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Echo — Can't Walk Away
Album: Echo
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Total ratings: 1466

Released: 2002
Length: 5:52
Plays (last 30 days): 4
(no lyrics available)
Comments (109)add comment
Is anyone else confused by the imported Wikipedia entry being about a band called "Way Out West"?
22 years on and still sounding fresh and exciting...wow...
Just saying... _____Earworm! 
Reminds me of "Love Spirals Downward"
 dinkydau wrote:

voice sounds a little bit like Sade. 

Or, I could stand a Norah Jones version, as well! Good beat that either of them, among others, could make it sound good also. 

Sounds great, like a last gasp of quality trip-hop that escaped from previous century.
I think the Wikipedia entry currently shown here is incorrect, it doesn't seem like this ‘Echo’ has anything to do with Way Out West.
The are STILL playing STRONG in 2024!
 pilgrim wrote:

So was that transition today from Inner City Blues...

Yes, and again today. Wonderful transition and two terrific pieces . . one I know quite well, the other new to me.
 Tippster wrote:

That was some serious sonic candy.  Great segue from Brubek's "Take 5" as well, but I've come to expect that from the master. 

So was that transition today from Inner City Blues...
That was some serious sonic candy.  Great segue from Brubek's "Take 5" as well, but I've come to expect that from the master. 
 Gromit_42 wrote:

New link about the band Echo on allmusic site: 

Baa.. "It looks like you're using an ad blocker" I am not, but I do use a browser which prevents tracking.

 fpduffer wrote:

make it stop!

Sounds better with the volume up.... Bet it's great in concert.
 GeneP59 wrote:
Sounds a lot like Basia

So who is this? The album is Echo but no more info about the artist 
thanks Bill and Rebecca. I would never have heard this if not for you. I like it lots.
New link about the band Echo on allmusic site: 
"Echo is the duet project between the underappreciated singer/songwriter and multi-instrumentalist Joy Askew (known to some as the essential keyboardist and backing vocalist in bands led by Laurie Anderson, Joe Jackson, and Peter Gabriel) and Japanese producer, multi-instrumentalist, DJ, and songwriter Takuya Nakamura. There are other players involved as well, but the closest co-collaborator is Roli Mosimann, best known as a founding member of the late, great Swans. ..."
 BillG wrote:

The album cover is now correct. Unfortunately it's still not available via Amazon or iTunes.
It's on Amazon presently.

Sounds nothing like Basia!! GeneP59 wrote:
Sounds a lot like Basia

So who is this? The album is Echo but no more info about the artist 

Sounds a lot like Basia

So who is this? The album is Echo but no more info about the artist 
 dinkydau wrote:
voice sounds a little bit like Sade. 

I think she sounds more like the Swedish singer and musician Susanne Sundfor.
voice sounds a little bit like Sade. 
Amazing! Sounds like Bonobo. Love it. A solid 10.
 BillG wrote:

The album cover is now correct. Unfortunately it's still not available via Amazon or iTunes.

Seems to have appeared on iTunes, though the link on the song page will not find it


Joni Mitchell - Blue

I see some similarities here.
 mrrob wrote:
Totally wrong album cover and album info, please fix. I like this song, but it's not available on Amazon, and not listed anywhere on iTunes. Any idea where I can find?

The album cover is now correct. Unfortunately it's still not available via Amazon or iTunes.
Totally wrong album cover and album info, please fix. I like this song, but it's not available on Amazon, and not listed anywhere on iTunes. Any idea where I can find?

The listing for the artist is "Echo" but the album cover image says "Ruth Gerson". Anyone know which is correct?
 jhorton wrote:
LOVE this!
Totally agree! Now loving the drum and bass as well as the trumpet and strings!

LOVE this!
Wow. This is kinda of a cool, different sound. Nice variety. Go Bill.
Love the little bit of Miles Davis vibe going on in the latter half of this track!
 jools wrote:
Loving those trumpets and strings...
Gotta agree.  Nice tune.

Loving those trumpets and strings...

can't walk away from my computer - going to be late !
I love RP :)

Very interesting and quite likeable
Yeah, it's got the Cubano/South Miami/Gloria Estefan sound...
 handyrae wrote:
Why does Miami Vice come to mind?

That being said, there is something about this song that I really like.

I hear it too.
Instead of feeding Apple's greed, go here...

