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Soha — C'est Bien Mieux Comme Ca
Album: D'ici et D'ailleurs
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Released: 2008
Length: 4:10
Plays (last 30 days): 2
On ne peut pas se défaire
De l'endroit d'où l'on vient
La mère et l'enfance ne sont jamais très loin
On a laissé les siens si souvent, partir il le faut bien
On apprend à dire "non" un matin

Moi je souris aux petits bonheurs
Je souris, c'est bien mieux comme ça
C'est bien mieux comme ça

Bâtir des murs autour de soi
Vouloir se protéger du froid
Tout ce temps qui passe on en revient pas
Quels sont ceux à qui je tiens ?
La solitude me va si bien
Mais si jamais l'amour s'en vient ça m'va

Moi je souris aux petits bonheurs
Je souris, c'est bien mieux comme ça
Je me fous des petits malheurs
Je m'en fous, c'est bien mieux comme ça
Comments (121)add comment
Je tente une traduction qui me paraît mieux correspondre :

We can't get rid of where we come from
Mother and child[hood?] are never very far away
We have left our loved ones so often, to leave, we have to
We learn to say "no" one morning

I smile at the little joys
I smile, it's much better that way
It's much better that way

Building walls around yourself
Wanting to protect yourself from the cold
All this time that passes, we never come back
Who are the ones I care about?
Loneliness suits me so well
But if love ever comes, that's fine with me

I smile at the little joys
I smile, it's much better that way
I don't care about little woes
I don't care, it's much better that way
Is that Madeleine Peyroux I hear in uncharacteristically upbeat mood? No, it's an Algerian-French artist I've never heard before. Love when that happens. Thank you RP! I'll now explore Soha's back catalog for more such gems.
You can't get rid of
From the place where you come from
Mother and childhood are never far away
We've left our own so many times, we have to leave
You learn to say "no" one morning

I smile at the little pleasures
I smile, it's much better that way
It's much better this way

Building walls around you
I'm not sure what to do, I'm not sure what to do
All this time that goes by, we can't believe it
Who do I care about?
Loneliness suits me so well
But if love ever comes I'm okay with it

I'm smiling at the little joys
I smile, it's much better that way
I don't care about little misfortunes
I don't care, it's much better that way
Le l'aime!
Anyone else hearing Amy Winehouse in here? (You Know I'm No Good)
I like having the foreign language lyrics here so I can follow along at home.
Man I'm getting sick of the too-oft repeated "dah-dah-dah-dah-da" sequence...
 BobHeisler wrote:

She sounds remarkably similar to Billie Holiday and Madeleine Peyroux.

Yeah! But her voice lacks something, age, experience? ... can't put my finger on it!
But there again, what would I know - I live in France and never heard of her! :/
She sounds remarkably similar to Billie Holiday and Madeleine Peyroux.

Nice song. I’m learning French, so I put some of these lyrics into my flash card deck. 
The Wikipedia article for this connects to a village in Pakistan, not the artist .
 Hippostar wrote:
 ginniet wrote:
I don't understand a word of it, but I like the rhythm.

Well, the hook translates roughly to "I don't give a f**k... it's just better that way".  If that helps.



In the ears of the beholder I guess, but I understand the last verse as 
'I smile at small pleasures
I smile; it's much better like that
I don't care, it's much better that way'
 Hippostar wrote:
 ginniet wrote:
I don't understand a word of it, but I like the rhythm.

Well, the hook translates roughly to "I don't give a f**k... it's just better that way".  If that helps.



Not really, and I only point it out because the meaning is way different:

I smile at small pleasures
I smile, it's much better this way
It's much better this way
Love her voice, reminds me of Madeline Peyroux. 

Some information about her would be great. Anyone..?
Failing that, at least take down the town in Pakistan; you've got the wrong dame. 
What's with the Wikipedia re: Soha. From http://artistwiki.com/soha...Originating from Western Sahara in Algeria, growing up in a multi-cultural environment, Soha blends a variety of styles in her work. Mixing musical traditions from around the world, the prominent Cuban, Latin, jazz and soul influences, Soha gives an appealing vivacity to her sound.
Soha, a French vocalist of Algerian descent, incorporates reggae, Latin, Algerian, and Jazz - she truly is a girl of her time, knowing no boundaries other than the limit of her imagination. The result is a fantastic album that feels so much more than just the sum of these parts. There is no sense of trying items from a shopping list on for size - instead she has incorporated these influences into her soul and her music is a natural expression of this. Like all gifted musicians, Soha has assimilated a diverse range of influences but comes out the other side sounding wholly original.
Official site: http://www.soha.fr|MySpace: www.myspace.com/sohamusic
Wrong wiki link...
Sound like Madeleine Peyroux
 Mick55 wrote:
Si c'est pour que les bosch ne viennent pas foutre leur business en France, y'en faudra 2, des lignes Maginot...
Rien à voir avec la chanteuse : "c'est bien mieux comme ça".  = A méditer. 
C'est quoi cette pensée complètement en dehors de la plaque ??
love this!
Je m'en fous, c'est bien mieux comme ça 
Je l'aime... je l'aime beaucoup!
 thewiseking wrote:
a poor man's Piaf. A very, very poor man's

Must be a man so poor that he can't even afford to keep more than two french names in memory...

