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I Am Kloot — From Your Favourite Sky
Album: I Am Kloot
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Total ratings: 1813

Released: 2003
Length: 2:45
Plays (last 30 days): 3
Do you dare
Take a breathe
Do you dream of a tragic death
I know you do

Do you wail
Do you weep
Do you sing yourself to sleep
You delicate flower

And so what is love?
And who am I
To dare to pull the stars from your favourite sky

You were born
Forth from joy
You're every girl and boy
You know you are, you know you are

And you dress
Like a dame
And you burn on a catholic flame
By the hours, by the hours

And so what is love?
And who am I?
To dare to pull the stars from your favourite sky

You possess
Savoir faire
Put cheap bleach on your hair
You know you do, you know you do

Do you dare
Take a breath
Do you dream of a tragic death
You delicate flower

And so what is love?
And who am I?
To dare to pull the stars from your favourite sky

And so what is love?
And who am I?
To dare to pull the stars from your favourite sky
From your favourite sky
Comments (143)add comment
 siqbal wrote:
So far in the comments we have the vocalist (John Bramwell) sounding like:

- Neil Finn (Crowded House)
- Davy Jones (Monkees)
- Al Stewart
- Robyn Hitchcock
- John Lennon
- Liam Gallagher (Oasis)
- Mike Scott (Waterboys)
- Colin Meloy (Decemberists)
- Dudley Moore
- Stimpy (!)

Anyone else?  

Maybe a bit like the singer of James (Tim Booth), maybe?
"...In the year of the...Kloot?"  
So far in the comments we have the vocalist (John Bramwell) sounding like:

- Neil Finn (Crowded House)
- Davy Jones (Monkees)
- Al Stewart
- Robyn Hitchcock
- John Lennon
- Liam Gallagher (Oasis)
- Mike Scott (Waterboys)
- Colin Meloy (Decemberists)
- Dudley Moore
- Stimpy (!)

Anyone else?  
Sounds like The Monkees.
 renegade_X wrote:

Great tune. Sounds like The Monkies

Took me a minute then I got it- the guy really sounds like Davy Jones.
it s crowed house like
Great tune. Sounds like The Monkies
brilliant band… lyrics are fantastic and the production is lovely
Nice vibe and lyrics to this track
Sounds like Robin Hitchcock which is also a good thing.
 robco1 wrote:
winter wrote: Or Robyn Hitchcock maybe? Pretty good.

I hear Robyn as well in his voice.
NeuroGeek wrote:

Without Googling further (hey, it's been a long day), the band name makes me wonder if was the inspiration for Groot in Guardians of the Galaxy....

 dwhayslett wrote:

Simply because Groot and Kloot rhyme?

Having just done my Google Doctorate in Linguistics, I have determined that both words are Dutch, "groot" translates to English as "big" (so basically our woody friend in Guardians is just saying "I am big" the whole movie.) "Kloot" on the other hand is translated as "ball" or "testicle" but when put in context of the band's name, it basically means "I'm a bastard". Or you could just read the wiki explanation to your right, but it's less satisfying (IMO).
 NeuroGeek wrote:
Without Googling further (hey, it's been a long day), the band name makes me wonder if was the inspiration for Groot in Guardians of the Galaxy....
Simply because Groot and Kloot rhyme?
 ebanzai wrote:

(sigh) Are they called 'I Am Groot'? No they are not. I rest my case.
There is something transcendentally great about this song/track, don't know quite what it is, given its simple structure. Bravo guys.
A crying sky

Related image
 NeuroGeek wrote:
Without Googling further (hey, it's been a long day), the band name makes me wonder if was the inspiration for Groot in Guardians of the Galaxy....
I think that the Groot character first appeared in Marvel comics in the 1960s.
Beautiful song, by the talented Mr Bramwell
Reminds me of Crowded House & Al Stewart.  Me likey!

Factoid: Washington D.C. neighborhood with current highest crime rate is in fact 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue
 djidji wrote:
great song! really cool guitar work, nice lyrics and a 9. oh and i drove my wife crazy trying to learn how to play it :-)
That's because John Bramwell doesn't stick to standard guitar tuning.
Good song. Singer sounds a little like Al Stewart (Year of the Cat).
good songwriting here
Trippy / Groovy.  {#Heartkiss}
Without Googling further (hey, it's been a long day), the band name makes me wonder if was the inspiration for Groot in Guardians of the Galaxy....
Hadn't heard this one from Kloot before. Very nice. A 7 to start (gotta have room to increase)
 rushed wrote:
Channeling Crowded House....which is NOT bad.

that's a fine, fine thing :)
Channeling Crowded House....which is NOT bad.
Now *this* is what's known as excellent song-smithing. 

Lyrically clever, musically clever, thoughtful and quite haunting. 
Another fine song from Kloot - the acoustic version is better still! More from the underrated Mancunians please...
 sieversfam wrote:
"...in the year of the Cat..."

Yes.  His voice bears an incredible resemblance to Al Stewart's.
6 -> 7

Fits today's mood
Jane Fonda was hot!
 apd wrote:

"grok" is used in Ellroy's novels? I thought it was a sci-fi word?

