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Length: 3:20
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By all the things you say that you'll do
Though much concerned but not involved
With decisions that are made by you
But we are sick and tired of hearing your song
Telling how you are gonna change right from wrong
'Cause if you really want to hear our views
You haven't done nothin'
It's not too cool to be ridiculed
But you brought this upon yourself
The world is tired of pacifiers
We want the truth and nothing else, yeah
And we are sick and tired of hearing your song
Telling how you are gonna change right from wrong
'Cause if you really want to hear our views
You haven't done nothin'
Jackson 5 join along with me, say
Doo doo wop, doo doo wop
Doo doo wop, doo doo wop
Doo doo wop, doo doo wop
We would not care to wake up to the nightmare
That's becoming real life
But when misled who knows a person's mind
Can turn as cold as ice, mm hmm
Why do you keep on making us hear your song
Telling us how you are changing right from wrong
'Cause if you really want to hear our views
You haven't done nothin'
Yeah, nothin'
Doo doo wop, doo doo wop
Doo doo wop, doo doo wop
Doo doo wop, doo doo wop
Doo doo wop, doo doo wop
Sing it loud for the people
Doo doo wop, doo doo wop
Doo doo wop, doo doo wop
Doo doo wop, doo doo wop
Doo doo wop, doo doo wop
Written for Nixon, and still a very timely song to hear on the current occupant's last day.
Sadly, not his last day.
blue or red, don't matter. they haven't done anything but blow gas and kill people.
This goes out to Brandon and all his friends, enemies, and co-workers!
"I love the under-educated!"
It's really depressing this was posted six years ago and the Orange Shit Stain is still in play.
They go way back:
Trump and Nixon were pen pals in the ‘80s. Here are their letters.
The letters between once and future presidents show the two men engaged in something of an exercise in mutual affirmation.
“I think that you are one of this country’s great men, and it was an honor to spend an evening with you,” Trump writes to Nixon in June 1982, less than eight years after Nixon resigned the presidency during the Watergate scandal. The two had been spotted together at the “21” nightclub and Trump was writing Nixon to thank him for forwarding a photo.
This 1987 Letter From Nixon to Future Candidate Trump Predicted His Win
Trumpty Dumpty had been on the Phil Donohue show. Noxin wrote Drumpf:
“I did not see the program, but Mrs. Nixon told me you were great.”
As you can imagine, she is an expert on politics and she predicts that whenever you decide to run for office, you will be a winner!"

It's really depressing this was posted six years ago and the Orange Shit Stain is still in play.
This goes out to Brandon and all his friends, enemies, and co-workers!
Oh great! Politics. Always welcomed! not.
By the way, Gerald Ford was the president when Stevie released this song. Hmm? Oh, a republican president? =)
Ford was the only person to serve as president without being elected to either the presidency or the vice presidency.
I was born in '52 and I have often wondered what the 60's would have been like with 90's tech, let alone today's tech.
The power of Stevie's music!

Yep, that's the guy who kicked Lyin' Loser Donnie's fat ass.
Thanks for posting.
blue or red, don't matter. they haven't done anything but blow gas and kill people.
Do we have to be subject to political opinions at this beautiful radio station?
Honestly, it really does show the true idiots here.
Next thing you know, musical artists will be writing songs about politics and stuff.
You people have nothing better to do than take a totally innocuous song and politicize it. American politics to boot, eh?
Your stunning lack of cultural awareness is duly noted.
Stevie helped put the F into funk!
I Agree completely! GREAT TUNE!! Thanx RP!

