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Madeleine Peyroux — I'm All Right
Album: Half the Perfect World
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Total ratings: 1789

Released: 2006
Length: 3:22
Plays (last 30 days): 0
He made me laugh
He made me cry
He smoked his stogies in bed
But I'm all right
I'm all right
I've been lonely before
I asked the boy for a few kind words
He gave me a novel instead
But I'm all right
I'm all right
I've been lonely before
It's fine, it's OK
It was wrong either way
I just wanted to say
There isn't much fun when you're drinking wine
He got drunk, he fell down
He threw a few of my things around
But I'm all right
I'm all right
I've been lonely before

I'd like to believe healthy cigarettes
But I have to conceive that wherever you are
You're still driving my car
Sticks and stones break my bones
But tears don't leave any scars
So I'm all alright
I'm all alright
I've been lonely before

I'm all alright
I'm all alright
I'm all alright
He played solitaire in bed
Used to blow bubbles in bed
He sang Christmas songs in bed
Comments (133)add comment

..."who began her career as a teenager on the streets of Paris."  I wonder if she sings la Piaf at all.

 Wilfrue wrote:

Ugh... This guy (again)! Ever the contrarian, thewiseking has to find a reason to hate something that is at its core lovely and redolent of uncommon talent. Ever looking straight through the double rainbow to the shroud of clouds behind. 

It's just song. Pleasant and happy. Why does it have to be judged anyway?
 RoelantSiekman wrote:

LOVE her voice! And this song..

Still do!
 vandal wrote:


yes it is, my point exactly. 
When she's not doing her Billie Holiday impersonation you really hear how average she is. Nice, but nice is easy.
 sirtezza wrote:

'redolent of uncommon talent' Actually, this music is made cutting
and pasting very dodgy vocal performances into a coherent result. If you
listen carefully you will hear that. It's fake. If you can’t hear that or don't care
then enjoy it in all its fakeness.

Madeline's beautiful voice always brightens the day.   
 Wilfrue wrote:

Ugh... This guy (again)! Ever the contrarian, thewiseking has to find a reason to hate something that is at its core lovely and redolent of uncommon talent. Ever looking straight through the double rainbow to the shroud of clouds behind. 

'redolent of uncommon talent' ? Actually, this music is made cutting
and pasting very dodgy vocal performances into a coherent result. If you
listen carefully you will hear that. It's fake. If you can’t hear that or don't care
then enjoy it in all its fakeness.
Can we please keep the discussion about music and not personal flaming? 
LOVE Madeleine Peyroux! My friend had a cool wee basement cafe once and we played Madeleine a lot ~ customers loved her! 
 thewiseking wrote:
Her ineptitude at mimicry demonstrates how incredible Billie Holiday was
Sure, she’s no Billie Holiday. And you’re no Oscar Wilde.
What a Blessing Nora is.  I mean Madeleine...  
Is it me or does this sound very similar to Spirit on the water by Bob Dylan on his album modern times from the same year.

Bill, maybe play them side by side for kicks?
Nice set! Okay, okay, I'll send more support!!!
 Wilfrue wrote:

Ugh... This guy (again)! Ever the contrarian, thewiseking has to find a reason to hate something that is at its core lovely and redolent of uncommon talent. Ever looking straight through the double rainbow to the shroud of clouds behind. 

thewiseking is a poor man's physicsgenius.
 Wilfrue wrote:
Ugh... This guy (again)! Ever the contrarian, thewiseking has to find a reason to hate something that is at its core lovely and redolent of uncommon talent. Ever looking straight through the double rainbow to the shroud of clouds behind.
Thank you. I couldn't agree more.
 thewiseking wrote:
Her ineptitude at mimicry demonstrates how incredible Billie Holiday was

Ugh... This guy (again)! Ever the contrarian, thewiseking has to find a reason to hate something that is at its core lovely and redolent of uncommon talent. Ever looking straight through the double rainbow to the shroud of clouds behind. 
She may sound like Billie, that doesn't mean she shouldn't perform. Madeleine is a lovely artist who always induces a smile.
Her ineptitude at mimicry demonstrates how incredible Billie Holiday was
LOVE her voice! And this song..
He sang Christmas songs in bed?  Nice song. MP is a master of understatement.
 Cynaera wrote:
I could listen to her all day. Especially this song, because it's so wonderfully simple and so elegantly done.  Yum. {#Hearteyes}
Miss you, Cynaera...

this song is soooo good for the external auditory meatus...