To grok (play /ˈɡrɒk/) is to intimately and completely share the same reality or line of thinking with another physical or conceptual entity. Author Robert A. Heinlein coined the term in his best-selling 1961 book Stranger in a Strange Land. In Heinlein's view, grokking is the intermingling of intelligence that necessarily affects both the observer and the observed. From the novel:

Grok means to understand so thoroughly that the observer becomes a part of the observed-to merge, blend, intermarry, lose identity in group experience. It means almost everything that we mean by religion, philosophy, and science-and it means as little to us (because of our Earthling assumptions) as color means to a blind man.

 fredriley wrote:

It's a word frequently used in James Ellroy's crime novels, though as they're pretty much all 50s and 60s-set it gives you an idea of how dated the term is.

Is that a minimalist cover, or what? I thought the Black Keys cover was basic, but this is as minimalist as you can get. I wonder if the band paid a design agency to come up with it? ;-)

Great sound in this song - 8 from the Nottingham jury.
"grok" is used in Ellroy's novels? I thought it was a sci-fi word?
 gatorade wrote:

Oh man! I haven't heard or used the word...
"grok"...in years! Great word!
Thank you for bringing it back to the forefront for me.
It's a word frequently used in James Ellroy's crime novels, though as they're pretty much all 50s and 60s-set it gives you an idea of how dated the term is.

Is that a minimalist cover, or what? I thought the Black Keys cover was basic, but this is as minimalist as you can get. I wonder if the band paid a design agency to come up with it? ;-)

Great sound in this song - 8 from the Nottingham jury.

 Ears_of_Stone wrote:

Heh, I grok this.
Oh man! I haven't heard or used the word...
"grok"...in years! Great word!
Thank you for bringing it back to the forefront for me.
Okay - Al Stewart, yes. Oasis, yes. But the snarkiness/perception of the Finn Brothers, too.  I like it - and I'd like it even if the band name wasn't dorky. {#Daisy}
I didn't know "Weird Al" did serious music. {#Nyah}  (And I'm NOT talking about Al Stewart.)

This is not bad, but if I never heard it again I would be perfectly OK with that. There must be 20,000 songs better than this one. 
Good stuff! {#Music}
 cayenne wrote:
Heh, I grok this.

a little Al Stewart and a dash of New Decemberists maybe?  I like it.
 peter_james_bond wrote:

Or Oasis + Al Stewart.
Add Michael Penn to the mix.

"Reminded me a bit of Al Stewart....nice."

Yes, it does.  But better.
Well, the CD cover is fascinating.

 SmackDaddy wrote:
One blender + Waterboys v 1.0 + Al Stewart = Kloot
P.S. wrote this without reading other comments including my own {#Doh}
Or Oasis + Al Stewart.
 squidish wrote:

We need proof
One blender + Waterboys v 1.0 + Al Stewart = Kloot
P.S. wrote this without reading other comments including my own {#Doh}

so cool ....

