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U2 — One Tree Hill (live)
Album: U22
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Total ratings: 1910

Released: 2012
Length: 5:00
Plays (last 30 days): 0
We turn away to face the cold, enduring chill
As the day begs the night for mercy love
The sun so bright it leaves no shadows
Only scars carved into stone
On the face of earth
The moon is up and over One Tree Hill
We see the sun go down in your eyes

You run like river, on like a sea
You run like a river runs to the sea

And in the world a heart of darkness
A fire zone
Where poets speak their heart
Then bleed for it
Jara sang, his song a weapon
In the hands of love
You know his blood still cries
From the ground

It runs like a river runs to the sea
It runs like a river to the sea

I don't believe in painted roses
Or bleeding hearts
While bullets rape the night of the merciful
I'll see you again
When the stars fall from the sky
And the moon has turned red
Over One Tree Hill

We run like a river
Run to the sea
We run like a river to the sea
And when it's raining
Raining hard
That's when the rain will
Break my heart

Raining...raining in the heart
Raining in your heart
Raining...raining to your heart
Raining, raining...raining
Raining to your heart
Raining...raining in your heart
Raining in your heart..
To the sea

Oh great ocean
Oh great sea
Run to the ocean
Run to the sea
Comments (88)add comment
 ecojot wrote:

they do have their moments of brilliance

Yeah, just not this version. They sound awfully tired. 
they do have their moments of brilliance
 Queue wrote:

He says that about all his singing - he can never repeat what he has done before. 
Really resonating today. One of U2's best . . . and that's saying a lot.
Not sure how I feel about the harmony vocal on this. The studio version is one of my favorites from them. And leaving out the instrumental 16 bars before the last verse makes me think this was wedged in to a later set of the show.
This will take me to lunchtime! Great timing RP!
 cosmicjoe54 wrote:

one of the worst concerts I've seen. Sound was crappy.

A bad sound system can ruin a great performance!
 Deep6 wrote:

This is effin' brilliant. I'm a huge fan, and although the album version is stellar, this one just seems to have some additional feel to it. The altered lyrics,  the proximity to One Tree Hill and I suspect the spectre of Greg Caroll's death were weighing  heavy. I don't understand anyone who says this was phoned in, I think at one point Bono's voice quivers with emotion.....yes I'm a fanboy and a huge one at that....but come on....that's real. Thanks Bill!

one of the worst concerts I've seen. Sound was crappy.

I changed my rating from 8 to 9 because compared to today's music we were closer to god than we thought

 NoEnzLefttoSplit wrote:

what is kind of cool is that this is performed at Mt. Smart stadium in Auckland, just a stone's throw from the actual One Tree Hill. 

Yes, I remember it well.  One Tree Hill (Maungakiekie is the Maori name) was sitting above the stage and I seem to remember it being a full moon (but that might be just my imagination).  The crowd went wild when U2 started to play the song.  That was such a good concert.

I have just watched the photo show when the song is playing - all current pictures of One Tree Hill.  There used to be a pine tree next to the monument thus the name of the hill.
What a great version!  It happens, but only rarely when a live rendition ruins me for the studio version.
I'm not generally a fan, but this is an exemplary song and performance.
One of the reasons/songs I've loved this station for years and years.
Every time I hear this incredible song, it stops me in my tracks. The standout track on a stand out album. It's a masterpiece!
 NorthernLad wrote:

The Edge is a master of effects pedals and subtlety.  He can make strings do strange, almost ambient things.  Andy Summers did the same with the Police when the two bands were aiming for supremacy...

Maybe he has a loop pedal.

Love this version of a hidden gem
This is my favorite recording of a very poignant song.  It was on a constant loop in my head as my Mom was passing years ago.  Thanks, Bono and lads
Bono have to be among the best live performers in history. Sounds great and engaged with the stadium audience every single night. Definitely born to be on stage.
Their back catalogue - fantastic
I don't believe in painted roses
Or bleeding hearts
While bullets rape the night of the merciful

This lyric carries more weight, more anger than at the time it was written. 
Now we have thoughts and prayers like we have rain, while bullets continue to rape the innocent. 
How cool is U2?  check out the excerpt from the wikipedia page on One Tree Hill in New Zealand:

Irish rock band U2 wrote a song about the hill, "One Tree Hill", which appeared on their album The Joshua Tree. It was written to honour New Zealander Greg Carroll, an employee of the band who died in a motorcycle accident in Dublin on 3 July 1986.
 cely wrote:
It sounds like The Edge is playing rhythm and lead at the same time on this.  Or is there someone backing him up?  I don't see how you could do both.

