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Eric Clapton & Steve Winwood — Little Wing (Live)
Album: Live At Madison Square Garden
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Total ratings: 2173

Released: 2009
Length: 6:32
Plays (last 30 days): 0
Now she's walking through the clouds
With a circus mind
That's running wild
Butterflies and zebras
And moonbeams and fairytales
All she ever thinks about is riding with the wind...

When I'm sad she comes to me
With a thousand smiles
She gives to me, free
It's alright, it's alright' she says
Take anything you want from me

Now she's walking through the clouds
With a circus mind
That's running wild
Butterflies and zebras
And moonbeams and fairytales
All she ever thinks about is riding with the wind...

When I'm sad she comes to me
With a thousand smiles
She gives to me free
It's alright, it's alright' she says
Take anything you want from me

Fly Little Wing... Yeah, Yeah...

Fly Little Wing...
Comments (217)add comment
Only JH could have written those lyrics.
 diannemck56 wrote:
Little Wing by almost ANYONE is my #1 favorite tune.  Clapton, SRV, Hendrix.  I was at a  Buddy Guy show and this kid came out and blew us away with his version.  He is Quinn Sullivan and worth a listen if you haven't. 

I saw Buddy Guy and Quinn Sullivan on the same tour. Little Wing is one song that either doesn't touch me or will bring tears, depending on the playing. At Quinn's first note I though "kid... trying this song, you've got big shoes to fill". His playing brought me to tears.
 Propayne wrote:

If someone came up to me and told me I would never hear Little Wing again for the rest of my life I would punch them in the face.

I would think to myself, "What an idiot" and walk off singing it to myself for the thousandth time.
 Stetsonman wrote:

Shouldn't tamper with canon

Not sure if you mean the turnaround, but if so, I agree.   I don't like the way they hit you over the head with it each time around.  Maybe once at the end would work, but every time is heavy handed.  It ruins an otherwise good version.
I never like E.C. sorry ... and the drummer .... Mitch where are you ?? 
 bking wrote:

I usually don't care for covers, but this is pretty solid!

the version on Derek and the Dominos' "Layla (and other assorted...)" still holds up for me

I was confused for a bit (pre Caff!) as when I shut down yesterday, "Can't Find My Way Home" was playing. So the Album cover was the same when I hit play this morning.
Time for that caffeine fix
 memoryboxer wrote:

Anyone else hearing Terrapin Station?

YES! I was just going to say that :-D
Shouldn't tamper with canon
 ExpatLarry wrote:

I've only heard songs off this album here at 'rp', but from the ones I've heard it occurs to me that these two(and their band) were really enjoying themselves. Sounds like they were in to it and not just two old farts going through the motions and cashing in.

I saw the last night of the tour in Oakland.  They were having a great time, and you felt it deep down.  Fantastic.
I usually don't care for covers, but this is pretty solid!
Post Blind Faith revival
 buddy wrote:
Ah, I remember live music.  I have blind faith they’ll be back again one day.

Can. Not. Wait. 
I'll take Stevie Ray's version, please and thank you.
I like Sting's version.
This is some of the best playing I think Claptons ever done. I'm not a big blues fan so that's prob why.
File under Dad Rock
The same 'gutsiness that you hear from Joe Cocker, I think.
It feels so real & timeless
Ah, I remember live music.  I have blind faith they’ll be back again one day.
Little Wing by almost ANYONE is my #1 favorite tune.  Clapton, SRV, Hendrix.  I was at a  Buddy Guy show and this kid came out and blew us away with his version.  He is Quinn Sullivan and worth a listen if you haven't. 
"Hey Stevie, Why don't I whack a guitar solo in here somewhere?"
 javelipix wrote:
If only Clapton and Winwood knew as much about music as these commentators. Shame it's the guys with the instruments who get to play ;)

You don't have to be a chef to know a bad souffle. Say what you will but,  this just does not represent the state of the art for either of these very fine performers. Just my opinion except for the part where others seam to share it.
Anyone else hearing Terrapin Station?
I've been a Clapton fan since the early Yardbirds days, so to me he can do no wrong, but this is not his best, although still quite good.
This is my all time favorite tune. Number 1.   SRV is my fav and of course Jimi but I stop what I'm doing to listen everytime I hear it no matter who is at the guitar.   Quinn Sullivan does it justice as well. 
Little problem with the drummer
If only Clapton and Winwood knew as much about music as these commentators. Shame it's the guys with the instruments who get to play ;)
 RobN wrote:

