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Length: 3:42
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Four hundred empty acres that used to be my farm
I grew up like my daddy did My grandpa cleared this land
When I was five I walked the fence while grandpa held my hand
Rain on the scarecrow Blood on the plow
This land fed a nation This land made me proud
And Son I'm just sorry there's no legacy for you now
Rain on the scarecrow Blood on the plow
Rain on the scarecrow Blood on the plow
The crops we grew last summer weren't enough to pay the loans
Couldn't buy the seed to plant this spring and the Farmers Bank foreclosed
Called my old friend Schepman up to auction off the land
He said John it's just my job and I hope you understand
Hey calling it your job ol' hoss sure don't make it right
But if you want me to I'll say a prayer for your soul tonight
And grandma's on the front porch swing with a Bible in her hand
Sometimes I hear her singing "Take me to the Promised Land"
When you take away a man's dignity he can't work his fields and cows
There'll be blood on the scarecrow Blood on the plow
Blood on the scarecrow Blood on the plow
Well there's ninety-seven crosses planted in the courthouse yard
Ninety-seven families who lost ninety-seven farms
I think about my grandpa and my neighbors and my name
And some nights I feel like dyin' Like that scarecrow in the rain
Rain on the scarecrow Blood on the plow
This land fed a nation This land made me proud
And Son I'm just sorry they're just memories for you now
Rain on the scarecrow Blood on the plow
Rain on the scarecrow Blood on the plow
Rain on the scarecrow Blood on the plow
This land fed a nation This land made me proud
And Son I'm just sorry they're just memories for you now
Rain on the scarecrow Blood on the plow
Rain on the scarecrow Blood on the plow
So, what is "PSD"?
PSD was a 'Play Something Different' button RP used to have. Now obsoleted by the 'skip' button, but still used as a short way of saying "if you no likey, just click skip" HTH
(Hope That Helps

Today, the very point of being liberal seems to be to destroy the values of someone you don't agree with.
Pretty sure it's the conservatives who attempt to railroad their bigoted perspective if it varies even remotely from that of their own, even if it is sometimes (or usually) to the detriment of someone else.
Liberals just stick up for their own and others' rights.
please Bill! - Radio Paradise is far too good for John Cougar ( and Counting Crows ).
replace all songs from these artists with anyting from the Clash - super easy.
Hmmm... I've never heard Anyting by the Clash. How does it go?
Today, the very point of being liberal seems to be to destroy the values of someone you don't agree with.
This is about families and the changing face of America. I'm pretty
conservative, yet find this song to be intensely painful to listen to,
since this is exactly what happened to my grandparents and their
siblings in rural Arkansas. They were Democrats to a man, hated the Damn Yankees, but had no positive regard for liberalism as it is today.
They weren't really Democrats as we know them today. That's because old-timey "democrats" in Arkansas are now, and have been for quite some time, Republicans following the sadly successful Southern Strategy to reverse Civil Rights, persist Jim Crow laws, and oppose equality under the law for all races.
It would seem to me that hijacking an entire political party to reverse its values because you don't agree with them is pretty destructive after all.
Maybe you need to experience it yourself:
Grow up, work hard, build a life, raise a family, and invest everything you have in the things that mean the most to you. Then hit a downturn and watch as real estate brokers, investment bankers, and big farma sweep through, buy everything up at fire sale prices, and then hire away your labor at a fraction of what they're worth but more than you can afford to pay. Watch as your life's savings, life's work, and every single dream you've ever had disappear into the rearview mirror as you drive away from the only home you've lived in for the last 25 years. No place to go, no savings left, no one to turn to, and no hope.
Then call me with your whiny complaints about this song and tell me you still can't feel it.
They don't feel it. The banksters don't feel it. It's all about making money until it's their turn and then they will be too big to fail. And our bought and paid for politicians will go along for the ride.
Complete disagreement here:
1) This song is by John MELLENCAMP; he dropped 'Cougar' in 1991.
2) Who are we to 2nd guess which artists BillG plays? Just cuz you don't like an act doesn't mean those of us who enjoy it shouldn't get to hear it...
