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New Model Army — Vagabonds
Album: Thunder And Consolation
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Total ratings: 1586

Released: 1989
Length: 5:13
Plays (last 30 days): 2
We follow the taillights out of the city
Moving in a river of red
As the colours fade away from the dusky sunset
We roll for the darkness ahead

We are old, we are young, we are in this together
Vagabonds and children, prisoners forever
With pulses a-raging and eyes full of wonder
Kicking out behind us again

Night-time city beat, the radio is calling
The lost and lonely in vain
Out here we are running for the wide open spaces
The road-smell after the rain

We are old, we are young, we are in this together
Vagabonds and children, prisoners forever
With pulses a-raging and eyes full of wonder
Kicking out behind us again

And watching as a boy alone at the quayside
The ships loading cargo in the night
Their names all calling to faraway places
The years go past, the miles go by
And still this childhood romance will not die
Comments (115)add comment
Saw them in Porto a few months back.
Still amazing and fresh :)
A little too much Rock Mix for my Main Mix tastes. 
EXCELLENT!!  Thanx RP!   

fredriley wrote:
Historical cousins too, if you know your history of the English Civil War. Politically they share a lot of space with the Levellers, and musically they're in the 'folk rock' space, but they're a feck of a sight angrier (and the Levellers are pretty angry).

 ElCamoteLoco wrote:

If you grew up in Bradford you'd be pretty angry too.

Just a mention for a similarly named band called 'Wat Tyler'
Their name inspired by the leader of The Peasants Revolt of 1381.
Probably the closest England ever came to a proper 'revolution', instigated by a version of a 'poll tax' of all things.
I knew nothing of this history until i looked up that band name one day, by the way.
They certainly don't teach us about stuff like that at school, do they...
Whoa. Searing violin track...
 fredriley wrote:

Historical cousins too, if you know your history of the English Civil War. Politically they share a lot of space with the Levellers, and musically they're in the 'folk rock' space, but they're a feck of a sight angrier (and the Levellers are pretty angry).

If you grew up in Bradford you'd be pretty angry too.
Never heard them before and have listened to RP since 2003. Excellent track. #8 for me.
I have seen them playing in Hamburg, Germany, Reeperbahn in the 80s (1989?). One of the best Live-Events I ever experienced. 51st State, No Rest and all that stuff. Great guys!
wow. never heard of these guys. just read the bio. very interesting. i'll have to check out more. thanks, RP!
Visit Chester and possibly see Ed the violinist on this track busking. Brilliant live band
 raymondr wrote:

Loving this! 

 adib wrote:

Great album, great live shows, great song.

In the early 90s, every NMA gig was populated with people wearing Levellers t-shirts, and Levellers gigs populated by people wearing NMA t-shirts :-)

Clearly written by someone lucky enough to have been able to attend both!!

I got to see The Levellers four or five times over the years, most notably for me, the  first being the World Freak Show at Brighton Centre in 1992 with support from Chumbawamba. 
But gutted that i never made it to see New Model Army! (well, not yet anyway)! Lucky you if you did 
Seiner Zeit voraus
A great paean to 80s convoy culture, vindictively destroyed by the Thatcher regime. Convoys were an important refuge for dolies, homeless, the malcontents, the skint, and sundry weirdos.

I used to drink in the same pubs as NMA in Bradford, but never met any of them.

A great song from a great band still gigging at fests today. 
Loving this! 
New Model Army is one of the most easily forgotten 80s bands. You kinda had to have one of their LPs in your collection to be cool, though. Then. 

