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Iron & Wine — Woman King
Album: Woman King
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Total ratings: 1086

Released: 2005
Length: 4:15
Plays (last 30 days): 0
Blackbird claw, raven wing
Under the red sunlight
Long clothesline, two shirt sleeves
Waving as we go by

Hundred years, hundred more
Someday we may see
A woman king, wristwatch time
Slowing as she goes to sleep

Black horse fly, lemonade
Jar on the red ant hill
Garden worm, cigarette
Ash on the window sill

Hundred years, hundred more
Someday we may see
A woman king, sword in hand
Swing at some evil and bleed

Black hoof mare, broken leg
Eye on the shotgun shell
Age old dog, hornet nest
Built in the big church bell

Hundred years, hundred more
Someday we may see
A woman king, bloodshot eye
Thumb down and starting to weep
Comments (129)add comment
 AhhtheMusic wrote:
Iron and Wine, he just keeps growing in my appreciation.  Love this.

With you on that.  
boogity, boogity, boogity!
Iron and Wine, he just keeps growing in my appreciation.  Love this.
 SmackDaddy wrote:

Times, they are a-changing

I sort of have a rule to stay away from distracting political comments on a music board, but someone help me..... I consume lots of different type of media and haven't see ANYTHING anti-woman.  Most of the media generally is pulling for Hillary; Fox news is pulling for Trump, but neither are showing any anti-woman bias.  If I am missing a media source on this, please advise.
 onerb wrote:
Looks like the U.S. is not quite ready for a Woman King. Never expected the anti-woman outpouring from the Media and others.
Times, they are a-changing
Song related comment - not bad.
Very Iron & Wine sound.
 fredriley wrote:

That'll be Hilary Clinton you're saying is a socialist, right? Sometimes the blinding ignorance of folk across the Pond is staggering. I've been a socialist all my life, and know full well what socialism is, in all its many varied guises. I can state with certainty that Hilary Clinton is no more a 'socialist' than Silvio Berlusconi or Nicolas Sarkozy. I suggest that you guys who throw around insults (as they are in the States) like 'socialist' and 'communist' should read up on wtf these terms actually mean before you use them. Engage brain before typing.

You should know Hannio better than that.  He's being mischievous. 
that was pointless
 old_shep wrote:
Back to the topic.... this song sucks.  Vocals never leave a single monotone.
true; only the slide guitar can be saved {#Rolleyes}

Back to the topic.... this song sucks.  Vocals never leave a single monotone.
 fredriley wrote:

 I suggest that you guys who throw around insults (as they are in the States) like 'socialist' and 'communist' should read up on wtf these terms actually mean before you use them. Engage brain before typing.

You're talking about people for whom "socialist" is a simple pejorative for anyone who supports funding government programs (with the obvious exception of the military) - it needs no further definition than the bile and spittle that accompanies its utterance.

Willful ignorance is part of the freakin' dogma!

Way to put 'em straight fredriley.  You think you're subject to a lot of 'blinding ignorance' from across the pond, you would be amazed what you'd be subject to if you lived above the 49th parallel.

fredriley wrote:

That'll be Hilary Clinton you're saying is a socialist, right? Sometimes the blinding ignorance of folk across the Pond is staggering. I've been a socialist all my life, and know full well what socialism is, in all its many varied guises. I can state with certainty that Hilary Clinton is no more a 'socialist' than Silvio Berlusconi or Nicolas Sarkozy. I suggest that you guys who throw around insults (as they are in the States) like 'socialist' and 'communist' should read up on wtf these terms actually mean before you use them. Engage brain before typing.


 fredriley wrote:

That'll be Hilary Clinton you're saying is a socialist, right? Sometimes the blinding ignorance of folk across the Pond is staggering. I've been a socialist all my life, and know full well what socialism is, in all its many varied guises. I can state with certainty that Hilary Clinton is no more a 'socialist' than Silvio Berlusconi or Nicolas Sarkozy. I suggest that you guys who throw around insults (as they are in the States) like 'socialist' and 'communist' should read up on wtf these terms actually mean before you use them. Engage brain before typing.


