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Lost at Last — Diamond Body
Album: Lost at Last
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Total ratings: 1799

Released: 2001
Length: 5:20
Plays (last 30 days): 3
(no lyrics available)
Comments (124)add comment
That sounds like solid 8
 sidsiva737 wrote:

ho hum indeed

To each their own (or not). Love this song. Her voice reminds me a bit of Sheila Chandra. The sitar kind of takes me back to the groovy 60s.
ho hum indeed
 itsme_bygolly wrote:

What an overlooked gem!

YES!  That is why we come here. Thanx RP!   
What an overlooked gem!
 RebekkaRayna wrote:

Jaya Lakshmi went on to a solo + career - we will see her live in Eugene in a couple weeks!    https://www.jayalakshmimusic.com
 1wolfy wrote:

NICE...thanks for the exposure to new and unusual  

I Agree!
 jmillar2020 wrote:

Good Indian fusion!

I Agree!
Good Indian fusion!
NICE...thanks for the exposure to new and unusual  
 RebekkaRayna wrote:

Very cool.. thank you for sharing
If one reads back in the comments.. Yes 'Lost at Last was top billing at the Wow camp, Burning Man 2001,02, 03.
Good times..
 Relayer wrote:
RP plays 2 songs by this group, and I find both very intriguing and quite good. Quick search shows that the band broke up a long time ago, their website is gone, and music is probably out of print.  Found a few songs on Bandcamp, but not this album.



 westslope wrote:
Tribal-Trance-Dance music.

I like it.  

Lalo Schifrin music - the Clint Eastwood background singers
 SuperWeh wrote:
I generally like traditional indian music, but generally find these kind of western "spiritualized electronic" knock-offs kind of hippie wank-ish. Like being in Kathmandu and seeing all the western wannabe hippies showing how "spiritual" they are by sporting local style clothes and tilakas.

I never made it to Kathmandu.  The work visa for Australia expired while I did another year plus in South America before catching a ride on a Greek freighter to Africa.

In defence of the western wannabe hippies sporting local style clothes, I believe that they did this because it was exciting and new and because it visibly represented solidarity with the local ordinary folks.

Incidentally, I never dressed like that because a) I did not want to stimulate undo interest in me by police and border guards, and b) at 6'5" with blue eyes and hair that would bleach blond in the sun, there was no way that I would ever blend in.  

The important thing to do in much of South America in those days was to avoid wearing long hair and a beard.  No point in being mistaken for a Marxist guerrilla and getting shot for your troubles.  

Besides there is probably a little of animist left in me.  :-)   Later on as a secular fellow-travelling companion of the Roman Catholic Church, there was thankfully no dress code.  I did not look much different from radical socially engaged Franciscan and Jesuit priests.  
Really cool! I'm digging this! RP keeps pulling me back in here every time I'm about to go out for a post-pasta stroll up into the foothills!
RP plays 2 songs by this group, and I find both very intriguing and quite good. Quick search shows that the band broke up a long time ago, their website is gone, and music is probably out of print.  Found a few songs on Bandcamp, but not this album.
Released in 2001. A short-lived Trance-Trip-Hop era. My favorite was probably Loop Guru.
 SuperWeh wrote:
I generally like traditional indian music, but generally find these kind of western "spiritualized electronic" knock-offs kind of hippie wank-ish. Like being in Kathmandu and seeing all the western wannabe hippies showing how "spiritual" they are by sporting local style clothes and tilakas.

 SquiddlyDiddly wrote:

So. Just to get this straight. It is not possible to be from the west and be 'spiritual'? Really? 

Just to get this straight: that's not what he said.
Tribal-Trance-Dance music.