Love this track 
one of the most underrated and underrecognized groups ever.  such a masterpiece.
I can’t believe Bill I plying this. IMHO best band I’ve ever seen live and otherwise
Is it me, or do these guys give off a "The Clash" vibe with their vocals and style?
 be4con wrote:
This may, very possibly, be the best thing ever played on RP

I like this guy's thinking. :)

I can never, ever tire of hearing NMA on any format or medium. They still rock live. 40 year anniversary this year. If you get a chance to see them you would be a fool to pass it over
Generally love the mix you're putting out, you are our "go to" music channel.
Here it comes...but, I have yet to hear Dalis Car, Primitive Guitars by Phil Manzanera or Holger Czukay. I'm loving the music you put out but try these artists I think you'll love them.
 amyvoscas wrote:
just what i needed to hear.
in this together! :)
This may, very possibly, be the best thing ever played on RP
just what i needed to hear.
Great album, great live shows, great song.

In the early 90s, every NMA gig was populated with people wearing Levellers t-shirts, and Levellers gigs populated by people wearing NMA t-shirts :-)
Seems like a friendly chap, the way he says "Hi!" at the beginning of the vocals... ;)
Cool, hearing this! It sends me back to the summer of '87 when I had a room-mate from Canberra, Oz, who turned me on to NMA... We'd sit up late out on the balcony next to Boulder Creek and JAM OUT to them and other rocking mutual faves like Gang of Four...
 bam23 wrote:

I believe that you are inflating the frequency with which you hear repeated song sequences and under-acknowledging the real time comments and plays. I have heard a number of these sequences when the comments are quite obviously in reference to things that have happened that day or quite recently. I get a little annoyed at some of the repeats, but my guess is that you are remembering those disproportionately.

VH1 has previously claimed that some songs are played here every day.  "Disproportionately" is being polite.
 VH1 wrote:

Yes and as today it the 29th August 2016, it is now offical that even the comments from Bill come from a tape, because it was excactly the same intro! Word for word! 

I noted that already a lots of times. So all what is Radio Paradise comes since 20 years from tape, music an comments. Nice job if you can get it!

Only the pleas for money are not taped I suppose! {#Taped-shut} 

... something makes me think you might be missing something...
 ScottishWillie wrote:

I know the repetition detracts from some peoples enjoyment but I’m still listening to music I first discovered in the 60’s. For me music has no shelf life and neither does Radio Paradise’s playlists.

100% agree!  I came to post on this song only because of the comments about "this list has been played for 10 years, yadayadayada bs" - it's like OH MY GOD BILL, you just played 2 songs in a row that feature the guitar as the primary instrument.  what the hell?!?

Long Live RP and all music!

 rsfc_carp wrote:
Terrific meta-segue from Cam Ye O'er Frae France.


Sounds like a remake of Fiddler on the Roof with a cover of the Monkees' "Not Your Steppin' Stone".  Not that there's anything wrong with that.  Well, yes there is.

I know the repetition detracts from some peoples enjoyment but I’m still listening to music I first discovered in the 60’s. For me music has no shelf life and neither does Radio Paradise’s playlists.

 VH1 wrote:

"Quite a few?"

Sorry, but there are a lot more than "quite a few".

Some playlists are more than 10 years old and are still being played in the same loop! A little more change would not do any harm, and yes, of course I know that he cannot be here 24/7/365, but as I said, SOME change might be nice is all.{#Daisy}

Please stop grunting, Radio Paradise is the best thing in my life!... And i hadn't heard NMA for years, great!
 VH1 wrote:

"Quite a few?"

Sorry, but there are a lot more than "quite a few".

Some playlists are more than 10 years old and are still being played in the same loop! A little more change would not do any harm, and yes, of course I know that he cannot be here 24/7/365, but as I said, SOME change might be nice is all.{#Daisy}

I believe that you are inflating the frequency with which you hear repeated song sequences and under-acknowledging the real time comments and plays. I have heard a number of these sequences when the comments are quite obviously in reference to things that have happened that day or quite recently. I get a little annoyed at some of the repeats, but my guess is that you are remembering those disproportionately.
 Stefen wrote:

A 24-hour per day station with one DJ is bound to have quite a few recorded sequences.  That's okay.

"Quite a few?"

Sorry, but there are a lot more than "quite a few".

