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Colin Hay — Down Under
Album: Man At Work
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Released: 2003
Length: 3:28
Plays (last 30 days): 1
Traveling in a fried-out combie
On a hippie trail, head full of zombie
I met a strange lady, she made me nervous
She took me in and gave me breakfast
And she said,

"Do you come from a land down under?
Where women glow and men plunder?
Can't you hear, can't you hear the thunder?
You better run, you better take cover."

Buying bread from a man in Brussels
He was six foot four and full of muscles
I said, "Do you speak-a my language?"
He just smiled and gave me a vegemite sandwich
And he said,

I come from a land down under
Where beer does flow and men chunder
Can't you hear, can't you hear the thunder?
You better run, you better take cover

Lying in a den in Bombay
With a slack jaw, and not much to say
I said to the man, "Are you trying to tempt me
Because I come from the land of plenty?
And he said

Oh! Do you come from a land down under? (oh yeah yeah)
Where women glow and men plunder?
Can't you hear, can't you hear the thunder?
You better run, you better take cover
Comments (192)add comment
Brother and sandwich do not rhyme.  
 Lemmes wrote:

Question to you native speakers: according to DeepL this translates to "... and men dance" but also suggests "vomit" as an alternative to "chunder" 🤮. What does it mean in this song?

tous les deux?
 dmcanany wrote:

I believe this is the only song on RP that includes the word “Chunder.”

Question to you native speakers: according to DeepL this translates to "... and men dance" but also suggests "vomit" as an alternative to "chunder" 🤮. What does it mean in this song?
Started listening to RP 2002 , never Colin Hay before.🤜
Great work from Colin Hay. Rediscovering him and his post-2000 work has been a great joy. 
Where beer does flow and men chunder
 Alastair wrote:

Just because you can, doesn't mean you should.

As in, just because you can complain about a really cool song version doesn't mean you should?
Colin Hay is so damn good. If you haven't seen him live, I highly recommend it. His music is so good, but his humor and audience rapport is excellent too. It's a great show. Go see him. You won't be disappointed. 
Just because you can, doesn't mean you should.
Nice version of this onel
I finally tried vegemite after 20 years of listening to this human masterpiece. Next stop, Bombay!
Tugs at my expat Ausie heartstrings.
 MojoJojo wrote:
Some day I'd like to chunder.

I am not sure you would. It's Aussie slang for vomit 
Aldi have their own veg spread that knocks marmite and vegemite into a cocked hat now.
 rah wrote:

[17 years ago]

nice! fyi - if you're in the LA area, Colin Hay will be playing at the Topanga Fair on Sat 5/28, and entrance is free, i believe.

Darn!  I just missed it!
I love this version more than the original. Then again, it's easy to improve on the original when it's your own ;-)

See him live, if you can. He is phenomenal live, and he's also a hilarious storyteller.
Had a few beers with Colin back in the '70s when 'Men at Work' came to a little town in Victoria, Australia, called Daylesford. At the Commercial Hotel. 
I believe this is the only song on RP that includes the word “Chunder.”
Sorry. I preffer de beat, shouting and arrangemets of old version. Flute included
Love Colin Hay. Have seen him live a few times (solo). Nice, funny, very talented guy.
If you get a chance please go see him play. Excellent guitarist, storyteller, and a very friendly guy - often does meet-and-greets (when we can do those things again).
Love Colin Hay. His solo acoustic rendition of Overkill is amazing.  He is a lot of fun to see live.
 kcar wrote:
 Tylor wrote:
This most execellent tune is even better like this. Acoustic.
 I liked the original but prefer the acoustic version better.


He was such great fun in the small club in Plymouth NH - would see him again but the small venue was perfect. 'intimate'...
He's Scottish?!  
 Tylor wrote:
This most execellent tune is even better like this. Acoustic.

Such a great rendition
Last night Bill played another track from this album (one can't erased that cover from memory...).  It was quite unremarkable and carried all the hallmark of a Skip Forward song.

This one is kinda fun, a good cover, better than the original (or I'm just sick of hearing it).

>>>  No background check prior to posting, ...I think this is the cover!
 MojoJojo wrote:
Some day I'd like to chunder.
According to the Urban Dictionary:
Chunder means to be sick, it originates from old seafaring days when sailors would get seasick and stick their head out of the porthole in their cabin.
Some day I'd like to chunder.
 realsleep wrote:
Please, though, can we just change the cover-art image?  I can't look at it anymore.
Indeed, it's awful.
 Sloggydog wrote:
He lost a lot of money for being called on sampling Kookaburra sits in the old gum tree in this song and I feel for the guy.  As an Aussie ex-pat I stand by this ultimate piece of jingoistic Aussie cheese.  I freakin love it.

