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Turin Brakes — Other Side
Album: Dark On Fire
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Total ratings: 1734

Released: 2007
Length: 4:59
Plays (last 30 days): 0
Strolling through the garden, I can feel my shadow follow,
He's a tragic little fellow, 'cos he's always left behind,
Speeding through Australia, I've become time traveller
I don't know where I've been, but this seems like a familiar scene

Back on the other side,
What's on the other side of the world?
What's on the other side,
Back on the other side of the world?

Give my heart back to itself, the stranger who I knew so well,
The image from the mirror, knows the place I've been
Strolling through a garden, I can feel my shadow follow
When the sunlight turns me hollow, won't you tell them all the things we did.

Back on the other side,
What's on the other side of the world?
Back on the other side,
What's on the other side of the world?
I'm back on the other side,
What's on the other side of the world?
we're back on the other side,
What's on the other side of the world?

I want to be
An old man,
With a suntan and a watering can,
As happy as a heatwave,
As honest as a window
Coming through the old gate,
I can feel fate and I hope it's not too late

back on the other side,
Back on the other side of the world
Back on the other side,
Back on the other side of the world,
So you see me on the other side,
So you see me on the other side of the world,
So you see me on the other side,
So you see me on the other side of the world

Strolling through the garden, I can feel my shadow follow,
He's a tragic little fellow, 'cos he's always left behind
Comments (125)add comment
back to yes 
I'm not sure there's anything on the other side-I could be wrong tho'.
The poetry is excellent, and the music underscores the dreamy mood. Thanks for playing this.
The thing that makes me love this song is its resemblance to Hedwig's "Wicked Little Town".  So melancholy, just beautiful.
 TerryS wrote:
 fredriley wrote:

Best not visit Loo'n (sorry, Luton) Beds, 'ome of the A'ers (sorry, Hatters), or Lahndan, then. Mind you, don't Bristolians have a curious way of pronouncing their t's?

Always had a preference for Bristols meself.

Oh Bill, that segue from Moby's "Everloving" into this Turin Brakes was really sublime!  I do love Moby, and wanted more, but lo, the Turin Brakes was all good too, V-Good!
 fredriley wrote:

Best not visit Loo'n (sorry, Luton) Beds, 'ome of the A'ers (sorry, Hatters), or Lahndan, then. Mind you, don't Bristolians have a curious way of pronouncing their t's?

Always had a preference for Bristols meself.
Still "on the stroll" Bill?

Love it.
 willjay wrote:
the most boring and repetitive song I've ever heard on RP - almost enough to send me back to the brain-dead commercial classic rock stations in DC. (ps - I send a few bucks every now and then, so I'm entitled to bitch a little)

Careful there willjay....  That would definitely be a situation where the cure would be worse than the illness — it'd learn ya good, and ya be back right quick, uh huh.
Inside playlist  there's an 'otherside', and you can be looking at it, same time I sing 'otherside'.
 DaidyBoy wrote:
Like this song a lot.  Don't like glottal stops, though.

fredriley wrote:

Best not visit Loo'n (sorry, Luton) Beds, 'ome of the A'ers (sorry, Hatters), or Lahndan, then. Mind you, don't Bristolians have a curious way of pronouncing their t's?

We have a curious way of pronouncing everything. ;0)
Thaks Bill for these sequence!
David Bowie - Lazarus
Moby - Everlasting
Turin Brakes - Other Side

Poetic set you've put together Bill... Thank you. 
 DaidyBoy wrote:
Like this song a lot.  Don't like glottal stops, though.

Best not visit Loo'n (sorry, Luton) Beds, 'ome of the A'ers (sorry, Hatters), or Lahndan, then. Mind you, don't Bristolians have a curious way of pronouncing their t's?
Like this song a lot.  Don't like glottal stops, though.
Good tune.
Comments here are making me laugh... a lot of hate for a tune I quite like. Ah well. Glad it's in rotation.
A rather nicely arranged piece. I like it. A lot!
sounded like Gary Louris to me...
the most boring and repetitive song I've ever heard on RP - almost enough to send me back to the brain-dead commercial classic rock stations in DC. (ps - I send a few bucks every now and then, so I'm entitled to bitch a little)
This song compounds seasonal affective disorder.  
Lethargic, repetitive.
 BBoyes wrote:
You mean like these: I want to be an old man  / with a suntan / and a watering can  I might call these 'whimsical'. We all need some whimsy now and then.
I suppose it's no worse than some of Bob Dylan's lyrics and I like/love a lot of his work.