Thank you for that, fredriley and please rest assured that there are many here in the states who DO know the difference.
Unfortunately, we have had an overabundance of moronic ranting over the airwaves and internet leading up to this last election.
Politics in the U.S has been reduced to the lowest common denominator.

Magic Bus with the handbrake still on. Sorry, for all you 'mercans...Parking Brake :-)

 Hannio wrote:
Why do you assume it is because she is female and not because she is a socialist?
That'll be Hilary Clinton you're saying is a socialist, right? Sometimes the blinding ignorance of folk across the Pond is staggering. I've been a socialist all my life, and know full well what socialism is, in all its many varied guises. I can state with certainty that Hilary Clinton is no more a 'socialist' than Silvio Berlusconi or Nicolas Sarkozy. I suggest that you guys who throw around insults (as they are in the States) like 'socialist' and 'communist' should read up on wtf these terms actually mean before you use them. Engage brain before typing.

image evoking poetry that makes you think about gender
absolutely beautiful!
I don't know why, but it reminds me of "woman like a man" by Damien Rice...

Lovely song, he's really beginning to grow on me. Some people have compared our music to Iron and Wine....can't see it myself but I'm not complaining, he's very good :-) judge for yourself https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=656132090&v=app_2405167945&ref=profile

Keep waiting for the Magic Bus (Who) to come kickin along.
Like this!!
 schrodingersdog wrote:

I think he actually lives in the hill country somewhere. Near Marble Falls I'm thinking.
He, his wife and 4 kids live in Dripping Springs, TX (20 minutes from Austin)

Iron & Wine rocks!
 ciapia wrote:

"the Horus, mighty by his Kas, the lord of East and West abounding in years, the good goddess, the pious lady, the golden falcon, divine in her rings, the King of Upper and Lower Egypt, Kamara, the daughter of Ra, Khnumit Amon, Hatshepsut."

The full name of  Hatshepsut, who ruled Egypt for 15 years in the 15th century B.C.


Self-correction courtesy of this post and a National Geographic article this past April (https://ngm.nationalgeographic.com/2009/04/hatshepsut/brown-text.html). Political exigencies created at least one woman king. Pretty cool.

I'm excited: I'm going to see Iron & Wine tonight, and tomorrow night!

"the Horus, mighty by his Kas, the lord of East and West abounding in years, the good goddess, the pious lady, the golden falcon, divine in her rings, the King of Upper and Lower Egypt, Kamara, the daughter of Ra, Khnumit Amon, Hatshepsut."

The full name of  Hatshepsut, who ruled Egypt for 15 years in the 15th century B.C.


nate917 wrote:

Now, now. King Olé the Limpwristed was certainly effeminate by any measure, but I believe he was in fact male.

Kristina was no limp wrist. After Abdicating and converting to Catholicism, she got people to leave a party she held by opening fire on the crowd.
They got the message and dispersed.
At least the ones who survived did, anyhow.

Went and saw him play last night and he put on a very good show, was just him with an acoustic guitar. I was hoping that he would play Such Great Heights, didn't happen.

 jpfueler wrote:
What? You've never heard that the rulers of Sweden were always Kings. . . even when they were female?
Now, now.  King Olé the Limpwristed was certainly effeminate by any measure, but I believe he was in fact male.

Iron and Wine:  when you want to put everyone to sleep within a 50 foot radius.
 Hannio wrote:

Why do you assume it is because she is female and not because she is a socialist?

Guess what, she's not a socialist.

Political Compass

 onerb wrote:
Looks like the U.S. is not quite ready for a Woman King. Never expected the anti-woman outpouring from the Media and others.


