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Album: Carnival 99
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Total ratings: 3703

Released: 1999
Length: 7:12
Plays (last 30 days): 2
Comments (263)add comment
"hey, don't take those man"....
"too late i already took 'em"
Cheech and Chong Clip - Take These 
 meatmike wrote:

But, do you understand the skill it took to play this?  It's a good song and it's played amazingly well.

it's not that hard to play if you have a drummer who can count to 5 
7,3 yeah man totally original - better than Future Islands even, fuck!
i hear coffee percolating 

 rbrise wrote:

563,789.72 at last count not including unrecorded spontaneous performances...great question

there are 5/4 good covers

 Kajukenbo wrote:

Ya know, this is nice. I hope you are all enjoying it. : )

Yes! This rendition is very good!  Bruebeck is BEST.  The Chet Adkins version is 2nd best ( it is on the RP Playlist).  Thanx RP!  
Ya know, this is nice. I hope you are all enjoying it. : )
 meatmike wrote:

But, do you understand the skill it took to play this?  It's a good song and it's played amazingly well.

Of course I understand the skill! The skill doesn't make it good to listen to. The original on the other hand SOUNDS  much better. And the SKILL to WRITE it in the first place!!!
Nice cover!  Composed by Paul Desmond . Chet Atkins does a superb version of this, also. Chet's version is the 2nd best that I have ever heard! It is on the RP playlist.  Of course, Brubeck & Desmond do it best!! Check out Chet's version, it is well worth it!!   Thanx RP!   
More like take 10 am I right?
I'm a pianist and the guy playing piano is NOT hitting the pulse.  It sounds like a MIDI piano anyway, which doesn't help.
Meh.  Catchy, but pales in comparison.

If you gonna cover standards, better be ready for such comparisons
A bunch of bad-@$$ Mother Pluckers... 
 ziggytrix wrote:

"A society free to borrow and build upon the past is culturally richer than a controlled one." - Lawrence Lessig

 yashpheh wrote:

How many Take Five covers are there anyway?

563,789.72 at last count not including unrecorded spontaneous performances...great question
 meatmike wrote:

But, do you understand the skill it took to play this?  It's a good song and it's played amazingly well.

Agree these are very capable musicians who applied their ample skills to this piece.   But I question the argument of  "well, this was very difficult and they played it amazingly well".  You never hear that argument applied to art (e.g. we should appreciate that painting because the technical work is amazingly well done!). It may be, but the painting may  still lose us.  I suspect some listeners are missing the joy, the whimsy, the playfulness of the original, while recognizing it is indeed very well played.   
 Mackmoney3000 wrote:

The comments on RP that logically end with "I think the original was too precious to cover" mystify me. All culture is built on remixed and rehashed previous work. Nothing is worthy of saying "this cultural object shall be preserved and inaccessible for all time".

"A society free to borrow and build upon the past is culturally richer than a controlled one." - Lawrence Lessig
I just up the rating 1 point because of their band name
This is a really nice cover. 

They could have 'cheesed it up".   But they don't.

And it's live.  
This is a perfectly acceptable cover, but I don't understand why it deserves to supercede the orginal here on RP --  and why it is played so often.
this song reminds me of the time my gramma taught me how they make string cheese..she unwrapped five kraft singles put them all in her mouth and squeezed the cheese out onto my sammich from between her missing teeth..good times,thank you gramma and the string cheese incident too i guess.
 dmcanany wrote:

I love knowledgeable comments on RP. RIght on. 
This is a guitar attempt.  Pretty good.
 Proclivities wrote:

I agree with your sentiment; what's the point of doing a cover and wanting it to be "close to" the original, unless you were specifically told to do so?  It's good version of a song which lends itself to many interpretations.  However, Dave Brubeck did not write this tune; it was composed by the saxophonist, Paul Desmond.
I love knowledgeable comments on RP. RIght on. 
Truly excellent band name.
 unclehud wrote:

You should have heard our high school marching band play it.  We ROCKED it, brother!
unclehud, that would have been really challenging to march to, I would imagine, with a 5/4 meter! Kudos to your conductor!
 Punkysoup wrote:
Shame about the cover. Looks like someone made it in Microsoft Paint.