Some playlists are more than 10 years old and are still being played in the same loop! A little more change would not do any harm, and yes, of course I know that he cannot be here 24/7/365, but as I said, SOME change might be nice is all.{#Daisy}
It's the same essence, with variations determined by social and environmental context. It's human experience. Music is a powerful medium to imprint what we all share regarding individual and collective experience. Thanks, RP, for opening another window, so we can continue to tune in to it all. Peace and love, Otomi.
Wait - Bill doesn't sit at the board 24-hours a day, 365 days a year?
 VH1 wrote:

Yes and as today it the 29th August 2016, it is now offical that even the comments from Bill come from a tape, because it was excactly the same intro! Word for word! 

I noted that already a lots of times. So all what is Radio Paradise comes since 20 years from tape, music an comments. Nice job if you can get it!

Only the pleas for money are not taped I suppose! {#Taped-shut} 


A 24-hour per day station with one DJ is bound to have quite a few recorded sequences.  That's okay.
 haretic wrote:
Bill!       {#Roflol} {#Cheesygrin}{#Dance}{#Tongue-out}{#Laughing} {#Roflol}

"And now, an ethnic number from a little island off the coast of Europe."    Ha!

{#Roflol}   {#Meditate}

Yes and as today it the 29th August 2016, it is now offical that even the comments from Bill come from a tape, because it was excactly the same intro! Word for word! 

I noted that already a lots of times. So all what is Radio Paradise comes since 20 years from tape, music an comments. Nice job if you can get it!

Only the pleas for money are not taped I suppose! {#Taped-shut} 
{#Boohoo} {#Boohoo} {#Bananajam}{#Drummer}  {#Dancingbanana}{#Bananajam}{#Dancingbanana}{#Bananajumprope}{#Dancingbanana_2}
 ekansbob wrote:
Just had a flash back to 1992  .. Rock City Nottingham on a Saturday Night!
Saw Rolf Harris there one night. I remember someone throwing his crutches down and crying out "I can walk, I can walk" with the whole crowd cheering.

(They're not cheering now though. Shame).
Just had a flash back to 1992  .. Rock City Nottingham on a Saturday Night!
 haretic wrote:
Bill!       {#Roflol} {#Cheesygrin}{#Dance}{#Tongue-out}{#Laughing} {#Roflol}

"And now, an ethnic number from a little island off the coast of Europe."    Ha!

{#Roflol}   {#Meditate}

Great intro, indeed! 
Bill!       {#Roflol} {#Cheesygrin}{#Dance}{#Tongue-out}{#Laughing} {#Roflol}

"And now, an ethnic number from a little island off the coast of Europe."    Ha!

{#Roflol}   {#Meditate}
crikey hadn't heard this for decades. anthemic songs don't age well, do they?
 Stingray wrote:
Why you wanna be taken back...? What about lookin'  ahead?

"Those who cannot remember the past, are condemned to repeat it."

George Santayana

 Stingray wrote:

Let's be serious, folks! NMA is a serious rock-band. Especially LIVE they have a good reputation!

But if we are honest (what else could we be?), we must admit that their songs are ultimately too simplistic,

without a real ear-catcher (all of them or none of them, if you like) and without the ultimate "spice" that makes

any of their songs stand out!

A mediocre studio band - great live, though not for me neither!

Shocked, I agree with Stingray. 
 Verpeiler wrote:
I just realized I'm listening to New Model Army! On Radio Paradise!

I uploaded a couple of their songs a few years back but they all rejected.

Great to finally hear this on RP

Yep, me too!
NMA on RP? Really?
Oh yes,

Get to hear just the one Levellers song on here now & again (nothing political though, just 'Four Winds'), which is 'nice', but its not
'England My Home' or 'Battle Of The Beanfield' is it?

If 'Vagabonds' is the only NMA track on RP, even if its not '51st State', 'Western Dream' or even the inevitable 'Green And Grey' well
thats better than none i say !!

