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Enigma — Sadeness
Album: MCMXC A.D.
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Total ratings: 2271

Released: 1991
Length: 4:09
Plays (last 30 days): 1
Procedamus in pace
In nomine Christi, Amen Let us go forth in peace
In the name of Christ, So be it
Cum angelis et pueris,
fideles inveniamur We shall find the faithful in the
company of angels and children
Attollite portas, principes, vestras
et elevamini, portae aeternales
et introibit rex gloriae
Qius est iste Rex glorie? Lift up ye heads o ye glorious gates,
and be ye lifted up ye everlasting doors,
and the king of glory shall come in.
Who is the king of glory?
Sade, dis-moi,
Sade, donnes-moi Sade tell me
Sade give me
Procedamus in pace
In nomine Christi, Amen
Shall we proceed in peace
In the name of Christ, Amen

Sade, dis-moi
Qu'est-ce que tu vas chercher?
le Bien par le Mal
la Vertu par le Vice
Sade, dis-moi, Pourquoi l'evangile du Mal?
Quelle est ta religion, Ou sont tes fideles?
Si tu es contre Dieu, tu es contre l'Homme
Sade tell me
what is it that you seek?
The rightness of wrong
The virtue of vice
Sade tell me why the Gospel of evil ?
What is your religion? Where are your faithful?
If you are against God, you are against man

Sade dit moi pourquoi le sang pour le plaisir ?
Le plaisir sans l'amour.
N'y a t'il plus de sentiment dans le culte de l'homme ?
Sade tell me why blood for pleasure?
Pleasure without love?
Is there no longer any feeling in man's Faith?
Sade, es-tu diabolique ou divin? Sade are you diabolical or divine?
Sade, dis-moi
Sade, donnes-moi
Sade, dis-moi
Sade, donnes-moi
Hosanna Sade tell me
Sade give me
Sade tell me
Sade give me
In nomine Christi, Amen In the name of Christ, Amen
Comments (125)add comment
Enigma, the new Yello.
I really dig Enigma. To paraphrase what Stunix said, their music is best listened to as one long musical experience vs. tracks, as they often seamlessly blend into one another.

it’s very layered and ethereal…I just love it. 

This is magnificent music for sexy-time. (Trust me!)
always thought they nicked a bit of Visage’s Fade to Grey on the chorus - still love it - Prog, Chanting and that lovely French voice
A 9 maybe 10 just for the lyrics--profound, and I don't think there's anything like it in all of popular music.
And just went 7->8.
Sounds like an old Drakkar Noir commercial
 stunix wrote:

What you have to remember is that at the time this was way different than anything else.   The production quality still holds up 25 years later.   Also IMHO, it should be listened to as an album not as tracks.  the way the tracks link together is as good as the tracks themselves.  Its like prog rock meets triphop in 1990!   try to ignore the pseudo gregorian chant, think of it as a cowbell.    Its more Serge Gainsburgh than that.

Still holding after 33. It will hold for ever
The definition  of an oldie would certainly be a Gregorian chant...
 stephanwarpig wrote:

This kind of music is called "Kitsch" in Germany.

Ich stimme voll zu. Skip.
 Mackmoney3000 wrote:

Efficiently walks the line of "wildly dated" and "still enjoyable"

I think you mean "not overplayed".
This kind of music is called "Kitsch" in Germany.
Make it stoppppppppppp! 
 havardlee wrote:

People that go on social media to bad mouth a song are horrible human beings. Think about it.

They're not getting what they expected out of life!
Refreshing and revolutionary in its time. Provocative, stimulating, subtly subversive. Still a great listen.
People that go on social media to bad mouth a song are horrible human beings. Think about it.
it's crazy to think enigma appealed to me 13 years ago and still does
the more I hear this track the less I like it   It sounds like a bunch of monks all having sex with one woman 
 Arrr wrote:

seriously , why do you play this crap ?

why do you listen to RP?
 Arrr wrote:
seriously , why do you play this crap ?
Because rp listeners obviously like it!
seriously , why do you play this crap ?
 GlobalPilgrim wrote:
Absurd mash-up of Gregoria chants with techo moaning.
Yes, that's why people like it.
Absurd mash-up of Gregoria chants with techo moaning.
Somehow this is timeless, it never gets old.
Haven't heard that on in probably 25 years.
Definitely one of those songs I own only because of Columbia House.
My mum used to listen to this shortly after it came out. I thought it was weird. Kind of like a blend between a deodorant commercial and techno choir. Still think it's weird, but likeable. Thx for the trip back to my teenage years :)
 Thirdrose wrote:
Big big big shit, it is not music.
Are you shaming your non-musical shits after eating A LOT of food?  Cuz this track is great....in fact +1 to 9...LLRP and regular BMs!!
This was better done on Pilgrimage by Simon Cloquet ably assisted by folks like Phil Manzanera.

