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Tom McRae — For The Restless
Album: All Maps Welcome
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Total ratings: 1844

Released: 2005
Length: 3:59
Plays (last 30 days): 6
She comes to me in dreams
A train wreck beauty queen
But I don't remember her
On a wall of white and blue
I wrote my name and thought of you
But you would not have known
Through a window of a car
A cigarette's a fallen star
A dream within a trail of sparks
And conversation turns to sleep
And I wait for you to speak
I'm waiting still

So for the restless
Not the peaceful sleeper
This song's for you
And for the faithless
Not the true believer
This song's for you

And I keep my secrets well
Move on and never tell
Some day they'll show
And you raised me to be cruel
You raised me like a bruise
I'm bleeding still

So for the restless
Not the peaceful sleeper
This song's for you
And for the faithless
Not the true believer
This song's for you

She comes to me in dreams
A train wreck beauty queen
Now I remember her
And everything you love will break
You're running out of things to make you
Feel alive

So for the restless
Not the peaceful sleeper
This song's for you
And for the faithless
Not the true believer
This song's for you
It's for you
It's for you
It's for you
It's just for you
Comments (151)add comment
(whispering) I thought this was Lucinda Williams. 
Huh...  That DebbieH person below is quite um  unhinged...  I hope they got the help they needed.
HOly COw!

I don't read a lot of these threads but I think this one definitely takes the prize in some category. Just like the RP playlist, there are always a few surprises! I love this station.
 dwhayslett wrote:

Holy shit.  What the hell was that?

welcome to healthcare during times of COVID...
 BillG wrote:

What? Who? Where?

Like, where are you getting that info?  Not from the lyrics...

Not from the lyrics, eh:  how could you possibly know?
Wow - just spotted the newer comments, referring to the older comments...

As for the song, I like it, solid 7
And everyone's entitled to my opinion! 


Ihatethissong wrote:
WOW! How did I miss out on this doooozy of a comment section for so long?

It' s like a rock concert in an insane asylum with the stage on fire and NOBODY evacuates the building!!

In fact I was just walking by and now I'm running in to see what's going on,  WOOOO!!!

Actually, I'm too lazy to scroll down far enough to find out how this comment section devolved into a acrimonious shit storm, and also I don't care!  I'm barmy too, and I could sense my fellow nutters in here.

You know I heard this song many times on RP, gave it a minute or two then always skipped it.  Never noticed it was a bloke singing, always thought it a bird.

And incidentally, I just forgot what I was about to type.

From Camel - Rhayader to this... what a clever transition in the key of C-minor.
I like it.
Dunno, but seems to me the author of the post that gob-smacked us was, or may still be, crying out for help.
And that's quite unrelated to this song...
Wow, just WTF was going on below into this thread O_o
Wow.   Read all the stuff below three times.  Not really sure why.  The odd rant took me to the book "The Girl on the Train."  Not sure why I read that either.
 markybx wrote:
I would not normally suggest that a song should not be played on RP, but in this case, maybe that is for the best. Clearly one person (I assume the subject of the song) is VERY upset that it is being streamed across the internet.

That person is free to not listen to it.  But even if one person's outrage was a reason to not play this ... that whole set of posts rings false anyway, at least to me.  NASA?  Tortured?  Even taken at face value, I see nothing in the song remotely related to that weird rant.
Pardon me for being a dumbass, but the comments below are a little confusing.  Can anyone please enlighten me about this rampage?
I would not normally suggest that a song should not be played on RP, but in this case, maybe that is for the best. Clearly one person (I assume the subject of the song) is VERY upset that it is being streamed across the internet.
Sorry but I can't stand this, or that the entire song is about who the song is for
 dwhayslett wrote:

Holy shit.  What the hell was that?

Not sure but kinda glad it was her last post......
 DebbieH wrote:

Furthermore, besides working 24/7 "collecting information" so that Jaack, who had to come from Australia, the other side of the world, to give this information to the world, I also work full time as a home remodeler, electrician and handywoman to make a living and help my parents with their bills since they can barely cover them. This is a trade that puts my already pain-riddled body through plenty of physical stress. How many of you have to work this hard while being tortured, considered "mentally ill" (only mental illness I've ever had has been depression, which I have suffered from since the age of 15 and it makes this ALL THE MORE DIFFICULT) so that you aren't able to tell anyone hat is actually transporting for YEARS, even though many knew and did NOTHING? My guess is no, you haven't. I understand that is is often human nature to have trouble grasping the concept that not every song about a person's life is a good or kind song. DJ's and some musicians don't seem to care unless it is their problem specifically. However, a little quality control may be something you should consider when your very obvious theme is this particular "popular problem." As for myself, I'll just listen to something that cares a little more about me.

