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Red Hot Chili Peppers — Stadium Arcadium
Album: Stadium Arcadium
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Total ratings: 1363

Released: 2006
Length: 5:11
Plays (last 30 days): 4
Bells around Saint Petersburg
When I saw you
I hope I get what you deserve
And this is where I find
Smoke surrounds your perfect face
And I'm falling
Pushing a broom out into space
And this where I find the way
The stadium arcadium
A mirror to the moon (a mirror to the moon)
Well I'm forming and I'm warning
State of the art
Until the clouds come crashing
Stranger things have happened
Both before and after noon (before and after noon)
Well I'm forming and I'm warning
Pushin' myself
And no I don't mind asking
Alone inside my forest room
And it's storming
I never thought I'd be in bloom
But this is where I start
Derelict days and the stereo plays
For the all night crowd
That it cannot phase
And I'm calling
Tedious weeds that the media breeds
But the animal gets what the animal needs
And I'm sorry
The stadium arcadium
A mirror to the moon (a mirror to the moon)
Well I'm forming and I'm warning
State of the art
Until the clouds come crashing
Stranger things have happened
Both before and after noon (before and after noon)
Well I'm forming and I'm warming
Pushin' myself
And no I don't mind asking
And this is where I find
Rays of dust that wrap around
Your citizen
Kind enough to disavow
And this is where I stand
The stadium arcadium
A mirror to the moon (a mirror to the moon)
Well I'm forming and I'm warning
State of the art
Until the clouds come crashing
Stranger things have happened
Both before and after noon (before and after noon)
And I'm forming and I'm warning
Pushin' myself
And no I don't mind asking
The stadium arcadium
A mirror to the moon (a mirror to the moon)
Well I'm forming and I'm warning
State of the art
Until the clouds come crashing
Stranger things have happened
Both before and after noon (before and after noon)
Well I'm forming and I'm warning
To you
Comments (110)add comment
Kiedis sounds as bored as I do with this.

Not Mother's Milk is it?
Sounds like all their stuff. Not innovative, just boring.
 acolt wrote:

This one is solidly meh.

 ace-marc wrote:
Bill, any song rated 5 or less needs to be deleted.
Your listeners are wise.
This song had a sub-5 rating at one point?  Holy crap, that's vicious.  I mean this is a decent enough song, it may not be Pink Floyd but it's not mainstream commercial crap and is performed quite well.
Never shuts up, never says anything.
This one is solidly meh.
i enjoy their funky tunes a lot more...
 TJOpootertoot wrote:
Every time these guys try to write a song with a melody (or, even more ambitiously, have Kiedis attempt to sing one) I want to slap them on the back and give them some points for effort. Keep trying, boys! One day you'll get there!

 neptunejeff wrote:
I have to admit, most of the Chilli Peppers stuff is
quite good, especially compared to the music on 
Alt-Rock stations today
The peps ROCK! I hope you're one of the lucky few who used to see the early days... small bars in Long Beach or wherev they could play, that's how I fell for them at first... up close and personal. I've seen them so many times I lost count.
I have to admit, most of the Chilli Peppers stuff is
quite good, especially compared to the music on 
Alt-Rock stations today
 Stevo wrote:
jah_blessed wrote:
Amen! I really dig this album, although I have to say two CDs of music is a bit much. But, hey, you can always rip the tracks and construct your own playlist. (Which I did.)
I agree. I like a few choice songs, but as a whole the album is a bit too long. Still, I'm not sorry I purchased it...
Yeah, like, I know right?  Nobody likes to get twice as much at no additional cost.  Who do these tatooed gentlemen think they are?

