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The Shins — Pink Bullets
Album: Chutes Too Narrow
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Released: 2003
Length: 3:46
Plays (last 30 days): 2
I was just bony hands, as cold as a winter pole
You held a warm stone out, new flowing blood to hold
Oh, what a contrast you were to the brutes in the halls
My timid young fingers held a decent animal

Over the ramparts you tossed
The scent of your skin and some foreign flowers
Tied to a brick, sweet as a song
The years have been short but the days were long

Cool of a temperate breeze from dark skies to wet grass
We fell in a field, it seems, now a thousand summers past
When our kite lines first crossed we tied them into knots
And to finally fly apart we had to cut them off

Since then it's been a book you read in reverse
So you understand less as the pages turn
Or a movie so crass and awkwardly cast
That even I could be the star

I don't look back much as a rule
And all this, way before murder was cool
But your memory is here and I'd like it to stay
Warm light on a winter's day

Over the ramparts you tossed
The scent of your skin and some foreign flowers
Tied to a brick, sweet as a song
The years have seemed short but the days go slowly by

Two loose kites falling from the sky
Drawn to the ground and an end to flight
Comments (94)add comment
My synopsis.  An early love lost but a strong desire to hold on to a cherished memory.  Not an uncommon human condition but a very nice song expressing it.
 meloman wrote:

Lovely segue from previous song.

Bill is an absolute Master of the segue
 GingerandMe wrote:

Phantom Limb..
A really great shins track in my opinion.

gotta be better than this one.
Phantom Limb..
A really great shins track in my opinion.
 textell wrote:

Funny how some people talk about music as if they were talking to their Mom after she serves them Breakfast; "it's too hot, not enough milk, where's the sugar, I don't like cornflakes, I'm not going to eat that, I want chocolate milk or I'm gong to hold my breath until I die!"... Just shut up anbd listen! If you don't have something nice to say don't say anything. Chances are all these songs are better than yours are... just like your  Mom's cooking!

Funny how some people talk about music as if they were talking to their Mom after she serves them Breakfast; "it's too hot, not enough milk, where's the sugar, I don't like cornflakes, I'm not going to eat that, I want chocolate milk or I'm gong to hold my breath until I die!"... Just shut up anbd listen! If you don't have something nice to say don't say anything. Chances are all these songs are better than yours are... just like your  Mom's cooking!
Lovely segue from previous song.
 kcar wrote:

Yeah, this song doesn't work for me either. It's half-wistful, half-monotonous deadpan. There are better Shin songs (strangely) sound like this one. 

This song does not work for you because you have no taste in music.  Instead of living life like a normal American, your parents abused you and forced you to get As all your life.
 :+:_DL wrote:
Where is this song going?? pitiful songwriting

You'd know, right? So, spruce it up a bit and post man. I'd be interested to hear what you can come up with.

I discovered the Shins listening to RP. Thanks RP!
Such a beautifull song! And it has a gorgeous video too - google the song with Adam Bizanski - it's the name of the director, and you'll get to it. Brilliant
I like how understated this is. A non pretentious pop tune. Good stuff!
Where is this song going?? pitiful songwriting

Tana wrote:
I don't know what it is about this song ... reduces me to tears out of nowhere.
Mercer sure has this style of song down pat! Luckily for me, I like it and haven't tired of it yet. The Shins is still one of my favorite bands that I learned about here on RP, for which I'm very grateful.
I don't know what it is about this song ... reduces me to tears out of nowhere.
Yes! More Shins please ^^
 wrangler wrote:
so weak, so boring.  this guy has a terrible voice
Yeah, this song doesn't work for me either. It's half-wistful, half-monotonous deadpan. There are better Shin songs (strangely) sound like this one. 
Perfect in every way.
I own this album but don't like this song
 gosvimmink wrote:

I do. Especially when this song is played every day.
Twice a month, actually. 
 Hannio wrote:

I never get tired of the Shins.

I do. Especially when this song is played every day.

I never get tired of the Shins.

 MojoJojo wrote:
How about a follow-up of "Sapphire Bullets (of Pure Love)" by TMBG? 
Did the Giants cover Mahavishnu Orchestra?
Nice harmonica at the end.
"Chutes too narrow" (definition)  The overwhelming reaction to one's first view from the ridge at the top of Big Sky. 
Hey, not bad!
pink bullets: ultimate accessories for the fashion-conscious, gun-toting lady

 kaybee wrote:
I play the Shins' "Wincing the Night Away" album a lot.  So just when I think I may have to break down and get "Oh Inverted World", as well, I hear something from this album and I don't know which one to get! 

