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The Shins — Saint Simon
Album: Chutes Too Narrow
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Total ratings: 417

Released: 2003
Length: 4:12
Plays (last 30 days): 0
After all these implements and texts designed by intellects
So vexed to find evidently there's still so much that hides
And though the saints dub us divine in ancient fading lines
Their sentiment is just as hard to pluck from the vine

I'll try hard not to pretend
Allow myself no mock defense
As I step into the night

Since I don't have the time nor mind to figure out
The nursery rhymes that helped us out in making sense of our lives
The cruel, uneventful state of apathy releases me
I value them, but I won't cry every time one's wiped out

I'll try hard not to give in
Battened down to fare the wind
Rid my head of this pretense
Allow myself no mock defense
Step into the night


Mercy's eyes are blue
When she places them in front of you
Nothing holds a Roman candle to
The solemn warmth you feel inside

There's no measuring of
Nothing else is love

I'll try hard not to give in
Battened down to fare the wind
Rid my head of this pretense
Allow myself no mock defense
Step into the night


Mercy's eyes are blue
When she places them in front of you
Nothing really holds a candle to
The solemn warmth you feel inside of you

do do do do do do do da dee da da da da da da-dun

Comments (54)add comment
Melodic with nice chords. Can't ask for more...well I could...but...nahhhh!{#Clap}
This song is soooo harsh on the ears...
(apologies to Romeo {#Angel})

Verse chorus verse...yes, very structured. I always complain when Dylan or Cohen are droning away, but I think this is what they should sound like if their poetry was set to music and sung in tone...in a very structured method.
 dharmanavy wrote:
Would the Shins or any of the other melodic sound alike groups even exist without The Beatles blueprint?...
Answer: not in their current form

 scraig wrote:
This may be my favorite Shins song. Love its depth.

could be my least favorite Shins tune.

suckobarfosuck {#Cowboy}
 PA1749 wrote:
Is this the same singer from Smashing Pumpkins, Billy something I think?
No - clever wordplay and creative musical accompaniment aside - James Mercer and Billy Corgan don't really sound alike to me.

Is this the same singer from Smashing Pumpkins, Billy something I think?
My mother told me that if I can't say something nice don't say anything at all.  So, " . . . . "
I just don't GET it sometimes, I guess.  5.

spigolli wrote:
Sounds like a bad off Broadway show tune.

Sounds like a bad off Broadway show tune.
This may be my favorite Shins song. Love its depth.
 theirishtickler wrote:
wow, radio paradise appears to have a woody for the shins.....
RP favours the artists on the Garden State soundtrack.

 redeyespy wrote:
Feels like a Squeeze tune with Ben on lead vocals.
A very welcome idear.

Give this a listen for a minute or so and it grows on you.

I was one of the first to like Roxy Music, for godsake.  Quirky vocals are cool.

 wrangler wrote:
just cannot stand the shins.  this guy's voice is just weak.  yuck.
Trying to understand what you mean by weak?  Checked your ratings so you are not on the silly bandwagon that thinks Thom Yorke and Neil Young can't sing.  So why do you consider James Mercer's voice is weak? I think it is interesting, quirky and unique.

its trying to be 'lite'; its working, but i can't figure out if that's ok, or its a very very bad thing...
Sounds like it could have been a Schoolhouse Rock tune.
 wrangler wrote:
just cannot stand the shins.  this guy's voice is just weak.  yuck.
Yeah, I don't hear anything remarkable here. It reminds me of B-side filler one might have heard on an original (pre-Rod) Small Faces or Argent (speaking of Rods) recording. There isn't even some sort of guitar bit to suck me in. In short, it's drivel.

just cannot stand the shins.  this guy's voice is just weak.  yuck.
great song - 6

Best shins song !
It's Fleet Foxes!
wow, radio paradise appears to have a woody for the shins.....
jah_blessed wrote:
This guy still can't sing. What about holding a note for just a split second?
Too bad "Jah" did not bless you with a good ear for music.
RP made me a fan of the Shins. Can't believe it was almost 4 years ago that I first heard them here.
Would the Shins or any of the other melodic sound alike groups even exist without The Beatles blueprint?...
jah_blessed wrote:
This guy still can't sing. What about holding a note for just a split second?
Seems I particularly like singers of which other people claim they can't sing. Neil Young and David Byrne are examples I can imagine, but James Mercer??
Have to hand it to them- they are one of the most original acts I've heard for some time. I haven't heard much by them, but when I check to see who is making that nice sound on the website, I seem to have found these guys quite a few times. Time to get the album i guess...
Love, love LOVE the guitar solo in the middle! I love the Shins!
pyxxel wrote:
I understand how someone might not like this track, but I thrive on the complexity of this arrangement. An 8 from me! :D
exactly! and given the complexity of the melody and harmonies in most of their music, i find it perplexing to read so many comments about how james mercer "can't sing." his voice is a bit reedy, to be true, but he carries a very complicated song amiably, i think.
This guy still can't sing. What about holding a note for just a split second?
Crap album, great song.
Nice! Reminds me of one of the British Invasion bands from the early 60s; and that's a good thing.
mab wrote:
Does this remind anyone else of solo Ben Folds?
Feels like a Squeeze tune with Ben on lead vocals.
daedalus wrote:
Chutes and misses....
I understand how someone might not like this track, but I thrive on the complexity of this arrangement. An 8 from me! :D
Chutes and misses....
nuggler wrote:
Hell man, this is painful... Time for these lame white boys of today to take some pointers from the chicks !
Can't say I agree with the first part of your statement. But the second part-- I think it's high time we ALL took "some pointers from the chicks!"
Hell man, this is painful... Time for these lame white boys of today to take some pointers from the chicks !
Great new twist to la-la-la-lum
La-la-la. La-la-la. La-la-la. La-la-la. La-la-lah. La-la-lah. La-la-lah. La-la-lah. La-la-la. La-la-lah. La-la-lah. La-la-la. Lah-lah-lahhhh. I've been la-la'ed to near death. Thanks, but no thanks.
Such a great song and great cd. The Shins have rocketed up to one of my favorite recent bands. Intricate lyrics and music for each song.
Funny, I sensed Ben Folds too. I checked the forum as soon as I heard it to see what the scoop was. Guess I'm not alone... Def sounds like he helped on this track.
mab wrote:
Does this remind anyone else of solo Ben Folds?
Exactly what I thought the first time. I like it!
Great song! Great album! Great live preformance! WONDERFUL band!! :nodhead:
mmmmmmmm hmmmmmmmmmmm... was wondering when some Shins might finally show up on RP.
What a band. This cd is solid from start to finish. And the lyric sheet/packaging is quite cleverly designed. They put on a fun show. Don't miss 'em if they come to your town. In addition to the songs RP is playing, "Kissing The Lipless" and "So Says I" would be two more good additions from this album.
mab wrote:
Does this remind anyone else of solo Ben Folds?
not feeling that, but I think they have some of the same (power-poppish) influences. Love 'em both.
I only own this one (Chutes too Narrow). If you like this song, you will like the CD as well. It's very, very good.
I'm really starting to like the Shins... Might spring for some of their CDs. Thank you RP for the introduction!
Does this remind anyone else of solo Ben Folds?