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Total ratings: 1154
Length: 4:55
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Comes scarlett and her deep complaint
Mimicking tenderness she sees
In sentimental movies
A celluloid rider comes to town
Cinematic lovers sway
Plantations and sweeping ballroom gowns
Take her breath away
Out in the wind in crinolines
Chasing the ghosts of gable and flynn
Through stand-in boys and extra players
Magnolias hopeful in her auburn hair
She comes from a school of southern charm
She likes to have things her way
Any man in the world holding out his arm
Would soon be made to pay
Friends have told her not so proud
Neighbors trying to sleep and yelling "not so loud"
Lovers in anger "block of ice"
Harder and harder just to be nice
Given in the night to dark dreams
From the dark things she feels
She covers her eyes in the x-rated scenes
Running from the reels
Beauty and madness to be praised
'cause it is not easy to be brave
To walk around in so much need
To carry the weight of all that greed
Dressed in stolen clothes she stands
Cast iron and frail
With her impossibly gentle hands
And her blood-red fingernails
Out of the fire and still smoldering
She says "a woman must have everything"
Shades of scarlett conquering
She says "a woman must have everything"

The best of a pile of shit is still a piece of shit.
And don't even get me started on the bone-stick-stone stupid assertion, oft seen hereabouts, that disliking something is the same as not understanding it. That's right up there in the pantheon of genius with "Go back to listening to Britney Spears" when another Radio Paradise listener (for Christ's sake) doesn't like the same song you like. As is calling someone who posts an opinion with which you disagree a "whiner," for that matter.
Now then, clown, let me try to explain this in terms you might understand: The fact that I don't like Joni Mitchell doesn't mean that I "don't understand" Joni Mitchell. It means that I've listened to her music over a course of years, thought about it, and come to the conclusion that in my opinion, she's a self-important, undertalented, overrated, pompous blowhard whose lyrics display approximately the level of wisdom and complexity found in babies' board books and whose shrieky, nails-on-blackboard voice would be better put to use as a dog whistle than as an instrument.
Put that in your bong and smoke it, you condescending Boomer prick.
You're good at using insulting slang a non-native speaker will hardly get, that's pretty much what you are good at. You don't get music, despite your claims, you actually a sad git who will leave this world with the deep regret of "never being able to get Joni Mitchell" in disguise of "I don't like Joni Mitchell". I feel sorry for you, for a second. Then I go about my way with Joni in my earphones.
i'm allowed to rate as i chose. the scale runs from 1 to 10.
Not 10 down to 5.
you retard
Sticks and stones baby. You got nothing.

If I don't like a song I don't rate it. I guess the urge to hate is in some people, and must be expressed. I'll give it a 10 to offset your 1.
i'm allowed to rate as i chose. the scale runs from 1 to 10.
Not 10 down to 5.
you retard
once again joni fucking mitchell scores 1/10
If I don't like a song I don't rate it. I guess the urge to hate is in some people, and must be expressed. I'll give it a 10 to offset your 1.

Wow, that was truly sad. If a pop song or someone else's opinion of it can fill you with that much anger and hatred, then I honestly feel sorry for you. Hope you get over what's really bothering you, someday. It's obviously not me or Joni Mitchell.
Anyone tell me what PSD stands for? P Self Destruct??
For this song it stands for "probably shouldn't do-it"for others it means "play something different"
Anyone tell me what PSD stands for? P Self Destruct??
IMO '73-79 was Joni's peak. This is so out of the ether... nothing like it at the time.
I never understand these comments. Nobody knows you, nobody cares, If we had known you, we still wouldn't care

That's ok everyone has their own opinion about music and voices.
Yall voted for Trump what can I say
When you look at holborne's song comments 50% of them end up in verbal attacks on other members devolving into name calling , smug sarcasm, and the misguided belief that people she disagrees with must be hippies / boomers. holborne's fatal flaw ( besides posting an easily traceble - to a real full name - email address ) is trying to fall back on a quasi-educated para-intillectual gibberish that passes only a 7th grade english exam.
You know the greatest minds over the centuries have not resolved the objective/subjective nature of art, so I doubt that anyone on this board is going to. It is ok to think Joni sucks. Really it is. It is also ok to think she is a genius. I am happy Bill throws all this stuff at us so we can say: yes; no; maybe another listen.....When Bill's sensibilities become too removed from mine then it is time to find another station. That hasn't happened and I doubt it will, even though I cringe at some of the stuff he plays just as some cringe at Joni Mitchell.
Thank you pope183!