 Proclivities wrote:

I agree with your sentiment; what's the point of doing a cover and wanting it to be "close to" the original, unless you were specifically told to do so?  It's good version of a song which lends itself to many interpretations.  However, Dave Brubeck did not write this tune; it was composed by the saxophonist, Paul Desmond.
The comments on RP that logically end with "I think the original was too precious to cover" mystify me. All culture is built on remixed and rehashed previous work. Nothing is worthy of saying "this cultural object shall be preserved and inaccessible for all time".
This is a great cover. 

Kind of trippy, ain't it? 
 Proclivities wrote:

I agree with your sentiment; what's the point of doing a cover and wanting it to be "close to" the original, unless you were specifically told to do so?  It's good version of a song which lends itself to many interpretations.  However, Dave Brubeck did not write this tune; it was composed by the saxophonist, Paul Desmond.

never mind.
Don't know why, but I always associated this band Wisconsin.
But Wiki says they are from Colorado.

Cheesehead emoji needed.
 lizardking wrote:

Agreed, though for me, the original is slightly more than slightly better....this one's an 8 for me and the original is a 10...Long Live RP!!
A great cover of one of the best songs on the planet at any given time.
Keep  these amazing  covers  coming RP. A 9er at my house of blues.
Funny how this emphasizes my love for the original.  That doesn' always happen.  Something about this feels "smooth jazz."  It would be okay on the Cracker Barrell sound system.  But all respect to the brilliant musicians.
Is that bongo's I hear in the back-ground? 

Otherwise not bad.  Not great but not "get 'er outta here" bad.

American Net'Zen
Thanks RP for the distraction you provide in March 2020. I'm fortunate enough to be able to work from home in my lovely picture framing studio. Still have 4 weeks worth of work to complete before it potentially dries up. Radio Paradise plays along in the background, giving me some consulation to these troubled times. 
thanks for taking me away from today bill
 meatmike wrote:

But, do you understand the skill it took to play this?  It's a good song and it's played amazingly well.

YES! This is an amazing performance!!! 

 sqqqrly wrote:
How come I never tire of this song?   Any version... DB's is slightly better though.
You should have heard our high school marching band play it.  We ROCKED it, brother!
Eh, the album cover, the band's web site and Wikipedia all list the band's name as "The String Cheese Incident", not just "String Cheese Incident".
Just sayin'.
No need to confuse them with some ordinary run of the mill common SCI, even if there might be dozens of them.

Nice cover version BTW.
Shame about the cover. Looks like someone made it in Microsoft Paint.
I liked when they were covering Just Like Tom Thumbs Blues around 2000 like at Horning's Hideout for incidence -
For a original check out 'Round the Wheel -    
 sqqqrly wrote:
How come I never tire of this song?   Any version... DB's is slightly better though.
Agreed, though for me, the original is slightly more than slightly better....this one's an 8 for me and the original is a 10...Long Live RP!!
How come I never tire of this song?   Any version... DB's is slightly better though.
After listening to this classic jazz track on this grey, wet and soggy winter day in the Pacific Northwest, I felt that going from a 5 to 7 was just ticket. Great musix for getting your head of your ass...
 Jelani wrote:
Tweaked and Tinkled and Plinked to death. I dislike this very much.
 I could do without the horses clodding along in the background.
Dave's version much superior.

 Jelani wrote:

Yes, I do understand and appreciate the skill it took to play this. My comment(and rating) has to do with the application of that skill, not the skill itself.

A very respectful cover of Dave Brubek's  original. 
 meatmike wrote:

But, do you understand the skill it took to play this?  It's a good song and it's played amazingly well.
Yes, I do understand and appreciate the skill it took to play this. My comment(and rating) has to do with the application of that skill, not the skill itself.
 Jelani wrote:
Tweaked and Tinkled and Plinked to death. I dislike this very much.

Indeed. Very unneeded. But gets a 5
 Jelani wrote:
Tweaked and Tinkled and Plinked to death. I dislike this very much.

But, do you understand the skill it took to play this?  It's a good song and it's played amazingly well.
7. Makes me miss Paul Desmond's alto sax. (RIP)
... OK, it's is growing on me...  8
Tweaked and Tinkled and Plinked to death. I dislike this very much.
 malamucha wrote:

Hi from Scotland,

You can buy music in flac from their website:


I haven't tried it yet but it looks fine. If you would like a live shows there are lots of them recorded by fans on archive.org:

https://archive.org/details/StringCheeseIncident you can choose different formats, free and great quality.