I guess when you are playing a 20,000 seat arena then subtlety goes out of the window.
yeah jimi often wasn't so subtle when playing live

The cover that Derek and the Dominoes cranked on Layla is THE cover for this.  An almost irreplaceable track, maybe better than Jimi's original. 
Rating to me only a weak 7
 FlatCat wrote:
Hendrix knew not to belabor the point. His version has a lightness and ethereal quality. This is ponderous and self conscious. It belongs in the "Unnecessary Covers" bin.
I guess when you are playing a 20,000 seat arena then subtlety goes out of the window.
 LowPhreak wrote:
This is proof that Clapton is not God.

He was decent in Cream though. {#Wink}

gotta agree.  i've always thought that duane allman really carried d and the dominos. missing the wailing voice and soaring guitars here. but this is still decent - different players. you can hear winwood with him instead so that's going to change the feel. so what?
I really don't like their version of this. They get the words way wrong in parts and that little bridge part/turn around is annoying as hell. I love both these guys and love what they do together but I just don't like this arrangement at all.
Sting did a nice version of this with Gil Evans. 
Can't hold a candle to the original. Of course because the original is so impossibly good, there is a lot of headroom to make it worse. I think they lost about 3 points of that headroom here, so I give it a 7.
These vocals are an absolute trainwreck. {#Stop}
 SchrodingersCat wrote:

If I had any talent I'd give it a shot.  I can think of a lot of worse ways to make a living.

Money for nothing and your chicks for free!
 FlatCat wrote:
Hendrix knew not to belabor the point. His version has a lightness and ethereal quality. This is ponderous and self conscious. It belongs in the "Unnecessary Covers" bin.
Ditto. But you left out contrived.
If someone came up to me and told me I would never hear Little Wing again for the rest of my life I would punch them in the face.
As good as this song may be, it's *overplayed*.  Little Wing fits squarely in the "If I never hear this song again as long as I live I won't mind" category--whatever version that may be.
I had previously rated this 8.
Tonight I'm stunned.
Clapton and Winwood nailed this with passion, art and amazing skill.
A completely worthy cover.
Hendrix knew not to belabor the point. His version has a lightness and ethereal quality. This is ponderous and self conscious. It belongs in the "Unnecessary Covers" bin.
To me this is the best version of "Little Wing" ever played by any artist!
To me almost 8 
Man! This song is giving a serious case of the office air guitar! Awesome song!
 expatlar wrote:
I've only heard songs off this album here at 'rp', but from the ones I've heard it occurs to me that these two(and their band) were really enjoying themselves. Sounds like they were in to it and not just two old farts going through the motions and cashing in.


"Sounds like they were in to it and not just two old farts going through the motions."
I've only heard songs off this album here at 'rp', but from the ones I've heard it occurs to me that these two(and their band) were really enjoying themselves. Sounds like they were in to it and not just two old farts going through the motions and cashing in.
 ThePoose wrote:

you try being a rock star for fifty fucking continuous years: he is lucky to be alive and still strumming

If I had any talent I'd give it a shot.  I can think of a lot of worse ways to make a living.
To me 7 - Quite Likeable
To me 7 - Quite Likeable
This is proof that Clapton is not God.

He was decent in Cream though. {#Wink}
 ThePoose wrote:

you try being a rock star for fifty fucking continuous years: he is lucky to be alive and still strumming

I'd rather be a rock star for fifty years than work in most jobs or trades for that long, but maybe that's just me.  Still, he probably does feel lucky to be alive and strumming.
Great way to start the day.
Oh wow this sounds great right now! Just perfect today.
 mistabird wrote:
da wird sich Jimi freuen  oder auch nicht  ?

Da wär ich nicht so sicher.
Ächt super, isch äifach dä bescht Gittaräspiler u hät ä gaili Stimm
 hindsightseer wrote:

I was looking for a "yawn" emoji.
Did I miss it?


It's there, to the left of the 'chill pill' lol

As a HUGE fan of this song, even having heard EC play it live, and only a year or two before this was recorded (although he played it with Robert Cray not Winwood) I will say that I still love the original Jimi Album Version.