I like it.  
Spirituality these days in the west is more like a lifestyle instead of following a believe.
I must say it doesn't attract me. Oversized Buddha statues in the white living room, smelly candles and new age music on the background while pondering about the effect of veganism, yoga and green tea on children... No, not my cup of tea.
 SquiddlyDiddly wrote:

So. Just to get this straight. It is not possible to be from the west and be 'spiritual'? Really? 

well actually, no. That is the cultural, nay evolutionary point. Homo Novus is not afraid of the dark.
 SuperWeh wrote:
I generally like traditional indian music, but generally find these kind of western "spiritualized electronic" knock-offs kind of hippie wank-ish. Like being in Kathmandu and seeing all the western wannabe hippies showing how "spiritual" they are by sporting local style clothes and tilakas.
So. Just to get this straight. It is not possible to be from the west and be 'spiritual'? Really? 
I generally like traditional indian music, but generally find these kind of western "spiritualized electronic" knock-offs kind of hippie wank-ish. Like being in Kathmandu and seeing all the western wannabe hippies showing how "spiritual" they are by sporting local style clothes and tilakas.
shaik yer booty
This lets you be in a perfect place!

Everybody in my church loves this song...
 Rockit wrote:

...no, it's sikh-a-del-ik, or sick-a-del-ik, depending on your preferences....
 Rockit wrote:


..and Funk-ah-lush-us!..
pre-coitus music
 (former member) wrote:

Everybody in my hotel room loves this song...

Dog, cat, three canaries and tiger Romeo
I love it,
Just few years ago, i was the mexican listener only one. Now we 're 35, 01:14 pm 21/12/11
Wow, never expected to hear Lost at Last here ....  A little goes a long way with this, AND it's a nice touch in the mix.  Thanks!
 MsFine wrote:
This is why I love RP. You won't hear this on other stations. 
Certainly won't hear it on my stereo at my party... Sorry to those who were counting on it

A mixed bag of comments on this one. I like it. It sure beats drunken shit kickin'. And it's not even weird. I think I'll up my rating.
This is why I love RP. You won't hear this on other stations. 
Yea, I am digging this! Very Nice!{#Dancingbanana_2}
 Scott_Alic wrote:
Wanking with a sitar must hurt.  Nice tribal face paint, though, Greg...

Its a sarod, not a sitar
Wanking with a sitar must hurt.  Nice tribal face paint, though, Greg...

Feeling (-.-)
 fluffybum wrote:
look at the ridiculous cd cover. say it all don't it.
Attention, Gary McKinnon: in your hacking of U.S. computers for alien information, you overlooked RP systems.
fluffybum wrote:
look at the ridiculous cd cover. say it all don't it.

Reality is over-rated! What's wrong with an alien playing with a cat's cradle?

I tried to find this song on iTunes and it wasn't listed on the "Lost at Last" album. Any ideas?
fluffybum wrote:
look at the ridiculous cd cover. say it all don't it.