He played solitaire in bed
Used to blow bubbles in bed
He sang Christmas songs in bed

Are those euphemisms? Blowing bubbles sounds like fun.
 yofitofu wrote:
Billie Holiday for the 21st century.

I think she's pretty good, but Billie Holiday she isn't...

Yowza!  "Wherever you are, you still drive my car."
 meinthecorner wrote:

Nail on the head, as they say. And, a mighty fine cover photo, to boot!
{#Yes}  Mmmmnn Hmmnnn....
 yofitofu wrote:
Billie Holiday for the 21st century.
Nail on the head, as they say. And, a mighty fine cover photo, to boot!
I'm going to get this album.  She's just terrific.
Billie Holiday for the 21st century.
I like her stuff and want to be enthusiastic about her, but she just doesn't seem to have any pizzazz. I have a couple of her numbers on my MP3 player in rotation, but when they come on my reaction is invariably "meh". I'm not in a hurry to delete them, but just don't have the same pull toward her music that I do, say, Norah Jones.
 Cynaera wrote:
I could listen to her all day. Especially this song, because it's so wonderfully simple and so elegantly done.  Yum. {#Hearteyes}
Group Hug: {#Group-hug}
I could listen to her all day. Especially this song, because it's so wonderfully simple and so elegantly done.  Yum. {#Hearteyes}
 ScottN wrote:

Ms. Peyroux; your car is waiting. Fix yourself a drink, make yourself comfortable.  I'll only be about ten minutes late.

{#Roflol} Actually, as those of us who've waited for cabs late at night after pub closing time can testify, all cabs will be along "in five minutes".

A little Billie Holiday never hurts.
 Derecho wrote:
A little too close to "Ain't Nobody's Business If I Do" for comfort.
I listen to all the "classic" singers (including Billy H) and I thought MP was an "imitator" at first. But now, I feel that anyone who isn't impressed is just . . . wrong.
A little too close to "Ain't Nobody's Business If I Do" for comfort.
Love her singing. The cover has Madeleine's seductress look. She also has a wilder look:
Madeleine Peyroux in Toronto

Ms. Peyroux; your car is waiting. Fix yourself a drink, make yourself comfortable.  I'll only be about ten minutes late.

This is more than all-right, it's down right excellent!
What eclectic rock...?
We're all all right.

{#Dancingbanana}  Very Very!!!   Love her Ye Olde(sorta) 40's style reminds me of my Parents...good peeps!!
This is the song with the most sharp vote distribution function - almost a "delta" function {#Roflol}
 lwilkinson wrote:

Two no-class guys complaining about music that's just too good for them.

Last time I went to a dinner club they had a "Torch" singer with a voice much like Peyroux. What a great time!

Everybody dressed to the nines, fine wine and cigars, ladies dressed to kill, calm, elegant atmosphere.

Sorta like old movies of ladies and gentlemen out on the town back in the 30's and 40's when people still know how to dress-up and act refined.

	The Yachts

contend in a sea which the land partly encloses
shielding them from the too-heavy blows
of an ungoverned ocean which when it chooses

tortures the biggest hulls, the best man knows
to pit against its beatings, and sinks them pitilessly.
Mothlike in mists, scintillant in the minute

brilliance of cloudless days, with broad bellying sails
they glide to the wind tossing green water
from their sharp prows while over them the crew crawls

ant-like, solicitously grooming them, releasing,
making fast as they turn, lean far over and having
caught the wind again, side by side, head for the mark.

In a well guarded arena of open water surrounded by
lesser and greater craft which, sycophant, lumbering
and flittering follow them, they appear youthful, rare

as the light of a happy eye, live with the grace
of all that in the mind is feckless, free and
naturally to be desired. Now the sea which holds them

is moody, lapping their glossy sides, as if feeling
for some slightest flaw but fails completely.
Today no race. Then the wind comes again. The yachts

move, jockeying for a start, the signal is set and they
are off. Now the waves strike at them but they are too
well made, they slip through, though they take in canvas.

Arms with hands grasping seek to clutch at the prows.
Bodies thrown recklessly in the way are cut aside.
It is a sea of faces about them in agony, in despair

until the horror of the race dawns staggering the mind;
the whole sea become an entanglement of watery bodies
lost to the world bearing what they cannot hold. Broken,

beaten, desolate, reaching from the dead to be taken up
they cry out, failing, failing! their cries rising
in waves still as the skillful yachts pass over.