3) PSD and/or skip features are available for these "unworthy RP tracks"
4) Read the Wiki page for Mr. Mellencamp and you'll be amazed; his critical acclaim might be greater than his popular acclaim....
5) for instance, Johnny Cash called JM "one of the 10 best songwriters" in music
6) sometimes BillG is working a theme, and some of these songs you want axed fit in these brilliant segues and
6.9) this track's current average rating, which is in the "pretty good/quite likeable range
7.02) that's about it....Long Live RP!!
So, what is "PSD"?
Brought to you by Bill & Rebecca, 10th Degree Segue Blackbelts
Maybe you need to experience it yourself:
Grow up, work hard, build a life, raise a family, and invest everything you have in the things that mean the most to you. Then hit a downturn and watch as real estate brokers, investment bankers, and big farma sweep through, buy everything up at fire sale prices, and then hire away your labor at a fraction of what they're worth but more than you can afford to pay. Watch as your life's savings, life's work, and every single dream you've ever had disappear into the rearview mirror as you drive away from the only home you've lived in for the last 25 years. No place to go, no savings left, no one to turn to, and no hope.
Then call me with your whiny-assed complaints about this song and tell me you still can't feel it.
Sounds like The Grapes of Wrath.
Maybe you need to experience it yourself:
Grow up, work hard, build a life, raise a family, and invest everything you have in the things that mean the most to you. Then hit a downturn and watch as real estate brokers, investment bankers, and big farma sweep through, buy everything up at fire sale prices, and then hire away your labor at a fraction of what they're worth but more than you can afford to pay. Watch as your life's savings, life's work, and every single dream you've ever had disappear into the rearview mirror as you drive away from the only home you've lived in for the last 25 years. No place to go, no savings left, no one to turn to, and no hope.
Then call me with your whiny-assed complaints about this song and tell me you still can't feel it.
No words can approximate what that feels like, I bet, despite how eloquent you stated it. I don’t know this experience myself. If that is your story, I am glad this song brings you some comfort.
"An honest man's pillow is his peace of mind." Always loved that line

The old man told me this my son, I'm telling it to you.
Grow up, work hard, build a life, raise a family, and invest everything you have in the things that mean the most to you. Then hit a downturn and watch as real estate brokers, investment bankers, and big farma sweep through, buy everything up at fire sale prices, and then hire away your labor at a fraction of what they're worth but more than you can afford to pay. Watch as your life's savings, life's work, and every single dream you've ever had disappear into the rearview mirror as you drive away from the only home you've lived in for the last 25 years. No place to go, no savings left, no one to turn to, and no hope.
Then call me with your whiny complaints about this song and tell me you still can't feel it.
Tremendously over-produced ringing on the snare drum, generally in the domain of extremely amateur drummers. Some 80's producer/engineer just thought it sounded badass. Hope he was forced into retirement after that.
Huh - I always had the sound of hammer on anvil in my head.
Unless you lived through the economic recession and saw family farms get foreclosed by the banks... then get bought up by ConAgra and Simplot.
Oh, and the lumber industry, mines and construction all tanked at the same time. This song is well written, your comments were glib at best.
Yes, heaven forbid an artist should actually care about farmers.
A blemish to RP's amazing complexion.
Unless you lived through the economic recession and saw family farms get foreclosed by the banks... then get bought up by ConAgra and Simplot.
Oh, and the lumber industry, mines and construction all tanked at the same time. This song is well written, your comments were glib at best.
So you have farm drudgery experience and have been to Indiana. This bit of trivia about no one important is of no interest.
Wow. You're kind of a jackass. Here's ten bucks. Go buy a life. If there's any change, see if you can find a spine on sale.
I'm a tad late to THIS shit-talking party!! And while I understand where the 'upsetness' comes from in regards to h8rhater's posts, I know he anticipates it and can defend himself. Or to re-word the comment above, he's "a kind jackass."
