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Santana — Corazon Espinado (feat Mana)
Album: Supernatural
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Total ratings: 1744

Released: 1999
Length: 4:28
Plays (last 30 days): 1
Esa mujer me esta matando
Me a espinado el corazon
Por mas que trato de olvidarla

Mi alma no da razon
Mi corazon aplastado
Herido y abandonado
A ver a ver, tu sabes dime mi amor por favor
Que dolor nos quedo

Ah ah ah corazon espinado
Ah ah ah como me duele el amor

Como duele como duele el corazon
Cuando nostiene entregados
Pero no olvides mujer que algun dia diras
Hay ya yay como me duele el amor

Como me duele el olvido
Como duele el corazon
Como me duele estar vivo
Sin tenerte aun lado amor

Corazon espinado
Comments (120)add comment
Here I am on my Favorites feed.  It's a double dose of Santana before a long hot almost-summer bike ride here in the foothills.  Bring it on, baby! 
LOVED all the music on this album
This is a great exposure to an amazing band, Mana, that should have a global appeal to more than just Spanish-speakers if they weren't as close-minded as Randy1cleo.  I encourage everyone to spend some time on their tracks, it's great feel-good music, in any language
 Randy1cleo wrote:

Too much Spanish on RP!!1 I've been listening since 2015 and seems there is much more Spanish than is needed.  And yes, I do change station frequentlywhen I get frustrated..

Give me more languages than the only one I can speak! I love hearing the variety of music on RP!
Surely one of the best broken heart songs EVER... On every level, this thing just downright SIZZLES! Sometimes saying things in other languages has such power, as if the sounds themselves give new meaning to the same old pains... The thing is, this song, and this utterly amazing comeback album, came out and peaked -- I mean, it was on every sound-system, all over the world -- just when my Mexican ex- was doing Aztec surgery on me without anesthetic -- after making me pull up the rugs and sell off our digs in Noto, Ishikawa, where our son was born, and where I thought I'd be doing ceramics and eating buri forever... Once back in the States, she showed me the true meaning of Mi corazon aplastado...herido y abandonado... After a couple years of re-booting and re-charging here in Boulder, I lived in Setagaya-ku, Tokyo for ten years -- until the Fukushima Triple Disaster came along to shake me loose again. Alas, all things arise and pass, arise and pass... And just a couple weeks ago, Nanao, Wajima, Anamizu, Suzu -- all the lovely, picturesque time-machine places in Noto that I was blessed to know and love and work and live in for 8 years -- were crushed into rubble and dust by the unfathomable forces lurking beneath our feet. IN FLUX is the only constant state of the Universe! As Buddha said, All things arise and pass, arise and pass...there is only the arising and passing of phenomena... ROCK ON, RP!
Too much Spanish on RP!!1 I've been listening since 2015 and seems there is much more Spanish than is needed.  And yes, I do change station frequently\when I get frustrated..
 smartn1 wrote:

Please translate. I'm curious now!  (I'll go look it up on google)

From Google translate (which I know has issues)

that woman is killing me
my heart has been pricked
As much as I try to forget her

my soul does not give reason
my crushed heart
wounded and abandoned
Let's see let's see, you know tell me my love please
what pain we have left

Ah ah ah thorny heart
Ah ah ah how love hurts

how it hurts how the heart hurts
When you have us delivered
But don't forget woman that one day you will say
There ya yay how love hurts

How oblivion hurts me
how the heart hurts
how it hurts to be alive
Without even having you by my side love

Thorned heart

Thank You for the translation!
In 1991 l met a beautiful lady in Colima, Mexico and she introduced me to Maná, a popular Mexican rock/pop band which, according to Wikipedia, is "the most successful Latin American band of all time".
The lead singer from Maná, Olvera Sierra, is the vocalist on this track.
More Mana please 
I wish I could increase my rating for the song, but the scale is only finite.
Santaana an american band?  ahhhhh yeah you mean true american,  not an U.S.A band. Couse muchos de los musicos son portoriquenos, chicanos y desde luego Carlos Santana nacido en Jalisco México. ( impossible be more sarcastic)
Mana was the soundtrack to my first visit to Mexico. I bought their CD at a market in Bara de Navidad. This combination is so smooth! 
 jjo wrote:

Ooooff ... I'm native Spanish speaker, this song is just mean , if at-all -- we need back the Santana from the 70s.