I didn't take the bait on that last holborne comment (years ago now).
He/she obviously has some anger issues.
As for the song, one of Joni's best from my fave album of hers.
Hard to deny Joni her due on any of her songs I've heard so far so I do like this one "Shades Of Scarlet Conquering" . Mix could have been a bit more up front but if that is Jaco Pastorius on fretless bass in the background hard to be too critical. Joni and Jaco really shine on her album "Hejira" *hint*,hint* I think Joni is more herself when she is alone with her guitar or piano and not too much embellishment but her jazz leanings are done tastefully and effectively. Hoping Joni a full and speedy recovery. Not the same around here without you, Joni. Love and Peace... Richard ( Great White Whale ) Thanks Joni for the music and Radio Paradise for all the fine plays.
Wow, that was truly sad. If a pop song or someone else's opinion of it can fill you with that much anger and hatred, then I honestly feel sorry for you. Hope you get over what's really bothering you, someday. It's obviously not me or Joni Mitchell.
When you look at holborne's song comments 50% of them end up in verbal attacks on other members devolving into name calling , smug sarcasm, and the misguided belief that people she disagrees with must be hippies / boomers. holborne's fatal flaw ( besides posting an easily traceble - to a real full name - email address ) is trying to fall back on a quasi-educated para-intillectual gibberish that passes only a 7th grade english exam.
Wow, that was truly sad. If a pop song or someone else's opinion of it can fill you with that much anger and hatred, then I honestly feel sorry for you. Hope you get over what's really bothering you, someday. It's obviously not me or Joni Mitchell.
Ok, so let me see if I get the rules here. First you get to say that I'm a whiner and imply that I'm not as smart or evolved as you are. Then you get to liken me to swine. Then, after you're finished insulting me and anyone else who doesn't have the same musical taste you do, you tell me to get over it and tell me you pity me.
Uh, right. But anyway, thanks for confirming my opinion of you as a condescending prick.
And don't even get me started on the bone-stick-stone stupid assertion, oft seen hereabouts, that disliking something is the same as not understanding it. That's right up there in the pantheon of genius with "Go back to listening to Britney Spears" when another Radio Paradise listener (for Christ's sake) doesn't like the same song you like. As is calling someone who posts an opinion with which you disagree a "whiner," for that matter.
Now then, clown, let me try to explain this in terms you might understand: The fact that I don't like Joni Mitchell doesn't mean that I "don't understand" Joni Mitchell. It means that I've listened to her music over a course of years, thought about it, and come to the conclusion that in my opinion, she's a self-important, undertalented, overrated, pompous blowhard whose lyrics display approximately the level of wisdom and complexity found in babies' board books and whose shrieky, nails-on-blackboard voice would be better put to use as a dog whistle than as an instrument.
Put that in your bong and smoke it, you condescending Boomer prick.
Wow, that was truly sad. If a pop song or someone else's opinion of it can fill you with that much anger and hatred, then I honestly feel sorry for you. Hope you get over what's really bothering you, someday. It's obviously not me or Joni Mitchell.
Yes, I would say it was her best. Too bad all these whiners don't understand it. Ah well, pearls before swine
The best of a pile of shit is still a piece of shit.
And don't even get me started on the bone-stick-stone stupid assertion, oft seen hereabouts, that disliking something is the same as not understanding it. That's right up there in the pantheon of genius with "Go back to listening to Britney Spears" when another Radio Paradise listener (for Christ's sake) doesn't like the same song you like. As is calling someone who posts an opinion with which you disagree a "whiner," for that matter.
Now then, clown, let me try to explain this in terms you might understand: The fact that I don't like Joni Mitchell doesn't mean that I "don't understand" Joni Mitchell. It means that I've listened to her music over a course of years, thought about it, and come to the conclusion that in my opinion, she's a self-important, undertalented, overrated, pompous blowhard whose lyrics display approximately the level of wisdom and complexity found in babies' board books and whose shrieky, nails-on-blackboard voice would be better put to use as a dog whistle than as an instrument.
Put that in your bong and smoke it, you condescending Boomer prick.
Yes, I would say it was her best.
FAIL. Please go back to your courses in Rudimentary Logic 101. Thank you.
Ah, that would firmly fall into the "or whatever" category then ...