PS Don't bring up the inferior Marmite in the presence of Australians who know the wonders of Vegemite
Apparently, not "a lot". Well, depends upon our interpretation of "a lot". The court wanted up to 60% of the royalties, which would have been nuts. A judge decided it would be 5% dating back to 2002 and any future royalties. Still, a chunk of money for anyone. All for the silly riff of the flute. Weird.

He lost a lot of money for being called on sampling Kookaburra sits in the old gum tree in this song and I feel for the guy.  As an Aussie ex-pat I stand by this ultimate piece of jingoistic Aussie cheese.  I freakin love it.

PS Don't bring up the inferior Marmite in the presence of Australians who know the wonders of Vegemite
I'm missing those high notes alot that he used to do!!!! 
I like this stripped down version.  Colin Hay's live version of this is even more bare, and I like it even more!

Please, though, can we just change the cover-art image?  I can't look at it anymore.
I like the original version better. The understated treatment in this version doesn't suit the material.
Terrible album cover; great album!{#Lol}
Loved the original Men At Work version and this one is a new take on an old song. Like it. A Lot! {#Meditate}

can't wait to see him do his live acoustic set when he comes to Raleigh in March— 
 fredriley wrote:

Speak for yourself, mate! Even the smell of the stuff makes me retch. I remember being at school at the tender age of 6 and the teachers insisted that we eat Marmite, and when I point-blank refused they threatened me with no jam until I ate my Marmite. As a result I spent a year without jam, and pretty damn hungry too. They assumed it was just obstinacy, and they were so wrong.

Can you have a childhood trauma caused by a bread spread? In my case you can :(

Oh dear, and reading your song comments I thought your taste was pretty good. It seems I was mistaken. I'm not sure you deserve to live so close to the holy city of Burton-on-Trent. All hail to the King of Savoury Spreads!

Last week I saw an amazing band called the McLovins at the Gathering of the Vibes.  They encored with this...

Wow, he very nearly makes this in to a good song!
That's another 5% for these gold-diggers...
 handyrae wrote:
This version is great. I'm enjoying the more laid back vibe.
Agreed. nice rhythm.

 DaveInVA wrote:
To slow for me, like the original much better
He's older now, give him a break....{#Lol}

NYC, Canal Room, Colin Hay, 2 by ~severfire
©2007-2010 ~severfire

Remeber Men at Work? :D

 SparkyMarky wrote:
I rather liked it too oddly enough. And marmite - look -it's is a must have for us Brits.You have to have JUST the right amount on your toast, not too much, not too little.
Speak for yourself, mate! Even the smell of the stuff makes me retch. I remember being at school at the tender age of 6 and the teachers insisted that we eat Marmite, and when I point-blank refused they threatened me with no jam until I ate my Marmite. As a result I spent a year without jam, and pretty damn hungry too. They assumed it was just obstinacy, and they were so wrong.

Can you have a childhood trauma caused by a bread spread? In my case you can :(

This is a joke, right?
This version is great. I'm enjoying the more laid back vibe.
To slow for me, like the original much better
i just had vegemite for the first time last week... i liked it. it tasted like 'Better Than Boullion'.  of course.. i wouldn't really eat it straight, but i'd make a soup base with it
What's up with his eyes?
One of my favorite 80's songs of all time... the original of course.
Nice but it's hard to beat the original.
 Poacher wrote:
Marmite = good. Vegemite = Bad.
After exhaustive testing, I think Vegemite is better than Marmite, and I'm afraid Tim Tams outscore Penguins < aet >

Kraft bought Vegemite and launched a new variant product which is 50% salt and 50% dreck: read more here 

What can you expect from a country where Oreos are the number one biscuit? 
 SparkyMarky wrote:
I rather liked it too oddly enough. And marmite - look -it's is a must have for us Brits.You have to have JUST the right amount on your toast, not too much, not too little.
that sounds very british, like vegemite sounds very australian(ish) ? (I am from Germany, where is no ...mite)!

Judging from the negative comments on here, these folks have never had a head full of zombie.
Marmite = good. Vegemite = Bad.

I rather liked it too oddly enough. And marmite - look -it's is a must have for us Brits.You have to have JUST the right amount on your toast, not too much, not too little.
 Peace_tode wrote:
What is the point of doing ANY more versions of this song?

