove my point: JOE COCKER. 'Nuff said.
Like most listeners, I feel that a cover of a Beatles song is sheer impudence... but, ya know? Jeff Beck pulls this off really well!
Pyro wrote:
Oh, sorry. Nothing against this track, or Sir George, who I suppose has as much right to rip off the Beatles -- or himself -- as anybody.
It's hard NOT to like this CD, with Robin Williams, Bobby McFerrin, Goldie Hawn, Jeff Beck, Celine Dion, Jim Carrey, John Williams, Billy Connolly (my least favorite cut), Phil Collins, and Sean Connery....all doing Beatles tunes.
Excuse me, but did you say "It's hard NOT to like this CD" and "Celine Dion" in the same sentence? 
Nice cover...
Hmmm. Jumped to my computer to what upstart pipsqueek was daring to cover the Beatles thusly . . . and it's Jeff. Hmmmm. . . .
Hmmm...the first part is really great. The second part doesn't work as a guitar solo so well.
chasech5 wrote:
Sorry. Just don't think I can follow this one. What about the Rutles' "Cheese and Onions," instead ?
The Tragical History Tour... 
drmaybe wrote:
I went to see Jeff live a year or two ago, and he played this... live, it gave me chills! I didn't know if was available as a studio recording... so happy to hear it again!
There is a live version available as well. I got it from his web site. Jeff live at BB King's Blues Club. It also has an instrumental version of People Get Ready. I'll have to upload a couple of tracks. The man sings through his guitar better than anybody using their voice today!
This is the first time I've ever heard anybody cover that song. Better Jeff Beck than someone without any talent. IMHO, he's the best guitarist out there.
What make ya sick is that he probably just played this by ear!
nice job jeff

I went to see Jeff live a year or two ago, and he played this... live, it gave me chills! I didn't know if was available as a studio recording... so happy to hear it again!
tg3k wrote:
This track has piqued my curiosity...the song is indeed very different without lyrics, but not many people can be as lyrical with just a guitar as Jeff Beck.
I'll likely have to order the CD and see if the other cuts are as interesting.
It's hard NOT to like this CD, with Robin Williams, Bobby McFerrin, Goldie Hawn, Jeff Beck, Celine Dion, Jim Carrey, John Williams, Billy Connolly (my least favorite cut), Phil Collins, and Sean Connery....all doing Beatles tunes.
He can make the guitar talk!
shevek wrote:
Nice story!
So, I really like Jeff Beck, but what has he done to MY Beatles song??

This track has piqued my curiosity...the song is indeed very different without lyrics, but not many people can be as lyrical with just a guitar as Jeff Beck.
I'll likely have to order the CD and see if the other cuts are as interesting.
I sort of like this version, so don't misunderstand me, but I want to tell you guys a little story that just came to my mind while hearing this.
Writer Mario Vargas Llosa was showing a friend around Lima, and he took him to one of his favorite buildings, which he had mentioned in one of his novels as being the place where the main character lived. This was a beautiful house in the colonial style, but since the last time he had seen it, the owners had decided to paint the front of the building with a horrendous pop-art mural. Enraged, he shouted 'What have they done to MY house?'. But the house of course did not belong to him.
So, I really like Jeff Beck, but what has he done to MY Beatles song??
A nice day to you all

I gotta say, context and all (anniversary of John Lennon's death), I still don't like this version very much. And the thing is I like Jeff Beck a lot, and love the Beatles... oh well.
This is a very interesting CD comprised of musicians who George Martin had admired. A collection of MOST interesting Beatles covers. )Goldie Hawn can SING and does a great cover of "A Hard Day's Night".
I don't know. I mean Jeff Beck is obviously great and all, but I just don't think this can be remade. I guess I just can't get it outta my head that this could have been in that awful Bee Gees movie "Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band."
Sorry. Just don't think I can follow this one. What about the Rutles' "Cheese and Onions," instead ?
This kinda stinks. 3
AliGator wrote:
Hearing the opening notes of this just after Bill's comment about John Lennon ("I don't know about you, but I miss the heck out of him.") gave me chills.
Nicely done, Bill.

naked without the lyric, still a good tune tho
Kinda unnecessary, really.
Hearing the opening notes of this just after Bill's comment about John Lennon ("I don't know about you, but I miss the heck out of him.") gave me chills.
Nicely done, Bill.

I dig this cut!
This sounds just like an old Beatles song.
(I know, I know)
Jeff Beck - A day in the life - Live at Montreux Jazz - 2001