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Guster — Amsterdam
Album: Keep It Together
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Total ratings: 625

Released: 2003
Length: 3:34
Plays (last 30 days): 0
Threw away your greatest hits
You left them here the day you split
Your bass guitar and Shaggs CD
Well, they don't mean that much to me
Right now, I'm going through your things
These days, I'm changing all my strings

I'm gonna write you a letter
I'm gonna write you a book
I want to see your reaction
I want to see how it looks
From way up on your cloud
Where you've been hiding out
Are you getting somewhere?
Or did you get lost in Amsterdam?

You won't get too far from me
Believing everything you read
You're wasted in the great unknown
And I am finally ready to dispose
Of all your vintage clothes
Your drugs and every secret code

I'm gonna write you a letter
I'm gonna write you a book
I want to see your reaction
I want to see how it looks
From way up on your cloud
Where you've been hiding out
Are you getting somewhere?
Or did you get lost in Amsterdam?

From your red balloon, you were
A super high tech jet fighter
Floating over Planet Earth
Come back down here, I'll show you where it hurts
Take this bitter pill
Is it easy to swallow?

I'm gonna write you a letter
I'm gonna write you a book
I want to see your reaction
I want to see how it looks
From way up on your cloud
Where you've been hiding out
Are you getting somewhere?
Or did you get lost in Amsterdam, Amsterdam?
Comments (68)add comment
 daniel_rusk wrote:

Absolutely Sucks! Are we in 13 years old and in middle school?

Your grammar says yes, you must be 13. That would explain it as well as your poor attitude.
Six hours into my night shift and this song finally gets me moving.....
Bad night
 daniel_rusk wrote:

Absolutely Sucks! Are we in 13 years old and in middle school?

Easy there, son. Just come downstairs and say hello.

 daniel_rusk wrote:
Absolutely Sucks! Are we in 13 years old and in middle school?

"We"?  No.  You?  Well, that's certainly a plausible explanation for the nonsense you post.
Absolutely Sucks! Are we in 13 years old and in middle school?
 masterhead wrote:
It is you.
 jakewhite77 wrote:
Good Lord this band sucks. Did they do the Friends theme song? Just awful. I've heard this sound a million times before and it never has been any good.
Try listening to more than one song by a band before you make a complete judgement on their sound and ability.
A tragically underrated band.  No bad album in their inventory. {#Clap}
Oh my gawd, it's One Direction SCREEEEEEAM *faint*
Wow, today's discjockey -- I love your music!! Today's mix makes me stay up and just listen...   
Formulaic. Sounds like they want to do a track for an animated movie like Open Season.
Nicely paced for running on the treadmill {#Jump}
love this song!
Thanks to RP I discovered Guster a few years ago.  I am a fan.
It's got a good beat and you can dance to it.
In a word, bland.
I have been lost in Amsterdam a number of times. I thoroughly reccomend it. 

Great tune! I thought this was The Shins at first...especially in the chorus part.
 rlr511 wrote:
just plain fun song.  {#Dancingbanana}

Not my favorite Guster tune, but man, they really do have a talent with a hook!  I have been a big fan since seeing them live - I was one of the few there that didn't know every word of every song and felt like singing along. . .but it was great anyway - talented guys.