I remember once in HS having to write about the (I've paraphrased it) quote "even the hate of hate is to be avoided" - and while the concept makes sense, and using a math term here, I see the hate of hate as an asymptote. The original hate is H=0, and the hate of hate is another function entirely, and while it can approach that same '0', will never actually cross it. Somehow, it's a lesser hate, and when used to enlighten others, is a very good thing in my mind. Especially in respect to our more modern use of the word 'hate' - as in "I hate cold weather" or "I hate the band xyz" or "I hate it when...." - seems to be welcoming a very strong negative emotional state when it is not needed. Whereas, saying "I hate what Hitler did" or "I hate when innocent people are incarcerated/executed for someone else's crime" might be rooted in LOVE or SYMPATHY or ALTRUISM.
I know, I haven't expressed what I'm trying to say very well; maybe if I ever decide to become an essayist I'll nail this down better. At the very least, I got to call h8rhater a 'kind jackass' and that was worth the few minutes I spent typing this post.

Oh...I also went 7→8 on this JM track.
I am indeed kind of a jackass. It is sort of the point. You know, giving as good as you get and all.
It is nice, though, to be called a kind jackass. Thanks for that.
Complete disagreement here:
1) This song is by John MELLENCAMP; he dropped 'Cougar' in 1991.
2) Who are we to 2nd guess which artists BillG plays? Just cuz you don't like an act doesn't mean those of us who enjoy it shouldn't get to hear it...
3) PSD and/or skip features are available for these "unworthy RP tracks"
4) Read the Wiki page for Mr. Mellencamp and you'll be amazed; his critical acclaim might be greater than his popular acclaim....
5) for instance, Johnny Cash called JM "one of the 10 best songwriters" in music
6) sometimes BillG is working a theme, and some of these songs you want axed fit in these brilliant segues and
6.9) this track's current average rating, which is in the "pretty good/quite likeable range
7.02) that's about it....Long Live RP!!
Drops mic ...
A blemish to RP's amazing complexion.
Today, the very point of being liberal seems to be to destroy the values of someone you don't agree with.
This is about families and the changing face of America. I'm pretty conservative, yet find this song to be intensely painful to listen to, since this is exactly what happened to my grandparents and their siblings in rural Arkansas. They were Democrats to a man, hated the Damn Yankees, but had no positive regard for liberalism as it is today.
Humm lets see, conservatives can predict what liberals will say about a song like this (and a million others)
and liberals can predict what conservatives will say about a song like this (and a million others) so,
why do the conservatives feel the compulsive need to dump their predictable thumbs down on songs
liberals have been singing for the last 100 years ? Contrary ? Ornery ? Insecure ? Belligerent ? Looking for a fight ? — So why not go listen to Limbaugh, Beck, or O'Really, that way you will be where you should be, and with low blood pressure as you won't need to pump blood to your brain when listening to one of your own. I'm damned tired of conservative slams on liberal music on sites where liberal music is played ! I grew up with this music and love it. I don't go to conservative radio sites to pitch a bitch and moan about conservative music like Ted (the dead) Nugent and ...... well...... perhaps some gangsta hip-hop ?
I don't go to conservative sites EVER....
As the conservatives used to say to liberals in the 70's, as a liberal, I say this to you now
——->>>> "America, Love it or Leave It !" <<<<————
Better yet move to Texas —secede —-elect bush president—-sit around with your AR15's, sing church songs, and boogie down with "The Hammer" your very own, Tom DeLay.
replace all songs from these artists with anyting from the Clash - super easy.
Complete disagreement here:
1) This song is by John MELLENCAMP; he dropped 'Cougar' in 1991.
2) Who are we to 2nd guess which artists BillG plays? Just cuz you don't like an act doesn't mean those of us who enjoy it shouldn't get to hear it...
3) PSD and/or skip features are available for these "unworthy RP tracks"
4) Read the Wiki page for Mr. Mellencamp and you'll be amazed; his critical acclaim might be greater than his popular acclaim....