thewiseking wrote:
clever pop
Yes, damn fine indeed.
clever pop
DoctorHooey wrote:
Your comment is strangely reminiscent of a previous comment relating the likelihood of mental association.
Clever!! :-)
cathenley wrote:
Someone always reminds you of someone
Your comment is strangely reminiscent of a previous comment relating the likelihood of mental association.
I think he sings quite well..oh well..joshfm wrote:
They need to learn how to spell. And then the guy should learn how to sing. Tripe.
They need to learn how to spell. And then the guy should learn how to sing. Tripe.
So sort of captivating in a different way
He is kloot. *8*
Someone always reminds you of someone
10 ...........
ThePoose wrote:
I'm hearing Al Stewart.
Poose, You beat me to it! "Time passages, buy me a ticket on the last train home tonight..." https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Al_Stewart Nice photo!!?
omg! who does this sound like? what can i compare it to? waste of time.
winter wrote:
The singer's voice reminds of the Decemberists' singer.
I'm hearing Al Stewart.
winter wrote:
The singer's voice reminds of the Decemberists' singer.
Or Robyn Hitchcock maybe? Pretty good.
winter wrote:
The singer's voice reminds of the Decemberists' singer.
Yeah. Everytime I hear the Decemberists on RP I think it's "I am Kloot". This is their best album, by the way.
Love the album cover artwork. ;-)
kazuma wrote:
or ... I Am Spoonart
Like the Kloots 8
The singer's voice reminds of the Decemberists' singer.
Why am I visualizing Dudley Moore singing? Trying to turn it into Davey Jones from the Monkees. grunt
You all are missing it, very very much like early Waterboys. Same kind of drama and tone.
Sorry, this one is pompous. Pomposity profligately proffered. Yours, Pompey
Pomposity profligately proffered. Yours, Pompey
Dang! I had to log back in to make sure I gave this song a "10". Waddaya know! I already did! And SIX other Rpeeps also gave it a 10!
fruitflie wrote:
You guys are all wrong. I think it sounds like a cross between Wayne Newton's uncle's daddy's grandpa, and Jello Biafra's wife's live in roommate.
Hey, you know you're right! I would never have noticed that.
i love the lyrics to this song... "do you dream of a tragic death, you delicate flower?"
Bramhall sounds like the singer from Oasis - but if Oasis could actually write songs and lyrics.
Pleasnt. Sounds like a combo of Radiohead, Oasis, Nada Surf --I don't know many obsure bands, so that's all I can think of.
Is it a song for RP's favorite "delicate flower" Jrzy?!
Hey, did ya know he's Kloot? I think I remember reading that somewhere.
You guys are all wrong. I think it sounds like a cross between Wayne Newton's uncle's daddy's grandpa, and Jello Biafra's wife's live in roommate.
Dang! I wanted to increase my rating for this song, but it's ALREADY A TEN!!!
MojoJojo wrote:
Spoon + Al Stewart = I Am Kloot
or ... I Am Spoonart
thank you for your always kind and lyrical words fair dinkum...Mari wrote:
...I Am Kloot... ...Your Favourite Sky ...
Spoon + Al Stewart = I Am Kloot
Oddly enough, I'm agreeing with both the person who thought the vocals sound like Stimpy (there's an odd Larry Fine sound to the voice) and the one who thought it sounds like (early) Al Stewart. That said, it's not bad. I wouldn't mind hearing it every so often... and maybe something else from the group, too.
Wow. I've been ignoring these guys because their name annoys me for some reason.
ankhara99 wrote:
Oh, she is a naughty person and she must pay the penalty, and here in Castle Anthrax, we have but one punishment for setting alight the grail-shaped beacon: you must tie her down on a bed and spank her.
And then the Oral Sex!!!! monty rules! hey, kloot ain't so bad either....!
I AM KAZUMA ... and I would not mind hearing this song again.
certainly worth downloading.
I liked it. The lyrics reminded me of Peter Sarstedt's Where do you go to my lovely.
not bad, but nothing special also...
Drummer4soul wrote:
All those"sounds like so and so"......I thought it was Robyn Hitchcock.
Me too; but the lyrics were a dead giveaway. Too rational.. Heh.
great song! really cool guitar work, nice lyrics and a 9. oh and i drove my wife crazy trying to learn how to play it :-)
Just had to increase my rating from an 8 to a 9. Probably next time it plays, I'll increase it to a 10.
I thought I was Kloot. Damn - now I have to spend the rest of the weekend navel-gazing and rediscovering my identity. And I was gonna watch the game today. Dammit!
BluEyes wrote:
Reminds me of Neil Finn more than Al Stewart. But I like it either way!
Absolutely. I immediately thought it was a Finn brothers song. Sounds absolutely nothing like Al Stewart, nor is it "Lennonesque." Honestly, where are you people getting this from?
I'd have bet money that the vocalist was the guy out of the Levellers. Anyway, I thought this was pretty good.
eyelykearrpee wrote:
Oh, no. Oh, no! Bad, bad Kloot! Well, what is it? Oh, wicked, bad, naughty Kloot!
Oh, she is a naughty person and she must pay the penalty, and here in Castle Anthrax, we have but one punishment for setting alight the grail-shaped beacon: you must tie her down on a bed and spank her.
Decent song... too bad the lead singer sounds like Stimpy.
If dogs could sing along
Is it only me or does the guitar sound awfully alike 22 pistepirkko? That's a compliment btw. And the vocal sometimes sound LIKE 22 pistepirkko..not bad that either =)
Oh, no. Oh, no! Bad, bad Kloot! Well, what is it? Oh, wicked, bad, naughty Kloot!
There aren't too many songs that after hearing one time I can remember the words and melody upon second listen. The first and last time I heard this song was weeks ago and I remember a bunch of the words and the entire melody. That's a good song.
Oceria wrote:
word ;)
double word ;-) I Am Al "Kloot" Stewart
All those"sounds like so and so"......I thought it was Robyn Hitchcock.
newwavegurly wrote:
Something about the vocals struck me as sounding like Al Stewart ("Year of the Cat"). I know, probably just me.
Sounds Lennon-ish to me...but maybe that's just because I like it.
am i hearing the same songs every day? that's kind of beat. I understand this station having small playlists, but this is getting ridiculous.
BluEyes wrote:
Reminds me of Neil Finn more than Al Stewart. But I like it either way!
word ;)
Reminds me of Neil Finn more than Al Stewart. But I like it either way!
I love these guys. They put on an amazing live show, you feel like they are playing just to you. IAK are good friends with Elbow, another stellar Brit band.
RichardPrins wrote:
Indeed, klootzak would be correct as explained here too ;)
Even better. (Prins? Thanks , from one SHOE to another.)
trekhead wrote:
Kloot-sakh...or, ball-bag.
Indeed, klootzak would be correct as explained here too ;)
ChardRemains wrote:
Well then, an Al Stewart sounding guy whose name is ball. Let's give him an 8 for sure. Seriously.
Damn! I love this song! :nodhead: :goodvibes.gif:
I saw them in Rotterdam...great