The pumps don't work 'cause the vandals took the handles... 
 Proclivities wrote:

The lyrics seem fine to me, perhaps deliberately child-like and simplistic, but fine; it's all subjective, anyhow.  Of course, it's challenging to try to counter such sophisticated and well-reasoned literary criticisms as "stupid" and "dumb".
You mean like these: I want to be an old man  / with a suntan / and a watering can  I might call these 'whimsical'. We all need some whimsy now and then.
These guys have a way of writing a good tune; I love their voices—-this is one of the more mediocre but I still like it.
 Proclivities wrote:

The lyrics seem fine to me, perhaps deliberately child-like and simplistic, but fine; it's all subjective, anyhow.  Of course, it's challenging to try to counter such sophisticated and well-reasoned literary criticisms as "stupid" and "dumb".
Ha! I rate the comment a 9!
 Proclivities wrote:

The lyrics seem fine to me, perhaps deliberately child-like and simplistic, but fine; it's all subjective, anyhow.  Of course, it's challenging to try to counter such sophisticated and well-reasoned literary criticisms as "stupid" and "dumb".

pardon the kibbitz...my response to your post would be........Tar Heels 48   Va Tech 34...     yessssss..    
Been listening to RP a long time now.  I can 'member some songs that made me luv RP right from the start.  This is one.
 terrapin52 wrote:
The lyrics could use some more thought and revision to make them a little less stupid.

 pianocomposer wrote:

I write music and lyrics for musicals, and this is accurate. Pretty dumb. But the music is pure gold. 8
The lyrics seem fine to me, perhaps deliberately child-like and simplistic, but fine; it's all subjective, anyhow.  Of course, it's challenging to try to counter such sophisticated and well-reasoned literary criticisms as "stupid" and "dumb".
Great tune. Takes time to get into the flow, but then the vibe sticks with you.
And seamless transition from Moby.
Wow!! 7 to a 6....what's happening to me? ....though this kinda sucks, huge....
 terrapin52 wrote:
The lyrics could use some more thought and revision to make them a little less stupid.
I write music and lyrics for musicals, and this is accurate. Pretty dumb. But the music is pure gold. 8
Great set Bill, thanks!
Channeling Marty Balin?
 cohifi wrote:


yo too

 e_b wrote:
I keep waiting for the "Ordinary World" chorus part to begin...  
Good call. I noticed that, too!

 terrapin52 wrote:
The lyrics could use some more thought and revision to make them a little less stupid.
Although I really like this song, I must say that this post is hilarious . . .

 Cynaera wrote:
WOW - that segué from this song into Plant and Krauss's "Killing the Blues" was so seamless it took me almost a minute to realize I was hearing a different artist.  Bill, you are a master. {#Notworthy}
well, he did the same today. had the same sensation, though

 dkwalika wrote:
I like it . . .

The lyrics could use some more thought and revision to make them a little less stupid.
I like it . . .
I keep waiting for the "Ordinary World" chorus part to begin...  
as someone who speeds through life, this song is a breath to make me pause and think about being still for a moment...
...same thing as on this side.  #5
Great song...purchased on Amazon!
WOW - that segué from this song into Plant and Krauss's "Killing the Blues" was so seamless it took me almost a minute to realize I was hearing a different artist.  Bill, you are a master. {#Notworthy}
I like this song.  A 10. 
So, are Turin brakes big fans of Duran Duran or something?


Personally, I prefer the original. ;)

Ooo - another Turin Brakes song I've never heard before.  YUM! {#Dancingbanana_2}
Had enough of this one....
 helgigermany wrote:
Never heared this before. All i hear from them here on RP is very nice!
Exactly!  Is it Guttentag there?  We had a full moon here tonight!

Never heared this before. All i hear from them here on RP is very nice!
 Arebe wrote:
Nothing against the artist ... but man it's Friday afternoon ... I need a playlist with a little more Friday afternoon / ready for the weekend - rather than this sleepy Sunday 2am vibe.  HELP!
It's 2 am somewhere in the world, and someone there is also listening

A strange band are Turin Brakes. I bought Ether Song when it first came out and while i do still listen to it, the production seems very harsh, almost brittle at times. Maybe this is better produced.
 Arebe wrote:
Nothing against the artist ... but man it's Friday afternoon ... I need a playlist with a little more Friday afternoon / ready for the weekend - rather than this sleepy Sunday 2am vibe.  HELP!
Ditto.  Nothing wrong with the song or anything, but I'm falling asleep....

 dbreece wrote:
Way overplayed...this one needs a nice long rest.

You got your wish, this one was removed from regular play.  I think it was a mistake, this is an incredible song.
Makes me want to go to the other side!!!{#Beat}{#Stop}
I suppose it depends on the time you listen to it. Now it's 4am, late wednesday, early thursday. End of the night shift soon. Just the perfect tune for this moment.
Way overplayed...this one needs a nice long rest.
Nice music for a Saturday morning{#Chillpill}
 flatpicker wrote:
First time hearing this song.
Only a 4 to me.