Why do you assume it is because she is female and not because she is a socialist?
I have no idea what this song is about, but I love it.
Looks like the U.S. is not quite ready for a Woman King. Never expected the anti-woman outpouring from the Media and others.
Odyzzeuz wrote:
Yeah. He looks like Grizzly Adams. Lives in Austin, has a wife and kids.
I think he actually lives in the hill country somewhere. Near Marble Falls I'm thinking.
Shesdifferent wrote:
I think I really don't like this song.
He's only singing two notes, which one don't you like?
WonderLizard wrote:
Love how RP transitions from a '60s troubadour to this decade's version. Also love the irony of the title--which seems to be lost on many of the posters below...
What? You've never heard that the rulers of Sweden were always Kings. . . even when they were female?
Love how RP transitions from a '60s troubadour to this decade's version. Also love the irony of the title--which seems to be lost on many of the posters below...
Yeah. He looks like Grizzly Adams. Lives in Austin, has a wife and kids.
Apparently 'Iron & Wine' is the stagename of Sam Beam. He recently moved somewhere near Austin. I dig his stuff, although this is not one of my faves. c.
Wow, this is good stuff.
raga wrote:
Saw them in Milano, Italy last thuesday - what a great show! For all the europen listeners of RP: don't miss them they're in tour NOW!
You are so lucky! They are truly amazing. P.S. Can I come visit you. I want to go to Italy soo bad. P.S.S. Just kidding about visiting you because that would be weird considering we haven't met.
Saw them in Milano, Italy last thuesday - what a great show! For all the europen listeners of RP: don't miss them they're in tour NOW!
Turning into a big fan of these guys. I think this one is quite cool. This percussion reminds me a little of "Tusk", but that's ok. LOL on the chimps above! Kind of looks like something from Riverdance though.
Darkmatter wrote:
Well, being from Sweden, it is kind of a no-brainer, innit? Oh, and I still love this song as much as the first time I heard it. It might very well be the best Iron & Wine song of them all, in my mind.
I figured either a ringer, history major who knew Swedish History, or perhaps a fan of the old Connections tv show. I'm re-re-re-re--reading the 163x series by Eric Flint(read 1632 free at that link, and all the freebies at Baen HERE) and in it, he supposes that a town from West Virginia circa 2000, pops back into the midst of the Thirty Years War, and they convince Gustav not to lead that fatal Cavalry charge.
jpfueler wrote:
Woman King? must be Kristina Vasa. points added to those who know why
Well, being from Sweden, it is kind of a no-brainer, innit? Oh, and I still love this song as much as the first time I heard it. It might very well be the best Iron & Wine song of them all, in my mind.
I used to like I&W, but now I'm really startin to hate these 'whispery' fools...
Shesdifferent wrote:
I think I really don't like this song.
ditto...does not seem to grow on you.
Normally just a good song but after that Donovan song it sounds like the best song I've ever heard in my entire friggin LIFE!!
Woman King? must be Kristina Vasa. points added to those who know why
Can we pretty please leave the female leader trolls from last year alone and enjoy the good music?
I still like it.
squidish wrote:
That cover photo ith tho thymbolic....
I can hear that celadonstone wrote:
The percussion is reminding me of Magic Bus...
ElSupreme wrote:
Yeah Catherine the Great was on the same level as: Stalin Hitler Pol Pot Gengis Kahn Mao Tse-Tung Khubilai Khan ... I could go on for a while!
If you're argument is hinged on the ratio of men to women, then you should also consider the ratio of 'attempts', that is the number of times men have been in charge compared to women...
The percussion is reminding me of Magic Bus...
That cover photo ith tho thymbolic....
I like Iron & Wine but having heard Suzanne Vega's "Blood Makes Noise" a few songs back, I can't help but notice the similarity (in the beat anyway).
Bill-my boss is gonna hate you-no work getting done today.
quesarah wrote:
yeah, but.. Don't forget... Boudica !
Or Margaret Thatcher, for that matter.....
quesarah wrote:
yeah, but.. Don't forget... Boudica ! (click here)
Boudicca kicked a**
I think I really don't like this song.
ElSupreme wrote:
Yeah Catherine the Great was on the same level as: Stalin Hitler Pol Pot Gengis Kahn Mao Tse-Tung Khubilai Khan ... I could go on for a while!
yeah, but.. Don't forget... Boudica ! (click here)
Jacksonstat wrote:
You like? Thinking about picking one of those up myself. (Leaning more towards In The Reins.)