The guitar work on this live performance is super.  The only performance I've ever seen/heard that is WAY better is when Randy Hansen (opener at a Steve Miller Band concert at the Puyallup fair) played it and ROCKED it.  He's an amazing guitarist, probably as close to Jimi as one can play in the mortal world.


I often like the covers I hear on RP, but this one is surprisingly disappointing, particularly considering the artists involved.  The dual vocals and dense production just seems to muddy up the song into irrelevance.
 ThePoose wrote:
you try being a rock star for fifty fucking continuous years: he is lucky to be alive and still strumming 

Well, ........... you have a very good point there.  

By the way, I really like this.  Two guys striving to sing/wail/pound their best.  Hammond B-3 in the background is pretty good, too.
Of course this is Jimi's song, but Eric/Steve do a pretty good cover.  The song itself is magic.
 fredriley wrote:
Clapton's a great guitarist, and a not bad blues singer, but his voice is thin and insipid compared to Hendrix's. It's a decent enough cover but not a patch on the Jimi original.

 fredriley wrote:
Clapton's a great guitarist, and a not bad blues singer, but his voice is thin and insipid compared to Hendrix's. It's a decent enough cover but not a patch on the Jimi original.

Fine, but this one is still a good cover.
Public announcement:  Will the person or persons who stole the Jimi Hendrix silk screen from my High School wall near the Grade 10 art class (circa 1970) where a few friends and I squeegied it out, please return it. 

I was looking for a "yawn" emoji.
Did I miss it?
Super Eric & Super Steve!{#Bananajam}{#Bananapiano}
Keep making them wetars weep
 thewiseking wrote:
What good is this without Duane's contribution? Dad Rock at its worst.

Agreed. From an uptempo blues guitar drum thunder rocker to a wishy washy by the numbers performance piece. Still, it's OK for those not familiar with the originals. Plural. 
 neastly wrote:
Too bad so many look to the first as the 'best". Art needs to evolve, and these great musicians put their own spin on the classic.

But not a good spin, in my taste.
They are painting the song with a huge brush and using wallpaint.
Louder, bigger, more.
Little Wing covers her ears
 jhorton wrote:
"One of Hendrix' own heros covering one of his songs. He must be smiling down from heaven"  

Okay, you just made that shit up. Clapton couldn't carry Jimi's jock strap.

What good is this without Duane's contribution? Dad Rock at its worst.
Too bad so many look to the first as the 'best". Art needs to evolve, and these great musicians put their own spin on the classic.
Generally like both, but here the vocals are plain execrable.
"One of Hendrix' own heros covering one of his songs. He must be smiling down from heaven"  

Okay, you just made that shit up. Clapton couldn't carry Jimi's jock strap.
i attended the shows at the Garden: they were outstanding!  


Just totally lame. Like the last fifty years of Clapton's existence. 
 keller1 wrote:
Clapton is tired, bored and out of ideas, and it shows in this lethargic version of one of the all time great tunes.

Ho effin hum.
you try being a rock star for fifty fucking continuous years: he is lucky to be alive and still strumming
An abomination.  Please stick to JImi on this, one of his sweetest.
 Stratocaster wrote:
No, this one doesn't do it for me. I'm a Clapton fan, but this just sounds too contrived.

Jimi Hendrix set the bar, Stevie Ray Vaughan almost cleared it, now the bar should be taken down.


Jeff Beck OWNS the bar!!!!!
 stunix wrote:
Awful, it trudges its way to the end with no regard for the original which had a lightness and a flourish, this has that   Duh, Duh Duhhh  D  E  A  motif thrown in for good measure which to my ears adds nothing but time.    maybe thats the point, Hendrix Little Wing was only 2 and 1/2 mins long.     nope, if you want little wing, go for hendrix or at least SRV who did a much better job than this.

2 and thats generous.     psd to U2 would be marginally preferable.