Ca fait du bien ! Pensées à tous nos amis insulaires {#Hug}

Et merci RP de nous faire découvrir autant de variété musicale.

Thanks to RP
It's not because she sings in french that she's a Piaf ripoff, afterall it's her native language, she's good enough in her own right.
a poor man's Piaf. A very, very poor man's
Don't know what she's saying but me like very much.
 Slick wrote:
Hmmm, first thought it was Madeleine Peyroux, or a long lost Billie Holiday (but too sonically "clean")  I like, thanks Bill!

Yes, same here!
"It's Much Better Like This"
Hmmm, first thought it was Madeleine Peyroux, or a long lost Billie Holiday (but too sonically "clean")  I like, thanks Bill!
Marry me and have my vaby😍
WAY too much airplay here, seems like I hear it everyday, its starting to get annoying. Sorry.
Me, I smile at the little joys . I smile, it is really better that way
Same chord progression and even riff as "I'm No Good" by Amy Winehouse. I like it. 
I think it might be an accordian jamming out at the end and I dig it.
It's really better that way...
C'est le meilleure...mes amis....comme ci comme ca
Si La Photo Est Bonne....
 ChrisVIII wrote:
Same here, the accent is also something I can't get over in this case. And the lack of energy in the voice, I just feel like shaking her to wake up ^^
Do you feel the same way about Boston accents?  Long Island accents?  Brit/Aussie? South African?  Accents from my beloved South Carolina? 

And, good sir/ma'am, her voice has plenty of energy, it's just the "simmering beneath the surface" kind of energy that took me years to recognize.  Glad I finally did, though! 
Ah oui, mais toute c'est bien mieux comme deja ca, n'est pas?
 stephw wrote:
Gawd I can't stand this song.  It sounds like she's making up words in French even though I know she's not. Maybe it's the accent? Not sure but....{#Frustrated}

Same here, the accent is also something I can't get over in this case. And the lack of energy in the voice, I just feel like shaking her to wake up ^^
 DearDM wrote:

Pas du tout, mon pote!

Exactly, "le vent nous portera" and this song have nothing in common beside the fact that the lyrics are French !

Gawd I can't stand this song.  It sounds like she's making up words in French even though I know she's not. Maybe it's the accent? Not sure but....{#Frustrated}
 ginniet wrote:

I don't understand a word of it, but I like the rhythm.


Google translate

We can not undo
the place from where we come
mother and child are never far away
was allowed from his too often, he must
we learn to say "no" morning

I laugh with the little pleasures
I smile, it's more like it
this is more like it

Building walls around you
want to protect themselves from the cold
all time passing on not return
what are those I want?
solitude suits me so well
but if love comes goes

I laugh with the little pleasures
I smile, it's more like it
I do not care about small mishaps
I do not care, it's more like it

I laugh with the little pleasures
I smile, it's more like it
I do not care about small mishaps
I do not care, it's more like it

 ginniet wrote:

I don't understand a word of it, but I like the rhythm.


Well, the hook translates roughly to "I don't give a f**k... it's just better that way".  If that helps. {#Cheesygrin}

I don't understand a word of it, but I like the rhythm.


Surprisingly this is really nice.  A 7 from me
not bad!
thx kitten, I'm digging it..
This is a very good album. I highly recommend it. 
I like it, more and more, and I appreciate the ironic lyrics...haunting, sexy, addictive...strongly evocative of all that is Romance, to be sure!
 coffeeadikt wrote:

"J'ai le goût malheureux et cela me rend triste."   :P

(Ok, maybe not, but c'est bien mieux comme ca ;) )

{#Eh}  Wow, that seems like a lotta words.  {#Eek}  {#Lol}
Before the singing started I heard a Manu Chao musical sound/arrangement.  Smooth and upbeat all in one!
 MrRedwood wrote:
Thought it was Madeleine Peyroux until I looked at the display.

Whoever she is, I definitely started channeling Gomez Addams.  Splendid.

Gomez Addams - Funny
 michaelc wrote:

Ahh "PSD in french" 

I only get about 4 out of 5 words, so I will be a smart ass instead.
it's better like that.