Both Chutes Too Narrow and Oh Inverted World are terrific albums. Get both. 

I play the Shins' "Wincing the Night Away" album a lot.  So just when I think I may have to break down and get "Oh Inverted World", as well, I hear something from this album and I don't know which one to get! 

That is a gnarly poem that touches me to the core. The fact that it's put to such an amazing song makes it even more powerful.
Today a lot of artists are sounding like other artists to me.  I thought this the Decemberists at first.
 PeorgieTirebiter wrote:

Sounds good to me.

Will the Shins break up and reform as the Knees? 
Or maybe Elbow?

 hepburn wrote:

The shins are awesome...saw them in concert...sweet!

excellent song from an excellent album.  Glad to hear a little more of this one and a little less of 'Wincing..." (also a good album)
 PeorgieTirebiter wrote:

Now that's just silly. He has a perfectly fine, ordinary voice.

The shins are awesome...saw them in concert...sweet!
 wrangler wrote:
so weak, so boring.  this guy has a terrible voice
Now that's just silly. He has a perfectly fine, ordinary voice.
 MojoJojo wrote:
How about a follow-up of "Sapphire Bullets (of Pure Love)" by TMBG? 
Sounds good to me.

Will the Shins break up and reform as the Knees? 
How about a follow-up of "Sapphire Bullets (of Pure Love)" by TMBG? 

stange, unique voice - adds personality and believability to the song.

I find most "great" voices pretty boring. 
so weak, so boring.  this guy has a terrible voice

Brilliant.  Not their very best song, but not far off.