5) for instance, Johnny Cash called JM "one of the 10 best songwriters" in music
6) sometimes BillG is working a theme, and some of these songs you want axed fit in these brilliant segues and
6.9) this track's current average rating, which is in the "pretty good/quite likeable range
7.02) that's about it....Long Live RP!!
I see it more as "I write songs about the working man, many as good as the Boss. I know I don't have a great voice, but jeez, at least mine's waayyyy better than his."
replace all songs from these artists with anyting from the Clash - super easy.
Don't know why he doesn't get more accolades.
So you have farm drudgery experience and have been to Indiana. This bit of trivia about no one important is of no interest.
Wow. You're kind of a jackass. Here's ten bucks. Go buy a life. If there's any change, see if you can find a spine on sale.
I'm a tad late to THIS shit-talking party!! And while I understand where the 'upsetness' comes from in regards to h8rhater's posts, I know he anticipates it and can defend himself. Or to re-word the comment above, he's "a kind jackass."
I remember once in HS having to write about the (I've paraphrased it) quote "even the hate of hate is to be avoided" - and while the concept makes sense, and using a math term here, I see the hate of hate as an asymptote. The original hate is H=0, and the hate of hate is another function entirely, and while it can approach that same '0', will never actually cross it. Somehow, it's a lesser hate, and when used to enlighten others, is a very good thing in my mind. Especially in respect to our more modern use of the word 'hate' - as in "I hate cold weather" or "I hate the band xyz" or "I hate it when...." - seems to be welcoming a very strong negative emotional state when it is not needed. Whereas, saying "I hate what Hitler did" or "I hate when innocent people are incarcerated/executed for someone else's crime" might be rooted in LOVE or SYMPATHY or ALTRUISM.
I know, I haven't expressed what I'm trying to say very well; maybe if I ever decide to become an essayist I'll nail this down better. At the very least, I got to call h8rhater a 'kind jackass' and that was worth the few minutes I spent typing this post.
Oh...I also went 7→8 on this JM track.

"An honest man's pillow is his peace of mind." Always loved that line

Love this tune. Takes my back to end of my college 'in a corn field' years, a girlfriend and a newborn. Classic Midwest drama.
You feel that anyone who does not like the music should be subject to your nasty comments because they "insult other people's favorite tunes." And you are noble and righteous because you never have a negative comment about the music. So, in your opinion, only positive posts on music should be posted because after all, every tune is someone's "favorite tune." If someone posts a negative comment, they should be subject to the thought police (you) taking them to task.
Ok. Just wanted to clarify your position.
h8rhater wrote:
Hello... knock, knock.. H8rhater!?!?
That's the whole point. Trashing folks who get on the board just to insult other people's favorite tunes. Like this classic from rock legend John Mellencamp, who is now in his 5th decade making great music.
You can try but you wont find a negative comment on the music coming out of this account. Just a whole lot of derision heaped upon those who think their pithy commentary is somehow profound or cute.
I'm just keeping company with folks just like YOU who would post a JPG like the one above, pal. Or that guy Dave who crawls out from his hovel in Damnville every once in a while to spew spite. Maybe you should check the mirror.
Don't feed the h8r.
That is the WHOLE point.
You feel that anyone who does not like the music should be subject to your nasty comments because they "insult other people's favorite tunes." And you are noble and righteous because you never have a negative comment about the music. So, in your opinion, only positive posts on music should be posted because after all, every tune is someone's "favorite tune." If someone posts a negative comment, they should be subject to the thought police (you) taking them to task.
Ok. Just wanted to clarify your position.
h8rhater wrote:
Hello... knock, knock.. H8rhater!?!?
That's the whole point. Trashing folks who get on the board just to insult other people's favorite tunes. Like this classic from rock legend John Mellencamp, who is now in his 5th decade making great music.
You can try but you wont find a negative comment on the music coming out of this account. Just a whole lot of derision heaped upon those who think their pithy commentary is somehow profound or cute.
I'm just keeping company with folks just like YOU who would post a JPG like the one above, pal. Or that guy Dave who crawls out from his hovel in Damnville every once in a while to spew spite. Maybe you should check the mirror.