Holy shit.  What the hell was that?
 BillG wrote:

What? Who? Where?

Like, where are you getting that info?  Not from the lyrics...

Don't play stupid with me, I'm only putting NASA in hell right now, and after 20 years of my government allowing them to do their best to ruin my health and my life, I REALLY don't have any tolerance or patience for this kind of bullsh!t now. You either get it or you don't. And to Bill the DJ: there is absolutely NO comparison here to "The Sound Of Silence." NEVER belittle a woman's life that has been an absolute HELL. I am not some 20-something girl who gets too drunk at parties. I have constant muscle spasms n my neck and back that are extremely painful and they make avoiding painkillers extraordinarily difficult. Couple that with the NASA mnkeys jumping all over my head while screaming 24 hours a day and I just can't see hoe some stranger, a white male musician who has never suffered torture, sexual assault or a life of poverty can be so cavalier about the language he uses to descrbe  stranger he is not likely to ever have to look in ithe eye and answer to. This monosyllabic, sexist and clearly ignorant accou of Jack and my incredibley painful life just doesn't belong here, or anywhere for that matter. If your own selfishness is to blame for continuing to play this insulting and hurtful song while my head continues to be kicked in by monsters so that you all may be free of their weather manipulation and flat out mass murder of innocents, then I have to make the decision to never come back here, even though I've been a listener for at least five years and you seem to care what happens to us,0. Maybe you're just clueless, but I don't need to ruminate upon this subject matter for the next couple weeks like I always do every time I here this sh!tty song. Life is already a struggle I can scarcely keep myself together for. Does this answer your stupid question "Bill G?" 

 DebbieH wrote:
Referring to a woman who has been sexually assaulted and tortured for over a DECADE as a "train wreck beauty queen" is both extremely sexist and insulting. I HATE this song and no, it will never grow on me "in a positive way." Matter of fact, I'm probably not going to listen to this radio station anymore.

What? Who? Where?

Like, where are you getting that info?  Not from the lyrics...
Referring to a woman who has been sexually assaulted and tortured for over a DECADE as a "train wreck beauty queen" is both extremely sexist and insulting. I HATE this song and no, it will never grow on me "in a positive way." Matter of fact, I'm probably not going to listen to this radio station anymore.
 ScottN wrote:
 kcar wrote:......

Marketing has a lot to do with alcohol sales—even craft brews.

Yes, but how about a song comment?  The forum beckons for your opinions on beer.
I really like this particular cut from TM.  Really came to grow on me...positively.

When you listen to music with friends, is discussion of other topics like beer forbidden? Think of these pages like that. 

This song feels like something from a soundtrack to a David Lynch movie set in the American West. It's one of those tracks that works as part of a set of music that the Goldsmiths string together so well, but I think if I listened to it on my own I might get a bit impatient. The guy sounds a bit tired, and possibly related to Beth Horton.  
Would you like vocal fries with that?
 Jota wrote:
Easy listening track there.

As for Bud, we call it 'sex in a canoe' because it's f'ing close to water.


A friend of mine drunk her tea so weak that she called it Lighthouse Tea, because it was blinking near water.
 kcar wrote:......

Marketing has a lot to do with alcohol sales--even craft brews.

Yes, but how about a song comment?  The forum beckons for your opinions on beer.
I really like this particular cut from TM.  Really came to grow on me...positively.
Easy listening track there.

As for Bud, we call it 'sex in a canoe' because it's f'ing close to water.
Have i mentioned yet tonight i hate jazz?  Seems like my stalker is back.

I hate jazz. 

i hate jazz.

I hate jazz.

I hate jazz.

I hate jazz

i hate jazz

I hate jazz

I hate jazz

I hate jazz

I hate jazz

 Byronape wrote:


Bud is nasty piss water.  If Bud was so fantastic, why is the market for artisan beers booming?  It's basically beer for people that don't like beer.  As the above linked review states, " all the alcohol of beer with none of those pesky beer flavors."