Maybe this could be rewritten as follows, "I really dig this album and I have to say 2 CDs of music provides so much variety for the RHCP fan.  I found my favorites and built a playlist.  Others can make different choices and be just as happy or, better yet, enjoy the entire collection."
Every time these guys try to write a song with a melody (or, even more ambitiously, have Kiedis attempt to sing one) I want to slap them on the back and give them some points for effort. Keep trying, boys! One day you'll get there!
 jah_blessed wrote:
Good track, but they went overboard with the album. Seems made for ripping to MP3 and building your own playlist. There's definitely a good, normal-length album scattered throughout the 28 tracks.
Actually, 2.
I had rated that as a 4 previously - I think I assumed it was the original, rated it based on loathing the rap (I *rarely* give a low rating), and hit PSD. This time stuck through it and LOVE this remix - this is what the original should have been.
Bill, any song rated 5 or less needs to be deleted.
Your listeners are wise.
 junebaby65 wrote:
I wish he'd try to stop singing. He can't.  Aren't any of the RHCP songs that are played on this site upbeat?  All I hear is MOR dreck.  I thought these guys were supposed to be a Funk/Punk party band??

He can too sing, and better than any number of singers with no-so-great voices. 

But I do think their cover of Higher Ground would be right up Bill's alley to drop after a Stevie Wonder song. Probably a smidge to heavy for this station though.

But man I love that version.
 junebaby65 wrote:
I wish he'd try to stop singing. He can't.  Aren't any of the RHCP songs that are played on this site upbeat?  All I hear is MOR dreck.  I thought these guys were supposed to be a Funk/Punk party band??