William Carlos Williams

 lwilkinson wrote:

I'd love to see Peyroux in person.
That would be a no. I saw her a few years ago. 90 minute set she did 5-6 songs. The rest of the time she did sound checks. I think they called it "The Sound Check Tour"

 lwilkinson wrote:
Two no-class guys complaining about music that's just too good for them. Last time I went to a dinner club they had a "Torch" singer with a voice much like Peyroux. What a great time! Everybody dressed to the nines, fine wine and cigars, ladies dressed to kill, calm, elegant atmosphere. Sorta like old movies of ladies and gentlemen out on the town back in the 30's and 40's when people still know how to dress-up and act refined. I'd love to see Peyroux in person.
A glass of scotch - one of the Glens, and a nice Cohiba {#Whisper} one of the cubans you have behind the bar please.
This song always reminds me of growing up listening to my step dad's western swing band playing late night small town texas country club dances. The music was different of course but the vibe is the same. Picture it after midnight; the dance floor is full, the cigarette smoke hangs in layers, lots of bourbon and seven-up have been consumed, the band is in a groove and the shuffling of boots in cornmeal on the hardwood floor is almost louder than the music. Cool.
Just wonderful... elegant, light, musically perfect... and one of the scarce time I really, really do not understand at all the negative comments below - I simply can not see what there is to dislike about this song {#Cheers}
What a lovely song... Thank you RP! Because of you I learn to love new things every day.
I saw her live a few days a go. She is shy but entertaining. Excellent badn (this song sounds exactly the same live). Great control of her voice. Lots of interesting re \-visitations of songs. A must-go concert.
not secular   -  9.
I can't believe the negative comments. A straight 8 for me.
I want to rate it higher than a 4, for the musicians who play on her tunes.  But her voice just lacks something... soul? Conviction? Passion?  I just don't care for this.
Very Nice!
It's Monday morning - back @ work - nice tune to ease into the day . . . {#Cool}
I thoroughly enjoy this one.{#Dance}
lovin' it!