The album pictured is not the correct one . . .  Try iTunes for the real deal.
Ender43 wrote:
That's a really great analogy - I totally agree.
Thank you! Glad you think so. (click here)
coolpeople_rule wrote:
Background music for a James Bond movie?!?! I like the horns.
Thumbs up on the horns! Overall, nice atmospheric piece with some quick paced energy thats not in your face. I like it.
auburntigerrich wrote:
The first thing that comes to mind is the music within Ghost In The Shell: Stand Alone Complex, which was done primarily by Yoko Kanno. Really nice mixture of vocal elements and d&b. I've been hunting for that soundtrack. I like it.
That's a really great analogy - I totally agree.
I guess there's a mismatch of jacket and artist played. I don' think Ruth Gerson has a song titled "Can't Walk Away" and I guess Echo is a compilation album on which I don't think she performs.
Subtle sophistication! Like a BMW...No?
Background music for a James Bond movie?!?! I like the horns.
i prefer echo and the bunnymen.
The first thing that comes to mind is the music within Ghost In The Shell: Stand Alone Complex, which was done primarily by Yoko Kanno. Really nice mixture of vocal elements and d&b. I've been hunting for that soundtrack. I like it.
Reminds me of some other early drum & bass stuff. I like it!
fpduffer wrote:
make it stop!
she is pretty though.
While I like the lyrics and general structure of this melody, Takuya Nakamura is trying way too hard on this one and they simply must find a real drummer.
hmmm let me try and think of something nice to say about this one or say nothing at all...............still thinking...............enuf said
A friend from Israel sent me a video clip, Camel Jump, showing a contest where young Arab men broad-jump over several full-grown camels! Remarkable feat, actually. The accompanying audio track was something much like this song. Very catchy.
Kind of rips off King Crimspn from the Discipline album radiozep wrote:
What Police song does this riff belong to?... Or is it someone else?
make it stop!
What Police song does this riff belong to?... Or is it someone else?
Why does Miami Vice come to mind? That being said, there is something about this song that I really like.
Waaay good! Very jazzy, very good dance music!
winter wrote:
Well, the drum machine finally went solo. Good for it - I always thought it was better than the Bunnymen.
Sounds like a Sade clone?
It could sound 100% better with real instruments...so I agree with you
Lizard62 wrote:
vocal would sound good with some sort of real instruments - not a fan of the drum machine...
think so too!
vocal would sound good with some sort of real instruments - not a fan of the drum machine...
Well, the drum machine finally went solo. Good for it - I always thought it was better than the Bunnymen.
The percussion--the sound, not the rhythm--is similar to the last piece: Peter Gabriel's Don't Give Up
RabbitEars wrote:
I've seen this band in little clubs in NYC - it's Joy Askew and a guy who's name I can't remember (he's Asian). I'm not sure who Gerson is. The guy does all the samply stuff and plays the horn. Joy Askew sings & plays keyboards. They do some interesting covers of standards too (like "Under My Skin"). She has some great solo stuff, worth checking out. She did BGvox for part of Gabriel's '92 tour.
Takuya Nakamura
The info above is wrong - slightly. First, the cover art is wrong. Not Ruth Gerson at all. This song is by Joy Askew whilst she was a duo called ECHO. This album on Amazon is found here: https://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/tg/detail/-/B00006BTAR/qid=1050068057/sr=1-160/ref=sr_1_160/102-0816362-9887357?v=glance&s=music Joy Askew's web site: https://www.joyaskew.com/ Its quite funny that the link to the artist page above takes one to Echo leaf blowers.
Can't stand the "brass"--it is not muted enough for me. But the singing is awful anyway, so it doesn't matter. Let's just not play this.
Agree with below, I'm diggin' the light drum and bass...with a hint of muted brass.
pixidrizzl wrote:
This is soothing my nerves. Nice.
Just the right mix of soothe and arouse for mine.
This is soothing my nerves. Nice.
Nice! Mix of jungle beats and acid jazz. Very cool.
Tux wrote:
So much agree.
Me too....
emleamy wrote:
wow, this is a nice song
So much agree.
I've seen this band in little clubs in NYC - it's Joy Askew and a guy who's name I can't remember (he's Asian). I'm not sure who Gerson is. The guy does all the samply stuff and plays the horn. Joy Askew sings & plays keyboards. They do some interesting covers of standards too (like "Under My Skin"). She has some great solo stuff, worth checking out. She did BGvox for part of Gabriel's '92 tour.
Can't walk away fast enough. :grumpy.gif:
wow, this is a nice song
Lots of useful info about this disc and artist here: https://www.allmusic.com/cg/amg.dll?p=amg&sql=10:5c821v74zzpa
Sounds a bit like Lamb
Does anyone know who the horn (trumpet) player is on this track? A regular member of the band? It sounds a bit like Mark Isham (great jazz horn player, put out a great album of Miles Davis compositions). ? steve
Platypus wrote:
very chill, but lively at the same time.
Yes! Really love this....
Yahooo! I have always thought Joy Askew was sublime...heard of her new group, but this is the first time I have heard anyone play it. Thank you thank you thank you RP!
It's ... it's like ... electroniska .... I like it.
RonH wrote:
Guess what!If you crank this up on a good system, It will blow you away. :D
I REALLY LIKE IT!! reminds me of how I like to listen to Sade
wow. this is fantastic. I love the frantic, almost jungle or dnb-style beat mixed with nice subdued tones, cool voice and horns. very chill, but lively at the same time.
I don't know why but I like it!!.... :?
That horn reminds me of Ferris Bueller's Day Off. Remember the scene at the end where he is racing through backyards and hurdling jungle gyms to get home before his parents do?
this song is irritating make it stop
awful, absolutely bloody terrible, please take it away
The percussion and horns on this is very nice. The complex percussion reminds me of Lake Trout, actually.
Anyone else have an opinion on the full cd?
This is a real good song but the rest of the CD is boreing
Like the sound of this.
man, this is fantastic! i did NOT expect to hear something like this on RP. perhaps RP could handle some more substantial dnb as well?
I think that this is the correct AMG entry. Just "artist=Echo" seems to miss it. This is quite nice, but I don't expect that anybody will remember them "next week". Too much drum 'n bass. Good, but not that special, IMNSHO.
How to mix funk, sass and cool without the crash and burn... what a great track. Echo should be heard a lot more!
Nice vibe. This reminds me of Luscisous Jackson. Which is a band you should be playing! Some great vibes off of their album Natural Ingredients, check it out RP!
Reminds me of Lamb. I like it.
Great song...I really like the vibe of this one!