just plain fun song.  {#Dancingbanana}
 hippiechick wrote:
Love this song! Love Guster!!!
Hummingbirds are good.
Love this song! Love Guster!!!
Play the meow version!!!
Good Lord this band sucks. Did they do the Friends theme song? Just awful. I've heard this sound a million times before and it never has been any good.
What a lovely song. Very nice and makes me feel like smiling.
ChicagoEmily wrote:
OK So I'm not a hipster. I don't frown upon everything that may be "mainstream". I DO like some poppy, bouncy music that doesn't necessarily have an important message. And you know what? I'm FINE with that. Case in point, I really like this song. Its damn catchy, and just begs to be sung along to in the car driving down the highway. Is it going to change the world? No. Are they doing anything musically that hasn't been done before? Nope. But I don't care.
Amen, ChicagoEmily. Every song recorded doesn't have to be breaking new musical ground. Sometimes pleasant to listen to is enough. Either you like it or you don't. There's nothing wrong either way you react to it.
After buying the CD I found that I like them more and more. There is content to the lyrics, which suggests their music is more than 'pop', at least IMHO.
My favorite Guster song. Just appreciate the tone of the lyrics and the poppiness they are delivered with. ...are you getting somewhere, or did you get lost in Amsterdam.
I'm not particularly crazy about this song upon first hearing, but I do have to give them props for the Nena reference.
Didn't we just hear this yesterday? It's OK, but not that great. 6. Though, the drugs notwithstanding, it is damn difficult not to be lost in Amsterdamn
I like this because it reminds me of my favourite city every time I hear it. Good video of Amsterdam (the city) here: https://www.xs4all.nl/~scottk/video/
OK So I'm not a hipster. I don't frown upon everything that may be "mainstream". I DO like some poppy, bouncy music that doesn't necessarily have an important message. And you know what? I'm FINE with that. Case in point, I really like this song. Its damn catchy, and just begs to be sung along to in the car driving down the highway. Is it going to change the world? No. Are they doing anything musically that hasn't been done before? Nope. But I don't care. PS #1- I have been to Amsterdam three times. Great city! Thankfully didn't lose anything there... PS #2- My favorite "Amsterdam" song is Coldplay's
steeler wrote:
Most people lose, uh, other things in Amsterdam!
I think you were referring to bodily fluids? "Sold my plasma in Amsterdam: spent it all in a night Buying drinks at the Melk Weg for a soldier in drag." Cracker - Eurotrash Girl
upinya wrote:
It is seeming to me that the RP playlist is leaning towards this type of music. Upbeat catchy semi-mediocre music. While I'm all for bringing the light of day to music that likely is not heard by the listening public, it is hard for me to stomach music that sounds mainstream and run-of-the-mill, and just happens to not BE in the mainstream at that moment. Can't we find artists that have something to say? That have stories to tell?
So well put, I can't begin to do anything but vehemently agree! :puke
upinya wrote:
It is seeming to me that the RP playlist is leaning towards this type of music. Upbeat catchy semi-mediocre music. While I'm all for bringing the light of day to music that likely is not heard by the listening public, it is hard for me to stomach music that sounds mainstream and run-of-the-mill, and just happens to not BE in the mainstream at that moment. Can't we find artists that have something to say? That have stories to tell?
Very eloquently put!!
guster is aight. nice to listen to when ur in the carefree mood. 8)
Bouncing along in my seat. . . Gonna write you a letter! Gonna write you a book! Gonna see your reaction! Gotta use the !s to this poppy stuff. . .good Monday pickmeup.
steeler wrote:
Most people lose, uh, other things in Amsterdam!
Lost my virginity and wallet the same night. You don't think it was planned, do you?
beelzebubba wrote:
Yeah - this is just another one thes dime-a-dozen, they-all-sound-the-same, take your pick from last 15 years-college bands, college sounds, theme to Friends.....
I clicked on to rate this a Ho Hum, thinking all the while this could be the theme to Friends....
Great stuff.
beelzebubba wrote:
Yeah - this is just another one thes dime-a-dozen, they-all-sound-the-same, take your pick from last 15 years-college bands, college sounds, theme to Friends.....
what's wrong with college bands? everyone gets their start somewhere.
upinya wrote:
It is seeming to me that the RP playlist is leaning towards this type of music. Upbeat catchy semi-mediocre music. While I'm all for bringing the light of day to music that likely is not heard by the listening public, it is hard for me to stomach music that sounds mainstream and run-of-the-mill, and just happens to not BE in the mainstream at that moment. Can't we find artists that have something to say? That have stories to tell?
Yeah - this is just another one thes dime-a-dozen, they-all-sound-the-same, take your pick from last 15 years-college bands, college sounds, theme to Friends.....
