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Over the Rhine — Fever
Album: Hidden Treasures
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Released: 2003
Length: 3:32
Plays (last 30 days): 1
Never know how much I love you
Never know how much I care
When you put your arms around me
I give you fever that's so hard to bare

You give me fever
When you kiss me
Fever when you hold me tight
In the morning
Fever all through the night

Sun lights up the day time
Moon lights up the night
I light up when you call my name
And you know I'm gonna treat you right

You give me fever
When you kiss me
Fever when you hold me tight
In the morning
Fever all through the night

Listen to me baby
Can't hear a word I say
No one can love you the way that I do
Cause they don't know I love you my way
I love you

When you kiss me
Fever will never learn

Tell's ya it's over

What a lovely way to burn
What a lovely way to burn
What a lovely way to burn
Comments (139)add comment
 Jonmarvin wrote:

In 2006, I had the good fortune to take a 3-day train trip Called The Cowboy Junkies Train. It ran from Toronto to Vancouver, and was basically a rolling music festival.  Over The Rhine were there, as were Cowboy Junkies, Blackie And The Rodeo Kings, Skydiggers (just Andy and Josh), Fred Eaglesmith, and more.  Best vacation of my life!

Check out "49 Tons" by Blackie and the Rodeo Kings. Fantastic! (RP, add it to your playlist.) 
 Jonmarvin wrote:

In 2006, I had the good fortune to take a 3-day train trip Called The Cowboy Junkies Train. It ran from Toronto to Vancouver, and was basically a rolling music festival.  Over The Rhine were there, as were Cowboy Junkies, Blackie And The Rodeo Kings, Skydiggers (just Andy and Josh), Fred Eaglesmith, and more.  Best vacation of my life!

You lucky duck.  I am sorry that I wasn't on that train too!
In 2006, I had the good fortune to take a 3-day train trip Called The Cowboy Junkies Train. It ran from Toronto to Vancouver, and was basically a rolling music festival.  Over The Rhine were there, as were Cowboy Junkies, Blackie And The Rodeo Kings, Skydiggers (just Andy and Josh), Fred Eaglesmith, and more.  Best vacation of my life!
 corydon wrote:

Holy moly, that surely is the best cover of this great song that I ever listened to. Thank you RP!

I Agree completely!  2nd only to Peggy Lee.  Thanx RP!   
Holy moly, that surely is the best cover of this great song that I ever listened to. Thank you RP!
My fever broke.
now THAT'S the way
I compare all versions of Fever to my favorite version, Rita Moreno on the Muppet Show.  Not only the fun between Ms Moreno and Animal, but the stripped back version of bass and drum always struck me as perfect.
This song was written to exude sultry, but this group makes it feel like milk toast.  This version is sittin' on a sunny prairie playing with the guitar strings. It's fine, but it truly belongs in a raw, dark smoky bar. 
"You give me fever with that COVID vaccine,
fever when you jab my arm..."
Thought it was Holly Cole for a minute, then Eva Cassidy. Well, she has the same knack for making a cover her own that Eva did, that's for sure.
 Jelani wrote:
Those first notes made me think this was Supergrass
It certainly made me expect something else but I can't for the life of me track down what. I can't find any Supergrass homophone, but I have certainly heard a very similar and familiar intro before somewhere. Its going to bug me now!

Hoooooo! this song gives me fever!
Those first notes made me think this was Supergrass
Image result for sick on piano
 unclehud wrote:
Own 3 Over the Rhine CDs, but lost interest four or five years ago.  This cut isn't on them, but illustrates the primary reason I bought them.  Her voice is special, no?
... and I am reminded again why I purchased those CDs.

Own 3 Over the Rhine CDs, but lost interest four or five years ago.  This cut isn't on them, but illustrates the primary reason I bought them.  Her voice is special, no?
I'm diagnosing her with a fever of 99.1. Unless you can approximate a good 102 degrees, you have little business singing this song.
Love, love, LOVE Karin's voice.
This isn't a fever it's man flu.  Pass the sult(ry).
Very sultry voice.  I like it.
I was SO expecting a segue to Alannah Miles', "Black Velvet".  But I'm fine with Little Willie John, showing Peggie Lee's source.
Sounds more like Frigidity, what a flat version of this sexy song.

Ooh, I got it!

What are "languid, kinda smoky covers of songs made famous by others and seemingly impossible to improve."


Nice.  I dig most of the Over The Rhine tunes I've heard on Pandora.