Actually, the vocals are quite good on this tune...
I was a big fan way back when with Uplift Mofo Party Plan and Mother's Milk.  But after that....not so much.  Things got really boring and bland, much like this song.  {#Undecided}
I wish he'd try to stop singing. He can't.  Aren't any of the RHCP songs that are played on this site upbeat?  All I hear is MOR dreck.  I thought these guys were supposed to be a Funk/Punk party band??
love this song. SA is such an underated album.
 jambo wrote:
i started to diss them then listened to this.
What are you, some kind of rebel?  
i started to diss them then listened to this. i like it. at least a 7
  dang I kinda like this one.. {#Music}
RobK wrote:
new stuff has been getting lots of play on FM radio and it all just sounds very blah to me. Any longtime Chili Pepper fans out there who disagree? Am I wrong?
i had the same impression as you til a fellow longtime fan brought me the whole album to hear... the problem is which tracks are getting played on FM (and here, surprisingly) ... check it out - now i'm ashamed for dissing without listening
From 3 to 2. Keep this up and it will end up a 1. Can't see how a 5.2 rated song gets so much air time.
Ok, enough of this....RP just isn't the venue. "Dig it out of the crates" in about six years again, please?
Nice. One person's "over this band" is another person's discovery,
RobK wrote:
I guess I'm about to make my first ever negative comment on RP, and it's simply this: I'm really over this band. I don't think any of their new stuff sounds good at all. Not that they haven't always been a bit more hype than substance, but they have written some pretty damn good rockin' songs in their time. This new stuff has been getting lots of play on FM radio and it all just sounds very blah to me. Any longtime Chili Pepper fans out there who disagree? Am I wrong?
jah_blessed wrote:
Been a fan since Mother's Milk (Stone Cold Bush!) and I still like them. Didn't pay much attention during the Frusciante-less phase, but found Californication a glorious comeback. Everyone is bashing them because they've become mainstream and it seems the music itself isn't even a factor. ("I heard them on FM so they suck, I'm not special anymore for liking them but bashing them will at least raise my indie cred, Pitchfork says they suck, boo hoo", you get the idea.) Well, I think they're still good, only much mellower, but that's inevitable given their age. 2 discs of music is a bit much, I'll agree with that.
I'm speaking mainly of this album. I did think they did good work on Californication but what I've heard on the FM radio (so take it with a grain of salt) has been boring to me.
RobK wrote:
Any longtime Chili Pepper fans out there who disagree? Am I wrong?
Been a fan since Mother's Milk (Stone Cold Bush!) and I still like them. Didn't pay much attention during the Frusciante-less phase, but found Californication a glorious comeback. Everyone is bashing them because they've become mainstream and it seems the music itself isn't even a factor. ("I heard them on FM so they suck, I'm not special anymore for liking them but bashing them will at least raise my indie cred, Pitchfork says they suck, boo hoo", you get the idea.) Well, I think they're still good, only much mellower, but that's inevitable given their age. 2 discs of music is a bit much, I'll agree with that.
lophrequa wrote:
waiter, please take this flat Pepsi back to the kitchen and bring me a glass of Mother's Milk
Ha, that was clever. I guess I'm about to make my first ever negative comment on RP, and it's simply this: I'm really over this band. I don't think any of their new stuff sounds good at all. Not that they haven't always been a bit more hype than substance, but they have written some pretty damn good rockin' songs in their time. This new stuff has been getting lots of play on FM radio and it all just sounds very blah to me. Any longtime Chili Pepper fans out there who disagree? Am I wrong?
Is he talking about his big head or little head?
freddyfender wrote:
What an asinine statement from a weenie suburbanite who has no idea of the horrors associated with addiction. Regarding the music, I think this is an excellent album.
Addiction is so "IN" right now. Everybody's doin' it. C'mon, a little smack won't hurt 'ya, Fraidy-Cat!
Wow! These guys must have done something really bad to piss everyone off. Judging from the 5.2 average rating and the nasty comments I don't think this song is THAT bad...
lophrequa wrote:
waiter, please take this flat Pepsi back to the kitchen and bring me a glass of Mother's Milk
I do have to say this track left me rather underwhelmed too.
The song overall is alright . . . standard peppers . . . but the ambient jam in the bridge is awesome. Didn't expect to hear that from them.
waiter, please take this flat Pepsi back to the kitchen and bring me a glass of Mother's Milk
annanyc wrote:
I agree that smack is bad. And while it's ok for bands to evolve and grow out of the angry phases and get more mellow, whats NOT ok with me regarding the peppers is that all of their music has come to sound the same. Another repeat of that same melodic and rhythmic style. So, write a new tune, and I'm back on board.
hmm...didn't these guys usedta rock, and wear socks on their penises? well, it's a pretty song, anyway. 6.
If this is where rock rolls today,I rather listen to old Blues!
Pyro wrote:
just kinda boring.
jah_blessed wrote:
Amen! I really dig this album, although I have to say two CDs of music is a bit much. But, hey, you can always rip the tracks and construct your own playlist. (Which I did.)
I agree. I like a few choice songs, but as a whole the album is a bit too long. Still, I'm not sorry I purchased it...