Wonderful...great voice nd studio instrument mix. old organ and a Bonnie Keeler guitar sound. Drum brushes set the right beat. I will buy this album!
Ericac wrote:
Very nice song for a dreary Friday struggling to get through.
Dig. edit: funny how the last few comments have been nasty, but the average rating is 7. Hmmm...
Very nice song for a dreary Friday struggling to get through.
What's Kenny Loggins up to these days?
madeleine's albums just keep gettin' better an' better! love ya!
hoist2k wrote:
Yeah, she is just terrible. A rare station switch for me too.
Two no-class guys complaining about music that's just too good for them. Last time I went to a dinner club they had a "Torch" singer with a voice much like Peyroux. What a great time! Everybody dressed to the nines, fine wine and cigars, ladies dressed to kill, calm, elegant atmosphere. Sorta like old movies of ladies and gentlemen out on the town back in the 30's and 40's when people still know how to dress-up and act refined. I'd love to see Peyroux in person.
joanie wrote:
oh god....now its five gross songs in a row....switching stations. highly unusual.
Yeah, she is just terrible. A rare station switch for me too.
oh god....now its five gross songs in a row....switching stations. highly unusual.
I Love her!!
Wonderful song. Kinda song I know I'll always enjoy
This is very VERY nice. :)
Even after seeing the cover, I still can't believe she's white.
put this dog out of its misery . . .
fredriley wrote:
"He smokes his stogies in bed" - reminds me of the old joke about two guys talking in the pub: Guy A: I'm divorcing my wife. Guy B: Why? A: Because she smokes in bed. B: But lots of women smoke in bed! A: What, mackerel?
how about: Q: do you smoke after sex? A: I don't know...I never looked.
HazzeSwede wrote:
Cool band and a hammond,8 points,must be a sticky bed though...
HazzeSwede wrote:
Had to add a point due to the organist,this is not a piano it's a Hammond!
Amnesy, my dear?
jjbix wrote:
sorry Maddy, you're trying to be too cute, and for me it doesn't work. a solid 2.354
arserocket wrote:
The ghost of Billie Holliday smokes stovies in bed?
The only time I've seen smoking stovies was when ma maw burnt them.
Billie Holliday Lite
Had to add a point due to the organist,this is not a piano it's a Hammond!
sorry Maddy, you're trying to be too cute, and for me it doesn't work. a solid 2.354
The ghost of Billie Holliday smokes stovies in bed?
What fabulous cover art. Sultry!
"He smokes his stogies in bed" - reminds me of the old joke about two guys talking in the pub: Guy A: I'm divorcing my wife. Guy B: Why? A: Because she smokes in bed. B: But lots of women smoke in bed! A: What, mackerel?
Cool band and a hammond,8 points,must be a sticky bed though...
blow bubbles in bed?
This is good stuff
GregX59 wrote:
While this isn't Austin, we pull some remarkably fine entertainment. In a 2 week period, I saw Indigenous, Johnny Winter, and am going to see Junior Brown in 2 days. And for those 3 shows will pay a grand total of $15 for tickets. A person could do a lot worse...
Say Hi to Jr for us. Have seen him twice, fun, fun.
jjbix wrote:
sorry folks, don't like it . . . she sounds like a b-rated lounge act in Omaha. (and Omaha is a fine city!)
While this isn't Austin, we pull some remarkably fine entertainment. In a 2 week period, I saw Indigenous, Johnny Winter, and am going to see Junior Brown in 2 days. And for those 3 shows will pay a grand total of $15 for tickets. A person could do a lot worse...
sorry folks, don't like it . . . she sounds like a b-rated lounge act in Omaha. (and Omaha is a fine city!)
Oooohh! It's Madeleine Peyroux. Sorry about that. it just slipped out
ekeyte wrote:
I love this woman.
Isn't she great? Her voice is so soothing
I love this woman.
snowcat wrote:
Dammit, I wish every Starbucks didn't have her playing overhead 24/7. Now all I think about is coffee when I hear her...
smilestoomuch wrote:
I can't believe she's white! Well, it's happened before.
Ah-the morning after.
snowcat wrote:
Dammit, I wish every Starbucks didn't have her playing overhead 24/7. Now all I think about is coffee when I hear her...
Reason number 21 to frequent a decent local Coffee shop rather than moving with the herd to starbucks....
Dammit, I wish every Starbucks didn't have her playing overhead 24/7. Now all I think about is coffee when I hear her...
So good.
On a lighter note, Campbell's soup reminds you "why settle when you can select?" Nice post on the following blog: (click here)
Shesdifferent wrote:
I'm really glad she continued to record. When I hear this song I feel like I should be at a Hawaiian Luau with the soft tropical breeze and Mai tai's
Count me in for the luau and mai tais!
Now I know what all the commotion is about. This song is just lovely, just wonderful. Makes me feel like grabbing my wife and doing a little twirl around the living room. In fact ...
I'm really glad she continued to record. When I hear this song I feel like I should be at a Hawaiian Luau with the soft tropical breeze and Mai tai's
A nice song about a hard situation. It's a stark contrast to that line in "T'aint nobody's business if I do" about getting beat up by a lover and not seeing the point in telling anyone. Its even more interesting comparison since this girl's voice is compared to Billie Holiday's a lot.
I really love the beat and lyrics to this song. It's jazzy and upbeat, but it's sort of enigmatic because her voice is somewhat melancholic and deep.
meydele wrote:
From a 9 to a 6 because frankly, the lyrics are pretty disturbing.
I think the lyrics are actually pretty great. She's saying its OK to be lonely because she kicked his lame ass out. Or left herself. And all before it ever got to more than just tears. As she said "tears don't leave scars". She saw the writing on the wall and ended it because she'd rather be alone then be with someone who might get really abusive.
I really enjoy the feel of the tune. Nice B-3 player, too.
Rating started at a 7 but when I listened again this track is a goldmine! LOVE IT.
meydele wrote:
From a 9 to a 6 because frankly, the lyrics are pretty disturbing.
From a 6 to a 9 for the same reason.
From a 9 to a 6 because frankly, the lyrics are pretty disturbing.
dot reminds steve imitation milk is still imitation milk. dot.
I 've heard this song way too many times, but still love it.
I can't believe she's white! Well, it's happened before. Anyway, her CD was flying off the shelves at the bookstore where I work. I've liked everything I've heard so far.
The more I listen, the more I like. . . and she's kinda fun to look at too. . .
This woman annoys the hell out of me. She's nice to look at, though.
Jack_Jefferson wrote:
Much better than the Kenny Loggins track with the same name.
The Kenny Loggins song: This song: Yup, you're right. Much better.
The more I hear, the more I like....
"tears don't leave any scars" whoa...
Leslie wrote:
I'm not really digging this tune. I think it's the keyboard - sounds too much like what you hear at a baseball game
I dig what you be sayin'. Actually, I do agree, song has got something to it, if it wasn't for that keyboard.
Let's go to the Gap!!
She's alright...yeah she's alright....
Jack_Jefferson wrote:
Much better than the Kenny Loggins track with the same name.
Au revoir, go-fair.
I'm not really digging this tune. I think it's the keyboard - sounds too much like what you hear at a baseball game