Hi Malamucha,

I have to buy the album if I want a FLAC version, but the price is correct

 Lio67 wrote:
Hi from France, 

Does anyone know where I can buy this track in FLAC or lossless quality ?

I had tried on Tidal, but only full album available in mp3 {#Frown} 



Hi from Scotland,

You can buy music in flac from their website:


I haven't tried it yet but it looks fine. If you would like a live shows there are lots of them recorded by fans on archive.org:

https://archive.org/details/StringCheeseIncident you can choose different formats, free and great quality.

Hi from France, 

Does anyone know where I can buy this track in FLAC or lossless quality ?

I had tried on Tidal, but only full album available in mp3 {#Frown} 


Love it, very nice!
Smooth easy sweetness and light God like.
 3/15/2006 - heyjoe3577 wrote:
I watched them when the opened for Dylan. I wish they would have played this that day.

I was at that show too!  June 2000 as I recall.  Phil Lesh and STI were there, and I think Bob even did "Things Have Changed" which had just come out (and even got some radio play) - weird, I'm making a comment on a STI song and seem to have more to say about Bob Dylan than STI.

STI was pretty cool, they were new to me and reminded me of Phish or GD even (i.e. a 'jam band') with the amount of improv involved.  And of course this was all before 9/11 - I remember those early 2000s well, it was the end of the Clinton era, just before the shrub (that was/is my nickname for GW Bush) "won" the election, etc.  Text messaging was a pain in the ass still if you even had a phone that could do that. 

Music really does help capture the memories doesn't it? 

Rock on RPsters!

Simply awesome!!{#Roflol}
 thewiseking wrote:
Hit up any all ya can eat Jazz Brunch and you'll encounter a better assemblage of musicians than this

Snort. It would be "wise" to change your screen name if you're going to say silly things just because you are in a bad mood.
Hit up any all ya can eat Jazz Brunch and you'll encounter a better assemblage of musicians than this
Very nice. Swingin' little arrangement.
Thanks for playing, awesome song!
 pcc wrote:

Yep. Try counting 1-2-3 then 1-2, rather than 1-2-3-4-5{#Smile}

Exactly, left right left left right

loads of fun
I'd like me some Pizza for dinner. {#Ask}
Great rendition of one of the greatest tunes in history.  I saved "Godlike" for the original, sonly gets a 9 in my book
 idiot_wind wrote:
Is this 5/4 time like original?

These time signatures always screw me up...1,2,3,4,5 with 1/4 notes. Ugh.    

Yep. Try counting 1-2-3 then 1-2, rather than 1-2-3-4-5{#Smile}
One of my favourite band names of all time
Groovy.  Makes me smile.
 Toke wrote:
A very nice arrangement throughout, very well put together not swaying from the original but adding some extra improvisation does it for me..

I agree with you Mr. Toke. Another example of the great covers played on RP.
A very nice arrangement throughout, very well put together not swaying from the original but adding some extra improvisation does it for me..
Is this 5/4 time like original?

These time signatures always screw me up...1,2,3,4,5 with 1/4 notes. Ugh.    
{#Bananajam}Brilliant version!
 michaelc wrote:
Interesting - not as good as the original but that would be impossible.  

Bang on.

Interesting - not as good as the original but that would be impossible.  
Beautiful, and not like some illiterate DJ covers simplified with a 4/4 time signature.
most excellent!
 Johnny-smooth wrote:
...Which leads me to the conclusion that Brubeck would have loved this cover of Take Five. Talented musicians, some nice improv going on, what's not to like? 

I think that's what he was trying to say in a very convoluted way. "I believe for not one minute would have decried..." Ugh.
Whole-heartedly agree with the requests for more SCI on RP. For instance, Black Clouds from this same live CD is absolutely out-of-this-world goodness. But sooooooo much to choose from with these guys! Let's have a few!
A la Dave Brubeck! It's a 5 because it's not Brubeck...ok...> 8 for musicianship.
 SorchaZentropa wrote:

more string cheese incident, pls ... this isn't even their gr8 stuff ... {#Music}

Fun Fun Fun. I'm surprised some high profile guitar player has not tackled  this song.
Yes, more cheese! Please.
SCI deserve special kudos for breaking right out of the big biz paranoia about IP piracy, embracing and supporting their pirates and joyously  giving it all away on their web site.
More of their work deserves air time here.