It depends how polite you want to be. It could vary from "Joue quelque chose d'autre" to "Assez de cette marde!". Ok tune in my opinion, even tough her voice is delicious.
Oh, mais ce qu'elle est ravissante, cette beauté créole. Et quelle voix...
beauty in music, beauty in life...{#Cheers}
 rdo wrote:
How do you say PSD in French?

Ahh "PSD in french" 

I only get about 4 out of 5 words, so I will be a smart ass instead.
it's better like that.
 jjak wrote:

c'est mieux comme ça : Mouskouri
 Nothing personal TerryS 

Sorry about that - think my "num lock" was on, tho' I doubt that she would mind, having sold over 200,000,000 records.
 Dav3thedog wrote:

I agree - very much so!
moi, je suis d'accord
 bokey wrote:
Interesting.The background instrumentals are kinda shrill and repetitive.

 Since I don't speak French,it's nice not being distracted by the lyrics.

It's just better that way.
5 timers club
Interesting. The background instrumentals are kinda shrill and repetitive.

 Since I don't speak French,it's nice not being distracted by the lyrics.
 kdarwish wrote:
Hey DJ, ou son l'autres commes ca? Super(b) swing n'est pas? Salu(t).

Mais za!
Hey DJ, ou son l'autres commes ca? Super(b) swing n'est pas? Salu(t).
 Highlowsel wrote:
Picture a dark smokey club where the singer sits on a stool up on a small stage, lit mostly from the back.  You down in front swirling a small glass of very fine cognac with eyes half closed in listening appreciation.

Hey...it's my fantasy...it could happen!  {#Wink},

Not a bad tune.

American Net'Zen
I'm with Highlowsel on this one!  I might add a doogie lying beside the ash tray.
 rdo wrote:
How do you say PSD in French?
"J'ai le goût malheureux et cela me rend triste."   :P

(Ok, maybe not, but c'est bien mieux comme ca ;) )
Oui DJ, beaucoupe bien mieux comme ca, merci, et bon journe. :)
 ThePoose wrote:
Cette chanson a l'air d'un autre chanson au nom de Le vent nous portera.
Etes-vous en accord or non! Dites-moi !

I agree - very much so!
Another 5X30 
 ThePoose wrote:
Cette chanson a l'air d'un autre chanson au nom de Le vent nous portera.
Etes-vous en accord or non! Dites-moi !
Je me suis demandee la meme chose. 
Picture a dark smokey club where the singer sits on a stool up on a small stage, lit mostly from the back.  You down in front swirling a small glass of very fine cognac with eyes half closed in listening appreciation.

Hey...it's my fantasy...it could happen!  {#Wink},

Not a bad tune.

American Net'Zen
 ThePoose wrote:
Cette chanson a l'air d'un autre chanson au nom de Le vent nous portera.
Etes-vous en accord or non! Dites-moi !
Pas du tout, mon pote!
 jjak wrote:

c'est mieux comme ça : Mouskouri
 Nothing personal TerryS 

Bravo {#Angel} Tu ma fait rire......
How do you say PSD in French?
Nice. Nice. Nice.
Cette chanson a l'air d'un autre chanson au nom de Le vent nous portera.
Etes-vous en accord or non! Dites-moi !
 jjak wrote:
J'adore la voix ( qui me rappelle Madeleine Peyroux) mais je trouve la musique juste .... comment dire .... gentille
{#Clap} D'accord. So smooth, so sweet, so seductive {#Hearteyes}
 TerryS wrote:
Reminded me of Nana Mouskuriès glasses
c'est mieux comme ça : Mouskouri
 Nothing personal TerryS 
J'adore la voix ( qui me rappelle Madeleine Peyroux) mais je trouve la musique juste .... comment dire .... gentille
Reading some of these comments... downright frightening.
Just this little song... and boooom: violence, ignorance.
What's the matter with you guys? Maybe this is not great music. But it's really far from being as bad as some claim it is. 
oui c'est bien mieux comme ça ! Quel belle voix ...
Thought it was Madeleine Peyroux until I looked at the display.

Whoever she is, I definitely started channeling Gomez Addams.  Splendid.
Whatever she said, it was hot and sensual.  A dynamite cut.  Much better than listening to scratchy-throated Piaf.
Nice one, William.
I'm off to Amazon to go buy this one. Great tune.

Get up and dance-!   If it doesn't move your feet...sit down and drink your beer...
 Hasan wrote:
She deserves more than drooling remarks about the album cover :

"Soha, a French vocalist of Algerian descent, incorporates reggae, Latin, Algerian, and Jazz - she truly is a girl of her time, knowing no boundaries other than the limit of her imagination. The result is a fantastic album that feels so much more than just the sum of these parts. There is no sense of trying items from a shopping list on for size - instead she has incorporated these influences into her soul and her music is a natural expression of this. Like all gifted musicians, Soha has assimilated a diverse range of influences but comes out the other side sounding wholly original."
. . . and has an outstanding pair of norks. . . 
Si c'est pour que les bosch ne viennent pas foutre leur business en France, y'en faudra 2, des lignes Maginot...
Rien à voir avec la chanteuse : "c'est bien mieux comme ça".  = A méditer. 
 sieversfam wrote:

Playing this song is equivalent to building the Maginot Line..  A bad idea...