I'm sorry, I like the "pesky beer flavors."

Couldn't agree moe........

Now what does this song have to do with Budweiser? 
''She'' ??

nightdrive wrote:
She reminds me of Jesse Sykes.


 oldsaxon wrote:

America's Bud is a NAIL (North American Industrial Lager)...It's crap, it's crass and it's cheap. That's why it sells billions of bottles. Saying that it's admired by brewers is just laughable unless you are talking about admiring the sales figures. I brew my own beer, I know many brewers of small batch beer and many brewers of real, craftsman made beer that sell many barrels of the stuff. 

Nuttin like a bud and a good ole ball game...that's baseball not that freaky game u call cricket
 rdo wrote:
No, we can't have that.  

You deserve a nice bust in the chops for that inanity (with a haddock, of course).  Bud is actually quite admired by brewers of all stripes for its quality, has always been highly esteemed in fact.  You may not like it, that's up to you, but you do not have the facts straight here, bud.

BTW, most people love it, it's why it's the best selling beer in the US. 


America's Bud is a NAIL (North American Industrial Lager)...It's crap, it's crass and it's cheap. That's why it sells billions of bottles. Saying that it's admired by brewers is just laughable unless you are talking about admiring the sales figures. I brew my own beer, I know many brewers of small batch beer and many brewers of real, craftsman made beer that sell many barrels of the stuff. 
She reminds me of Jesse Sykes.
Angry beer talk aside, this is good song, yes?
 Poacher wrote:

Well. . . you have certainly swallowed the advertising if not decent beer.


Did you actually read the article I posted?  It quotes highly reputable brewers in Belgium who admire Bud. Plus the long history of Bud's high reputation by credible sources.  Not propaganda like your idiotic statement.  Do you have any idea what you are saying by your comment? Disagree with me all you want, but I never comment seriously without facts to back me up.  Can we just stick to facts here please?  I like your contributions, but you are seriously starting to piss me off.  You don't like Bud, fine.  Claiming people are brainwashed by advertising is a form of propaganda on your part.  By the way, I find English ale to be fucking crap.
Quite nice... Rated an "*" and still there... Too bad rest of album isn't the same level of quality... Why did iTunes succeed because record companies and consultants kept ripping off buyers...
 Stingray wrote:
Yes, back to song comments.  One of his best, imo.
 AndyJ wrote:
You have just defined a "marketplace"... The essence of capitalism....
Er, no, that's just plain wrong. The essence of capitalism is capital and hired labour. Markets existed long, long before capitalism, and will exist after it. Stone and Bronze Age peoples had sophisticated national and international trading networks in place, and marketplaces (ie physical places where markets were held). Capitalisms have existed that had little or no market relations. Market relations are neither a necessary or sufficient component of capitalisms. SE Asian and Chinese capitalisms (sorry, 'socialism with Chinese characteristics') have markets so highly managed by the State that they're not markets in the Adam Smith sense.

It is quite tricky to define capitalism as there are so many capitalisms, including highly managed (fascism, dirigisme), corporate (current US) imperialist (20th century European powers, also current US), laissez-faire (hard to find these days, common in the 19th century), and more. I remember that the first whole lecture of my economics module, 2 hours worth, was spent simply trying to define capitalism. In the end, all you can do is define necessary characteristics - capital and labour - but then those also apply to non-capitalist but still exploitative sytems (soviet socialism, for instance).

That was a public information announcement. We now return you to your usual sucks/blows/rocks debate :o)
You have just defined a "marketplace"... The essence of capitalism....
Capitalism is not a true -ism. ...
It's just a word coined by Karl Marx to define what he was against. It was never conceived by highly educated anythings...
It's what people do when you leave them alone. 

OTOH... I enjoy this mornings music selection... not all, but most are perfect for slipping into a Monday

 rdo wrote:
No, we can't have that.  

You deserve a nice bust in the chops for that inanity (with a haddock, of course).  Bud is actually quite admired by brewers of all stripes for its quality, has always been highly esteemed in fact.  You may not like it, that's up to you, but you do not have the facts straight here, bud.

BTW, most people love it, it's why it's the best selling beer in the US. 


Well. . . you have certainly swallowed the advertising if not decent beer.
 rdo wrote:
No, we can't have that.  