What in hell is this even about?
We follow the taillights out of the city
Moving in a river of red
As the colours fade away from the dusky sunset
We roll for the darkness ahead
We are old, we are young, we are in this together
Vagabonds and children, prisoners forever
With pulses a-raging and eyes full of wonder
Kicking out behind us again
Night-time city beat, the radio is calling
The lost and lonely in vain
Out here we are running for the wide open spaces
The road-smell after the rain
We are old, we are young, we are in this together
Vagabonds and children, prisoners forever
With pulses a-raging and eyes full of wonder
Kicking out behind us again
And watching as a boy alone at the quayside
The ships loading cargo in the night
Their names all calling to faraway places
The years go past, the miles go by
And still this childhood romance will not die

How good is that!!  (Answer - very..) 
 rdo wrote:
get a fucking job
Well, I did rather fancy being a gigolo in my younger fitter days...
Do they have anything to do with Gogol Bordello?
 Frenk wrote:
There real!
And they changed my way of thinking :)  
and, we are in this together! 

I agree!
gotta play something off their new one - Between Dog and Wolf. I recommend Qasr El Nil Bridge.
There real!
And they changed my way of thinking :)  
and, we are in this together! 
He can't sing!
get a fucking job
 fredriley wrote:

I don't want to get into a long barney about the rights and wrongs of travellers and encampments, as that would go on for years without any resolution. (I can remember such barneys from my childhood in Ireland, 40 years ago, when 'tinkers' were folk devils.) This song is plainly about the 'peace convoys' of the 80s which were ruthlessly suppressed by coppers, culminating in the infamous Battle of the Beanfield where without question the cops initiated the aggro, beating convoy members indiscriminately, confiscating vehicles and generally acting like terrorists. As was the point - following that 'battle', and the anti-convoy laws passed by the Tories in its aftermath, such convoys and encampments disappeared, to be replaced by the rave scene. This was well documented in a recent BBC4 documentary "Festivals Britannia" which included graphic film footage of cops beating the shit out of folk. You probably figure they deserved it - I couldn't comment - but they sure as hell didn't start it.

The irony is that the convoys were a good refuge for the homeless and the damaged, who otherwise would be hanging about sink estates and being anti-social and bothering the good burghers of the town who wail and gnash their teeth at the 'underclass'. Now, if you're on the dole or homeless or mentally ill you have, quite literally, nowhere to go. But hey, it's a free country, right?

We have them now parked on our streets in Southern California.  At least they have a roof over their head, I just wish some of them would make sure that they take their caravan and empty the waste tank before it starts stinking to high hell.  
I just realized I'm listening to New Model Army! On Radio Paradise!

I uploaded a couple of their songs a few years back but they all rejected.

Great to finally hear this on RP
 Stingray wrote:
There is a reason, why they never really made it...

superfluous comma and a single full stop at the end would have sufficed. :)
 Stingray wrote:

Let's be serious, folks! NMA is a serious rock-band. Especially LIVE they have a good reputation!

But if we are honest (what else could we be?), we must admit that their songs are ultimately too simplistic,

without a real ear-catcher (all of them or none of them, if you like) and without the ultimate "spice" that makes

any of their songs stand out!

A mediocre studio band - great live, though not for me neither!

So...you don't like them?

Let's be serious, folks! NMA is a serious rock-band. Especially LIVE they have a good reputation!

But if we are honest (what else could we be?), we must admit that their songs are ultimately too simplistic,

without a real ear-catcher (all of them or none of them, if you like) and without the ultimate "spice" that makes

any of their songs stand out!

A mediocre studio band - great live, though not for me neither!

 oceansurf wrote:
Yes!  More NMA ;)  Takes me back...

Why you wanna be taken back...? What about lookin'  ahead?
There is a reason, why they never really made it...
 rdo wrote:
This is just...noise.

turn it down, then, and let the rest of us get on with enjoying this...
Terrific meta-segue from Cam Ye O'er Frae France.

This is just...noise.
Not heard this in years.