pyxxel wrote:
People like bashing bands for their images or names... can't do anything about it. Same reason why any old crap by Dylan or Hendrix is rated 2-3 points too high by the same kinda people. it's some sort of "acclaim bonus system" at work. I just rate what I hear and don'T give a toss about names and reputation.
Amen! I really dig this album, although I have to say two CDs of music is a bit much. But, hey, you can always rip the tracks and construct your own playlist. (Which I did.)
calray wrote:
i dont really like most of the chili peppers albums but i love this new one... i dont understand why it gets so panned by RP listeners... i guess it came on late in the afternoon today - wake up guys! this is the best RHCP in years...
People like bashing bands for their images or names... can't do anything about it. Same reason why any old crap by Dylan or Hendrix is rated 2-3 points too high by the same kinda people. it's some sort of "acclaim bonus system" at work. I just rate what I hear and don'T give a toss about names and reputation.
I agree that smack is bad. And while it's ok for bands to evolve and grow out of the angry phases and get more mellow, whats NOT ok with me regarding the peppers is that all of their music has come to sound the same. Another repeat of that same melodic and rhythmic style. So, write a new tune, and I'm back on board.
jayvee2 wrote:
Lyricum Supidium.
This would be a lot funnier with the "t" in there. -mt-
calray wrote:
i dont understand why it gets so panned by RP listeners...
Because it's plodding and dull? At least that's why I hate it.
AphidA wrote:
RHCP just keeps getting worse and worse ...wish they'd start doing smack again.
What an asinine statement from a weenie suburbanite who has no idea of the horrors associated with addiction. Regarding the music, I think this is an excellent album.
i dont really like most of the chili peppers albums but i love this new one... i dont understand why it gets so panned by RP listeners... i guess it came on late in the afternoon today - wake up guys! this is the best RHCP in years...
Lyricum Supidium.
I know everyone mellows with age, but this is a bit too mellow. And when I say mellow, I really mean bland.
You guys are too rough...I like it. Its mature and they are singing from where they are now... We can't stay young and angry forever. We have to move on. That means you too.
Oh wow its the "lite-n-mild bananna peppers". They must be getting old.
RichardPrins wrote:
Stadium Inanium?
Uranium Iranian? Fading'em Badrating'em. 4.
Tepid at best. This is like some bizarro, AARP version of the Chillis. They are going a bit too gently (and slowly) into that good night.
Yup... Tedium, Ad Nauseum. I remember turning the volume UP for the chilies.
Leetzy wrote:
Monotonous and uninspired. I'm all for bands evolving into new sounds, but I think they're going the wrong way.
Past their prime and run out of ideas. Too bad.
Leetzy wrote:
Monotonous and uninspired. I'm all for bands evolving into new sounds, but I think they're going the wrong way.
I agree with MONTONOUS AND UNINSPIRED, but i don't understand where they have evolved at all. when you can hear songs from the 90's within their new stuff, that's when they STOP GETTING PLAYED ON RP! PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!
Art_Carnage wrote:
Tedium Arcadium would be more descriptive.
Stadium Inanium?
Whoah weird -- first line of this song mentions St. Petersburg. . .and that last Supergrass song was called St. Petersburg. Coincidence? Or Red scare? Damn commies.
Tedium Arcadium would be more descriptive.
I bought this album earlier this month, I'm not overly impressed with this song. There are only two tracks from the two albums I actually like enough to play more than once.
Monotonous and uninspired. I'm all for bands evolving into new sounds, but I think they're going the wrong way.
I know artists evolve and all, but very little they have done since Blood Sugar Sex Magik, has felt very inspired. It's like they just go the formula book out for Adult Album Rock and started making payments on the mansions. I wish they would go back to not killing coyotes...If it takes getting them hooked on smack again let's take up a collection
SWEET! This RHCP album is SOLID.
If you've been eating your fiber it's solid, if not it's kind of squishy.
It sounds like most of the people who dislike the song were fans of the old RHCP - I guess because I was 10 at the time and my mommy didn't let me listen to such music, I can like the two styles independently?
cattgirl813 wrote:
To me, everything they've done after their "Higher Ground" remake has been boring. Too bad. They're so much more talented than what they're putting out.
They may have found the bottom of their once formidable well of talent. Tapped-out!
Can't say it's horrible, but I have no problem with saying it's BORING!
i used to LOVE them, but i think this is plain old boring. where's the funk? we want the funk!
Sorry, Anthony. Keep this and give us more like "True Men Don't Kill Coyotes" from the first album. Yeah, maybe it was the smack talking, but the mellow bent from some formerly innovative rockers is a decline in my view. Maybe it's because they're acceptable in the outside world of shitty radio...which means more $ for the band.
CCinSB wrote:
What's an Arcadiam?
Easy. A misspelling of the second word in the title of the worst album of 2006.
What's an Arcadiam?
RHCP just keeps getting worse and worse ...wish they'd start doing smack again.
Thier music just keeps getting better and better...
ObsidianInfinity wrote:
No more Californication crap .. just good music.
Actually, this song sounds a lot like Californication. Especially that guitar riff.