You deserve a nice bust in the chops for that inanity (with a haddock, of course).  Bud is actually quite admired by brewers of all stripes for its quality, has always been highly esteemed in fact.  You may not like it, that's up to you, but you do not have the facts straight here, bud.

BTW, most people love it, it's why it's the best selling beer in the US. 



Bud is nasty piss water.  If Bud was so fantastic, why is the market for artisan beers booming?  It's basically beer for people that don't like beer.  As the above linked review states, " all the alcohol of beer with none of those pesky beer flavors."

I'm sorry, I like the "pesky beer flavors."
Sounds like Gary Jules but sharper and even more annoying.
 arserocket wrote:
'most people love ...... Bud'? on every continent, under the oceans, on Mars...... even the Klingon's.....


Somebody please give this guy a throat lozenge
The music was nice, but I found his voice somewhat annoying.
First saw Tom McRae supporting Matchbox 20 who were playing some kind of Hard Rock Café anniversary gig, back in 2000. That was certainly an odd combination. I don't expect there's many Matchbox 20 fans here, but it was a good show, and Tom certainly kept the audience quiet - much more powerful live, just him and a guy with a cello...

Liked it until the whining began. #4

Maybe some better beer should have been served in the studio.
Good song, great voice !
Pure magic!
It was the third of June,
another sleepy, dusty Delta day

 rdo wrote:
No, we can't have that.  

You deserve a nice bust in the chops for that inanity (with a haddock, of course).  Bud is actually quite admired by brewers of all stripes for its quality, has always been highly esteemed in fact.  You may not like it, that's up to you, but you do not have the facts straight here, bud.

BTW, most people love it, it's why it's the best selling beer in the US. 


'most people love ...... Bud'? on every continent, under the oceans, on Mars...... even the Klingon's.....

 fredriley wrote:
 punkbot wrote:
Please, and this goes for all songwriters, never deign to use the phrase 'This song's for you' ever again.
"This note's for you" - ok.
"This Bud's for you" - acceptable.

Not acceptable if you enjoy real beer, rather than ersatz plastic tasteless corporatised overpriced oversold p1sswater that punters are foolish enough to pay extra money to drink out of a bottle. Did you know that Budweiser had the sheer chutzpah to sue the Budvar Brewery, based in the town of Budvar from which the name Budweiser (meaning 'from Budvar') comes, for trademark infringement? They lost, luckily, and you can still get proper budweiser beer produced in Budvar in more discerning bars and pubs. Seek it out, and ignore the plastic pap that the megacorp pushes.

Sorry, real beer is a bit of a hobbyhorse for me :*)
No, we can't have that.  

You deserve a nice bust in the chops for that inanity (with a haddock, of course).  Bud is actually quite admired by brewers of all stripes for its quality, has always been highly esteemed in fact.  You may not like it, that's up to you, but you do not have the facts straight here, bud.

BTW, most people love it, it's why it's the best selling beer in the US. 


Sounds like Ferron.

Had to turn this up... at first I thought it was Janis Ian !   {#Roflol}
Give a listen to Sao Paulo Rain; better listening, methinks.
Was that The Edge playing lead guitar?
 MojoJojo wrote:
A friend of mine went to Ireland for a wedding. She is a beer snob, and she gladly admits it.  She was excited to see what kind of beer they would have.  To her utter dismay, it was nothing but Budweiser.  

I have to say, though - in a contest of Budweiser v. not beer, I'm gonna have to go with the Bud, bud.


Thanks for the laugh!  I'm with you on that one..
Great song.
For me, a bit better than the ones before, but only a little bit!! Next lady is coming up soon!

 More_Cowbell wrote:
She has a nice voice
{#Cool} {#Whistle}

 MojoJojo wrote:
A friend of mine went to Ireland for a wedding. She is a beer snob, and she gladly admits it.  She was excited to see what kind of beer they would have.  To her utter dismay, it was nothing but Budweiser.  

I have to say, though - in a contest of Budweiser v. not beer, I'm gonna have to go with the Bud, bud.

fredriley wrote:


You forgot a big "BUT....!"

Budweiser is called "Puma-piss" in Germany!

"This music is good for my liking"

Great beat, cool sound.  Thanks for turning me on to it!
Cool music. Terrible voice.
 Sloggydog wrote:
Love the song and can't resist to add to the discussion of the Czech beer Budweiser Budvar which is far superior to its rubbish american descendant.  That said you actually want to get yourself a different czech beer and have a Pilsener Urquell from Plzen the home of pilseners.
And why shouldn't this be the beer chat room? {#Lol} Agree, re Pilsener Urquell. Fabulous brew.