Saw them a lot around the release of this album. Some dark and dingy venues best forgotton.
that violin is amazing
Yes!  More NMA ;)  Takes me back...
Finally know the artist and title of this track - been hearing it around for years! Thanks Bill :)
Love their sound!
not good..... Nor nostalgic
I wish I'd heard this in 1989 ... love it now, would have loved it then.
RP playing New Model Army!!! Great pull Bill. This entire album is incredible and one of my top 10 of all time.
Love hearing this tune.  NMA have a special place in my heart.  They have, of course, a HUGE discography.  I would love to hear more.  Small Town England for example.
Always find myself turning up the end of this song.... 
 siskinbob wrote:
It takes only a short period of time for these people to move in yet it costs ordinary folks thousands of pounds and many man hours of effort to get these people removed and to repair the damage they caused.

The police are only involved when the proper legal instruments are in place. The police do not, in most cases, initiate the violence but they do respond in kind.
I don't want to get into a long barney about the rights and wrongs of travellers and encampments, as that would go on for years without any resolution. (I can remember such barneys from my childhood in Ireland, 40 years ago, when 'tinkers' were folk devils.) This song is plainly about the 'peace convoys' of the 80s which were ruthlessly suppressed by coppers, culminating in the infamous Battle of the Beanfield where without question the cops initiated the aggro, beating convoy members indiscriminately, confiscating vehicles and generally acting like terrorists. As was the point - following that 'battle', and the anti-convoy laws passed by the Tories in its aftermath, such convoys and encampments disappeared, to be replaced by the rave scene. This was well documented in a recent BBC4 documentary "Festivals Britannia" which included graphic film footage of cops beating the shit out of folk. You probably figure they deserved it - I couldn't comment - but they sure as hell didn't start it.

The irony is that the convoys were a good refuge for the homeless and the damaged, who otherwise would be hanging about sink estates and being anti-social and bothering the good burghers of the town who wail and gnash their teeth at the 'underclass'. Now, if you're on the dole or homeless or mentally ill you have, quite literally, nowhere to go. But hey, it's a free country, right?
 Mosay wrote:
I know little of New Model Army, except that they are musical cousins of my favourite band, the Levellers...

Not surprised I like them!
Back before time began Justin Sullivan (NMA's frontman) used to tour under the name "Slade the Leveller". If you ask a random NMA fan they will probably relate a story about how he had something to do with helping the Levellers get started.

I have no idea if this is true or not.
 TerryS wrote:

Having lived with Gypsy encampment 500 yards from my front door for years, there were certain reasons for the police not to want them around. Not that anything excuses the excesses, but they did spring from that reality.
Folks I know were on the direct receiving end of the misuse, disrespect and destruction that these so called "travellers" perpetrate. It isn't the police that don't want them around its the ordinary people that suffer as a result of their presence. My friends had business premises broken into and trashed because these so called travellers wanted access to water. They trashed car parks leaving both human and animal excrement and broken glass and general garbage all over the area. Their presence in the car parks was a deterrent to the use by customers so trade was impacted.

It takes only a short period of time for these people to move in yet it costs ordinary folks thousands of pounds and many man hours of effort to get these people removed and to repair the damage they caused.

The police are only involved when the proper legal instruments are in place. The police do not, in most cases, initiate the violence but they do respond in kind.
 TerryS wrote:

Having lived with Gypsy encampment 500 yards from my front door for years, there were certain reasons for the police not to want them around. Not that anything excuses the excesses, but they did spring from that reality.

Yes, there is a tragically large disparity between the romantic image of the traveller lifestyle and its tawdry actuality.
We follow the taillights out of the city 
Moving in a river of red
As the colours fade away from the dusky sunset
We roll for the darkness ahead 

We are old, we are young, we are in this together
Vagabonds and children, prisoners forever
With pulses a-raging and eyes full of wonder
Kicking out behind us again 

Night-time City Beat the radio is calling
The lost and lonely in vain
Out here we are running for the wide open spaces
The road-smell after the rain 

We are old, we are young, we are in this together
Vagabonds and children, prisoners forever
With pulses a-raging and eyes full of wonder
Kicking out behind us again 

