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Pearl Jam — Force of Nature
Album: Backspacer
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Total ratings: 1680

Released: 2009
Length: 4:00
Plays (last 30 days): 0
Understand She's a Force of Nature
Contraband hiding deep inside her soul
Exercising her will to lose control
she lets go

Common Man he don't stand a chance no
Wonderland pulling Alice in the hole
no way to save someone who won't take the rope
and just let's go

One Man Stands the edge of the ocean
a beacon on dry land
Eyes upon the horizon
in the dark before the dawn

hurricane has the trade winds blowing
gale force shaking windows in the storm
shipwreck from a love that he calls home
one light on

Somewhere there's a siren singing
a song only he hears
all the strengths you might think would
disappear resolving

one man stands alone awaiting for her to come home
Eyes upon the horizon
in the dark before the
darkness leaves the dawn

Makes me ache
Makes me shake
Is it so wrong to think that
Love can keep us safe?

Last I saw he was out there waiting
a silhouette in the black light full moon glow
in the sand there he stands upon the shore

somewhere there's a siren singing
a song only he hears
all the strength
that you might think would disappear, resolving

one man stands alone awaiting for her to come home
eyes are closed, you cannot know
but his heart don't seem to roam...
Comments (87)add comment
 kingart wrote:

Hey, a solid 500 bunch of ya rated this a 6 or less.  Methinks you're listening with one ear tied behind your back.  Just the opposite I, this is one of PJ's best tracks.  8 on you. 

I gave it a TEN!  Thanx RP!   
Hey, a solid 500 bunch of ya rated this a 6 or less.  Methinks you're listening with one ear tied behind your back.  Just the opposite I, this is one of PJ's best tracks.  9 on you. 
GREAT TUNE!!  Thanx RP!  
One of my fav PJ tracks.  Simmering hooks with a hard guitar.  Hit me up.  And too short. 
 Johnny_Wave wrote:

This band has a few OK songs, this one isn't one of them.  Tedious and labored

Wrong. This song is alive. 
Waaaay too much Wolfmother here, and they averaged an age of maybe 19 !
Jeez Eddie, I really thought you nailed it finding a Mandolin at an Opp-shop.
Whooops, I never thought to check this release date - no matter, it's a crap song.
 jlind wrote:

Sounds like a medicore Red Hot Chille Peppers song

almost every song by rhcp is mediocre--so does not say much
Great song!
 kingart wrote:
Hit the spot.  That's a happening song. It's only a 6.2 here? Is that your rendering of musical justice, or just us? 

What he said.  Poopoh to those for whom this is a mediocre PJ song.  FWIW, not agreeing.  You say a 6.4 tomato, I say an 8 nugget. 
Man, seems to be a lot of hate for PJ. I get it. Maybe outlived their relevance. Still a worthwhile listen.
 jlind wrote:
Sounds like a medicore Red Hot Chille Peppers song

OK, so say what to the Red Hot Chillies are a mediocre Pearl Jam? 
 jlind wrote:
Sounds like a mediocre Red Hot Chille Peppers song

but without the dippy dippty rap shit AK uses when he cannot make up relevant lyrics
 FlatCat wrote:
Why is this man shouting at me?


Hey, at least he's trying to sing here...
Hit the spot.  That's a happening song. It's only a 6.2 here? Is that your rendering of musical justice, or just us? 

Their brush with Grunge back in the day became a career for them!