Does anyone have any insight into the rest of the stuff on this compilation?
 fredriley wrote:
Doesn't sound very feverish to me, more like a soporific Sunday afternoon after a heavy lunch.
I was orignally going to post, "Zzzzzzzzzz..." but it seems you have done so, ever so much more cleverly.

They're great live.  Karin Bergquist's voice gains some impact when you can watch her sing.
 apsey wrote:


A little.  Nowhere near the sultriness of the Peggy Lee version.
Doesn't sound very feverish to me, more like a soporific Sunday afternoon after a heavy lunch.
One of my earliest recollections of a hit played endlessly on the radio, Peggy Lee's version ca. 1958.
slickdh wrote:
This recorded version does not do the live show justice at all. The live version is exactly how this song should sound.. everything else sounds like a 70's variety show version...
I agree, they are awesome live
Sweet....OTR, yet another Radio Paradise discovery...
Err...this must be the kind of fever that makes you sleep all day? Mono in the morning, mono all through the night...
laozilover wrote:
Nice! Must be the second time I heard this. I'd given it a 7 before, but now I have to bump it to an 8!
Nice! Must be the second time I heard this. I'd given it a 7 before, but now I have to bump it to an 8!
Is it getting warmer in here? Subtle sexy version of this song. Sweet!
jstraw wrote:
So the Sweet Jane/Fever combo was played on June 16 and on July 2? Is this some sort of automation at work?
Of course. Bill can't spin new and unique combinations of music 24/7, and if he comes up with a good sequence why not reuse it. Automation is fine when used well, and should not be confused with randomness.
I saw OTR do this song live at the Birchmere in Alexandria, VA. HOLY SMOKE was this one hot number. She can be one hot lady. This recorded version does not do the live show justice at all. The live version is exactly how this song should sound.. everything else sounds like a 70's variety show version...
I must have a fever because I am tired and lethargic now. The original, and even Elvis' versions live, had life and energy. This is rather pointless.
How about some new OTR, Bill?
If it is "Fever" then one can't do wrong...though of course there are better and worse versions.
There is no fever in her voice, just a severe cold!
jstraw wrote:
So the Sweet Jane/Fever combo was played on June 16 and on July 2? Is this some sort of automation at work?
Happens all the time. I don't know exactly how much automation is involved, but there are difinitly songs that get played in groups very often (another that comes to mind is Tom Waitts' "Long Way Home" is hardly ever heard without being followed up by Traffic "Cant Find My Way Home"). I like that there are sets that have had a lot of thought put into them, but the down side is that when you listen long enough you start to think you are psychic when you can tell what the next song is going to be before it starts.
DoctorHooey wrote:
There should be an unspoken understanding that only Willie John or Peggy Lee are allowed to play this song. We should just agree to it and find other stuff to play.
I hear what you're saying, and we all know Miss Peggy owns this tune, but isn't a big point of standards that the performer brings their own interpretation? I give this a 5 +1 for having the gonads to give it a go.
There should be an unspoken understanding that only Willie John or Peggy Lee are allowed to play this song. We should just agree to it and find other stuff to play.
Despite the fact that 'Over the Rhine' usually is remarkable good, this version of 'Fever' is pretty boring IMHO.
I'm looking for the "fever" too.
So the Sweet Jane/Fever combo was played on June 16 and on July 2? Is this some sort of automation at work?
rtkmusic wrote:
Over the Rhine - Fever Cowboy Junkies - Sweet Jane the barely awake thing works well for the lou cover. for this, mmm....not so much!
just thinking the same thing. Odd how the same approach can yeild such different results.
handyrae wrote:
I agree. I like the vocals, etc but it's seriously lacking in interpretation. There's no fever in her Fever. She just sounds sort of melancholy. Which would be fine if the song were called Melancholy.....
Very well said.
dtytler wrote:
She needs more !
I agree. I like the vocals, etc but it's seriously lacking in interpretation. There's no fever in her Fever. She just sounds sort of melancholy. Which would be fine if the song was called Melancholy.
Isn't this supposed to be a sexy song?
She needs more !
Give me original OTR any day.
bill-redeem yourself and play the neville bros version.
rtkmusic wrote:
Over the Rhine - Fever Cowboy Junkies - Sweet Jane the barely awake thing works well for the lou cover. for this, mmm....not so much!
must.... wake... up before... head hits the...7uyjhn
Ah, geeze. Another great band with a HUGE collection that there's no need for a cover tune. BTW: OTR were great when they opened for Margo, Michael, etc of CJs.
