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Modest Mouse — Missed the Boat
Album: We Were Dead Before The Ship Even Sank
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Total ratings: 2641

Released: 2007
Length: 4:24
Plays (last 30 days): 5
While we're on the subject could we change the subject now?
I was knocking on your ears' door but you were always out
Looking towards the future, we were begging for the past
Well, we know we had the good things, but those never seemed to last
Oh please, just last

Everyone's unhappy, everyone's ashamed
Well, we all just got caught looking at somebody else's page
Well, nothing ever went quite exactly as we planned
Our ideas held no water, but we used them like a dam

Oh, and we carried it all so well
As if we got a new position
Oh, and I laugh all the way to hell
Saying, "Yes, this is a fine promotion"
Oh, and I laugh all the way to hell

Of course, everyone goes crazy over such and such and such
We made ourselves a pillar, but we just used it as a crutch
We were certainly uncertain at least, I'm pretty sure I am
Well, we didn't need the water, but we just built that good, goddamn

Oh, and I know this of myself
I assume as much for other people
Oh, and I know this of myself
We've listened more to life's end gong
Than the sound of life's sweet bells

Was it ever worth it, was there all that much to gain?
Well, we knew we missed the boat and we'd already missed the plane
And we didn't read the invite, we just danced at our own wake
All our favorites were playing so we could shake, shake, shake, shake, shake
Tiny curtains open and we heard the tiny clap of little hands
A tiny man would tell a little joke and get a tiny laugh from all the folks
Sitting drifting around in bubbles and thinking it was us that carried them
When we finally got it figured out that we had truly missed the boat

Oh, and we carried it all so well
As if we got a new position
Oh, and we owned all the tools ourselves
Without the skills to make a shelf with
Oh, what useless tools ourselves
Comments (323)add comment
A 7 to an 8 and that’s all Johnny.
 Edweirdo wrote:

I like the jangly guitars ...

That's Johnny Marr!
 jbuhl wrote:

I like the jangly guitars ...
I thought at first this was Cloud Cult. NOT a bad thing at all. I rather like this.
 jbuhl wrote:

omg i love this so much.
Too bad RP pulled the plug on "Float On" about 2 years ago.  That was a timeless classic.

Shake shake shake
 TallCreative1 wrote:
Mic Jagger called -- he wants his voice back.

I don’t think jagger could ever sing
Mic Jagger called -- he wants his voice back.
Such a delightful song. My husband and I love to dance in the kitchen to this song 
 Grayson wrote:

Yeah, totally get that. The Great Pacific North Western Waterboys. Not even missing the fiddles, leprechauns and frolicking Celtic sprites stuff. 
hahaha - my first thought was Steve Fobert...

Jbuhl wrote: WEll the show kinda sucked 

 RabbitEars wrote:

how so? 

 They started late then the sound was washed out. Bad setup I expect and then big storm rained it out. 
Pretty cool that Mick Jagger sang this song :)
 eileenomurphy wrote:

GREAT TUNE! I never heard them prior to RP, now I like several of their tunes, Thank You RP! ...PS: Johnny Marr plays guitar on this tune!

I Agree!!
Saw them front row in Chicago for this tour.
The guy next to me was wasted before the opening band even reached the stage.
He spent most of the show trying to bum cigarettes off of the guys in Modest Mouse.
At some point he  spilled his mixed drink on the stage, then proceeded to drink from the resulting puddle while Johnny Marr continued to play in front of him like he'd seen it all before. 
One of most underrated bands. More MM please!
 Edweirdo wrote:

There's something of The Waterboys about this song ....

Yeah, totally get that. The Great Pacific North Western Waterboys. Not even missing the fiddles, leprechauns and frolicking Celtic sprites stuff. 
 newbolddrive wrote:
This guy singing kind of channels Gord Downie from the Tragically Hip...
I miss Gord. I watched a video of the last tour last week. Thanks for mentioning him.
There's something of The Waterboys about this song ....
 justin4kick wrote:
Do I hear a Johnny Marr-guitar?