I had front row seats stage right for the Stones at Key Arena in '05 and
Vedder was about 10 rows back from us. Said hi to him. 

 hayduke2 wrote:
PJ is totally AWESOME!!!  Album Art is so cool too in it's weird dated way: Scary model kit, Gilligan, Raquel Welch's lower extremities, a Lugosi-like Magician, Sally Field inside the Robot - "Danger Will Robinson Danger!!!"  trippy  : )

That's the work of Dan Perkins - aka Tom Tomorrow.  He does the weekly comic strip This Modern World.
PJ is totally AWESOME!!!  Album Art is so cool too in it's weird dated way: Scary model kit, Gilligan, Raquel Welch's lower extremities, a Lugosi-like Magician, Sally Field inside the Robot - "Danger Will Robinson Danger!!!"  trippy  : )
 Cynaera wrote:
Okay, it's decided.  I have GOT to get me this CD. 'Scuse me - gotta go tag my music-guru.... She's gonna hate me... *evil giggle*

it's a good one!! ..
 Proclivities wrote:

He knows what you did — he saw you when you thought no one else was around.{#Skull}

 FlatCat wrote:
Why is this man shouting at me?
He knows what you did — he saw you when you thought no one else was around.{#Skull}

Pearl Jam just keeps on making great songs and great records. Most Excellent!
Okay, it's decided.  I have GOT to get me this CD. 'Scuse me - gotta go tag my music-guru.... She's gonna hate me... *evil giggle*

jpstfx28 wrote:
6?  what is pearl jam too mainstream for your sensitive pretentious ears??

sirdroseph wrote:

I agree with you. 
On your pretentious ears, that is. This song is an easy 8. 

 jpstfx28 wrote:
6?  what is pearl jam too mainstream for your sensitive pretentious ears??

just great !!{#Meditate}
 fredriley wrote:
'Kin brilliant! At last, after 6 Ho-Hums on the bounce, some decent rockin'. That's woken me up :). 8 from the Nottingham jury.
with you Fred, from Bath jury

6?  what is pearl jam too mainstream for your sensitive pretentious ears??
REAL music to my ears after that dose of Bjork{#Dancingbanana}
Why is this man shouting at me?
Bill is....... obviously a PJ nut!!!   But who cares... they F'n Rock {#Bananajam}
 jlind wrote:
I could definatley go for this getting played less.
too much PJ this week altogether... 
'Kin brilliant! At last, after 6 Ho-Hums on the bounce, some decent rockin'. That's woken me up :). 8 from the Nottingham jury.
This song is actually just boring, a step up from most of their stuff, I am impressed. I give it a 4.{#Sleep}
PJ rocks! {#Bananajam}luvit!

Gee, and here I was thinking we need a 9.5 rating for "epic." It's not quite Godlike, but extraordinary for mere mortals. And I don't think everything PJ is magic; they can send me scuffling for the mute at times, but when they're right, they're epic.

treehugger wrote:

I don't think that's the case with this song. Have you looked at the rating distribution? Most of the votes are 7, followed closely by 8. The relatively few haters that have voted don't seem to have had much of an impact on the rating of this song. The song is ok but nothing great. 


It's great they're still about....the sound's changed a little but not for the worst..and hey every band has to evolve just like
we all do.
 erichb wrote:
Surprised this song is rated so low.  Wait...I forgot that it's a Pearl Jam song, which means the haters will rate it low regardless of the song's quality. 
I don't think that's the case with this song. Have you looked at the rating distribution? Most of the votes are 7, followed closely by 8. The relatively few haters that have voted don't seem to have had much of an impact on the rating of this song. The song is ok but nothing great. 

 erichb wrote:
Surprised this song is rated so low.  Wait...I forgot that it's a Pearl Jam song, which means the haters will rate it low regardless of the song's quality. 
Exactly.  I think this album is their best effort in some time and this some gets an 8 from me.

Holy Toledo, for all you SF Bay Area folks, KFOG is playing the Fixer right now.  I can't escape from Pearl Jam!

This isn't bad, but I'm just not excited about them anymore.
 EssexTex wrote:

I'd love to see them live...sounds great.

And I agree, a band has to build and grow, if they worry too much about moving on they become stagnant.


Saw them a couple of years ago here in Columbia. Excellent show.

This song gets better everytime I hear it. 7<8.
lemmoth wrote:

Saw them twice on their four night run to close the Philly Spectrum. Played about 120 different songs over the course. Played 40 songs on closing night. Best live rock band on the planet bar none.

New record has several very good songs. Overall not as strong as the self-titled (Avocado) record.