Don't feed the h8r.
I taped that version off the T.V. when they broadcast the gig in the UK, (it was a couple of months after Live Aid) i'ts always been a great song with something to say. The sound on this version of it is, to me, V disappointing in comparision.
yep it was your farming industry, our mining industry and years of community and history ravaged, ruined and destroyed by the money men in the 80s. no i don't have personal experience of either (thankfully), but a tragedy is a tragedy.
PS here it is - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bl3X5zuYaiA
Well said.
You feel that anyone who does not like the music should be subject to your nasty comments because they "insult other people's favorite tunes." And you are noble and righteous because you never have a negative comment about the music. So, in your opinion, only positive posts on music should be posted because after all, every tune is someone's "favorite tune." If someone posts a negative comment, they should be subject to the thought police (you) taking them to task.
Ok. Just wanted to clarify your position.
h8rhater wrote:
Hello... knock, knock.. H8rhater!?!?
That's the whole point. Trashing folks who get on the board just to insult other people's favorite tunes. Like this classic from rock legend John Mellencamp, who is now in his 5th decade making great music.
You can try but you wont find a negative comment on the music coming out of this account. Just a whole lot of derision heaped upon those who think their pithy commentary is somehow profound or cute.
I'm just keeping company with folks just like YOU who would post a JPG like the one above, pal. Or that guy Dave who crawls out from his hovel in Damnville every once in a while to spew spite. Maybe you should check the mirror.
Not exactly leafmold, but also not far from the truth. The key word in your comment above is "vitriolic" (or maybe "derisive" from mine). Not every negative comment is vitriolic (filled with malice). It is malicious comments designed to offend random others, not those containing genuine well expressed critical commentary, that draw attention from H8rhater.
The target matters. How many people is the OP trying to offend and why? The types of comments that draw attention are derisive comments aimed at EVERYONE and, most specifically, someone that actually likes the song in question. A H8rhater vitriolic comment is aimed at the specific troll making such commentary.
I do think it is emblematic of the problem that I am concerned with that you defend vitriolic comments made against the music and directed at everyone, while decrying those derisive comments made specifically in response to them.
I taped that version off the T.V. when they broadcast the gig in the UK, (it was a couple of months after Live Aid) i'ts always been a great song with something to say. The sound on this version of it is, to me, V disappointing in comparision.
yep it was your farming industry, our mining industry and years of community and history ravaged, ruined and destroyed by the money men in the 80s. no i don't have personal experience of either (thankfully), but a tragedy is a tragedy.
PS here it is - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bl3X5zuYaiA
I agree. The annoying mix of the percussion through most of Mellencamp's songs detracts from what is otherwise frequently quite good.
That's that big "Don Gehman sound". He was very successful and sought-after on account of it, but that drum sound often seemed kind of thin and piercing to me too. Whatever, it worked for him and the artists he produced.
Tremendously over-produced ringing on the snare drum, generally in the domain of extremely amateur drummers. In reality, it's probably being overdubbed by someone banging on a pot or pan.
Some 80's producer/engineer just thought it sounded "cool". Hope he was forced into retirement after that.

Yes, "Minutes To Memories" and "Hotdogs and Hamburgers" are a couple of little known mellencamp gems from the 80s. Would love to hear both songs on RP.
"Rain On The Scarecrow" still sounds great after all these years.
Hello... knock, knock.. H8rhater!?!?
That's the whole point. Trashing folks who get on the board just to insult other people's favorite tunes. Like this classic from rock legend John Mellencamp, who is now in his 5th decade making great music.
You can try but you wont find a negative comment on the music coming out of this account. Just a whole lot of derision heaped upon those who think their pithy commentary is somehow profound or cute.
I'm just keeping company with folks just like YOU who would post a JPG like the one above, pal. Or that guy Dave who crawls out from his hovel in Damnville every once in a while to spew spite. Maybe you should check the mirror.
I hate this song...the reason I am posting this is because I want it removed from the playlist...because I do not think it shud be played...in general I actually respect how you passion8ly defend your songs....let the debates rage onward
I saw him twice during last two years when he was touring with Bob Dylan.
