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R.E.M. — Undertow
Album: New Adventures in Hi-Fi
Avg rating:

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Total ratings: 909

Released: 1995
Length: 5:06
Plays (last 30 days): 0
I know what I wanted
I know what I wanted
I know how I wanted this to be

You go down to the water
Drink down of the water
Walk up off the water, leave it be

But this is not my dream sister
It is cold in heaven
And I'm not sprouting wings

I'm drowning me
I'm drowning me, yeah

Brother can you see those birds?
They don't look to heaven
They don't need religion, they can see

They go down to the water
Drink down on the water
Fly up off the water, leave it be

But this is not my time sister
It is cold in Heaven
And no one's coming after me

I'm drowning ''(breathing ourselves)''
Me ''(breathing ourselves)''
I'm drowning ''(breathing ourselves)''
Me ''(breathing ourselves)'' yeah

You know I am tired
Cold and bony tired
Nothing's gonna save me, I can see

I can't say I'm fearful
I can't say I'm not afraid
But I am not resisting, I can see

I don't need a Heaven
I don't need religion
I am in the place where I should be

I am breathing water
I am breathing water
You know a body's got to breathe

I'm drowning ''(breathing ourselves)''
Me ''(breathing ourselves)''
I'm drowning ''(breathing ourselves)''
Me ''(breathing ourselves)''
I'm drowning ''(breathing ourselves)''
Me ''(breathing ourselves)''
Comments (95)add comment
 eileenomurphy wrote:

OK tune. But not their best.

Bill has 88 R.E.M.-songs in the catalog. I wonder how often you'll write such a comment until we find your favorite one. Just curious. 
Brother can you see those birds?
They don't look to heaven
They don't need religion, they can see


Hi Fi is my favorite REM record.
There. I said it.
Nice! I love hearing some of their more obscure jams! Sadly, from a period where some fans had lost interest in them... For me, as with U2, from the beginning, I could always dig and devour whatever they were into sharing. Each of them were absolute artistic geniuses, and together they made heaps of transcendent music.
 avl28804 wrote:


So... what... add conga drums and Background singers so they can sound like Peter Gabriel?
 eileenomurphy wrote:

OK tune. But not their best.

I agree! Not my favorite R.E.M. tune, they have better!
OK tune. But not their best.
I'm gunna say it cause no one has here for like 11 years... REM is a great band. So "alt" in their day! 
 scocam wrote:

R.E.M. is like Taco Bell. It's the same 7 ingredients— just presented a little differently. There are other similarities which I'm less inclined to discuss here.

Edit: In 81 through 87, R.E.M. were great. But 25+ years later? Not so fresh.


R.E.M. is like Taco Bell. It's the same 7 ingredients— just presented a little differently. There are other similarities which I'm less inclined to discuss here.

Edit: In 81 through 87, R.E.M. were great. But 25+ years later? Not so fresh.

 More_Cowbell wrote:

Agree.  Saw them in 86/87 and walked away thinking, these guys are going to be big!

Ha ha....I saw them in 81 and thought...these guys are amazing....not braggin' just sayin'

I.......LOVE....this song!
Stipes voice at it's finest.
 SuperWeh wrote:
I don't know what it is, I have a fairly broad taste in music and am generally quite open to different music styles etc. but most REM song do slightly more than nothing for me at best and annoy me very severely at worst, this is in the former category.

Not being sarcastic here: that must suck. Love this band and this song. REM may not get as airplay as it used to, but they're hard to miss. It's a plus for me when I hear one of their songs; can't imagine what it would be like to grit your teeth every time you heard them.  
I don't know what it is, I have a fairly broad taste in music and am generally quite open to different music styles etc. but most REM song do slightly more than nothing for me at best and annoy me very severely at worst, this is in the former category.
 Poacher wrote:
You already said. . . 10 times on this page alone. 

Fu*king troll. 
I might have my message board lingo wrong, but I'm pretty sure a "troll" is someone who posts provocative or instigating comments for no other purpose than to antagonize others into posting rebuttals.

So it seems that, in reality, you are the "fu*king troll".

On the guitar...Mr. Peter Buck. {#Guitarist}
 romeotuma wrote:

cool song...
You already said. . . 10 times on this page alone. 