 MojoJojo wrote:
A friend of mine went to Ireland for a wedding. She is a beer snob, and she gladly admits it.  She was excited to see what kind of beer they would have.  To her utter dismay, it was nothing but Budweiser.  

That's fascinating because the whole family went to Ireland last year, and we were a bit (not greatly, mind you) taken aback that American beers were in generally short supply. We asked in several places—mostly in Dublin and Galway—and were told that American beers are way too expensive for what they are (generally thin lagers and pilseners), and the domestic beers are less expensive and tasted better. By the time we left, I'd grown very fond of Smithwick Ale. BTW, tho' this is off point, I used to tend an Irish bar in San Francisco, where we served Guiness on tap—about the only way you want to drink it. The Guiness in Ireland was very different: smoother, finer foam, less bitter, almost a sweet nuttiness to the finish. Can't explain it.

 dboseman wrote:
I love this song and cannot buy it on Itunes or Amazon. So frustrating.
It is avbl now,  I just bought it.  Great song.

 punkbot wrote:
Please, and this goes for all songwriters, never deign to use the phrase 'This song's for you' ever again.
"This note's for you" - ok.
"This Bud's for you" - acceptable.
"I would die 4 u" - flattering.
"This song's for you" - whiney, egotistical slop.

A load of subjective crap...
After a sleepless night, thank you for this song

Yup, Pilsner Urquell is fine stuff, we used to be able to get it in 2 litre tins, which was really good..........
still not sure why everyong is talking beer? i can say i have been accused of this.
 wrangler wrote:

she sure does  {#Cowboy}

A friend of mine went to Ireland for a wedding. She is a beer snob, and she gladly admits it.  She was excited to see what kind of beer they would have.  To her utter dismay, it was nothing but Budweiser.  

I have to say, though - in a contest of Budweiser v. not beer, I'm gonna have to go with the Bud, bud.

fredriley wrote:
 punkbot wrote:
Please, and this goes for all songwriters, never deign to use the phrase 'This song's for you' ever again.
"This note's for you" - ok.
"This Bud's for you" - acceptable.

Not acceptable if you enjoy real beer, rather than ersatz plastic tasteless corporatised overpriced oversold p1sswater that punters are foolish enough to pay extra money to drink out of a bottle. Did you know that Budweiser had the sheer chutzpah to sue the Budvar Brewery, based in the town of Budvar from which the name Budweiser (meaning 'from Budvar') comes, for trademark infringement? They lost, luckily, and you can still get proper budweiser beer produced in Budvar in more discerning bars and pubs. Seek it out, and ignore the plastic pap that the megacorp pushes.

Sorry, real beer is a bit of a hobbyhorse for me :*)

This song is not for me
Love the song and can't resist to add to the discussion of the Czech beer Budweiser Budvar which is far superior to its rubbish american descendant.  That said you actually want to get yourself a different czech beer and have a Pilsener Urquell from Plzen the home of pilseners.
 More_Cowbell wrote:
She has a nice voice

she sure does  {#Cowboy}
 punkbot wrote:
Please, and this goes for all songwriters, never deign to use the phrase 'This song's for you' ever again.
"This note's for you" - ok.
"This Bud's for you" - acceptable.

Not acceptable if you enjoy real beer, rather than ersatz plastic tasteless corporatised overpriced oversold p1sswater that punters are foolish enough to pay extra money to drink out of a bottle. Did you know that Budweiser had the sheer chutzpah to sue the Budvar Brewery, based in the town of Budvar from which the name Budweiser (meaning 'from Budvar') comes, for trademark infringement? They lost, luckily, and you can still get proper budweiser beer produced in Budvar in more discerning bars and pubs. Seek it out, and ignore the plastic pap that the megacorp pushes.

Sorry, real beer is a bit of a hobbyhorse for me :*)

Please, and this goes for all songwriters, never deign to use the phrase 'This song's for you' ever again.
"This note's for you" - ok.
"This Bud's for you" - acceptable.
"I would die 4 u" - flattering.
"This song's for you" - whiney, egotistical slop.
She has a nice voice
oldman wrote:
Can't decide if Jesse Sykes sounds like Tom McRea
or Tom McRea sounds like Jesse Sykes

good call.