Honestly, it really does show the true idiots here.
This song is political, in fact it's about a corrupt president, although one who was nowhere near as stupid or corrupt as Trump.
So, of course people are going to make political comments!
Perhaps you should tell Stevie Wonder what an "idiot" he is for writing political songs. Yeesh.
Do we have to be subject to political opinions at this beautiful radio station?
Honestly, it really does show the true idiots here.
Couldn't have said it better myself. Thanks for the comment.
Now, back to the music. Sir Mixalot sampled this on One time's Got No Case...I will always marry these two songs in my head ;)
Yep, that's the guy who kicked Lyin' Loser Donnie's fat ass.
Thanks for posting.
Do we have to be subject to political opinions at this beautiful radio station?
Honestly, it really does show the true idiots here.
Nixon and Trump have a lot in common - but Nixon wasn't an Idiot.
Both of them from the Republican party, interesting kind of breed they grow for presidents... Just saying!
You people have nothing better to do than take a totally innocuous song and politicize it. American politics to boot, eh?
Except race politics is literally what the song is about. The caucasity of it all.
This song reminds me of Superstition so much I often confuse them until I hear him sing. Same key, similar tempo. Same album perhaps?
Superstition is on a different album (Talking Book)
Nixon and Trump have a lot in common - but Nixon wasn't an Idiot.
You people have nothing better to do than take a totally innocuous song and politicize it. American politics to boot, eh?

Love this. Quite possibly the best gif of all time.
Ever heard of historical revisionism?

Must this brilliant tune (from 1974) be soiled by contemporary political rancor? I guess there's no stopping it.
Divorce art from its context and remove the teeth that can bite a again? That's the difference between art and mere diversion.

Yep, that's the guy who kicked Lyin' Loser Donnie's fat ass. Thanks for posting.
NB 2024; Sadly, the Orange Sociopath is now back in power.

You posted the wrong old man in the photo, bub.

It never occurred to me it's about Nixon, but the lyrics are spot on.
I never knew EJ's 'Madman' is about Nixon too - somewhat less linearly than this, but hey that's Bernie.
He wrote another song about Tricky Dick: "He's Misstra Know-it-All."
and today, a 10.
80 years apart. Fraternal twins of different mothers. Same poision.
On_The_Beach wrote:

Yup, same shit, different asshole. Same stupid smirk. Same lie, saying that everything is okay. Same mafia tactics.
Yup, same shit, different asshole. Same stupid smirk. Same lie, saying that everything is okay. Same mafia tactics.
Amen, brother.

Yup, same shit, different asshole. Same stupid smirk. Same lie, saying that everything is okay. Same mafia tactics.

It's the theme song for American politics, in general. It stands up well after 44 years, eh?

There is something odd about that album cover Bill

Some people have waaaay too much free time.
"We are amazed but not amused
By all the things you say that you'll do
Though much concerned but not involved
With decisions that are made by you
But we are sick and tired of hearing your song
Telling how you are gonna change right from wrong
'Cause if you really want to hear our views
You haven't done nothin'"
This gets an ultimate funky 10 in this office. Politically charged stuff like this still needs discussion, sadly. Until things change, but there's no sign of that anytime soon.

There is something odd about that album cover Bill

Hah! Love that photo.
Album cover fixed.
These lyrics were laid down for just this sort of rancor. The feelings are the same now as then (perhaps even more scary now).

There is something odd about that album cover Bill

But you brought this upon yourself
The world is tired of pacifiers
We want the truth and nothing else
Remarkably timely for the fall of 2016, when we're facing a choice at the ballot box between two corrupt, self-destructive Mussolini wanabees.
I remember going to a mate's party in his college room (small). The room had been completely emptied and filled with a simply infeasible amount of PA kit and any remaining space was filled with sweaty, drunk students (drink under the chin packed)
After 20 mins the hall monitor (post-doc, I think) forced his way into the room, looked at us and the kit for about 20 seconds, shook his head and left.
Words were had the following morning...

Pictures or it never happened.
I remember going to a mate's party in his college room (small). The room had been completely emptied and filled with a simply infeasible amount of PA kit and any remaining space was filled with sweaty, drunk students (drink under the chin packed)
After 20 mins the hall monitor (post-doc, I think) forced his way into the room, looked at us and the kit for about 20 seconds, shook his head and left.
Words were had the following morning...

If anything this song is/was an argument in favor of BERNIE SANDERS

The Internet Has Some Theories About Why Trump Kept Sniffing at the DebateBy Margaret Hartmann
What - no Trump?

there was a lot of it back then,
it's real good to hear this today
Bill, play 'Pusherman' by Curtis Mayfield
thanks for the consideration
and everything is sounding so good

What - no Trump?

True today.
Doo doo wop
If only...