Over the Rhine - Fever Cowboy Junkies - Sweet Jane the barely awake thing works well for the lou cover. for this, mmm....not so much!
Saw this band live with Hem... not apropos of this song, but I couldn't get behind the band, just didn't like 'em. Maybe it was because Hem put me in such a lovely mood, I dunno. This song is OK, could use more heat.
I too like OTR, but this is boring and pointless. . .
There's fever, then there's this, which is more like Narcolepsy.
Peggy Lee is rolling in her grave. Where's the heat, lady?
That's got to be the most somnolent un-febrile fever I've ever come across. Nice voice and background, but as cold as wet haddock.
Pass the asprin
kazuma wrote:
The only prescription is more cowbell.
hear hear
This song is best served when it's being sung only to you. Right now it makes me want to smash my head through my flat panel display.
I love Over the Rhine with a passion, but this did nothing for me. I thought I was listening to Cowboy Junkies for a minute. I know some people plug into that in a major way, but it just lulls me to a dull sleep.
thank gawd that's over.
I generally like Over the Rhine, but this is just a little too slow, with not enough smoky to make up for it. -mt-
A great interpretation of a classic.
Pretty voice but the song needs a little more heat
This song has no fever. Perhaps a case of too much cowbell?
Hey... who took the fever out of this song?
when will this woman shut up!!
Some songs cannot be improved upon and should not be remade. This is one of them.
jadewahoo wrote:
The one thing this version is lacking is... FEVER!!!
I totally agree. It's a 3.
This version is decent, but not great. Buddy Guy's version of this, is increidble!
lackluster, just a 2 for me
drover wrote:
To follow the Junkies' "Sweet Jane" with this is a stroke of programming genius.
Bill did it again!
Dave_Mack wrote:
Definitely out-junkying the Junkies on this track. Not sure that's a good thing. It doesn't sizzle like fever should, if'n you're asking me.
You're right. And its not a good thing.
jadewahoo wrote:
The one thing this version is lacking is... FEVER!!!
I second that!
The one thing this version is lacking is... FEVER!!!
Dave_Mack wrote:
Definitely out-junkying the Junkies on this track. Not sure that's a good thing. It doesn't sizzle like fever should, if'n you're asking me.
Good song, not sure I like this version that much. I like Eva Cassidy's version, now she had a great voice.
Mmm ... moody, a little sexy - I like the breathy, smokey vocals - gonna be looking to hear more of this
Ho hum... kazuma wrote:
The only prescription is more cowbell.
Snarfed coffee all over my keyboard. Thanks...
Definitely out-junkying the Junkies on this track. Not sure that's a good thing. It doesn't sizzle like fever should, if'n you're asking me.
Musical Ny-quil.
catmaven wrote:
Interesting idea to treat this in a laid-back, bluesy way . . . but it did not work.
Yes it did. For me, anyway.
Love the song.. ... this is not the best version I've heard, but I'm for anyone who marches to their own drum. She had "balls" enought to do it.
The only prescription is more cowbell.
I am so hot!
lovely,sexy rendition
radio lame coverdise - c'mon willie its friday–crank it up!
drover wrote:
To follow the Junkies' "Sweet Jane" with this is a stroke of programming genius.
What s/he said.
curious_cat wrote:
This kindred spirit expressed our reactions better than I! Masterly use of icons!
Interesting idea to treat this in a laid-back, bluesy way . . . but it did not work. :-k :fever.gif: If the title is "fever," then somehow feverishness should be conveyed, not ennui and soporific trance! :(
lester wrote:
Way too tame and just plain lame.
I agree...it's really lacking "umph" and soul.
lester wrote:
Way too tame and just plain lame.
This is a great song, but a terrible cover. Meh.
Way too tame and just plain lame.
drover wrote:
To follow the Junkies' "Sweet Jane" with this is a stroke of programming genius.
To follow the Junkies' "Sweet Jane" with this is a stroke of programming genius.
i'm such a cover junkie...
Interesting interpretation of Fever. For the best version, I still prefer Peggy Lee's. But for shits and giggles, the absolute best is the version by The Bobs.
She has this way of seeping into your soul and haunting it for a while. "FEVER" was ok... but not fab!
masterhead wrote:
Ok, laugh at me but I much prefer madonna's version than this souless crap
ROFL, LOL, HAHAHAHA Just kidding, but really, Madonna's voice just isn't that great - it probably could be argued that was never her appeal. I can't imagine her sounding better than this version.
She has a sexy voice. I like it.
kevinc wrote:
Ditto. This is supposed to be a sexy song, and this version isn't. Don't get me wrong, it's pleasant enough, but in the end, as Fever covers go, it's hohum :(
I concur!