Fu*king troll. 
 jwbeadle wrote:
Agree.  Saw them in 86/87 and walked away thinking, these guys are going to be big!

Ok, but you don't have to yell... {#Grumpy}

jwbeadle wrote:

1 of the 'rock' voices  i absolutely can't stand.... {#Puke}
(I like elvis costello, neil young, bob dylan, david byrne, so you can not say that I can't handle anything ;-)
average=6.3... wtf??
I was busy writing and heard this and thought to myself, "How awake they are!" Bump +2.

are they awake? what a snoozer. phone it in next time.
Yes. That one really gets your attention. I was in an intro art class with Michael Stipe, so we are roughly contemporary. Am impressed that anyone that old can rock like that. Amazingly fresh. 
I think the undertow has taken Mr. Stipe.  {#Skull}
 toterola wrote:
Ah, Jeez! It's been a whole year since I saw them at Berkeley! Time flies!
Totally. Tell it to M. Stipe, most of whose recent works have been about midlife angst.
p.s. I saw them at the Greek on that tour, too :)

Ah, Jeez! It's been a whole year since I saw them at Berkeley! Time flies!
Weird. That song sounds a little different in my memory.
Is this a remixed/remastered version?

Edit: ... and I second, third, and fourth the requests for some Tool on RP {#Good-vibes}

Actually, despite the name, this song reminds me of the Tool song "Opiate" more than anything else.
 Rockitz wrote:

created user to give a poor rating to one song???

 notremotely wrote:
REM sucks! REM sucks! REM sucks! REM sucks! REM sucks! REM sucks! REM sucks! REM sucks! REM sucks! REM sucks! REM sucks! REM sucks! REM sucks! REM sucks! REM sucks! REM sucks! REM sucks! REM sucks! REM sucks! REM sucks! REM sucks! REM sucks!

Crappy college band has beens who are still writing the same song as day 1.

Thank you.

 horstman wrote:
Yeah, we know you hate REM. Who cares? Not me. I love REM. Always have. Always will. And guess what? Bill Goldsmith does too. Deal with it!