Nothing makes me chair dance more than this song.
Oh well. . . it must never have happen then. . . it was before the invention of digital imaging and all my money went on vinyl, booze and other entertainment - not photos.

Ha ha. Played this in my bedroom in the early 80s where I stored my PA which at the time was a pair of enormous reflex bins and separate sequential horns powered by a 500 watt marshal amp and another 500 watt slave. . . the windows rattled.
Any advance?
Pictures or it never happened.
Played this full volume on my Sansui quad system - 4 12" woofers, 5" mid + 3" tweeters 100 watts rms each in a 20x25 foot living room concrete apartment overlooking Kai Tak airport in '75.
Yeah baby.
Ha ha. Played this in my bedroom in the early 80s where I stored my PA which at the time was a pair of enormous reflex bins and separate sequential horns powered by a 500 watt marshal amp and another 500 watt slave. . . the windows rattled.
Any advance?
Played this full volume on my Sansui quad system - 4 12" woofers, 5" mid + 3" tweeters 100 watts rms each in a 20x25 foot living room concrete apartment overlooking Kai Tak airport in '75.
Yeah baby.

So LowPhreak, you are another pot-smoking hippie left-winger perhaps?
I was just a few years too young to be a hippie (two older sisters kind of were though), and haven't smoked pot in decades, but I am probably a bit left of Che or Ghandi.

Carry on, numbskulls!


Mr. Wonder is DA MAN.
That's becoming real life
But when misled who knows a person's mind
Can turn as cold as ice, mm hmm
Why do you keep on making us hear your song
Telling us how you are changing right from wrong
'Cause if you really want to hear our views
You haven't done nothin'
nuff said
of course but no politics here only music
So what is the insinuation that all Floridians should in some way be viewed as the same? Is there a name for people who view entire generalized groups of other people with their preconceived ideas?
LowPhreak, is it possible that inferring the commenter is a "gun-happy, right-wing" "racist", might not be based on facts present here? I'd be interested to better understand your reasoning, and evidence of this.
My apologies Hippostar. It was meant as an off hand, tongue in cheek joke. I, by no means, feel that all of any collective group are the same. Having apologized...please lighten up a bit ok?
The Troublemakers - Electrorloge
Baby Mammoth - USF
In case anyone cares, I guess. I'm not really a fan of the Troublemakers, but love that song. Huge fan of Baby Mammoth, but not crazy about that song. Neither is as good as the original!

That's becoming real life
But when misled who knows a person's mind
Can turn as cold as ice, mm hmm
Why do you keep on making us hear your song
Telling us how you are changing right from wrong
'Cause if you really want to hear our views
You haven't done nothin'
nuff said
So what is the insinuation that all Floridians should in some way be viewed as the same? Is there a name for people who view entire generalized groups of other people with their preconceived ideas?
LowPhreak, is it possible that inferring the commenter is a "gun-happy, right-wing" "racist", might not be based on facts present here? I'd be interested to better understand your reasoning, and evidence of this.
ya'll a bunch a idiots, great music is just that, no mater who dunit.
Why else would someone "boycott Stevie Wonder" in this context? Racism perhaps? Instead of answering to the reason for such idiocy, it's easier to project onto the person asking the question.
Typical response when a position is indefensible.
Let's add some context. Original post to which comment in question was directed:
ziakut wrote:
So what is the insinuation that all Floridians should in some way be viewed as the same? Is there a name for people who view entire generalized groups of other people with their preconceived ideas?
LowPhreak, is it possible that inferring the commenter is a "gun-happy, right-wing" "racist", might not be based on facts present here? I'd be interested to better understand your reasoning, and evidence of this.
So LowPhreak, you are another pot-smoking hippie left-winger perhaps?
Wait, see how stupid knee-jerk comments sound?
Why else would someone "boycott Stevie Wonder" in this context? Racism perhaps? Instead of answering to the reason for such idiocy, it's easier to project onto the person asking the question.
Typical response when a position is indefensible.
Another gun-happy right-winger perhaps?
So LowPhreak, you are another pot-smoking hippie left-winger perhaps?
Wait, see how stupid knee-jerk comments sound?