I have read that Dallas his guitar tech at times will play back up from under the stage or side stage. 
 nicknt wrote:
All in all a little boring, like 80% of U2 songs.
Yep. Had too much U2 in my life...
Solid and simply excellent 😌
Another one of the very few songs that I'd rate higher than 10 if such a scale existed here.

Suggestion to BillG: allow each user a limited number of 11s (or 20s? 100s?). Maybe just 5 or 10 each (or just 1?).... once we've eached maxed out, we would have to drop one of our 11s to pick a new one... could be fun to see where the 11s land. 
All in all a little boring, like 80% of U2 songs.
 jmsmy wrote:
Bill always finds these great versions of songs
yeah. solid 11.
I've liked U2 for a long time. But the music is not timeless for me. Time to play something different.
 NorthernLad wrote:

The Edge is a master of effects pedals and subtlety.  He can make strings do strange, almost ambient things.  Andy Summers did the same with the Police when the two bands were aiming for supremacy...

I'm pretty sure that Summers would still be a great guitarist without the pedals, not sure if the same can be said for Howell.
Bill always finds these great versions of songs
 Laptopdog wrote:
For as long as this band has been around, and as many albums they've put out, I never understood why they never released a live album. This 'Live U22' wasn't an official release, but for fan club members only. Someone else mentioned it was on Amazon for $200?! WTH!
Under a Blood Red Sky 
Reminds me why I love U2.
this one is never as been .... 
 cely wrote:
It sounds like The Edge is playing rhythm and lead at the same time on this.  Or is there someone backing him up?  I don't see how you could do both.
The Edge is a master of effects pedals and subtlety.  He can make strings do strange, almost ambient things.  Andy Summers did the same with the Police when the two bands were aiming for supremacy...
It sounds like The Edge is playing rhythm and lead at the same time on this.  Or is there someone backing him up?  I don't see how you could do both.
 h8rhater wrote:

Kind of clueless compared to someone who actually listened.
I agree.  The album version is excellent.  Bono just sounds a little tired on this one.  
versão fantástica!
 Laptopdog wrote:
For as long as this band has been around, and as many albums they've put out, I never understood why they never released a live album. This 'Live U22' wasn't an official release, but for fan club members only. Someone else mentioned it was on Amazon for $200?! WTH!
Rattle & Hum.
For as long as this band has been around, and as many albums they've put out, I never understood why they never released a live album. This 'Live U22' wasn't an official release, but for fan club members only. Someone else mentioned it was on Amazon for $200?! WTH!
Glad to hear this version.  

Wish it was something available on iTunes.  I found it to be from an album called U22.  $199 on Amazon.

I appreciate your playing versions that are not generally available.

I immediately recognized it as a recording I had not heard before.  Wish I could listen to it again on demand!

 agd3 wrote:
I saw them play this live in 1987 when Bono broke his arm.  Still amazing all those many years later.  Wow!


  Bono used to sing before
I saw them play this live in 1987 when Bono broke his arm.  Still amazing all those many years later.  Wow!
Oh my gosh.. I've heard this every day for a week now. While I like the song. oof
 Deep6 wrote:AGREED Deep6! {#Bounce}
This is effin' brilliant. I'm a huge fan, and although the album version is stellar, this one just seems to have some additional feel to it. The altered lyrics,  the proximity to One Tree Hill and I suspect the spectre of Greg Caroll's death were weighing  heavy. I don't understand anyone who says this was phoned in, I think at one point Bono's voice quivers with emotion.....yes I'm a fanboy and a huge one at that....but come on....that's real. Thanks Bill!


 mrselfdestruct wrote:
Kind of phoned this one in compared to the album version.

Kind of clueless compared to someone who actually listened.
This. This is real rock, kick-ass, live music. Deal with it, people!
This is effin' brilliant. I'm a huge fan, and although the album version is stellar, this one just seems to have some additional feel to it. The altered lyrics,  the proximity to One Tree Hill and I suspect the spectre of Greg Caroll's death were weighing  heavy. I don't understand anyone who says this was phoned in, I think at one point Bono's voice quivers with emotion.....yes I'm a fanboy and a huge one at that....but come on....that's real. Thanks Bill!
what is kind of cool is that this is performed at Mt. Smart stadium in Auckland, just a stone's throw from the actual One Tree Hill. 
 kingart wrote:
Dynamic and vibrant live performance — but I prefer the studio version. It's more intimate and evocative. 

 yeshetarchin wrote:
please play the studio version instead please {#No}

Kind of phoned this one in compared to the album version.
Ah perfect - RP has a rating titled 'Ho Hum'
What recording is this?
Dynamic and vibrant live performance — but I prefer the studio version. It's more intimate and evocative. 
 keymaster wrote:

Well, the song was recorded something like 25 years before this live show, so his voice is not going to be able to hit those notes anymore.  Age and all the singing in between just took a toll on his vocal range, which it does to pretty much all singers.  With that in mind, this is a pretty good version, and has a lot of heart in it still.  And, they adapted pretty well, with a big guitar solo over the part where he screams a lot in the original.