Oh and for those who want Brubeck's version to be the only version -- his was an arrangement -- these guys're jammin' !

 carline31 wrote:
J'adore cette version de Take Five,
Très bons musiciens !
Merci de Toulouse en France {#Drummer}

Yeah.. what carline31 wrote.
J'adore cette version de Take Five,
Très bons musiciens !
Merci de Toulouse en France {#Drummer}
 Toke wrote:
 I have been a modern Jazz fan for years and I remember buying Brubecks Album with this track on it in vinyl. I doubt not for one mimute Dave would have decried this rendition and I found it a brave thing to do with such a well known number. And for the pessemists Dave Brubeck wrote this number for piano.
I agree with your sentiment; what's the point of doing a cover and wanting it to be "close to" the original, unless you were specifically told to do so?  It's good version of a song which lends itself to many interpretations.  However, Dave Brubeck did not write this tune; it was composed by the saxophonist, Paul Desmond.

more string cheese incident, pls ... this isn't even their gr8 stuff ... {#Music}

Everybody in my mushrooming multitude of churches loves this music...
Brubeck's Take Five was the first LP I ever bought (still have it today), and one of my all-time favorites.

That said, I really like this take-off on the signature tune...
My favourite tune of all time covered?  Yikes.
Hey, another god-like version - the tune can handle more than one.
Nothing like ripping off a strip, of string cheese, that is.
 Toke wrote:

 I have been a modern Jazz fan for years and I remember buying Brubecks Album with this track on it in vinyl. I doubt not for one mimute Dave would have decried this rendition and I found it a brave thing to do with such a well known number. And for the pessemists Dave Brubeck wrote this number for piano.

Like you been a jazz fan for years, both modern and classical. Unlike you, it appears, also a big bluegrass fan - heck I like just about any improv instrumental music. At one point in college was DJ of two shows, one bluegrass, one jazz and see a lot of crossover between the two. 
Which leads me to the conclusion that Brubeck would have loved this cover of Take Five. Talented musicians, some nice improv going on, what's not to like? 
they've got some interesting improvison goin' on here..I like the take offs
 sronis wrote:
Not even remotely close to the original.
And why should it be?
No soul, compared to Dave Brubeck's version.
 Toke wrote:

... Dave Brubeck wrote this number for piano.

Paul Desmond wrote it. The original version of Take Five is mostly an alto sax tune with a tasty drum solo in the middle. Brubeck does little more than play the 5/4 vamp all the way through.
This is alright. Anything is better than XL's cover of this song... 4/4, really?
After listening to a full 30 seconds I hated this, wanting Brubeck's version back.

But after listening to the whole this is really good. A great alternative to the original.
 sronis wrote:
Not even remotely close to the original.

 I have been a modern Jazz fan for years and I remember buying Brubecks Album with this track on it in vinyl. I doubt not for one mimute Dave would have decried this rendition and I found it a brave thing to do with such a well known number. And for the pessemists Dave Brubeck wrote this number for piano.

Delightful in its absurdity.
 JalapenoJoe wrote:
Bluegrass Brubeck! (Say that five times fast). Love it.

Not even remotely close to the original.
Please take more then five,on any take of Take Five ! 
 Ntropy wrote:
It's a 4...'cause I want it to work SO bad. I love SCI, but they're not doing well with this song. There's something missing, somehow. Can't place what that something is, though.

 gatorade wrote:
Great band to see live. Highly recommend them!!!

They will be at Waukarusa in Mulberry, Arkansas June 2.
I've never heard cheese do this version of Take Five.....grooving

 sirdroseph wrote:
Not crazy bout this band, but man what a great version of this classic, nice job!
Dull cover of a dull original, and like all sophisto-jazz numbers it's f*ckin' long, innit? Ah well, good value for money for jazzophiles. The rest of us can avail ourselves of the blessed relief that is the mute button. Nice band name, mind :o)

Bluegrass Brubeck! (Say that five times fast). Love it.
Not crazy bout this band, but man what a great version of this classic, nice job!
Nice version!
Great band to see live. Highly recommend them!!!
 Cynaera wrote:

Agreed. Dave Brubeck was the master, but oh, what a homage (an homage?) to him... I love this song, no matter who performs it (um, unless Tiny Tim were to attempt it on his ukelele...)

Shutting up now.

  Dave is STILL the master. Not dead yet. I saw him in concert a few years ago. Outstanding.