  + 1  : Tout à fait d'accord ...  {#Whistle}

She deserves more than drooling remarks about the album cover :

"Soha, a French vocalist of Algerian descent, incorporates reggae, Latin, Algerian, and Jazz - she truly is a girl of her time, knowing no boundaries other than the limit of her imagination. The result is a fantastic album that feels so much more than just the sum of these parts. There is no sense of trying items from a shopping list on for size - instead she has incorporated these influences into her soul and her music is a natural expression of this. Like all gifted musicians, Soha has assimilated a diverse range of influences but comes out the other side sounding wholly original."


Too much of that "la la la la la" hook.  It's.  On.  Every.  Line.  Even.  The.  Chorus.
 pierpod wrote:
c'est vrai, c'est bien mieux comme ça !.. à l'écoute de Radio Paradise.{#No}
I like it, it's just better this way

Playing this song is equivalent to building the Maginot Line..  A bad idea...

Reminded me of Nana Mouskuriès glasses
c'est vrai, c'est bien mieux comme ça !.. à l'écoute de Radio Paradise.{#No}
Very nice. I also could have sworn it was MP also.

 hazmuz wrote:

i also thought it was M.P.
My first thought was, "Is that Amy Winehouse singing in French?"
It's better that way.
 ce wrote:
That intro made me think of Astor Piazolla, Cesaria Evora, and Manu Chao, all in just a few bars.

Yea, that album cover put a few more thoughts in me head as well.{#Cool}
That intro made me think of Astor Piazolla, Cesaria Evora, and Manu Chao, all in just a few bars.

Posted: Sep 09, 2011 - 09:20 < Reply >

 Fredrikson wrote: Was it stupid of me thinking this was Madeleine Peyroux?

i also thought it was M.P.

Ditto.... My first time hearing her, but I will look for more of Soha.
 Fredrikson wrote:
Was it stupid of me thinking this was Madeleine Peyroux?

i also thought it was M.P.

Was it stupid of me thinking this was Madeleine Peyroux?

Yes,  It's much better like that, nice tune.
The chorus in English, courtesy of Google translate, with some small changes made from my very rusty French.

I smile to my little pleasures
I smile, it's better that way
I do not mind small troubles
I do not care, it's better that way
Yes, sure, music is nice, remind you of a caribbean trip or a night at Cabo Verde but....have you seen the girl?

I can  must give her a 10 {#Drool} ...er, let´s make it 8 after a closer inspection.

What a surprise to learn that Billie Holiday sang en français!
I'm normally wary of songs with accordions and/or bagpipes because it reminds me of my idea of what the ninth circle of Hell would be like. But this is actually nice.
 AvoidingWork wrote:
So not knowing French, I ran the title through a translator.  It came back with "It's much better like that" or "It's much better like this". 
That's about the size of it. Here are the lyrics courtesy of lyricsmania.com (in turn courtesy of the search link above):

on ne peut pas se défaire
de l'endroit d'où l'on vient
la mère et l'enfant ne sont jamais très loin
on a laissé les siens partir trop souvent, il le faut bien
on apprend à dire "non" un matin

moi je souris aux petits bonheurs
je souris, c'est bien mieux comme ça
c'est bien mieux comme ça

bâtir des murs autour de soi
vouloir se protéger du froid
tout ce temps qui passe on en revient pas
quels sont ceux à qui je tiens ?
la solitude me va si bien
mais si l'amour s'en vient s'en va

moi je souris aux petits bonheurs
je souris, c'est bien mieux comme ça
je me fous des petits malheurs
je m'en fous, c'est bien mieux comme ça

moi je souris aux petits bonheurs
je souris, c'est bien mieux comme ça
je me fous des petits malheurs
je m'en fous, c'est bien mieux comme ça

It's handy for me to read this with my rusty French, as a for un petit instant I was thinking she was singing about a mouse rather than smiling :o)

What a nice blend of French accordion/South American guitar/tango. Definitely like it. {#Good-vibes}
So not knowing French, I ran the title through a translator.  It came back with "It's much better like that" or "It's much better like this".  

Now, based on the beautiful girl, the sultry voice, the sway in the song, I get two completely different mental pictures.  Both of which are not allowed on this website.  Love the song for that.  

Don't want to know what the lyrics actually say.  Hell, it could be a discussion about how to clean windows.
Music for a nice stroll along the Riviera on a bright summer day.