But these folks who are still looking for them to re-do Even Flow and Alive really don't understand how a band sustains a creative life.

They mature, build on their core sound and explore various aspects of their interests.

I'd love to see them live...sounds great.

And I agree, a band has to build and grow, if they worry too much about moving on they become stagnant.

RP is really slammin' this morning... Thanks Bill!!!
Bill likes this song, apparently.
Pearl Jam with pop hooks?  WTF - is Ed Roland writing their stuff now?
Hey Bill, cool following up raspy voiced PJ Harvey with raspy voiced Eddie Vedder from Pearl Jam!

Saw them twice on their four night run to close the Philly Spectrum.  Played about 120 different songs over the course.  Played 40 songs on closing night.  Best live rock band on the planet bar none.

New record has several very good songs.  Overall not as strong as the self-titled (Avocado) record. 

But these folks who are still looking for them to re-do Even Flow and Alive really don't understand how a band sustains a creative life.

They mature, build on their core sound and explore various aspects of their interests.

I could definatley go for this getting played less.
 orpheus wrote:

agree, only really good song on here is Unthought Known, and I'm one of the hugest PJ fans out there. The "Into the Wild" soundtrack was so freakin' awesome, methinks Ed may be saving some of the better songs he's written lately for his next solo release, perhaps {#Confused}
"Among the Waves" is a great tune

 Beaker wrote:
What noise.

Their lead singer should try something other than monotone.
Couldn't be more clueless.

I like it..a little bit different, with a bit of Television in there...funny on the majority of comments - bands evolve and try different things along the way...people diss them for it.  bands don't evolve and put out the same ol' stuff - people growse about that too...

 Bosami wrote:

At their worst - Pearl Jam is still better than a wealth of bands out there. I agree though - this record doesn't seem to have the teeth of earlier releases.

agree, only really good song on here is Unthought Known, and I'm one of the hugest PJ fans out there. The "Into the Wild" soundtrack was so freakin' awesome, methinks Ed may be saving some of the better songs he's written lately for his next solo release, perhaps {#Confused}
 erichb wrote:
Surprised this song is rated so low.  Wait...I forgot that it's a Pearl Jam song, which means the haters will rate it low regardless of the song's quality. 

No doubt about it, haters will hate.  On the other hand, I'm a big fan of Vedder and PJ, but I think this particular song is like a mediocre parody of Pearl Jam.  There is nothing remarkable about it, other than how far they have fallen from their former greatness.

 canadapaul wrote:
a bit middle of the road-ish; they're getting older; not that I was ever that angry to get overly wired about their angst, but after Yield they kind of lost me. play Satan's Bed!!!

At their worst - Pearl Jam is still better than a wealth of bands out there. I agree though - this record doesn't seem to have the teeth of earlier releases.
a bit middle of the road-ish; they're getting older; not that I was ever that angry to get overly wired about their angst, but after Yield they kind of lost me. play Satan's Bed!!!
Surprised this song is rated so low.  Wait...I forgot that it's a Pearl Jam song, which means the haters will rate it low regardless of the song's quality. 
Eddie please shut up, please! What t'hell happened to the good ol PJ sound?
My earlier comments about Red Hot Chili Peppers hold true here. Fans can get over Eddie getting older and evolving his style. Did we really prefer him drunk and mumbling in a microphone in unintelligible lines...  ;-)

Just calmly waiting for this to end.... hoping the next tune will be better. *sigh*
Sounds like a medicore Red Hot Chille Peppers song
Bill be rockin' this mornin'!!  {#Dancingbanana_2}{#Drummer}{#Bananajam}
 Razz wrote:
As much as I dig PJ, this song and many others on the new albums simply doesn't stand out enough. There is nothing distinct about them...they are ok but just kinda bleh...
Agreed, this happened with a lot of  outstanding bands, as RHCP, as well... I guess you cannot be always good