old_shep wrote:
This song is nice enough, I guess... But I sure miss ROCK and ROLL !!
If all you want is rock, you're at the wrong radio station.
This song is nice enough, I guess... But I sure miss ROCK and ROLL !!
I'll say this, I like this better than that newer album with the black-and-white cover. That ain't saying much, but it's something.
Sadly, no. The king's just a wannabe without talent or humor. PG was far more entertaining. Kinda miss the old misanthrope.
thewiseking wrote:
amateur hour those who chamption this sort of stuff only do so to demonstrate how "indie" they are once it catches on; they drop it in a hurry and then, it just goes away....
Did physicsgenius have a son?
This song takes me back to the sad end of a relationship, because the lyrics are so spot on for the situation. But I think I need to learn how to play that nice little guitar lick.
chucklesalmon wrote:
COME HEAR the SHINS! appearrring at the Any-freakin'Place coffee house. No cover. Free doughnuts.
I challenge you to find one coffee house serving up the intelligence and insight of these lyrics. You might find equally emotive notes, but not the full package. Most excellent tune.
lester wrote:
Tolerable voice for the most part. But there are points where the guy seems to be straining to hit notes -- be they high, low, or midrange.
it's different, that's for sure.
thewiseking wrote:
amateur hour those who chamption this sort of stuff only do so to demonstrate how "indie" they are once it catches on; they drop it in a hurry and then, it just goes away....
Not really. They're quite a few albums in and still holding strong. Perhaps because they have such smart, funny lyrics...and for Shin curmudgeons, I turn their lyrics back at you: "New slang when you notice the stripes, the dirt in your fries. Hope it's right when you die, old and bony."
thewiseking wrote:
amateur hour those who chamption this sort of stuff only do so to demonstrate how "indie" they are once it catches on; they drop it in a hurry and then, it just goes away....
Geez, I guess it's not OK to just like a song.
amateur hour those who chamption this sort of stuff only do so to demonstrate how "indie" they are once it catches on; they drop it in a hurry and then, it just goes away....
pink bullets sound kinda phallic if ya ask me. oh wait, nobody asked me..too bad
You know who probably uses pink bullets?...
ZedLeppelin wrote:
This is such a good album.
Good Call Zed....Very good disc!!!!
This is such a good album.
Thought they were really good on Austin City Limits a week or 2 ago. I quite like the lead singer's voice.
Anyone else think the lead singer's voice sounds remarkably like Jackson Browne? (Not a bad thing at all, by the way)
lester wrote:
Tolerable voice for the most part. But there are points where the guy seems to be straining to hit notes -- be they high, low, or midrange.
Same thoughts here. He's clearly struggling, and it grates.
COME HEAR the SHINS! appearrring at the Any-freakin'Place coffee house. No cover. Free doughnuts. Whoooop-de doo.
Tolerable voice for the most part. But there are points where the guy seems to be straining to hit notes -- be they high, low, or midrange.
So far I like the Shins! Like most, my introduction was Garden State, but there is really one thing that has really stuck out for me re: this band- all of their songs sound different! Just when I think I have an idea of their "sound" I hear Pink Bullets. A refreshing change! I give this song a solid 8.
ploafmaster wrote:
Well unless their sale of a song either a) causes harm/damage or b) changes their music, I don't mind!
I'd say that promoting mcdonalds actually does cause harm, but i still like the shins (with reservation).
I am frequently moved by James Mercer's lyrics. This song's image of lives as kite strings that become entangled is one of my favorites. The animated video for Pink Bullets (which you can download from the SubPop website) is a very good emotional fit for this song. Apparently the animator was in the Israeli army, made the video in his spare time, and submitted it to the Shins unsolicited.
Very simplistic. But effective.
deepwoodskev wrote:
Yikes! Sorry, but this dude's voice is brutal.
Brutality can be a good thing.
Both of their CDs are inspired...and sweet. Lead singer/songwriter/guitarist James Mercer has one of the most engaging voices I've heard in a long time. The lyrics are at times obtuse, but never distant.
This is one of my favs from the newer album. Both of The Shins' cd's are really good. I might prefer Chutes Too Narrow, between them. Neat lyrics that sometimes leave pieces out of the puzzle, but interesting and fun nonetheless.
i've totally fallen for this group....love the lyrics, voice and their sound. :D not too happy to hear that they sold a song to McDonalds. :(
Well unless their sale of a song either a) causes harm/damage or b) changes their music, I don't mind!
I never heard this band before. I like this very much, there is certain melancholy in this guy's voice that attracts me very much. This is good... :sunny.gif: :sunny.gif:
if your local PBS station airs Austin City Limits performances, definitely check your listings for a recent show that featured The Shins (show begins with a really wacko performance by Flaming Lips, I believe)...
I've never heard of this band before. This song is good enough to make me want to hear more. I like this guy's voice as well. Time to check out more Shins. :nodhead:
:daisy.gif: very happy to hear this here. i have been turning many friends on to this band over the last several months.
To exercice my english, I translated the lyrics of this song to French. And I liked it very much. It was difficult to render the naive and poetic atmosphere.
Awesome cut off a near-infinitely-replayable CD...Hard to pick a favorite out of only - what, 10 tracks? - but this ranks up there with "kissing the lipless" and whatever the last track is for album cuts. That reminds me, play "Kissing the Lipless" sometime eh? Or go back and throw on some New Slang...damn Garden State!!
love their smart-assed lyrics! :propeller.gif:
(bit of Stones: "It is the evening of the day, I sit and watch the children play...")
Quite likeable indeed.
Platypus wrote:
this whole album is excellent. love the mellow sound, unique voice, cool vibe. would love to hear more.
it's all good. i got a couple of shins songs , acoustic from KXCI's studio. excellent.
SHINS on RP! Bill, you're not getting rusty, not even a little.
ireneect wrote:
Yes, quite an excellent live show. Not a bad song on either one of the CDs either. More Shins!
Damn! This is the SECOND time I've gotten turned on to a group on RP only to find that I had missed their London concert by days. They were 15 minutes from my office!
slidegroove wrote:
YES YES YES!!!! Thank you for playing this!!! Saw these guys live last week, absolutely incredible show. If you like this, get this album, get their last album, go see them live. You will be amazed.
Yes, quite an excellent live show. Not a bad song on either one of the CDs either. More Shins!
this whole album is excellent. love the mellow sound, unique voice, cool vibe. would love to hear more.
YES YES YES!!!! Thank you for playing this!!! Saw these guys live last week, absolutely incredible show. If you like this, get this album, get their last album, go see them live. You will be amazed.
Yikes! Sorry, but this dude's voice is brutal.
I haven't heard this song played on RP yet... but please play soon!!! This song is awesome