Me like! Both albums are very, very good. Highly recommend both these albums and Calexico's Garden Ruin. These two artists are a great find. Thanks Mr. Goldsmith! You are turning me on to so many great artists. My life is far richer because of your great taste!
You're a schmuck. MikeCloud wrote:
well put together song. definitely groovy and original, but... also utterly full of crap. I got bad news for these guys, we've seen women kings, and they are worse than the men. Guess they never heard of katherine the great. It is exactly this kind of utterly naive belief that makes feminism so silly. Personally I couldn't care less what the sex is of the autocratic, power mad freak that's loping peoples heads off...
MikeCloud wrote:
well put together song. definitely groovy and original, but... also utterly full of crap. I got bad news for these guys, we've seen women kings, and they are worse than the men. Guess they never heard of katherine the great. It is exactly this kind of utterly naive belief that makes feminism so silly. Personally I couldn't care less what the sex is of the autocratic, power mad freak that's loping peoples heads off...
Yeah Catherine the Great was on the same level as: Stalin Hitler Pol Pot Gengis Kahn Mao Tse-Tung Khubilai Khan ... I could go on for a while!
Every day I ride the bus...my Magic Bus. Uh, sorry, same percussion - 30+ years later.
A grower.
i like this song SO much more than other songs by this artist that i've heard.
Im bumpin this one up a notch.
God I hate this song...repetitive droaning crap
UltraNurd wrote:
Finally bought this EP, along with In The Reins.
You like? Thinking about picking one of those up myself. (Leaning more towards In The Reins.)
Finally bought this EP, along with In The Reins.
Keep playing it !!!
Awesome tune, awesome lyrics, awesome EP.
Iron and Wine...sooo good!
One of my favorite songs by one of my favorite artists. Simply irresistable!
Someone down the list wants this to be about Hilary or something. It's a bit more lyrical than that. I think it's cool. blackbird claw, raven wing under the red sunlight long clothesline, two shirt sleeves waving as we go by hundred years, hundred more someday we may see a woman king, wristwatch time slowing as she goes to sleep black horse fly, lemonade jar on the red ant hill garden worm, cigarette ash on the window sill hundred years, hundred more someday we may see a woman king, sword in hand swing at some evil and bleed black hoof mare, broken leg eye on the shot gun shell age old dog, hornet nest built in the big church bell hundred years, hundred more someday we may see a woman king, bloodshot eye thumb down and starting to weep
Reminds me of Buckingham Nicks or Old Fleetwood Mac
for the first three seconds I thought it was The Magic Bus
Second time I've heard it. Still good !!
First time I've heard it. Very smooth and rhythmical at the same time. Nice traditional sound. Haunting lyrics.
nice song, but it has been overplayed here. I'm sick of it.
This song is rather compelling ... the percusiion is very catchy, the lyrics a bit dreamy. I likey
MikeCloud wrote:
well put together song. definitely groovy and original, but... also utterly full of crap. I got bad news for these guys, we've seen women kings, and they are worse than the men. Guess they never heard of katherine the great. It is exactly this kind of utterly naive belief that makes feminism so silly. Personally I couldn't care less what the sex is of the autocratic, power mad freak that's loping peoples heads off...
dear mikecloud, you should listen to what the song is saying before making silly comments. this has nothing to do with autocratic power or how it relates to gender-issues. google the lyrics and you'll see. maybe you'll even like :D regards, rah
I really dig the percussion on this song... and the cover art makes me giggle and think of my Grandmother's miniature collections.
Iron and Wine decide to rock out.....
When I originally heard Iron & Wine, I felt like I was listening to some form of audible valium. I couldn't stay awake while listening to his earlier stuff. When I heard this new EP I was blown away by the depth of sound and...GASP...is that PERCUSSION!? I listened to this album a lot and then went back to some of his older stuff and had a greater appreciation and enjoyment of it. Woman King was my segue. Saw him live this summer with a full band and the sound of this song is all-encompassing in real life. Excellent performance!
Thimbles. My dearly departed grandma used to collect them. griz wrote:
are those thimbals or shot glasses...?
Beanie wrote:
These guys are such chameleons. They sound like Simon and Garfunkle one minute, and like Fleetwood Mac the next. I'm trying to decide if that's good or not....
IMHO, it's a good thing!
MikeCloud wrote:
I got bad news for these guys, we've seen women kings, and they are worse than the men. Guess they never heard of katherine the great. It is exactly this kind of utterly naive belief that makes feminism so silly. Personally I couldn't care less what the sex is of the autocratic, power mad freak that's loping peoples heads off...
I've had tyrannical male bosses and I've had tyrannical female bosses. Were the women "worse than the men"? I guess that depends on what "worse" means to you as an individual. In terms of the pain and unhappiness they caused me, I'd say the bad ones (men and women alike) were all about the same. I think the poetry and the imagery used in this song is fantastic. It's well-arranged, well-performed, etc. It's the premise that gives me some problems. The theme of this song, as I hear it, is the very idealistic notion that women are somehow inherently kinder, more thoughtful, more civilized, and so on than men, and that justice will finally prevail when a woman rules. Maybe I'm misrepresenting the songwriter's intentions, but that's what I'm hearing. I assume this is what the poster quoted above objects to, although I think he overstates his case when he argues that women are "worse than the men" when it comes to abuse of power. Unfortunately (or not), gender is no indicator whatsoever of character.
MikeCloud wrote:
well put together song. definitely groovy and original, but... also utterly full of crap. I got bad news for these guys, we've seen women kings, and they are worse than the men. Guess they never heard of katherine the great. It is exactly this kind of utterly naive belief that makes feminism so silly. Personally I couldn't care less what the sex is of the autocratic, power mad freak that's loping peoples heads off...
Well, I've tried . . . But I can't seem to get hold of the gist of this post. Anyone care to take a stab at it?
well put together song. definitely groovy and original, but... also utterly full of crap. I got bad news for these guys, we've seen women kings, and they are worse than the men. Guess they never heard of katherine the great. It is exactly this kind of utterly naive belief that makes feminism so silly. Personally I couldn't care less what the sex is of the autocratic, power mad freak that's loping peoples heads off...
crystalboy wrote:
Rythmn track sounds like "Tusk". Good tune.
perfect call -- this one has a terrific Fleetwood Mac vibe to it.
"...some day we may see, a woman king sword in hand..." We will.
are those thimbals or shot glasses...?
Rythmn track sounds like "Tusk". Good tune.
plutodazed wrote:
This is quite a defferent approach to music for me.
You mean the verse melody the same as the chorus? I guess the 'no' catch is the catch
Great tune but I feel like I hear it everyday.
Getting a lot of play the past few days, but cool song.
These guys just put out an album with Calexico, and are now co-touring, which makes for one hell of a great line up. Catch 'em if you can. Likeable tune.
For some reason, this song is making me hungry.
i like it.
This is quite a defferent approach to music for me. Although it's not my favorite it is quite listenable. RP is broadening my musical paths, but I won't give up my Oasis! Drink a champagne supernova!
me thinks this is a new favorite of Bill's... i dig it too
Makes me want to grab a stick and start tapping on something. Gotta like what these folks are up to.
I Like the mixture of homespun simplicity with the surging slide - nice groove.
The story sounds like that of a Newbery honoree whose title I am forgetting...
I love the bamboo slapping, the slack-string guitars, the whole weird lyrical groove with the made-up mystical understory thing. Makes me want to paint an oil of the Woman King. Love this.
Love those slide guitars!
And my wish is granted! Awesome, Bill! :D
This would segue nicely into Suzanne Vega's Blood Makes Noise....
These guys are such chameleons. They sound like Simon and Garfunkle one minute, and like Fleetwood Mac the next. I'm trying to decide if that's good or not....
This song i overplayed @ RP.
ploafmaster wrote:
These guys rock.
Maybe a little fast and loose with that term.
I think they should like mebbe strip away everything but the vocals and the slide and acoustic guitar, the rest is too distracting.
freeone1 wrote:
Sam Beam is one amazing artist. He is oh so very talented in many ways. I've just recently discovered that he not only makes beeeutiful music, but is also a cinematographer as well. WOW! Can't go wrong with Iron and Wine. This is a great EP as well...
You're pretty talented too, with all those colors. :-D I really like hearing this one on RP. I'm digging Iron & Wine.
Sam Beam is one amazing artist. He is oh so very talented in many ways. I've just recently discovered that he not only makes beeeutiful music, but is also a cinematographer as well. WOW! Can't go wrong with Iron and Wine. This is a great EP as well...