Please translate. I'm curious now!  (I'll go look it up on google)

From Google translate (which I know has issues)

that woman is killing me
my heart has been pricked
As much as I try to forget her

my soul does not give reason
my crushed heart
wounded and abandoned
Let's see let's see, you know tell me my love please
what pain we have left

Ah ah ah thorny heart
Ah ah ah how love hurts

how it hurts how the heart hurts
When you have us delivered
But don't forget woman that one day you will say
There ya yay how love hurts

How oblivion hurts me
how the heart hurts
how it hurts to be alive
Without even having you by my side love

Thorned heart
 ApricotHurlforth wrote:

All this bollocks about the best guitarists. Where is the definition? Who agreed it. Surely it just comes to down to do you like it or not? Does it really speak to your heart? Or not? People making statements like if you don't like this or agree with me then you are a dipshit. They are the dipshits. And fascists. Just rate the music. Say if you like it. Or not. Leave it that and stop being an arsehole. Love is all you need. And a lot more of it.

I don't mean to be picky but you never said whether you like it or not and I'm having trouble knowing whether to consider you a dipshit. #fascistproblems
All this bollocks about the best guitarists. Where is the definition? Who agreed it. Surely it just comes to down to do you like it or not? Does it really speak to your heart? Or not? People making statements like if you don't like this or agree with me then you are a dipshit. They are the dipshits. And fascists. Just rate the music. Say if you like it. Or not. Leave it that and stop being an arsehole. Love is all you need. And a lot more of it.
 joelbb wrote:

I was blown away by "Santana" in '69, by "Supernatural" in '99, then saw him live in 2019, 50 frickin' years later in a magnificent career.   He blew the roof off the venue.  This man is among the elite musicians of my generation and better than Clapton.  Don't like him?  You MUST be a dipshit.

I like him/his music, saw him three times "Live", but better than Clapton? No, don't agree ...
I was blown away by "Santana" in '69, by "Supernatural" in '99, then saw him live in 2019, 50 frickin' years later in a magnificent career.   He blew the roof off the venue.  This man is among the elite musicians of my generation and better than Clapton.  Don't like him?  You MUST be a dipshit.
 mgkiwi wrote:
I just wanna dance around the house 

I just wanna dance around the house 
 Businessgypsy wrote:
The comments on this one crack me up. It's like matter meets antimatter, or a humidifier and a dehumidifier locked in mortal combat. Santana a four note, boring has been? Up close in concert, he shreds the fuck out of that axe like few living artists can. But, I can see that some might not like that - or sex, oxygen, food...

Too true!! And, too funny!!
 Businessgypsy wrote:
The comments on this one crack me up. It's like matter meets antimatter, or a humidifier and a dehumidifier locked in mortal combat. Santana a four note, boring has been? Up close in concert, he shreds the fuck out of that axe like few living artists can. But, I can see that some might not like that - or sex, oxygen, food...

Bill G. Please add Mana to the playlist!
 rhlrstn wrote:

I'm confused by the emoji accompanying this generally positive comment...
...a Mexican headbanger?

Have listen to okie another great album fromJJ
Here's a prescription for the Santana hesitant: Soul Sacrifice played at Woodstock. I was there and can tell you that we were ROCKIN'. It remains one of the memorable moments of my life. And, of all the acts at Woodstock, stands up there with Hendrix and Johnny Winter. 
and is still one of the  best guitar players...ever
 cassanjp wrote:
Great song and great band: Mana + Santana..... Viva Mexico, cabrones!

