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Monty Python — Always Look On The Bright Side Of Life
Album: Monty Python Sings
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Total ratings: 1489

Released: 1992
Length: 3:27
Plays (last 30 days): 0
Some things in life are bad
They can really make you mad
Other things just make you swear and curse
When you're chewing on life's gristle
Don't grumble, give a whistle
And this'll help things turn out for the best

And always look on the bright side of life
Always look on the light side of life

If life seems jolly rotten
There's something you've forgotten
And that's to laugh and smile and dance and sing
When you're feeling in the dumps
Don't be silly chumps
Just purse your lips and whistle, that's the thing

And always look on the bright side of life
Come on!
Always look on the right side of life

For life is quite absurd
And death's the final word
You must always face the curtain with a bow
Forget about your sin
Give the audience a grin
Enjoy it, it's your last chance anyhow

So, always look on the bright side of death
A-just before you draw your terminal breath

Life's a piece of shit
When you look at it
Life's a laugh and death's a joke, it's true
You'll see it's all a show
Keep 'em laughing as you go
Just remember that the last laugh is on you

And always look on the bright side of life
Always look on the right side of life

C'mon Brian, cheer up!

Always look on the bright side of life
Always look on the bright side of life

Worse things happen at sea, you know
Always look on the bright side of life

I mean, what have you got to lose
You know, you come from nothing, you're going back to nothing
What have you lost? Nothing!

Always look on the right side of life....

Nothing will come from nothing, you know what they say?
Cheer up you old bugger, c'mon give us a grin!
There you are, see, it's the end of the film
Incidentally, this record is available in the foyer
Some of us have to got live as well, you know
Who do you think pays for all this rubbish
They're not gonna make their money back, you know
I told them, I said to them, Bernie, I said they'll never make their money back
Comments (152)add comment
Makes me want to go fry up some spam.
 acbauer wrote:

Doesn't belong on a radio station.....

Neither do you. Go back to your television, brainless.
I just started reading Eric Idle's biography of the same ol name! My ear worm is embedded.
One of the very rare 10s on my list.
My ringtone   never fails to made me smile 
I really needed this right now 😀
Thanks RP!
 renegade_X wrote:

I never knew they had music albums. LOL

Their films a chock full of songs. This one is from Life of Brian. 
I never knew they had music albums. LOL
First time hearing this on R.P. Knew what it was for the first notes. Brilliant programming
brilliant!  Thank you RP!  Dancing and smiling
The best end of the workday song ever!
 jjbix37 wrote:


Well...why not?
This is why I love RadioParadise. Really! Thank you RP! 
Doesn't belong on a radio station.....
Anyone who gave this <5 needs to go back to bed!!!
My old dog is days away from passing away. This made me cry and laugh at the same time. Excellent. 
Maybe this should be followed by the fish slap sketch... 
 Mugro wrote:

This is the only song in which whistling seems appropriate. 

Surely you wouldn't rule out the epoch marking "Wind of Change"?
I'm moving to Britain right now to find a Partner with that accent (being that Beth Orton is already taken{?}). "I'll call you when I get back."
I feel better now
This is the only song in which whistling seems appropriate. 
how could I have not given this a ten? 9>10
Anything fits in RP’s mix. Anything. 🤣🤣
 Michaeljcovel wrote:

RP should do more of this type of music and a lot less
sad sack country dross (in all of its forms here)

RP should do *all* types of music. 
There, I fixed it for you.
RP should do more of this type of music and a lot less
sad sack country dross (in all of its forms here)
 Greenman wrote:

A 10.  Because it's Python.

A 10.  Because it's Python.
Funny that this is such a simple little song but so cheerful.  Eric Idle has some great talent.
If you didn't rate this a 10, then you're a bloody idiot.
Python and Sweet in 30  mins...  Couldn't happen anywhere else...
 GustaafJHeinh wrote:

This can't be anything else than Godlike ...

I just started smiling... brilliant!
 MrCaps wrote:

This tune needs to be viewed in the context from the scene in The Life of Brian. Bloody brilliant.

Agreed. Seeing them all up on their crosses smiling and crossing/uncrossing their feet was priceless.
Who knew this was in the playlist? Delightful! Agree great movie, need to see it again for the first time.