And watching as a boy alone at the quayside
The ships loading cargo in the night
Their names all calling to faraway places
The years go past, the miles go by
And still this childhood romance will not die
Another band without the (full) success they had deserved!
 scoote wrote:
Blimey... Good call Bob. What a blast from the past. Great band with something to say...
My thoughts exactly!!
 fredriley wrote:
This is very likely about what the media called, disparagingly, 'new age travellers' back in the 80s. The cops actively repressed traveller convoys in the late 80s, the apotheosis being the brutal 'battle of the beanfield' where peaceful travellers had seven shades of sh1t beaten out of them by the cops. The Thatcher regime shortly afterwards passed laws effectively banning travelling convoys.

Having lived with Gypsy encampment 500 yards from my front door for years, there were certain reasons for the police not to want them around. Not that anything excuses the excesses, but they did spring from that reality.
This is very likely about what the media called, disparagingly, 'new age travellers' back in the 80s. The cops actively repressed traveller convoys in the late 80s, the apotheosis being the brutal 'battle of the beanfield' where peaceful travellers had seven shades of sh1t beaten out of them by the cops. The Thatcher regime shortly afterwards passed laws effectively banning travelling convoys.
I have bought this album ,but have played it very little, perhaps an airing tomorrow.

that HEY!!!!! was a real good indicator to his bandmates that the noodling intro was over...  {#Lol}
 Mosay wrote:
I know little of New Model Army, except that they are musical cousins of my favourite band, the Levellers...

Not surprised I like them!
Historical cousins too, if you know your history of the English Civil War. Politically they share a lot of space with the Levellers, and musically they're in the 'folk rock' space, but they're a feck of a sight angrier (and the Levellers are pretty angry).

BLIMEY!  Takes me back to a former life as a dungaree wearing dreadlocked crusty!
Blimey... Good call Bob. What a blast from the past. Great band with something to say...
Simply fun stuff
...reminds me much of show of hands' roots...
Weird. I don't remember these guys at all... and they were right in my wheelhouse for that time. Nice track.
I know little of New Model Army, except that they are musical cousins of my favourite band, the Levellers...

Not surprised I like them!
good for the ears....  i like a lot!        {#Cool}
 Hannio wrote:
Thunder and Constipation.  Reminds me of the old graffito about paying a nickel and only farting.

Broken hearted, are you?
Excellent track, but 225 is the best on the album. Most pertinent to our time.
 Cynaera wrote:
Never heard of these guys before, but this song sure packs a powerful wallop!  Starting with 8, for a first listen.  I really like it!
Right there with you, can't believe this is from the 80's.

Never heard of these guys before, but this song sure packs a powerful wallop!  Starting with 8, for a first listen.  I really like it!
 Alexandra wrote:
Right?? I used to LOVE this band back in the day! Great to hear them again after all this time....
I hate to admit it, but I have no recollection of having heard this band before. I really like this song, though. I might have to give some of the rest of the album a listen if I can find it...
 Darkavenger wrote:
What a great song. I had forgotten haw good they were

Right?? I used to LOVE this band back in the day! Great to hear them again after all this time....
F*ckin' hell! I never thought I'd hear this bunch of angry revolutionaries on RP. A brilliant segue from Steeleye Span as IMO the NMA count as folk for modern times, in the same class as The Levellers. And they were very, very angry in their 80s day, and with bloody good reason. 8 from the Nottingham jury.
What a great song. I had forgotten haw good they were
New Model Army on RP!!! what a pull from the vault.
A great song, reminds me also to the early 90s and some cool partys!!!! And dancing the whole night... :-))))

Have not heard this band in a long time. Still sounds pretty good.
loved them in the early nineties.  Along with Midnight Oil, one of the great early environmentalist bands.
Never heard of this band, but great song !
Thunder and Constipation.  Reminds me of the old graffito about paying a nickel and only farting.

I thought it was Danny Elfman for a minute.
Why not? This one is great, rock on.