I haven't heard this one in a looooong time. As said below wildly dated yet enjoyable.
Maximum cheese.
Big big big shit, it is not music.
 expatlar wrote:
This song sounds like one of those 'Men's Fragrance' commercials with the pouty models. A parody of itself.
Brilliant comment! You nailed it. ;-)
Really like this one.  Showing my age.
The degree to which somebody is similar to Sade.
I'm blinking at the "nearly 30 years old" comments... but then remind myself it was 1993 when I first heard it. As the meme goes "Wasn't 30 years ago the 70s?!". I was working in an architectural glass studio in Vancouver, working for a very unpleasant boss who had a strict No Vocals policy for any music in the studio and a fondness for bad jazz and greatest hits classical. Then *he* heard this at a fashion show and brought it in and our aural world suddenly opened up it seems Latin and French lyrics were accetaple and he decided a good electro beat was fun to work to - hallelujah! As Enigma recorded just down the street we were constantly getting demos and new albums before they broke. Lovely stuff... still.
yeah hardcore baby 
If it gets any sadder, I'm going to commit suicide.
Can't believe this is nearly 30 years old.......
Rating: 7
PSD: god yes
Idiotic lyrics, but "quite likeable" musically.
 stunix wrote:
What you have to remember is that at the time this was way different than anything else.   The production quality still holds up 25 years later.   Also IMHO, it should be listened to as an album not as tracks.  the way the tracks link together is as good as the tracks themselves.  Its like prog rock meets triphop in 1990!   try to ignore the pseudo gregorian chant, think of it as a cowbell.    Its more Serge Gainsburgh than that.

 well said....even close to 30 years old this album is amazing.   When Im trying to be creative in my art studio I put this album on (also a couple other go to ones)

I can't hear the song without thinking of the movie Tropic Thunder. Hilarious!😂
i really like enigma and think of them from the time they were. all the rest pales in comparison to the salacious times we live in
 Nerubo wrote:
If the lyrics and translated posted here are to be believed, this song is not a fan of de Sade, which would probably come as a surprise to a lot of people who like this.

Also, nice to see this song can still honk off fundamentalists like in did back in the 90s when it first came out.

...or like in the 1790s when "Justine" came out!  I just read the Wiki article on Marquis de Sade and boy...some crazy shit there....sounds like he was a freak to me (also sounds like some of the Game of Thrones stuff that's gotten super popular, eh?)


More like Sadness
If the lyrics and translated posted here are to be believed, this song is not a fan of de Sade, which would probably come as a surprise to a lot of people who like this.

Also, nice to see this song can still honk off fundamentalists like in did back in the 90s when it first came out.

what's a pity ...false religious music with erotic sounds ...damnation for ever !
Thought this was the band Waterbone
Love Enigma.....a solid 8 from me
Hah, hain't heard this tune in many moons.
Takes awful to the next level.
Fantastic playlist, Bill...thanks! Just what I need after three days of babysitting the grandkids! Three girls! {#Eek}
Marquis de Sade-ness
Sade 1980

"Sade"ness? I'm getting a different vibe.
Voulez-vous coucher avec moi Gregorian chant?
I freaking hate this song
Efficiently walks the line of "wildly dated" and "still enjoyable"
Wow. Really brings back some lovely memories - sexy music.
I keep expecting them to say 'mea culpa'...
Imagine the conversation at the record labels HQ.  "So, you want to mix electronica, pipes, beats and Gregorian chants for the popular music charts?". o.0

haha, found this - "He recalled management "fell off their chairs" when he requested it, "but it worked"

Seriously you really do not know anything about music to listen to a shit like that.
This album was the SHIZZEL back in the day! The combo of guitars, techno beat, and Gregorian chants? Who could resist that??
The original Summertime Sadeness song!
Great stuff! Always intrigued by this group.
I finally looked at the lyrics, and I know exactly what she is talking about.  Sade refers to the Marquis de Sade, the French 18th century author. I read him in college, and his books are exactly as described in this song.  It's awesome to see this group calling him out for being what he is.
 icemang wrote:
Doesn't work for this guy right here.

This guy below seems to be digging it:
hot dog
Gregorian chants make him hungry.
 Antigone wrote:
What exactly IS "sadeness"?

  Sade-ness. Perhaps?