"Life's a piece of shit
When you look at it
Life's a laugh and death's a joke, it's true
You'll see it's all a show
Keep 'em laughing as you go
Just remember that the last laugh is on you"

Yep sums it up!!

I do sing the chorus and whistle when need be.
This can't be anything else than Godlike ...
melody: 4
Python: 10 of course.
One of my all-time favourite movies.
Hah nice timing, needed this today 
From "There I Ruined It" YouTube channel, love this version:
 DaidyBoy wrote:
Ha.  I just came across this on PSD and remembered when I heard this last.  It was played at my close friend's funeral a few years back.  Shane always had a dodgy sense of humour but he would have been sideways if he'd seen the look on the Vicar's face when the old boy realised that the lyrics blaring out on the Church PA were a little irreverent to say the least.  Perhaps he should have checked it out before allowing it in the service.  Never mind.

Priceless! Absolutely priceless! If we could all leave the earth is such irreverent style. {#Notworthy}
Ha.  I just came across this on PSD and remembered when I heard this last.  It was played at my close friend's funeral a few years back.  Shane always had a dodgy sense of humour but he would have been sideways if he'd seen the look on the Vicar's face when the old boy realised that the lyrics blaring out on the Church PA were a little irreverent to say the least.  Perhaps he should have checked it out before allowing it in the service.  Never mind.
 dionysius wrote:
Walrus_Gumbo wrote:

I'd rather hear it at his IMPEACHMENT!
Assuming that Cheney and alumni like Ashcroft and Rumsfeld are in the dock as well, why not "Send In The Clowns" instead?