I don't know what it is about this song, but it just makes me stop what I am doing and listen.
Thanks RP!!
This Bud's for you... {#Cheers}
Can't decide if Jesse Sykes sounds like Tom McRea
or Tom McRea sounds like Jesse Sykes
This song it's and always was very good ... never get tired of it ..
dboseman wrote:
I love this song and cannot buy it on Itunes or Amazon. So frustrating.
Try E-Music. I've found some great RP artists there, including Tom McRae. Too bad they don't work with RP the way Amazon does, but I do find plenty of RP-played tunes there.
dboseman wrote:
I love this song and cannot buy it on Itunes or Amazon. So frustrating.
damnit. i was just on my way to iTunes...
I love this song and cannot buy it on Itunes or Amazon. So frustrating.
i could've sworn this was Jesse Sykes. great song!
Everything this man has recorded thus far is stellar. It's too bad it takes so long for his music to be released in the states.
3 seems generous.
He still sounds more masculine than Michael Quercio from the Salvation Army/Three O'Clock.
nice of him to write a song about me! thanks Tom
nicolaluna wrote:
any of the above? none of the above? i don`t know! i don`t know if i care! gender-neutral make-out smilies to the rescue!
sometimes it's okay not to know the difference.
hot! gonna be needing some soon...i really hope it\'s on itunes.
Nice nice sound, good for Friday morning.
Awesome set... Tom McRae - For The Restless Alejandro Escovedo - Wave Eric Bibb - Don\'t Ever Let Nobody Drag Your Spirit Down James McMurtry - Walk Between the Raindrops
LizDeines wrote:
I too thought it was a woman singing, and I'm still not convinced its a man, but I do like this song!
any of the above? none of the above? i don`t know! i don`t know if i care! gender-neutral make-out smilies to the rescue!
Honestly in parts of the song it sounds like there are two people singing. Either that or he recorded the same lyrics twice with different "voices"... I'm not sure what you call that.
it's getting warm in here!!
Had to change the rating from 7 to 8 when I listened to this one on the headphones and heard the wonderful sense of "space" in the production. Nicely done.
Good stuff! I'm almost sorry I found RP -- I've bought more CD's in the last 24 months than in the previous 15 years! May have to add this one... how's the rest of it sound?
he/she...the voice...omg
Is the rest of this album as good as this song? Some of the artists ive picked up from listening to RP have not lived up to my expectation. When this has happened the song played on rp was the odd song on the album. Any one with info on this, send me a private messge so I will get to read it.
handyrae wrote:
Wait--is this a man or woman singing? I like it, but thought it was a woman. In fact I was wondering if it was a Jesse Sykes song I hadn't heard before.
I too thought it was a woman singing, and I'm still not convinced its a man, but I do like this song!
May have to pick this one up....pretty good stuff here.
If you think that is female you need to get out more. It could land you in a lot of trouble. I really liked it. Any comments on the rest of the album?
handyrae wrote:
Wait--is this a man or woman singing? I like it, but thought it was a woman. In fact I was wondering if it was a Jesse Sykes song I hadn't heard before.
I think this is about the 100th time I've heard this, thanks to the overabundance of play time on RP, and had never looked at who it was until now, and am equally surprised that this is a man. Somehow I feel dirty. Hmm...
Wait--is this a man or woman singing? I like it, but thought it was a woman. In fact I was wondering if it was a Jesse Sykes song I hadn't heard before.
h2o wrote:
This song is growing on me. I always think its a chica singing.
Huh. It's not a female singer, is it?
mattt wrote:
It's up to V? -mt-
My apologies. DSM-IV.
This song is growing on me. I always think its a chica singing.
justlistening wrote:
That must have been for the readers not the perusers
haaaaahahaha. You funny
Sing, don't grunt.
separated at birth with Janis Ian?
A Marianne Faithfull impersonator!!!
Should be titled, "For the Listless"
I don't know... I like the song, especially when he's not singing.
WonderLizard wrote:
Here are the lyrics... ...... So for the restless Not the peaceful sleeper This song's for you And for the faithless Not the true believer This song's for you ........
That must have been for the readers not the perusers
drtjdel wrote:
What's the DSM-V code for that behavior?
It's up to V? -mt-