His band puts on a great RnR show.
You feel that anyone who does not like the music should be subject to your nasty comments because they "insult other people's favorite tunes." And you are noble and righteous because you never have a negative comment about the music. So, in your opinion, only positive posts on music should be posted because after all, every tune is someone's "favorite tune." If someone posts a negative comment, they should be subject to the thought police (you) taking them to task.
Ok. Just wanted to clarify your position.
h8rhater wrote:
Hello... knock, knock.. H8rhater!?!?
That's the whole point. Trashing folks who get on the board just to insult other people's favorite tunes. Like this classic from rock legend John Mellencamp, who is now in his 5th decade making great music.
You can try but you wont find a negative comment on the music coming out of this account. Just a whole lot of derision heaped upon those who think their pithy commentary is somehow profound or cute.
I'm just keeping company with folks just like YOU who would post a JPG like the one above, pal. Or that guy Dave who crawls out from his hovel in Damnville every once in a while to spew spite. Maybe you should check the mirror.
Everybody in my hotel room loves this song...

Hello... knock, knock.. H8rhater!?!?
That's the whole point. Trashing folks who get on the board just to insult other people's favorite tunes. Like this classic from rock legend John Mellencamp, who is now in his 5th decade making great music.
You can try but you wont find a negative comment on the music coming out of this account. Just a whole lot of derision heaped upon those who think their pithy commentary is somehow profound or cute.
I'm just keeping company with folks just like YOU who would post a JPG like the one above, pal. Or that guy Dave who crawls out from his hovel in Damnville every once in a while to spew spite. Maybe you should check the mirror.
In my opinion this is the best song that JM ever wrote. It's heartbreaking, poignant, and makes a strong statement. 10+
Wow. You're kind of a jackass. Here's ten bucks. Go buy a life. If there's any change, see if you can find a spine on sale.
At least I'm not a lawyer with training wheels. Here's ten cents. Sue me.

past 30 years!
And a kind of a shame that you Americans give a real patriot (heard the lyrics?)
great singer, great songwriter, great performer unbelievable 6.9 points for this song!
Sometimes I think I am in the "wrong film" here.

Song's kind of relevant again, no?
you betcha! Some of the words mighta changed, but it STILL APPLIES. Classic message, tried and true.
Song's kind of relevant again, no?
So you have farm drudgery experience and have been to Indiana. This bit of trivia about no one important is of no interest.
Wow. You're kind of a jackass. Here's ten bucks. Go buy a life. If there's any change, see if you can find a spine on sale.
Too bad it didn't miss and smack you right in the EmptyHead. Maybe it WAS meant for you.
Oh look, the little troll man is back. Who's only role in his miserable little life is attacking strangers here that don't like what he likes. You must feel like a real big man behind that keyboard. People like you that feel the need to attack and belittle strangers to build themselves up from the safety and anonymity of the computer have self respect and self worth issues. You really should see a shrink about that if you ever want to have any kind of meaningful life. Must really suck to be you.
And for Mellonhead getting beaned with a bottle. Not surprising it happened, He was yelling at the crowd and calling them not so nice names and riling people up. Apparently someone didn't like it. Just a thought, but people came there to hear his music and not him screaming obscenities at the crowd. He said in a radio interview a few days later he'd never play there again.
This land did feed a nation, this same land that was confiscated from others without the slightest shred of fair compensation (I'm talking about the native Americans). I grew up de-tassling corn in Iowa and went to Indiana Univeristy in Bloomington, a few minutes from John's home. I have no beef with political songs, but this is too much wrongheadedness.
This is simply awful, in so many ways. Please, please, NEVER play this song again.
Seriously, wouldn't it be easier for you to turn this off the next time, than to declare for others that it never get played again? Your "Dickishness" is showing!

This land did feed a nation, this same land that was confiscated from others without the slightest shred of fair compensation (I'm talking about the native Americans). I grew up de-tassling corn in Iowa and went to Indiana Univeristy in Bloomington, a few minutes from John's home. I have no beef with political songs, but this is too much wrongheadedness.