I'm confused by the emoji accompanying this generally positive comment...
Ooooff ... I'm native Spanish speaker, this song is just mean , if at-all -- we need back the Santana from the 70s.
This sure brought out the hate.    
King Noodle.
Great song and great band: Mana + Santana..... Viva Mexico, cabrones!
Carlos Santana... holds the all-time record... is tops on the list... of overrated guitarists.  I always like his percussion section though.
 sergioso wrote:
I think espinado might be translated more accurate as thorned up... or ..ehh something like that.
Thorned Heart
Every time I hear Santana I absolutely like it! I've only one CD (yes, CD) of these guys (this one! Bought it for the Rob Thomas collaboration.) Amazing musicians. And the guitar work....outstanding.
I think espinado might be translated more accurate as thorned up... or ..ehh something like that.
No matter what people say about this guy when they step on stage a play this tune every woman in the place is going to be, in the words of Eddie Money:  "Shake'n....just Shake'n"
 EssexTex wrote:
It's like a slow painful death
Wish we could speed it up for you.
 bruzote wrote:
 haretic wrote:
For those limited (as I am) to English, here is google translate's English:
Aber aber you know tell me my love please
Haretic, could he be saying "Haber" (with a silent "H"), which is the Spanish infinitive of "to make" or "to do" (it has multiple meanings and uses). Otherwise, "aber" means "but" in German. But since Santana speaks Spanish, I suspect he is saying Haber (with the silent H). Of course, he could be saying something else entirely.

You are confusing "haber", a weird helper verb meaning something like "to must be", with "hacer", which means "to make" or "to do".

But the problem is in the original lyrics, "aber" should be "a ver", a common error, as "b" and "v" are frequently confused in spoken Spanish.  "A ver" would translate as "let's see", and is frequently doubled.

The original lyrics are also missing punctuation, so it should be:

¡A ver! ¡A ver! Tú sabes, díme mi amor:
¿Cuánto amor y qué dolor nos quedó?

Which might translate as:

Let's see! Let's see! You know, tell me my love:
How much love and what pain did we have left?

 haretic wrote:
For those limited (as I am) to English, here is google translate's English:
Aber aber you know tell me my love please

Haretic, could he be saying "Haber" (with a silent "H"), which is the Spanish infinitive of "to make" or "to do" (it has multiple meanings and uses). Otherwise, "aber" means "but" in German. But since Santana speaks Spanish, I suspect he is saying Haber (with the silent H). Of course, he could be saying something else entirely.
 solrac wrote:
hay pendecko, no sabes nada tambien... HombreDeMezcal wrote:
Please ¡Mana noooooooooo!
Mo more Mana!

(but Santana its OK)

I think the reason Maná get a lot of hate here is because they ended up attracting a girlie, teen crowd - and they responded by putting out the kind of corny ballads that those kids like.
But when this rock-loving gringo first heard Maná in the 90s (Selva Negra, pies a cabeza) he was sufficiently impressed to buy a couple of CDs - very distinctive and fresh sound, mainly due to the vocalist and drummer.
That kind of Maná on RP would be a treat for those who haven't been over-exposed to 'teen Maná'. (Just be thankful there's no Arjona on RP!!)
For those limited (as I am) to English, here is google translate's English:
That woman is killing me
My heart has been stung
As much as I try to forget it

My soul does not give reason
My crushed heart
Wounded and abandoned
Aber aber you know tell me my love please
What pain we stayed

Ah ah ah spined heart
Ah ah ah how love hurts

How it hurts like the heart hurts
When you are delivered
But do not forget a woman that you will one day
There is already yay as love hurts

How forgetfulness hurts
How the heart hurts
How it hurts to be alive
Without having you even love side

Thorned heart
Businessgypsy wrote:
The comments on this one crack me up. It's like matter meets antimatter, or a humidifier and a dehumidifier locked in mortal combat. Santana a four note, boring has been? Up close in concert, he shreds the fuck out of that axe like few living artists can. But, I can see that some might not like that - or sex, oxygen, food...

Exactamente! He's nothing less than a master of his craft.
 james_of_tucson wrote:

I wonder what you think of BB King... or other guitarists who own a signature sound...

I bet you prefer The Grateful Dead.