As much as I dig PJ, this song and many others on the new albums simply doesn't stand out enough. There is nothing distinct about them...they are ok but just kinda bleh...
Oh man, I love Nickleback SO much! <3
I think Rebecca's doing the spaghetti thing with this album — you know, throwing a bunch of it against the wall and seeing if anything sticks.  RP's played quite a few of the tracks now, but only a couple have made me turn up the volume, and this isn't one of them.

 themotion wrote:
This is good, but 'Amongst The Wave' from this album is amazing ... as well as 'Just Breathe'
Hard to believe Pearl Jam is still going strong after almost 20 years.
Totally agree!  I heard "Amongst the Waves" for the first time when they played their first night at the Gibson here in L.A.  The whole show was amazing.{#Clap}

 keller1 wrote:
Pretty average.  This album doesn't change my view that they have never come close to matching Ten.
I think they came close to matching Ten on their last album. This is also a very good record, but on this one they actually sound like they are having fun. Don't get me wrong, it's definitely a Pearl Jam album; there are lots of meaty riffs and there is the omnipresent serious devotion to their craft, but they also sound comfortable in their own skin. Rock on Pearl Jam!

This is good, but 'Amongst The Wave' from this album is amazing ... as well as 'Just Breathe'
Hard to believe Pearl Jam is still going strong after almost 20 years.
 SoundsGoodToMe wrote:

If you don't like what this station plays then go back to reading and regurgitating whatever Pitchfork tells you to.

Relax dude, don't be so anxious to jump to conclusions.  FWIW, I love RP, but I think this song sucks.   No need for all the defensiveness and hostility.  Sheesh!

Nice album.... artwork.

 keller1 wrote:
Pretty average.  This album doesn't change my view that they have never come close to matching Ten.

Scary: once again we agree. . .

 Johnny_Wave wrote:
This band has a few OK songs, this one isn't one of them.  Tedious and labored
yep, indeed. All their songs sound exactly alike. Angsty and heavy. Doesn't this guy ever have even a mildly happy thought? Lighten up, dude?
 Johnny_Wave wrote:
This band has a few OK songs, this one isn't one of them.  Tedious and labored

Pretty average.  This album doesn't change my view that they have never come close to matching Ten.

 pkimbrel wrote:

"Damn it Jim! I'm a doctor, not a train engineer!"
I really wish he would have said, "Christ Jim! I'm an actor, not a doctor!"


 Johnny_Wave wrote:
This band has a few OK songs, this one isn't one of them.  Tedious and labored
If you don't like what this station plays then go back to reading and regurgitating whatever Pitchfork tells you to.

 EssexTex wrote:
Too middle of the road for me
Yeah.  Was thinking, can't PJ do better than this?

 Randomax wrote:

I'll take Abby Normal in the middle!

"Damn it Jim! I'm a doctor, not a train engineer!"

 lmic wrote:

Huh? Toasted? Salty? Crunchy?

The original metaphor, which I stole from another RP commenter, was that he sang as if he had a mouthful of peanut butter, rendering his lyrics unintelligible.

 nate917 wrote:
Still can't dig ol' Peanut Butter Vocals, but the album art is going to bump the rating up for me.  It's like Hollywood Squares meets Robert Crumb.  And, hey, isn't that Major Tom on the drums?  I'll take Major Tom for the block....
I'll take Abby Normal in the middle!

 nate917 wrote:
Still can't dig ol' Peanut Butter Vocals
Huh? Toasted? Salty? Crunchy?

Still can't dig ol' Peanut Butter Vocals, but the album art is going to bump the rating up for me.  It's like Hollywood Squares meets Robert Crumb.  And, hey, isn't that Major Tom on the drums?  I'll take Major Tom for the block....
Too middle of the road for me
Bill, please play more from this album. We gotta check it out!
New Pearl Jam.  Hooray for me.
This band has a few OK songs, this one isn't one of them.  Tedious and labored
 lmic wrote:
Good new schtuff.
{#High-five} Agreed! I like this new one. Can RP rest "Alive" and "Black" while we listen to the new album? ......please?

Good new schtuff.