You know what they say,"You just can't polish a turd".
This does not seem to stop producers of pop pablum from getting large sums of money to perform this service.
I have to admit that the lyrics somehow catch on me....
Americas fascination with Australia has gone with the 80s...slowing it down and going acoustic doesn't make this song any better
 fredriley wrote:
Yeesh! This song was f*ckin' awful when it first emerged and stayed at No. 1 for a seeming eternity, and hasn't improved with age. And if Vegemite is the same as Marmite, which seems to be the case from the comments, then I'd rather eat termite paste. 1 for the song, -10exp10 for Marmite/Vegemite.
  I'm with you on the Vegemite and Marmite.  Not the same but it's hard to decide which is more horrible.  I like the song though.  This version is pretty cool

Colin Hay covering Colin Hay...what the hay?
Kinda fun.
Not my favorite MAW cover that Colin does on this CD (that would be "Overkill"), but I like this version, after hearing it a few times. A friend of mine is going to see him this week (I think) somewhere in or near Cincinnati.
Bland version, the original was much more catchy and funny (and the corresponding video a must for the kitsch and crap, but what a laugh!)
Yeesh! This song was f*ckin' awful when it first emerged and stayed at No. 1 for a seeming eternity, and hasn't improved with age. And if Vegemite is the same as Marmite, which seems to be the case from the comments, then I'd rather eat termite paste. 1 for the song, -10exp10 for Marmite/Vegemite.
Diggin this version, nice!
 Peace_tode wrote:

You know what they say,"You just can't polish a turd".

...or maybe you can
La La La... Hum Hum Hum {#Whistle}

What is the point of doing ANY more versions of this song?

You know what they say,"You just can't polish a turd".
 islander wrote:
Fantastic music. Awful cover art.
Like a bad postage stamp (the cover art, that is).

Fantastic music. Awful cover art.

I prefer this to the original

This song is Vegimite! I don't care if it's performed by Men At Work or Man At Work...it's had WAY too much airtime!!!!!

And yes, the photo DOES make Colin look like a dork. Could it be.....?

 handyrae wrote:
Do you think he saw the CD cover before it was released? It really makes him look like a dork (not a word I use much, but I think it fits).
nah - i don't think he saw it