upinya wrote:
It is seeming to me that the RP playlist is leaning towards this type of music. Upbeat catchy semi-mediocre music. While I'm all for bringing the light of day to music that likely is not heard by the listening public, it is hard for me to stomach music that sounds mainstream and run-of-the-mill, and just happens to not BE in the mainstream at that moment. Can't we find artists that have something to say? That have stories to tell?
fascinating comment... This song is completely forgettable for me, but I've never noticed it before...
ArbiterOfGoodTaste wrote:
I got lost in Amsterdamn once. I don't remember a whole lot about the debacle though.
It is seeming to me that the RP playlist is leaning towards this type of music. Upbeat catchy semi-mediocre music. While I'm all for bringing the light of day to music that likely is not heard by the listening public, it is hard for me to stomach music that sounds mainstream and run-of-the-mill, and just happens to not BE in the mainstream at that moment. Can't we find artists that have something to say? That have stories to tell?
randomprime wrote:
My luggage got lost in Amsterdam last time we were there.
Most people lose, uh, other things in Amsterdam!
what a great band. hope they will touring thru germany sometimes!!!! this is one of the bands which is unfortunatelly unknown in germany and i think also in the rest of europe. but i hope they will be successfully one day!!!
I like it. I like this album. They have a sound that you don't hear too much, and plus, they're from my state, so call me biased.
We got escorted to the last train leaving the station for the night, in Amsterdam by the ever genial police, after having our backpacks searched, dumped into a big clear plastic bag, and suspected of trafficking in drugs. Funniest part, HAD NONE, then or ever. They picked the squeakiest kids in the place to harass. Since we are telling Amsterdam stories and such. Noone ever believes I got kicked out of Amsterdam for suspected drugs. 'Oxymoronic', eh?
heyho wrote:
Way to much airplay for this song.
Genuine question: do you mean on RP or in general? I don't listen to the radio much other than RP so I'd be interested to know. As for RP, I guess I've not heard it too much yet.
Way to much airplay for this song.
I'm liking this. We need more upbeat stuff.
To my delight, I discovered Guster watching this show when it aired in Dec or Jan. Mostly stuff off Lost & Gone Forever. I bought it and cannot stop playing it. I hope RP eventually plays more from tracks off this, particulary "Either Way" & "Fa Fa"! The bongos rocked! alotlikeyou wrote:
I'm going to Austin this weekend to watch Guster tape their Austin City Limits performance. So, that should rock.
My luggage got lost in Amsterdam last time we were there.
love this song. one of my favorites on this cd.
I got lost in Amsterdamn once. I don't remember a whole lot about the debacle though.
I know it's unfair, but I am really getting tired of this song. I never thought it was particularly interesting, but the kiss of death is that the local station here plays it at least once a day. Please RP, if you're going to play bands that currently get a lot of airtime, play tracks OTHER than the ones that the radio stations are playing! As it is, Guster is gaining a special place in my heart, and not one of the good special places. ;)
sar5w wrote:
this song is very un-guster . . . what happened to the percussionist? why the normal drums? anybody remember when the band was just called gus?
Yeah, our boys are growing musically and trying new things. Some work better than others. This song is great live. They've also added a fourth player for touring, Corndog Joe, he pretty much fills in on whatever instrument they need him for: drums, banjo (Jesus on the Radio), bass, some guitar, keys, you name it. Joe is really talented. Now, for a little bragging: I'm going to Austin this weekend to watch Guster tape their Austin City Limits performance. So, that should rock.
this song is very un-guster . . . what happened to the percussionist? why the normal drums? anybody remember when the band was just called gus?
I\'ve come to realize this one just doesn\'t have legs. I\'ve only heard it a few times and I\'ve gone from liking it quite a bit to now being tired/annoyed when it comes on. However, I\'d like to hear other tunes from this group.
Guster.. not my favorite song by them so I will have to upload one or 2 of their other songs... they do such great covers in concert too.
Thanks to RP I picked up this CD last weekend at Best Buy. Walked around the store with it under my arm, but I got woozy looking at the new iPod and wound up leaving without buying anything. So chalk up an "almost" on your clipboard, there, RIAA.
Good jangly-pop (sounds like a new kid\'s food - try new Jangly Pops!)
The instrumentation reminds me of a slightly more pop-like jangle-era REM. The vocals are nice although (or, perhaps, because) they don\'t stand out much. Very pleasant.
I was lost in Amsterdam for a month and half. I don't remember it being so Poppy.