say what

look at the ridiculous cd cover. say it all don't it.
This is what I needed this morning... a little navel lint contemplation music (leading to inner peace, I hope). Thanks, Bill! {#Hug}
long time no hear rather hear Ocean of Mercy tho...
MsJudi wrote:
I love this groups.
Me too!
I love this group.
Love the sounds...and this is one of my favourite images from the gallery sited below.
MtnGoat wrote:
The words? She's saying something? ...
Not really
MinMan wrote:
Whoah! these people are really spooky. Enough to make The Renaissance Faire look mainstream.
It's a dirty job but somebody's gotta do it! Love this!
coding_to_music wrote:Whoah! these people are really spooky. Enough to make The Renaissance Faire look mainstream.
Nabla wrote:
That's wonderful, like this here: ...
Puff ... puff ... give.
huebdoo wrote:
I agree... I can see all the hippies of Pacific North West dancing around like fir trees in the wind to this crap... all the draft dodgers that lived in my home town would totally be grooving to this stuff... Break out the crystals and pyramids and incense
Dianyla wrote:
You say that like it's a bad thing...
Yeah, do the bad thing , break out the crystals, incense, wine, smoke 'n' song
I'm actually into what her voice does, trailing off like that. I imagine if I was of another state of mind I'd be tempted to jump into my speakers and follow. The words? She's saying something? I'll have to listen better...
Great Stuff.... Keep it up!
Filofox wrote:
Normally I like this sort of thing, but this track is just dull.
I think you nailed it.
That's wonderful, like this here: ...
Hmmmmmmm I like this a lot! Love the title too;) Diamond Body, ain't it rich?
Actually now that the song has progressed, I have no idea where I am
uhm...I feel like I'm in India
MojoJojo wrote:
You would probably even have gooey pizza cheese on your hands just like our friend on the cover.
Nah, it looks more like E.T. nose goo. Even so.......7.
none for me thanks.
MojoJojo wrote:
If you looked like the thing on the cover, you would prabably say things like, "diamond body has risen to shine" too. You would probably even have gooey pizza cheese on your hands just like our friend on the cover.
....and this is why the human race has not evolved.
It's like they threw a bunch of stuff in a hat and mixed the parts that were randomly picked.
Belly Dancing music!
This was pretty good as an instrumental, but was spoilt a little by the vocals - voice is ok, but the lyrics grate a bit. Still worth an 8, though.
If you looked like the thing on the cover, you would prabably say things like, "diamond body has risen to shine" too. You would probably even have gooey pizza cheese on your hands just like our friend on the cover. Kregg wrote:
cheez lovers supreme. come on, lyrics like "diamond body has risen to shine"
cheez lovers supreme. come on, lyrics like "diamond body has risen to shine"
does...not...need...the...chick's...vocals... nice to make your 8 a 6(slipping to a 5...), because otherwise the track's totally groovy.
... ...
DrLex wrote:
And then into Grey Eye Glances. If Bill were a superhero, he would be Segue-Man.
'cept I've been Segueman for almost twenty years now. I agree though that Bill's segues are awesome.
huebdoo wrote:
I agree... I can see all the hippies of Pacific North West dancing around like fir trees in the wind to this crap... all the draft dodgers that lived in my home town would totally be grooving to this stuff... Break out the crystals and pyramids and incense
hilarious. you're so right.
huebdoo wrote:
I agree... I can see all the hippies of Pacific North West dancing around like fir trees in the wind to this crap... all the draft dodgers that lived in my home town would totally be grooving to this stuff... Break out the crystals and pyramids and incense
You say that like it's a bad thing...
Jra wrote:
If I hear one more woman with a half-decent voice singing ridiculously spacy and lame lyrics to a repetitive electronic background, I'm gonna go find her and throw an acoustic guitar at her. Or maybe a book of Bach sheet music... ?!
I agree... I can see all the hippies of Pacific North West dancing around like fir trees in the wind to this crap... all the draft dodgers that lived in my home town would totally be grooving to this stuff... Break out the crystals and pyramids and incense
Jra wrote:
oh... wow. That was a totally seamless segue into Bela Fleck... I thought it was still the same song!
And then into Grey Eye Glances. If Bill were a superhero, he would be Segue-Man.
A_Nonny_Mouse wrote:
I voted 10 just to spite you.
Hehehe...so did I.
If I hear one more woman with a half-decent voice singing ridiculously spacy and lame lyrics to a repetitive electronic background, I'm gonna go find her and throw an acoustic guitar at her. Or maybe a book of Bach sheet music... ?! oh... wow. That was a totally seamless segue into Bela Fleck... I thought it was still the same song!