Carlos for King!
Regardless of the comments pro and con below,...it's Santana, a force in our music for over 40 years and STILL playing the heck out of his heart (and axe).  Rank him right up there with some of the best.   
I don't get it. Is this the same song that he recorded with rob thomas but in spanish or is this a different song that just sounds exactly the same? I know salsa rhythems can sound very similar but come on. Even the licks on this sound derivative.
The comments on this one crack me up. It's like matter meets antimatter, or a humidifier and a dehumidifier locked in mortal combat. Santana a four note, boring has been? Up close in concert, he shreds the fuck out of that axe like few living artists can. But, I can see that some might not like that - or sex, oxygen, food...

Nice and relaxed
Great collaboration!  Amazing Grammy-winning album!
Cheap rock. Mana the worst band in Mexico and Santana playing the same 4 notes he always plays.
 james_of_tucson wrote:

I wonder what you think of BB King... or other guitarists who own a signature sound...


It got me outta my chair, {#Dancingbanana}dancin' cha-cha-cha with my sweetie!  (She knows all the fancy steps — and she adds hula movements, too.)
 markoirl wrote:

Santana - one song pony, everything he does sounds the same ... boring.

I wonder what you think of BB King... or other guitarists who own a signature sound...

finally. i wish you played more mana music.
Maná equals shit
hay pendecko, no sabes nada tambien... HombreDeMezcal wrote:
Please ¡Mana noooooooooo!
Mo more Mana!

(but Santana its OK)

 no sabes nada... markoirl wrote:

Santana - one song pony, everything he does sounds the same ... boring.


me too, solrac... lalalisa25 wrote:

MANA is the best. Old rockers from mexico in the mid late 70's. I also have all their music. Thanks RP for putting this music on. They have a ton of music and videos out. serach them....
 TJS wrote:
This track is performed with Mana, who is the best band that Mexico has ever produced. I have all of their CDs and love them all. To add Santana's licks to such already great music is just outstanding. 

Thanks for the info! I was wondering who Mana was. Digging this....{#Dance}
It's like a slow painful death

Santana - one song pony, everything he does sounds the same ... boring.

¡Estupendo! I'd never have guessed that this was Santana as it has so much zip and joie de vivre, so unlike most of the dreamy/sleepy/snoozy/dozy Santana I've heard.
 Strada4Ever wrote:
Corazón espinado0!!!!!!!!

Santana... una leyenda viva de la Guitarra!!!

 govna wrote:
i liked this song better when he did it with rob thomas.

 Matts wrote:
I like RP, I like Santana, but for heaven's sake take this one out of the playlist.
Corazón espinado0!!!!!!!!

Santana... una leyenda viva de la Guitarra!!!

 solrac wrote:
besame el culo gabachos
me gusta gazpacho

(Oh, and this track is lame.)