Thank you.
Yeah, we know you hate REM. Who cares? Not me. I love REM. Always have. Always will. And guess what? Bill Goldsmith does too. Deal with it!
this song rocks. this album rocks. this band rocks. speak no evil. you'll just embarrass yourself.
bokey wrote:
More like they expected cake and ice cream and got dogshit and cowpiss.
I'm guessing that birthday parties from your neck of the woods are a little different than ours?!? Good luck with that and say hello to your therapist and/or support group for me!
I heard Los Lobos' "Peace" end, and I heard White Stripes' "Seven Nation Army" start. I did not hear this. It was right in the middle and I literally did not hear it. It didn't register at all. I can't even rate it. I can't remember anything to rate. So much for REM.
MonkeyPod wrote:
Have any of you ever seen a little kid the first time they go to one of their friend's birthday parties? They're all excited until they realize that they aren't going to get any presents. (as if cake and ice cream aren't enough) Now you know how you REM haters look when you have your Stalin-like tantrums.
More like they expected cake and ice cream and got dogshit and cowpiss.
meydele wrote:
I wonder if Bill could be persuaded to start an affiliated station that plays the heavier cuts that don't make it here. I for one would listen. There are some days when only the metal-iest will do. . .
I'm there today - everything sounds whiny to me
= Michael Stipe
Have any of you ever seen a little kid the first time they go to one of their friend's birthday parties? They're all excited until they realize that they aren't going to get any presents. (as if cake and ice cream aren't enough) Now you know how you REM haters look when you have your Stalin-like tantrums.
R.E.M. is one of my favorite bands, and I still think this sucks.
REM = SUCKS - Stench -Mute + puke! This song is no exception!
The Undertoe is making me drown in mediocrity.
This is my favorite REM cd.
Blasphemy perhaps, but I can't help but think of Tragically Hip. Pretty good tune, though it doesn't seem to go anywhere.
sounds like leftovers
bigB_3 wrote:
I would love to hear some Tool. Although it is probably not "Paradise-style" music. It could cause some tidal waves.
I wonder if Bill could be persuaded to start an affiliated station that plays the heavier cuts that don't make it here. I for one would listen. There are some days when only the metal-iest will do. . .
I like Cliffs of Dooneen's 'Undertow' a lot better... which coincidentally came out the same time as Tool.
I like Tool's Undertow much better ... this ain't bad, though.
pushkinjim wrote:
I'm not one either. I will continue to write in how much these guys suck. PLEASE STOP with REM!
"(Sweden, Los Angeles, Vancouver, St. Petersburg)" you don't even know where you are....
I'm not one either. I will continue to write in how much these guys suck. PLEASE STOP with REM!
bokey wrote:
Probably a lot of people who dislike them don't want to keep posting negative comments.Trust me,some people really dislike the way these guys sound. I'm one of them. They get played so much it's hard not to be negative about it.Rather than comment on each and every song I guess the more dignified listeners feel it's classier to just give it a bad rating and be silent. I'm not one of them so much.
ok, whatever.
pinto wrote:
Why all of the posted comments of praise and adulation and the average rating is only 6. 8 (as of this writing)?
Probably a lot of people who dislike them don't want to keep posting negative comments. Trust me,some people really dislike the way these guys sound. I'm one of them. They get played so much it's hard not to be negative about it. Rather than comment on each and every song I guess the more dignified listeners feel it's classier to just give it a bad rating and be silent. I'm not one of them so much.
RobK wrote:
Continuing to delve deeply into New Adventures in Hi-Fi, I see. I agree, it's a great f'ing album. There are probably 5 or 6 songs on the album that I like better, but nevertheless I have to praise you for playing music like this.
It's their most underrated album for sure. No doubt that's anathema to the people who think they didn't make a good album after Murmur. TJ
bigB_3 wrote:
I would love to hear some Tool. Although it is probably not "Paradise-style" music. It could cause some tidal waves.
I've heard A Perfect Circle on here. It wouldn't be such a stretch to get the right Tool song uploaded. You'd have to pick very carefully though. Something where Carey is really demonstrating a method to his madness on the drums, but the rest of the cut is not too heavy metal sounding would prolly fly.
optimusprime10 wrote:
you know what would really make me laugh? hearing the tool song with the same name. ha! why? because it's not what i want, nor expect, to hear! luckily, i think the world has outgrown that phase of its life.
I would love to hear some Tool. Although it is probably not "Paradise-style" music. It could cause some tidal waves.
you know what would really make me laugh? hearing the tool song with the same name. ha! why? because it's not what i want, nor expect, to hear! luckily, i think the world has outgrown that phase of its life.
Continuing to delve deeply into New Adventures in Hi-Fi, I see. I agree, it's a great f'ing album. There are probably 5 or 6 songs on the album that I like better, but nevertheless I have to praise you for playing music like this.
Why all of the posted comments of praise and adulation and the average rating is only 6.8 (as of this writing)?
Is it just me, but REM seem to be masters at making really simply constructed songs sound like masterpieces? This is another one, that I listen to and think, actually it's a pretty simple song. But the emotion still comes through. Guess that is all that counts.
msidoti wrote:
great song from their most under-rated album
I totally agree. This has always been one of my favorite REM albums.
what a great song! this and "Leave" are my favorites from that album. Great music to turn way up!
Welcome back to the Undertow!
lily34 wrote:
i totally agree. i picked up this album after not having heard it in ages...i like it better now than i did when it came out.
Me, too. I just picked up the CD for a buck at my local flea market. Really strong record...one of my faves now!
carl wrote:
Good tune.... they're hit or miss these days, but when they hit, they're still one of the coolest bands around.
i totally agree. i picked up this album after not having heard it in ages...i like it better now than i did when it came out.
Let\'s not toss the life preserver and say we did. ;)
A lesser REM piece, but you can\'t always create a classic with every attempt.
I haven\'t bought an REM album since Monster but I may have to get this one. I\'ve liked everything I\'ve heard from it that\'s been played on Radio Paradise.
I like this album!!! Great!!!
New Adventures in Hi-Fi has lots of great material, but some of its impact was probably lost since it followed Monster (an album I consider to be akin to a burp.. gotta cleanse the system).
It sounds like Peter Buck borrowed Neil Young\'s Les Paul and Fender Amp. Good Song.
Where else will I hear great REM music on the radio? What a great song!