The music is ok, but the lyrics kinda suck.

i think it's all pretty hard on the ears, for me. yuck.
First time hearing this song.
Only a 4 to me.

The music is ok, but the lyrics kinda suck.

Nice song but waaaay overplayed on RP!
Hey, I like it {#Eh}
Awesome segue from Everloving...  Love both of these songs!!
Interesting spread on the scores: no 10 and no 1 scores.
Nothing against the artist ... but man it's Friday afternoon ... I need a playlist with a little more Friday afternoon / ready for the weekend - rather than this sleepy Sunday 2am vibe.  HELP!
I wonder what the first track sounds like. . .
whenever i hear this song, i have to turn it up.  Very nice
Dreamy nice.
Great song!
Grew on me. {#Sunny}
lyrics made me think of poems by Rilke and Derek Walcott ... interesting ...

call....music to make babyes!...

(hey, is a joke!)

I just howled like a wolf....this song + too much coffee? {#Stupid}
 coding_to_music wrote:
Richard Ashcroft of the Verve ?
I had heard this playing in the background a few times and until I looked today I was absolutely convinced it was the Verve.

Good tune, in any case.

I dunno sounds like a pretty uneventful trip to australia to me
Something very special about this song.
Definitely some Dark Side but a slightly offbeat and enjoyable song
nice chill song - definitely influenced with dark side of the moon, you're right.
I heard that if you start playing this song right when Pink Floyd's Dark Side of the Moon starts playing you get this really weird coincidental headache (not recommended, no matter how stoned you are ;)

but on their own, quite nice actually
 Rafter101 wrote:
After hearing Turin Brakes on RP, I've purchased both of their CD's. They are amoung my favorites. Great blend of folk, etheral spooky stuff and groovy sounds.
In that case, you've another two to buy:

The Optimist
Ether Song
Jack in a box*
Dark on Fire
*the least good, imho.

After hearing Turin Brakes on RP, I've purchased both of their CD's. They are amoung my favorites. Great blend of folk, etheral spooky stuff and groovy sounds.
I like the mood this song creates...in my mind.
Vocals remind me a little of Arlo Guthrie. It's nice.
A lovely, laid back, song for a lazy Saturday morning.
 lathyris wrote:
This song really draaaaaaaggsss

 McSuave wrote:

That's what I thought, too, and I have heard this song a few times before.

Hmm...I don't hear that. This guy's voice doesn't sound that similar to David Gray's. The music is a little similar, I guess.
Richard Ashcroft of the Verve ?

BTW, they are getting back together...

     7 {#Arrow} 8

 jenakle wrote:
Double Damn, another CD added to the To Buy list


peterata wrote:
Same here.
The playlist info has gotten screwed up. Here's the song at last...
gabbadar wrote:
That must have been a smooth transition (from Outback).. didn't even notice.
Same here.
That must have been a smooth transition (from Outback).. didn't even notice.
kspengel wrote:
David Gray?
That's what I thought, too, and I have heard this song a few times before.
David Gray?
I finally DON'T LIKE this one, sorry...
Hmmmm....I hear a little pink floyd and a lot of radiohead in this. Rather likeable though.
joyjoy wrote:
Man, I thought this was Grant Lee Buffalo!
Nabla wrote:
And I thought on Floyd's Dark Side...
I kind of hear both--Grant Lee Buffalo vocal styles and the Pink Floyd atmosphere.
I like this one, after not getting much of a vibe from the rest of the CD.
Hum, to whiny for me after repetitive listening.
This song really draaaaaaaggsss
Double Damn, another CD added to the To Buy list
You mean that's NOT Tom McCrae? 8.
rtrudeau wrote:
Dreary. That's exactly the right word. Also dull, soporific, repetitive, nasal, and boring. zzzzzzzzzzzzz ..........
Double ditto....
MidLyfe wrote:
...This however, sounds REALLY dreary to me. Bordering on whiny. We'll see about the rest of the album, I guess.
Dreary. That's exactly the right word. Also dull, soporific, repetitive, nasal, and boring. zzzzzzzzzzzzz ..........
I like Turin Brakes, keep playing them RP.
Duran Duran - Ordinary People. Knew I've heard this before.
played too much, from an 8 to a 6
Is it just my head, or does RP sound extra sweet today?
very cool guitar
Nabla wrote:
And I thought on Floyd's Dark Side...
This does sound a lot like DSOTM to me. I like it a lot, will need to listen with headphones on to get full effect.