(edit)could be G A D I wont know till I jam to it.(/edit)

(reedit) F# D  E   geez!  that's sacrilege, a Hendrix song modulated for either a piano or a pentioners voice.

probably where it came from,
Eric : Lets do little wing
Steve: Cool, Ah one twothreefour
(Strums along)
Eric:  And shees walking ......stop stop, I cant sing that, Jimis voice was way two low, and those open e ringing chords sound too good, where is my capo?
Steve:   er, you cant do that ... youll get lynched.
Eric: mi mi mi, la la la, yup, F# erm ...... D (more fumbling) aaaaand E

And thus is born Duh Duh Duh and remains in the rendition 'till now.

I agree, part of the beauty of the original was that it didn't succumb into an endless guitar solo.
Clapton's a great guitarist, and a not bad blues singer, but his voice is thin and insipid compared to Hendrix's. It's a decent enough cover but not a patch on the Jimi original.
Love Steve Winwood. Clapton, not so much. 

Winwood = 8. Clapton brings it down to a 2. 
 hugogdt wrote:
Did you hear the studio cover from Clapton in the "Derek & the Dominoes" album? Maybe that one you like more ...

That one was an 11.  This one's a 10.
Did you hear the studio cover from Clapton in the "Derek & the Dominoes" album? Maybe that one you like more ...
No, this one doesn't do it for me. I'm a Clapton fan, but this just sounds too contrived.

Jimi Hendrix set the bar, Stevie Ray Vaughan almost cleared it, now the bar should be taken down.

Awful, it trudges its way to the end with no regard for the original which had a lightness and a flourish, this has that   Duh, Duh Duhhh  D  E  A  motif thrown in for good measure which to my ears adds nothing but time.    maybe thats the point, Hendrix Little Wing was only 2 and 1/2 mins long.     nope, if you want little wing, go for hendrix or at least SRV who did a much better job than this.

2 and thats generous.     psd to U2 would be marginally preferable.

(edit)could be G A D I wont know till I jam to it.(/edit)

(reedit) F# D  E   geez!  that's sacrilege, a Hendrix song modulated for either a piano or a pentioners voice.

probably where it came from,
Eric : Lets do little wing
Steve: Cool, Ah one twothreefour
(Strums along)
Eric:  And shees walking ......stop stop, I cant sing that, Jimis voice was way two low, and those open e ringing chords sound too good, where is my capo?
Steve:   er, you cant do that ... youll get lynched.
Eric: mi mi mi, la la la, yup, F# erm ...... D (more fumbling) aaaaand E

And thus is born Duh Duh Duh and remains in the rendition 'till now.
 bam23 wrote:
I suppose it is necessary to cop to the charge that I don't get it. The distribution of evaluations by listeners is quite positive, but reading the comments, it seems that this rendition is pure shite! What is one to think? Maybe it is possible to enjoy a recorded performance without needing to understand the entire history of the performers, the original author of the piece, the opinions of all sorts of esteemed critics, etc. That stated, I like this version, I like the original, and there may be others with which I am unfamiliar. 

Well it's extremely hard to cover a 10 and do it justice I guess. Stevie Ray did a credible job and this isn't bad either, but when the original is pretty much untouchable you're pretty much behind the 8 ball to begin with.
Edit:  and upon writing that I changed my rating from 'Quite Likeable' to 'Pretty Good' because it fails to even come close to Stevie Ray's version IMO.
I suppose it is necessary to cop to the charge that I don't get it. The distribution of evaluations by listeners is quite positive, but reading the comments, it seems that this rendition is pure shite! What is one to think? Maybe it is possible to enjoy a recorded performance without needing to understand the entire history of the performers, the original author of the piece, the opinions of all sorts of esteemed critics, etc. That stated, I like this version, I like the original, and there may be others with which I am unfamiliar. 
I feel like I should love this but instead it sounds like they're taking a beautiful, gentle song and bludgeoning the living crap out of it.

I'd rather hear SRV's instrumental version; much closer to the spirit of the thing. 

 kctomato wrote:
Great batters but in the words of the late Harry Caray
'Swing and a miss"

Just plain not good representation of this amazing piece. In fact, sometimes, sounds like a spoof it's so contrived.
Great batters but in the words of the late Harry Caray
'Swing and a miss"
EC's guitar is showcased, of course, but the canceled-out vocals on this one make it much inferior; only makes me crave the original...
Wow, thanks RP! I am currently enjoying the reading of EC's authobiography, highly reccomended if you want to learn how everything happened and also grab some nice references to groups and teh highlighted records/performances, besides being a really interesting and complex life.