Apparently he only had one in him (from Wikipedia, fwiw):  

The vocals were recorded in a single take, as Bono felt incapable of singing them a second time.

 dickmahoon wrote:
Probably the lowest rating I've ever given a band.

And I like U2.   They sound bored and tired.

They might be.  Expectations will screw you every time.
please play the studio version instead please {#No}
dickmahoon wrote:
Probably the lowest rating I've ever given a band.

And I like U2.   They sound bored and tired.

Definitely the lowest rating I've ever given a band. I mean, I'd give it lower if I could, but RP won't let me go lower than a 1.

And I don't like U2. They've always sounded bored and tired. 
Still one of my favorites  .  .  . great sounding Edge guitar and vocals! 
Probably the lowest rating I've ever given a band.

And I like U2.   They sound bored and tired.
Sorry - I don't like this version at all.  The studio cut is one of my all-time favorite play-it-loud tunes, but this sounds like the early rehearsal of a U2 cover band.  Sounds like he's phoning it in and not particularly into it. 

 coloradojohn wrote:
Having seen them twice, in 1983 and 2001, this stirs my heart and moves my soul. It does a great job of capturing some of the feelings experienced in the thrall of the spell of their finest music, surely among the best feelings to be had in this life... Bravo, U2 & thanks RP!

So nicely put. Tough to recapture the chills from 30 years ago (or more...)
Got mine!!!!
Tickets on sale in the next couple weeks for the Joshua Tree tour. Only 16 dates in the US.
He sounds really good here!
I have never heard of this U22 live album. 

I like this. 
 miahfost wrote:
Wow. He completely cannot hit the notes he hits on the record live. Either his voice is in rough shape after touring, or they're doing a lot of takes in the studio to get it right. Without that high register stuff from the studio, the song doesn't have the same emotional resonance and power. Dude can sing when he's feelin' it though.

Well, the song was recorded something like 25 years before this live show, so his voice is not going to be able to hit those notes anymore.  Age and all the singing in between just took a toll on his vocal range, which it does to pretty much all singers.  With that in mind, this is a pretty good version, and has a lot of heart in it still.  And, they adapted pretty well, with a big guitar solo over the part where he screams a lot in the original.
Having seen them twice, in 1983 and 2001, this stirs my heart and moves my soul. It does a great job of capturing some of the feelings experienced in the thrall of the spell of their finest music, surely among the best feelings to be had in this life... Bravo, U2 & thanks RP!
 SchoepTone wrote:
Easily a 10 for me. One of their very best.

Amen - and what a kickass version!
Easily a 10 for me. One of their very best.
Written for their Maori friend and roadie who died in a motorcycle accident.  Beautiful.
Never heard this version before. I'm enjoying it!
LOVE this live version! Bono's voice is so clear. Even better than the real thing.
See what I did there? 
Love this band and have seen and enjoyed many live shows, but this recording of this great tune sounds a little lifeless to me.

I think its hard to compare because Bono's original performance packed such a huge emotional wallop. 
 miahfost wrote:
Wow. He completely cannot hit the notes in this live recording that he hits on the record. Either his voice is in rough shape after touring, or they're doing a lot of takes in the studio to get it right. Without that high register stuff from the studio, the song doesn't have the same emotional resonance and power. Dude can sing when he's feelin' it though.


Wow. He completely cannot hit the notes he hits on the record live. Either his voice is in rough shape after touring, or they're doing a lot of takes in the studio to get it right. Without that high register stuff from the studio, the song doesn't have the same emotional resonance and power. Dude can sing when he's feelin' it though.
All hail the deluded marching dwarf. 
Everybody in my mushrooming multitude of churches be dancing buck ass naked all across the holy moly world like bowlegged gypsy muleskinners and B.F. Skinner...

we love this splendiferous live version...  such haunting elemental imagery in this song...

love sex, drugs, and rock 'n roll...

One tree hill

 raulman1 wrote:
I've never heard this live version of One Tree Hill — and I'm liking it. {#Jump}
I've never heard this live version of One Tree Hill -- and I'm liking it. {#Jump}
 Tears like a river....