Re wrote:
Makes me want to bellydance.
It could definately work as a bellydance peice, with the right choreography and all. I think it would be not only fun but beautiful. I like this peice.
everytime i hear this artist, i wanna go out and falafal myself, with some hummus thrown in for good measure.
everytime i hear this artist, i wanna go out and falafal myself, with some hummus thrown in for good measure.
Makes me want to bellydance.
Joyfulchristine wrote:
I don't like the voices, the overly-digitized sound or the ambiguous lyrics.
I dig it - Ofra Haza-like
Noticed that right off. Love the song too!
wow, take a look at that album art. 8O staring in amazement.
Normally I like this sort of thing, but this track is just dull.
DBCinCA wrote:
80% machinery, 20% humanity - music by programmers? way over-produced, exept maybe the sitar part, but even if that touch was a good production move, the actual musicianship on the sitar is not impressive. Judges say... it's a 2.
Programmers are human too. I actually like this, very pleasant and atmospheric.
DBCinCA wrote:
80% machinery, 20% humanity - music by programmers? way over-produced, exept maybe the sitar part, but even if that touch was a good production move, the actual musicianship on the sitar is not impressive. Judges say... it's a 2.
heheh. curiously enough, I think this is mostly people playing instruments--the group is 5-8 people. they're a lot of fun live; I'm mixed on how well they translate to recordings. this is also an earlier album, I think, and I'm not sure there are recordings available of their more mature stuff.
Macinery or Human, I don't care. Very pleasant sounds. It ain't worth a 10, but a firm 8 (though I'm also tempted to give it a 10 to neutrilize the 1's) < if only I could vote -10 a few hundred times to every U2 ether distortion .... >
PhysicsGenius wrote:
It doesn't get any better than this! Unmelodic plucking and meandering wails are the thing for me!
me too! hence my "2"
80% machinery, 20% humanity - music by programmers? way over-produced, exept maybe the sitar part, but even if that touch was a good production move, the actual musicianship on the sitar is not impressive. Judges say... it's a 2.
Nicktor wrote:
It would be cool if we could vote on a song each time it is played. Then i would have voted this song "sucko-barfo" much, much too often.
I voted 10 just to spite you.
The instrument in this song you all are talking about is a sarod, not a sitar. Information on this band can be found at https://www.lostatlast.com Their live shows are not to be missed. Next show is at Club Fab in Gurnville (northern California) at a Day of the Dead show on Saturday November 1st. By the way, their CD has some much cooler songs than the four played by Radio Paradise.
sounds like something walmat would have produced
Originally Posted by Johng: Saw these guys at Burning Man last year. Great show, great "venue"!
This must have been spectacular. Never been to Burning Man but the view online suggests that it's certainly my kind of place.Will have to search Lost at Last.Would like to know where they're coming from philosophically.The lyric here refers to attaining a state of transcendant wisdom, but whether it's tantric buddhist, hindu, kabbalah ,or a generic appropriation of the themes, I'm not exactly sure. In any case, this rocks. Love the vocals, including the traditional skat tin-tal chorus in the background.
It would be cool if we could vote on a song each time it is played. Then i would have voted this song \"sucko-barfo\" much, much too often.
I don\'t like the voices, the overly-digitized sound or the ambiguous lyrics.
I perked up to this the first time because the words spoke to the mood I was in - but this time it sounds hokey and grating.
This one gets entirely too much airplay. There\'s lots of stuff that could and should be played, but isn\'t.
I have to admit that I am very happy that I bought their CD. It is all very cool.
Originally Posted by RParadise: Sounds pretty obviously like a sitar to me. Aside from the computer-digitized sounds that is. Anyone else out there care to offer their own opinion?
Yes, a sitar and a bit of harp and a triangle too. The sitar playing sounds somewhat like a rehersal, without really connecting to the song.
Saw these guys at Burning Man last year. Great show, great \"venue\"!
Originally Posted by fartybreath: anyone know what the instrument is?
Sounds pretty obviously like a sitar to me. Aside from the computer-digitized sounds that is. Anyone else out there care to offer their own opinion?
anyone know what the instrument is?
Sounds very much like Delerium to me. Pretty good, though.
I'm not a big dance/trance music fan, but I had to check out this CD after the couple of tracks I heard on RP. I really dig this album. I love the mix of Native American, Middle Eastern and techno music. Plus, the lady's got an awesome voice. It's a great CD to play while at work.