He speaks highly of both S. Windwood and J. Hendrix, something that makes sense when you listen to this version, which today I upgraded to a 9!!

SRVs version is godlike. This one is isn't bad.

Jug band is interesting, but not so godlike.

Is it the organ? Is it the out of tune harmonizing? Only Clapton's guitar could save this one.
 afrixluvguy wrote:
I've only ever heard the Hendrix version, so this is very interesting listening. It's so Clapton, but not, which is sort of nice. That Steve Windwood harmony's icing. 
Check out Stevie Ray Vaughan's instrumental version and (I shit you not) the version by the South Austin Jug Band.  So good.



Edit:  Dammit, Dianne!
 kingart wrote:

So you've never heard the 1970 loud and rousing cover from "Layla" Derek and the Dominoes? In at least this instance, it is a life musically deprived....

Oh listen to SRV version. It is amazing as well.
 afrixluvguy wrote:
I've only ever heard the Hendrix version, so this is very interesting listening. It's so Clapton, but not, which is sort of nice. That Steve Windwood harmony's icing. 
So you've never heard the 1970 loud and rousing cover from "Layla" Derek and the Dominoes? In at least this instance, it is a life musically deprived....
Head banging....but in a great way. {#Notworthy}
 SuperWeh wrote:
even good guitar wanking is still just guitar wanking

Wank away
even good guitar wanking is still just guitar wanking
I've only ever heard the Hendrix version, so this is very interesting listening. It's so Clapton, but not, which is sort of nice. That Steve Windwood harmony's icing. 
da wird sich Jimi freuen  oder auch nicht  ?
 a_genuine_find wrote:
jimiHe's deep in thought....."Man I wish I could meet the Master.....Jeff Beck"....


Nice to hear this song with a REAL guitar player. The only thing better would be with Duane.
Most Excellent indeedio{#Bananajam}{#Drummer}{#Bananapiano}{#Dancingbanana_2}
Thanks for listening, Bill.

Eric Clapton - Little Wing, Live
Live 05-03-2008 - Tampa, Florida. Great performance of Little Wing.

"This is the version that Clapton and Duane Allman came up with when they covered this song in 1970 for the Layla album. It's not meant to sound like the Hendrix version. Between the intro and solos, there's some awesome improv guitar playing here. Don't be fooled by the crap video, the audio quality is great. Turn up the volume and listen properly! "      sonofapache

"It's Doyle Bramhall ll. His daddy worked with SRV. He's a good guitarist. I think i see Pino Palladino to the right."     TMMSfanCLUB

"Can Clapton do the song justice? probably not, but then again not many can. Is clapton's playing predictable? maybe. I do think he was more creative in his days with Cream and his brief stint with Derek and the Dominos.  I like Clapton for his clean technique and execution. I like Hendrix for his raw, visceral talent. I try not to compare the two for it's impossible because each has a very different technique and feel to their playing. I enjoy both for who they are."       SgtSplatter782

"Jimi lasted 5-6 years of solid recording in the rock world... eric is going on 50 years.. both have transformed rock.. and are great men.. t/y to eric and the great bands that he gets together.. each year.. he has carried on the legacy of the ultimate rock star.. for 6 decades and has shown no signs of slowing down !!!"   Ezwider109

"One of Hendrix' own heros covering one of his songs. He must be smiling down from heaven"      SausageRollsRawsome

That was awful.
Clapton is tired, bored and out of ideas, and it shows in this lethargic version of one of the all time great tunes.

Ho effin hum.

Why is it we don't hear the other versions?
I'd like to see these guys play together ... This version of the band would be pretty amzing group of musicians. Yeah this song ain't jimi or stevie but who is. I like it and the guitar /keyboard interplay is well done. 

 rodfear wrote:
The worst version of this amazing song.

No, I personally have played this song much, MUCH worse than this. 

Ok...oh...ok...look...how many times do we have to hear this covered by various artists? Though it's not a bad version...I've heard this blasted tune so many damn times..I'm starting to like it less. I like the older original versions of this tune...but these two mediocre, wealthy musicians don't cut it. Not by a long shot. I'm sure those EC or SW fans will gobble this up as 'tasty'. I think it's shrill filler!