I'm still working on my statistics ...
https://xkcd.com/552/ :

To each his own, I can understand the "smelly cat" association.
Now please go back to your Britney or whatever.
FAIL. Please go back to your courses in Rudimentary Logic 101. Thank you.
She reminds me of that Friends episode where Phoebe sang her 'Smelly Cat' song at the cafe.
In fact, I'd like to place a request for the 'Smelly Cat' song to follow all plays of Joni Mitchell.
Completely agree, up to and including "Smelly Cat" replacing Joni Mitchell. In fact, I think actual cat yowling would be preferable to listening to Joni Mitchell.
This is one of Joni Mitchell's best albums ever. The other is probably "Blue", which a lot more girly/hippie, where she sings in her very high voice. This is a bit more dreamy/jazzy/older.
I don't think this is the best track on the album, my favourite is "Harry's house", but it is representative.
So, errr... yes.
Now please go back to your Britney or whatever.
BTW, currently RP lists only this track for this album, but the list for Joni Mitchell contains three tracks from this album. What gives?
Comes Scarlett and her deep complaint
Mimicking tenderness she sees
In sentimental movies
A celluloid rider comes to town
Cinematic lovers sway
Plantations and sweeping ballroom gowns
Take her breath away
Out in the wind in crinolines
Chasing the ghosts of Gable and Flynn
Through stand-in boys and extra players
Magnolias hopeful in her auburn hair
She comes from a school of southern charm
She likes to have things her way
Any man in the world holding out his arm
Would soon be made to pay
Friends have told her not so proud
Neighbors trying to sleep and yelling "not so loud"
Lovers in anger "Block of Ice"
Harder and harder just to be nice
Given in the night to dark dreams
From the dark things she feels
She covers her eyes in the X-rated scenes
Running from the reels
Beauty and madness to be praised
'Cause it is not easy to be brave
To walk around in so much need
To carry the weight of all that greed
Dressed in stolen clothes she stands
Cast iron and frail
With her impossibly gentle hands
And her blood-red fingernails
Out of the fire and still smoldering
She says "A woman must have everything"
Shades of Scarlett Conquering
She says "A woman must have everything"

She reminds me of that Friends episode where Phoebe sang her 'Smelly Cat' song at the cafe.
In fact, I'd like to place a request for the 'Smelly Cat' song to follow all plays of Joni Mitchell.

Having said that, not one of my favourite songs of hers, but typically wonderful and insightful lyrics.
As a die hard Joni fan from back when you could only hear her on 'underground radio', this album IMHO was her LAST great album before she careened off into her total Jazzy era...There are great songs on here...Jungle line and the title song "hissing of summer lawns" to this day reminds me of summer....close your eyes and you can hear it hiss....she always could draw a picture with her poetry...I know the voting is split on her voice (esp. among younger listeners) however that is the way with ALL great poets whose poems are put to music. (Cohen, Dylan, Waits, Mitchell). Listeners that can't stand her voice could perhaps read her songs as poetry...absolutely amazing writer!
Still feeling down, Holborne? Perhaps getting out into nature and soaking in its beauty would turn things around for you. Peace.
Nope, as I said before, I feel just fine, thanks.
Still feeling down, Holborne? Perhaps getting out into nature and soaking in its beauty would turn things around for you. Peace.
Something else we are in agreement on...