Love this Tune!   
CHENEY!!!  oh those were the days, that sick old fuck creating money-robbing xenophobic battles while the US economy was a horror show and his "Boss" was dopey Bush, oh my yes those were the days, if I ever have Dick's name come to mind it's wondering if the dirty rat is dead yet... now instead of Monty Python for laughs its Colbert and the actual quotes of tRump each day, yuck
Totally needed this today. 
PSD button - THANK YOU!  Been ages since I heard this.  Brought a smile to my face.
I recently saw "Spamalot" in Las Vegas. Great show! I happened to be sitting in the secret seat in the theater and was called up on stage at the finale. I got to sing this song with the cast!!! My 15 minutes of fame! By the way, if you're planning to see this show in Vegas ask for seat D101 when reserving.
Brings a smile to my face!
Great song.
Zep wrote:
Cheese, Grommit!
Pazzat wrote:
Read this account of how a couple of Britons kidnapped in South America used this song during the captivity. (click here)
That has to be one of the weirdest things I've ever read. I really admire them for even thinking of yelling "Hello, Columbia!". Now, that's style.
Pazzat wrote:
Read this account of how a couple of Britons kidnapped in South America used this song during the captivity. (click here)
That is so utterly appropriate for Monty Python... it's as if they wrote it!
Silly, goofy and absolutely brilliant!
petercroob wrote:
I love you RP this is the perfect morning song
good evening, sir. half past 3 p.m. here...
should have been broadcastet last saturday during the protests against G8 in Rostock.... love the movie and this special humor.
I love you RP this is the perfect morning song
dionysius wrote:
Assuming that Cheney and alumni like Ashcroft and Rumsfeld are in the dock as well, why not "Send In The Clowns" instead?
Pazzat wrote:
Read this account of how a couple of Britons kidnapped in South America used this song during the captivity. (click here)
wow, is that a bizarre story.
Kerly wrote:
I dedicate it to myself and to somebody who also needs it :)
... thank you Kerly! I'll take this dedication on and pass it on one more step for someone else who also needs it! :)
Read this account of how a couple of Britons kidnapped in South America used this song during the captivity. (click here)
This tune needs to be viewed in the context from the scene in The Life of Brian. Bloody brilliant.
Needs to be followed up with "Brave Sir Robin" from Spamalot! Brilliant!
What have you lost? Nothing!
Jacksonstat wrote:
Thanks RP, I needed this :)
Yeah, me too! Just remember the last laugh is on you! The Galaxy Song would have done it also.
An interesting choice, consindering this week in Christianity!
Thanks RP, I needed this :)
I dedicate it to myself and to somebody who also needs it :)
OMG! Just what I needed! Thank God for Monty and the boys . . .
Oh, I am SO glad this is in the playlist. PERFECT!
Love it love it love it!
Walrus_Gumbo wrote:
I'd rather hear it at his IMPEACHMENT!
Assuming that Cheney and alumni like Ashcroft and Rumsfeld are in the dock as well, why not "Send In The Clowns" instead?
Very appropriate for a Sunday evening spent studying for mid-terms.
Always brings a grin...
BooKitty wrote:
This should be played at Bush's inauguration.
I'd rather hear it at his IMPEACHMENT!
ThePoose wrote:
And remember: Every sperm is sacred.
Every sperm is great And if a sperm gets wasted God gets quite irate!
That really brightened my day. Yes, pun intended.
reindeer wrote:
Bill, You should include Eric Idle's new song, "Phuck the FCC" as well. That one is even funnier.
I'd love to hear that. I'll look for it.
timandjuliet wrote:
Wonderful! Now, please make RP even more spectacular than it already is and play some Spinal Tap (and enable 11 as a rating option).
You only get one 11 rating. After that, the amps explode.
"He's got a wife, you know....Incontinentia...Incontinentia Buttocks!"
philarktos wrote:
Priceless moment in a great movie.
haha!! nice touch, RP! Keep 'em coming :)
Always throw this one in the mix!
Ahahahahahahahahaha! *snicker* Time to sing along and scare the office.
And remember: Every sperm is sacred.
ZOMG. Yes, I said it. I just never expected this on RP :o).
Ahhhh! Fantastic!
Wonderful! Now, please make RP even more spectacular than it already is and play some Spinal Tap (and enable 11 as a rating option).
BooKitty wrote:
This should be played at Bush's inauguration.
This should be played at Bush's inauguration.
Bill, You should include Eric Idle's new song, "Phuck the FCC" as well. That one is even funnier.
"Life of Brian" was re-released at my theatre last month . Fantastic stuff and this song stuck with me, I was even bobbing my head along.
Amanecer wrote:
This sounds so much like Ian Whitcomb singing the lead - does anyone know if that is correct?
This is eric idle singing at the end of "Life of Brian" to cheer up Graham Chapman, as Brian, after he had been crucified.
Prine - Sinatra - Python We're not in Kansas anymore.
Darlington wrote:
Great song for a Friday (and a Monday; sort of works for both).
rah wrote:
awwww. i needed this today :)
What a great run beginning with Joe Cocker! I'm having a hard time getting any work done. \:D/
I'm not saying I don't like this..........but some of my uploads were rejected for being too "upbeat" and this is in the main library?
What's brown and sounds like a bell? (Nudge, nudge)
Oh man does this place rule.
awwww. i needed this today :)
Amanecer wrote:
This sounds so much like Ian Whitcomb singing the lead - does anyone know if that is correct?
Should be Eric Idle, right? By the way, this is a very nice for dancing a Slow Foxtrot.
Amanecer wrote:
This sounds so much like Ian Whitcomb singing the lead - does anyone know if that is correct?
Sounds like Eric Idle
This sounds so much like Ian Whitcomb singing the lead - does anyone know if that is correct?
Whoever finds this song foul, needs to be fwown to the gwound ruffwee, eh Centuwion?
frankydee wrote:
PERFECTOMUNDO .... That's EXACTLY what I needed this morning .... oh thank you Bill Now you should follow this by some Megadeath ... :D (kidding)
I actually went to an IRON MAIDEN concert in the 80's where they played this song over the speakers after the final encore and the lights turned on.... I always think of that...
"you come from nuffin, you leave wif nuffin, wot you lose? Nuffin!"
From the sublime (Frank Sinatra - That's Life) to the ridiculous - this. Both fantastic. Great segue.
HOOOORAAAY! Man, I needed this today. Perfecto.
hobbitt wrote:
WMMR radio in Philadelphia used to play this every Friday at the end of John deBella's morning show...with the word "shit" very artfully chopped out. It seemed like the official beginning of the weekened.
He's back on classic rock station 102.9 WMGK and playing it again. Imagine that.
The best song.....ever.....
WMMR radio in Philadelphia used to play this every Friday at the end of John deBella's morning show...with the word "shit" very artfully chopped out. It seemed like the official beginning of the weekened.
PERFECTOMUNDO .... That's EXACTLY what I needed this morning .... oh thank you Bill Now you should follow this by some Megadeath ... :D (kidding)
Yes... this makes my Halloween morning happy! :D