sorry. can't stand these guys.
This song is a decent 5 for me. Nothing more. Not their best for sure..
ObsidianInfinity wrote:
...No more Californication crap ... just good music.
Pardon...there are those of us who feel that Californiacation following the long awaited return of John Frusciante, is the Chili Peppers best album since Blood Sugar Sex Magik...he is such an integral part of there sound. Commercial success does not = shite...quit being a pretentious music snob!
BillG wrote:
Last play before this - Sat. afternoon, before that Thursday morning. So this is the third play in a week, about average for something brand new.
I believe you, but I could've swore you played this song, this week, once a day. Maybe I'm going crazy, or my brain picks up crappy Top 40 stations.
SWEET! This RHCP album is SOLID.
kame wrote:
Bill... are you trying to kill this song? I think I've heard it every day this week, and it's really not that great a song. Ho hum at best. Oh my god, they're chasing guitar sounds around the left and right channel, that's NEVER been done before!
Last play before this - Sat. afternoon, before that Thursday morning. So this is the third play in a week, about average for something brand new.
hippiechick wrote:
Greg Kot, music review for the Chi Trib and Rolling Stone, gave this album a very unenthusiastic review. Anybody buy it yet? Any good?
AMG's Steve Erlewine gassed it; WPost's Allison Stewart gushed. I've only listened to it completely through a couple of times, and my take is that it's somewhere in between. (How's that for safe?) Frusciante plays better than he ever has. Flea outdoes himself. It doesn't have the transcendent funk of their early stuff, but, dig it, they're all in their mid-40s now, and growing up probably isn't the worst thing that will happen to them. FWIW, I've backtracked a few times to rehear cuts. That's ordinarily the sign of a disc with some staying power.
YAWN... if the rest of the album is like this, I'll pass.
There are so many comments here about this song being "boring". I disagree. Sure, it may be slower than most of the stuff they've done in 10 years, but I think thats exactly why its good. I feel like they have finally returned to the ground. No more Californication crap .. just good music.
I like this one. Sounds a bit like "Sky Rocket in Flight (Afternoon Delight)"
Bill... are you trying to kill this song? I think I've heard it every day this week, and it's really not that great a song. Ho hum at best. Oh my god, they're chasing guitar sounds around the left and right channel, that's NEVER been done before!
Is bill trying to get a rise out us by overplaying this album? I've heard quite enough already. Other comments I've posted reflect my disappointment with this band in like, forever.
More like Snore-ium Bore-ium.
bindi wrote:
I don't usually like the Chili Peppers, but I like this - is the rest of the CD good?
You can hear the whole double-disc from this link I picked up on another bulletin board: Stadium Arcadium It's from AOL Music and called "Full CD Listening Party." It says "hear the latest albums, track by track, before you buy them." It streams the entire double-disc. There are 25 other CDs there too. The time is limited.
pgarner wrote:
crickey they are really boring these days eh?
To me, everything they've done after their "Higher Ground" remake has been boring. Too bad. They're so much more talented than what they're putting out.
Never liked this band. I know their stuff is sort of catchy/bouncy but I can't think of one lyric that has stayed with me even after 20 years of them making music.
pgarner wrote:
crickey they are really boring these days eh?
And this songs gets more boring with each listen.
Picked this CD up yesterday. Anthony's vocals are the best they've ever been -- Incredible range from funkiest funk to thoughtful "ballads" like this. Can ya tell I'm a hardcore RHCP fan?
I'm sorry, but this is just terrible. No inspiration, over-produced, sickeningly poppy. This is such a stark contrast to their fantastic 90's stuff.
Again, a lot of changing music time for the RHCP. May be labeled in time as over produced?
Okay their first single is not their best song, this one's much better, but oh man, the album is AWESOME... Snow ((Hey Oh)) is my favourite. Quoting Flea,
This is by far the best thing we've ever done and we're very very proud of it
From the tracks I've heard so far, which have only been a few, the guitar work sounds very inspired, but the rest of the band/songs seem less so?
pgarner wrote:
crickey they are really boring these days eh?
I've always followed and enjoyed the Peppers (especially their old stuff of course) but what is it with their penchant for whimsical song titles? "Stadium Arcadium?" What the hell is that? "Kalifornication?" Do they feel they have to come up with these to give their songs some extra cachet?
I don't usually like the Chili Peppers, but I like this - is the rest of the CD good?
crickey they are really boring these days eh?
Good track, but they went overboard with the album. Seems made for ripping to MP3 and building your own playlist. There's definitely a good, normal-length album scattered throughout the 28 tracks.
i remember the chilli peppers playing live in the movie 'thrashing'. haha.. am i the only one who saw that movie?
Good song off the new album but not the best IMHO. I have listened to all 28 songs and there is some great stuff. "hard to Concentrate" "Death to a Martian" "Hey Oh" are quite good.
Great Album! I like it the more often i hear it!
Am liking this better than the first single...
Greg Kot, music review for the Chi Trib and Rolling Stone, gave this album a very unenthusiastic review. Anybody buy it yet? Any good?