What exactly IS "sadeness"?
Well, the moaning is worth the rest of it. Easily.
This song sounds like one of those 'Men's Fragrance' commercials with the pouty models. A parody of itself.
Doesn't work for this guy right here.
Monks in Raybans who really know how to shake it 'till it's sacred. 
 VH1 wrote:
Then I listen rather to the real McCoy, the monks themselves, as this lukewarm concoction from Sandra and her lover. And without him, she would never ever had recorded anything, because she can't sing, but has a lovely "duck" face. {#Stop} for some that is enough! LOL! That's not music, that is simply crap! German Music at its worst! Yuck! {#Beat}{#Ass}

Sandra can't sing? Then, who can? Yourself? {#Cheesygrin}
Party like it's 1991 , or 1691!
Love This!!!! Thanks for playing!!{#Bananasplit}
So 90s. In a good way.{#Cheesygrin}
Then I listen rather to the real McCoy, the monks themselves, as this lukewarm concoction from Sandra and her lover. And without him, she would never ever had recorded anything, because she can't sing, but has a lovely "duck" face. {#Stop} for some that is enough! LOL! That's not music, that is simply crap! German Music at its worst! Yuck! {#Beat}{#Ass}
Love this whole album.
Hah have'nt heard this song in some time. {#Smile} 
Is that a japanese accent in the moans?
Always found this rather unimaginative.
Best...f@cking...music...ever...recorded!  (I mean, best music for f@cking ever recorded.)
11!  {#Biggrin}
Timeless and brilliant, whole album
That beat is nice. Moans are interesting. Chanting is a no go. 
Hmm, Sandra and her sighs. {#Biggrin}
I have a strong association between Enigma and Super Nintendo. This album was often playing in the room while I was playing super mario between classes. ;-)
And you thought it was incense that the monks were burning. {#Lol}

I think I bought this CD or one similar to it at the time.
takes me back to high school....

I was so ahead of my time and ironic.  
 stunix wrote:
Also IMHO, it should be listened to as an album not as tracks.

Right on. I used to love to put this album on and take a long, hot soak in the tub. Maybe I'll do that tonight.
What you have to remember is that at the time this was way different than anything else.   The production quality still holds up 25 years later.   Also IMHO, it should be listened to as an album not as tracks.  the way the tracks link together is as good as the tracks themselves.  Its like prog rock meets triphop in 1990!   try to ignore the pseudo gregorian chant, think of it as a cowbell.    Its more Serge Gainsburgh than that.

How does one insert a minus in front of the rating scale?
This was great. And still is :-)
Takes me way back! Didn't expect this on RP. 
 You got it Steve, I frikkin' hate electronica but I love these guys!

stevedthomas wrote:
Monastic chanting - sexual moans and electronic - and it works ? Somehow!

Wow, I never expected to hear this here!
Brings me way back.
I don't care what anyone says, these monks can jam!
Dear God, no! No, no, no!
Monastic chanting - sexual moans and electronic - and it works ? Somehow!
When I was about 12 my mom bought me a compilation tape of good guitar rock songs like "Smoke on the Water", and oddly this song was on it. I wondered if whoever made it threw this track on as a joke. It was a 1 then and remains unchanged.
 DaidyBoy wrote:
Reminds me of a girlie I knew years ago who did me a mix tape with this on.  She was completely barmy, love her little heart.  Away with the fairies.
I dated her sister. Beautiful, but barmy.

And later their cousin, for that matter. A trend, perhaps?
utter crap
 RoyalTS wrote:
This was german pop-crap back in the eighties, and I have to say: It still is german pop-crap {#Fire}

you are wrong!
The album was titled MCMXC , essentally the clue is in the title dumbass!     Recorded and engineered by a Romanian in a german studio with lyrics in French!

It should also be noted that a great deal of electronic German music has had a big influence over much of the popular music we listen to today, Kraftwerk, Tangerine Dream, Klaus Shultz et al.

"still is"  what? you expected it to change what it is?    I'm sure it made more money than you or I did over the last 15 years.

Anyway, what was wrong with the 80s, everything?  everybody? 
You have to be fucking kidding me
Verry Inteerrrssssting!
 RoyalTS wrote:
This was german pop-crap back in the eighties, and I have to say: It still is german pop-crap {#Fire}

Apparently, I really like German pop-crap.  Who knew?
 RoyalTS wrote:
This was german pop-crap back in the eighties, and I have to say: It still is german pop-crap {#Fire}

A simply amazing song.
This was german pop-crap back in the eighties, and I have to say: It still is german pop-crap {#Fire}
Played this CD a million times. Still nice.
Reminds me of a girlie I knew years ago who did me a mix tape with this on.  She was completely barmy, love her little heart.  Away with the fairies.
Please let me vote 11! :-)
Brings back good memories! In French and Latin.
 KJP wrote:

You should give the rest of the album a shot if you like this song

edit: by "the album" I mean MCMXC AD, not Pure Moods, which was also good.

Ohhh I do have it..I have ALL of Enigma's. haha Pure Moods opened a portal to New Age and really amazing (although sometimes over the top) music! 