This is simply awful, in so many ways. Please, please, NEVER play this song again.
So you have farm drudgery experience and have been to Indiana. This bit of trivia about no one important is of no interest.
Too bad it didn't miss and smack you right in the EmptyHead. Maybe it WAS meant for you.
He was in Stockholm 86 or 87, it was a great performance! Love him and his band.
Now, Now............
Obama is Half Honkie and all Donkey........
Now we will get years of Left Wing Donkey Shit............
Hope you get centuries of it, served on your Mom's best china, you fascist bigot.
That_SOB wrote:
Humm lets see, conservatives can predict what liberals will say about a song like this (and a million others)
and liberals can predict what conservatives will say about a song like this (and a million others) so,
why do the conservatives feel the compulsive need to dump their predictable thumbs down on songs
liberals have been singing for the last 100 years ? Contrary ? Ornery ? Insecure ? Belligerent ? Looking for a fight ? — So why not go listen to Limbaugh, Beck, or O'Really, that way you will be where you should be, and with low blood pressure as you won't need to pump blood to your brain when listening to one of your own. I'm damned tired of conservative slams on liberal music on sites where liberal music is played ! I grew up with this music and love it. I don't go to conservative radio sites to pitch a bitch and moan about conservative music like Ted (the dead) Nugent and ...... well...... perhaps some gangsta hip-hop ?
I don't go to conservative sites EVER....
As the conservatives used to say to liberals in the 70's, as a liberal, I say this to you now
——->>>> "America, Love it or Leave It !" <<<<————
Better yet move to Texas —secede —-elect bush president—-sit around with your AR15's, sing church songs, and boogie down with "The Hammer" your very own, Tom DeLay.
'kin cool in his Cuban Heels
Humm lets see, conservatives can predict what liberals will say about a song like this (and a million others)
and liberals can predict what conservatives will say about a song like this (and a million others) so,
why do the conservatives feel the compulsive need to dump their predictable thumbs down on songs
liberals have been singing for the last 100 years ? Contrary ? Ornery ? Insecure ? Belligerent ? Looking for a fight ? — So why not go listen to Limbaugh, Beck, or O'Really, that way you will be where you should be, and with low blood pressure as you won't need to pump blood to your brain when listening to one of your own. I'm damned tired of conservative slams on liberal music on sites where liberal music is played ! I grew up with this music and love it. I don't go to conservative radio sites to pitch a bitch and moan about conservative music like Ted (the dead) Nugent and ...... well...... perhaps some gangsta hip-hop ?
I don't go to conservative sites EVER....
As the conservatives used to say to liberals in the 70's, as a liberal, I say this to you now
——->>>> "America, Love it or Leave It !" <<<<————
Better yet move to Texas —secede —-elect bush president—-sit around with your AR15's, sing church songs, and boogie down with "The Hammer" your very own, Tom DeLay.
This land did feed a nation, this same land that was confiscated from others without the slightest shred of fair compensation (I'm talking about the native Americans). I grew up de-tassling corn in Iowa and went to Indiana Univeristy in Bloomington, a few minutes from John's home. I have no beef with political songs, but this is too much wrongheadedness.
This is simply awful, in so many ways. Please, please, NEVER play this song again.
philbertr wrote:
You have GOT to be kidding.
david1045 wrote:The guitar solo is not bad, but the song has not stood the test of time in the way that Pink Houses and Love and Happiness have. It sounds kind of 80s and not cool 80s...but kind of lame 80s.
I've never seen Mellencamp live, but I'll bet this one is a real fist-pumper. As others have said, still totally relevant today. Oh, and the solo rocks!
As a former farm boy, I wholeheartedly agree.
You have GOT to be kidding.
His tendency and borderline pretentious confidence served him well to generated quality songs that invoke feeling, as well as toe tapping poppy gems, "Key West Intermezzo (I Saw You First)" one of my favs, seems to be overlooked by most.