Thank you thank you! love this!!!! Mwah!
I like RP, I like Santana, but for heaven's sake take this one out of the playlist.
I don't particularly like this one, but it reminds me my wedding party, so for me is a 10
DeadEvan wrote:
I just really dont like Santana. The man can definately play guitar......but why doesnt he play it, instead of pretending all music is just an interuption to his non-stop mini guitar solo's?
Definitely kinda true, dude.
govna wrote:
i liked this song better when he did it with rob thomas.
93vx800 wrote:
Isn't this really Mana featuring Santana? Anyone know who wrote the ditty? Bill, Mana has lots of great songs out there! Check them out!
If I recall correctly, Carlos wrote all the music and gave demos to his "co-stars" who then either asked a ton of "What would you like?" or just went with the flow, and jotted down what they felt went well with how the music made them feel.
I just really dont like Santana. The man can definately play guitar......but why doesnt he play it, instead of pretending all music is just an interuption to his non-stop mini guitar solo's?
nice song but jesus, is "MANA" def. a highly commercial band .. oh well
I like it because it's slow enough for a Gringo like me to understand the words
i liked this song better when he did it with rob thomas.
Please, can't he do anything else?...you could seamlessly merge nearly every song he's done and not notice.
besame el culo gabachos
Of course I like it!
NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! Please ¡Mana noooooooooo! ITS A NIGHTMARE ¡MANA ON RP! AAAARGH! -100 Mo more Mana! Wakatela! (but Santana its OK)
Isn't this really Mana featuring Santana? Anyone know who wrote the ditty? Bill, Mana has lots of great songs out there! Check them out!
Si señorrrr!!! Opa iii!!!
Bill - Maná is a group, not a singer. https://www.allmusic.com/cg/amg.dll?p=amg&token=&sql=11:3zfyxqe5ldje
MOST excellent - always makes me move
Kolrabi wrote:
God, I love Santana when they perform in Spanish.
This track is performed with Mana, who is the best band that Mexico has ever produced. I have all of their CDs and love them all. To add Santana's licks to such already great music is just outstanding.
triviagal wrote:
More like "heart of thorns".
Or ''spiny ticker''
AC wrote:
Mmmmmmm....have to respectfully disagree. See, I saw the old Santana Blues Band back in the days when he really did only know two or three guitar licks. Watched him try to jam with Jerry Garcia, John Cippolina and Jorma Kaukonen one night and just get left in the dust. I give him all props for working harder than almost anybody else in the business to learn his craft and improve his mid-level talent to a point where he's a top quality player. Pretty spiritual guy, too.
Eric said that ''When it comes to spirituality (among guitarists) Santana is No. 1.''
Man, you have to be a sad, dried up, pitiful soul not to be able to groove down to Santana.
Suck city.
Originally Posted by TreborG2: ... while some of his guitar work is inspirational on its own... there have been far too many Santana songs that sound similar.
Mmmmmmm....have to respectfully disagree. See, I saw the old Santana Blues Band back in the days when he really did only know two or three guitar licks. Watched him try to jam with Jerry Garcia, John Cippolina and Jorma Kaukonen one night and just get left in the dust. I give him all props for working harder than almost anybody else in the business to learn his craft and improve his mid-level talent to a point where he's a top quality player. Pretty spiritual guy, too.
More I hear this track, the better I like.....
I am just getting so tired of Santana....
God, I love Santana when they perform in Spanish.
Originally Posted by Soimnotthemack: same as smooth.. horrible
It does sound a lot like Smooth.
Originally Posted by Gs_Girl: Oh, my achin' heart! I feel the pain! (Great song! )
You GO girl! I'm with you.
Oh, my achin\' heart! I feel the pain! (Great song! )
:D ... ... ... (BOOTY SHAKIN)
Yuck... anything featuring Maná is just too much for me.
Nice tune, but sounds a lot like Guajira to me.
Originally Posted by ce: I would think "a heart that has been stung" (pierced/thorned/whatever), in other words, the ol' "broken heart". (I'm still learning Spanish though, and the dictionary's not helping much) I first heard Maná on Holiday in Ecuador, where they're quite big. A bit too sweet and teenage for my taste, but not bad at all. Good combination with Santana.
Espinado meaning : full of spines (like the crown of Jesus Christ)
Originally Posted by triviagal: More like "heart of thorns".
I would think "a heart that has been stung" (pierced/thorned/whatever), in other words, the ol' "broken heart". (I'm still learning Spanish though, and the dictionary's not helping much) I first heard Maná on Holiday in Ecuador, where they're quite big. A bit too sweet and teenage for my taste, but not bad at all. Good combination with Santana.
I first heard Mana while I was at a pizzaria in Buenos Aires. We struggled with broken Spanish to ask the server who we were listening to and then ran out to buy one of their CDs. Would love to hear more Mana on RP!!
Originally Posted by Antigone: What does the title mean? Is it Hopeful Heart?
More like "heart of thorns".
What does the title mean? Is it Hopeful Heart?
Originally Posted by sky: TreborG2 - you have not yet listened closely enough or enough times. Plain and Simple.
I think it's a valid complaint. Musically, this is identical to Smoothe. So much so that I have to think it must be intentional.
OK, I guess I\'ve just heard too much Santana over the years. It was good to see him have a big commercial success; the strange thing is that there\'s just WAY too much guitar on this album. He starts to run out of ideas after awhile. Amazing how distortion can cover a multitude of guitaristic sins.
Sorry.. :( not the biggest Santana fan... while some of his guitar work is inspirational on its own... there have been far too many Santana songs that sound similar. The words change, the languages they are sung in vary.. but the underlaying music.. until a guitar riff comes along sound too similar some times.