Do you think he saw the CD cover before it was released? It really makes him look like a dork (not a word I use much, but I think it fits).
joshfm wrote:
He's riding the one-hit-wonder wave like some surfer on LSD.
Not really.
Colin is playing here tonight in SB.
Colin is Scottish. Bio
Nice album!
EssexTex wrote:
Only like 3 Aussie singers, Colin, Rolf, and Bon
If Colin Hay is "Australian" then shurely Rolf is "English"? Can't have it both ways, me old China!
Wizzuvv_oz wrote:
If you don't like eating it, you can use it for bacterial growth medium. The E. coli LOVE it! It's the best smelling stuff in Luria broth but that is really not saying much
Then I'd guess, based on a wasted afternoon pouring LB agar plates, that you want to keep it away from fruit flies, too!
The song: 8 Vegimite:
Wizzuvv_oz wrote:
If you don't like eating it, you can use it for bacterial growth medium. The E. coli LOVE it! It's the best smelling stuff in Luria broth but that is really not saying much
Brilliant for mouth ulcers too. A friend told me alright?
Oh, no, not this guy again. He's riding the one-hit-wonder wave like some surfer on LSD. It never ends.
I do not know which I enjoy more, listening to this song or reading the hilarious Vegemite discussion. But why choose, when you can do both at the same time!
Only like 3 Aussie singers, Colin, Rolf, and Bon
MrCaps wrote:
It's possibly an acquired taste but it is nice and it is very good for you. It's basically yeast extract. It came about as a beer by-product. A local brewer was producing so much of the stuff as a leftover from the brewing process that they decided to find an alternative use for it rather than just throwing it. It's the sediment that collects at bottom of your home-brew. Now here's something that sounds disgusting at first but is absolutely delicious: Vegitmite Recipe: 1) Toast some Bread. 2) Smear some Vegimite on it (I like lots). 3) Place a poached egg on top of that (soft runny centre). 4) Place some tomato sauce on that (ketchup to the majority of you). 5) Prepare for gastro orgasm. The kiwis, typically copied it, called their puke Marmite and laid claim to it :)
If you don't like eating it, you can use it for bacterial growth medium. The E. coli LOVE it! It's the best smelling stuff in Luria broth but that is really not saying much
MrCaps wrote:
It's possibly an acquired taste but it is nice and it is very good for you. It's basically yeast extract. It came about as a beer by-product. A local brewer was producing so much of the stuff as a leftover from the brewing process that they decided to find an alternative use for it rather than just throwing it. It's the sediment that collects at bottom of your home-brew. Now here's something that sounds disgusting at first but is absolutely delicious: Vegitmite Recipe: 1) Toast some Bread. 2) Smear some Vegimite on it (I like lots). 3) Place a poached egg on top of that (soft runny centre). 4) Place some tomato sauce on that (ketchup to the majority of you). 5) Prepare for gastro orgasm. The kiwis, typically copied it, called their puke Marmite and laid claim to it :)
I use to work for a company that started in Sydney. They moved here to the US and they had a vegemite eating contest. It was only for US employees. I came in second. It was quite possibly the worse thing I have ever tried. I had that taste in my mouth for at least two days. yuck yuck yuck...
MrCaps wrote:
It's possibly an acquired taste but it is nice and it is very good for you. It's basically yeast extract. It came about as a beer by-product. A local brewer was producing so much of the stuff as a leftover from the brewing process that they decided to find an alternative use for it rather than just throwing it. It's the sediment that collects at bottom of your home-brew. Now here's something that sounds disgusting at first but is absolutely delicious: Vegitmite Recipe: 1) Toast some Bread. 2) Smear some Vegimite on it (I like lots). 3) Place a poached egg on top of that (soft runny centre). 4) Place some tomato sauce on that (ketchup to the majority of you). 5) Prepare for gastro orgasm. The kiwis, typically copied it, called their puke Marmite and laid claim to it :)
Yep, you could say it's whiteman's miso. Promite is good too, a vegetable/yeast facsimile.
Having seen the original "video" - on film that is, in a movie theater, in about 1982, where the entire audience was going ... "what? what is this, a preview?" - because we had never seen a "music video" before.... in a theater or on a television. I can safely say this is better than the original. By a bunch.
GChevy410 wrote:
Cool cover - Cuckaburro sitting in an old gum tree Cuckaburro merry merry king of the bush is he I give it an 8...why not.
Cheers mate, it's kookaburra. He's good solo live too.
nigelr wrote:
Major improvement on the original!
No just different. Two different moods. The original is - or was - an MTV staple and is for many inextricably linked to those days. This version echoes that but it's a very distant echo. I still can't escape the visual of the Vegemite sandwich, for example. I kind of like this one.
Nice, mellow version. But I still like the MAW better.
Mmm. Groovy.
h2o wrote:
I think I like this version better than MAW
haha, I actually was about to say the same thing...something about the laid back nature of it seems more fitting.
Cool cover - kookaburra sitting in an old gum tree kookaburra merry merry king of the bush is he I give it an 8...why not. (edited due to above post, thanks)
redeyespy wrote:
Better than adaquate, but still just makes it. I love Men at Work and Hay's other solo offerings, though.
I think I like this version better than MAW
Better than adaquate, but still just makes it. I love Men at Work and Hay's other solo offerings, though.
~Michelle~ wrote:
Back when this song first came out, it was so over-played, it is refreshing to hear this version of the song!
Yes, it is a nice version.
Back when this song first came out, it was so over-played, it is refreshing to hear this version of the song!
phaedra wrote:
Go Vegemite, go Aussies! People who don't lik eVegemite don't know how to eat it properly. A tiny smudge on toasted white bread with heaps of margarine people!! :)
Sounds like an ad for heart disease and diabetes, there, mate
Hummus is made out of ground chick peas. What is marmite made from? Better take cover bitch!!
Major improvement on the original!
MrCaps wrote:
Vegitmite Recipe: 1) Toast some bread. 2) Smear some vegimite on it (I like lots). 3) Place a poached egg on top of that (soft runny centre). 4) Place some tomato sauce on that (ketchup to the majority of you). 5) Prepare for gastro orgasm.
Sounds brilliant - I'll try it with Marmite soon. Another great one is to make a toasted sandwich with Marmite and Cheddar cheese. I'm getting hungry just thinking about it.
mizcoinn wrote:
it's a vegamite sandwich...that nasty yeasty condiment that they like down there!
It's possibly an acquired taste but it is nice and it is very good for you. It's basically yeast extract. It came about as a beer by-product. A local brewer was producing so much of the stuff as a leftover from the brewing process that they decided to find an alternative use for it rather than just throwing it. It's the sediment that collects at bottom of your home-brew. Now here's something that sounds disgusting at first but is absolutely delicious: Vegitmite Recipe: 1) Toast some Bread. 2) Smear some Vegimite on it (I like lots). 3) Place a poached egg on top of that (soft runny centre). 4) Place some tomato sauce on that (ketchup to the majority of you). 5) Prepare for gastro orgasm. The kiwis, typically copied it, called their puke Marmite and laid claim to it :)
phaedra wrote:
Go Vegemite, go Aussies! People who don't lik eVegemite don't know how to eat it properly. A tiny smudge on toasted white bread with heaps of margarine people!! :)
Let's hear it for Marmite, too. One of the best meals of my life was Marmite on toast after waking up from a general anaesthetic, having been nil by mouth for 24 hours. Yum! They've recently launched a limited edition version made with Guinness yeast. Check it out.
I like this version SO much better! Go Colin!
Go Vegemite, go Aussies! People who don't lik eVegemite don't know how to eat it properly. A tiny smudge on toasted white bread with heaps of margarine people!! :)