He did play on this album.
This guy singing kind of channels Gord Downie from the Tragically Hip...
 Webfoot wrote:

+8, which would be 9.
Alright, Webfoot, you talked me into it....8+1=9!  LLRP!!
 jbuhl wrote:

Well much to my dismay the show kinda sucked.  {#Ask}
how so? 
 Grammarcop wrote:
We All Float —> Missed The Boat.

Bill, was this intentional? 
Oh yes; yes it was.
Do I hear a Johnny Marr-guitar?
 jbuhl wrote:
Going to see the Mouse tonight at the Velorama in Denver !{#Cheers}
Well much to my dismay the show kinda sucked.  {#Ask}
Going to see the Mouse tonight at the Velorama in Denver !{#Cheers}
great song about narcissism
We All Float --> Missed The Boat.

Bill, was this intentional? 
Big fan. 



Haven't heard them in a while.

Having seen the cutesy little photo below I believe that this now deserves at least an 8 from the Bristol office.  I like this a lot.

I hear a Mick J. vibe in the voice myself. Love, loVE LOVE!!! it!!!!
Love this song, as I dance with a glass of whiskey.    rarely do I dislike a song and post it here. How rude.
The vocals are cringe inducing. The screeching discordant guitar work is even worse. Hipster garbage, already passe'. 
Loved it from the first time I heard it. 9.
 Segue wrote:
I hate this. Tried to like it. It's repulsive. More vomit voice. Sucko Barfo.

+8, which would be 9.

Segue wrote:
I hate this. Tried to like it. It's repulsive. More vomit voice. Sucko Barfo.


I hate this. Tried to like it. It's repulsive. More vomit voice. Sucko Barfo.
thanks  I  am a big fan of RP  and the we play it all concept.  the modest mouse doesn't get much air time 
 adpucci wrote:
just. love.this.

Me too.
just. love.this.
 NCEyeballKid wrote:
I hope folks will take this as a thoughtful comment and not snark.  But I wonder sometimes if people who are so focussed on singers singing in key don't have some sort of physiological or neurological difference from those of us who don't care.

I say this from practical experience.  My wife goes nuts when I sing along exuberantly to songs like this (and I may be a tad or maybe more than a tad off).  She doesn't mind songs like this, but loves tuneful singers better.

Just wondering if it is impossible for some people to love singers with deep conviction, but not perfect tune.  Personally, I love a song that is belted out with passion and energy (and maybe a little or a lot out of tune).

Naw, I like singers that can't sing perfectly on key.  Consider Neil Young, shall we.  War on Drugs would be similar.  Some people can sing perfectly on key and I love them too.  No denigration to those folks.  Gotta love the Modest Mouse!
 NCEyeballKid wrote:
I hope folks will take this as a thoughtful comment and not snark.  But I wonder sometimes if people who are so focused on singers singing in key don't have some sort of physiological or neurological difference from those of us who don't care.

I say this from practical experience.  My wife goes nuts when I sing along exuberantly to songs like this (and I may be a tad or maybe more than a tad off).  She doesn't mind songs like this, but loves tuneful singers better.

Just wondering if it is impossible for some people to love singers with deep conviction, but not perfect tune.  Personally, I love a song that is belted out with passion and energy (and maybe a little or a lot out of tune).

Your comments do not seem snarky to me; maybe because I largely agree with them.  There are some people who only "color in the lines" and those who don't care very much about the lines, or only use them for reference.  Some singers sing perfectly in key and sound great, others sing perfectly in key and sound too "polished" and uninspired to me.  (Think Michael Bolton).  I could see how people could be annoyed by the phrasing style in much of this song, but the instrumentation is pretty cool.
Love'n on the mouse
Moving this up one to a niner, I did think it was Eminence Front at first as others mentioned.  Overall a fine song and one of the few my wife likes as much as I do.  I just love how the harmonics end the song.
love me some modest mouse
 NCEyeballKid wrote:
I hope folks will take this as a thoughtful comment and not snark.  But I wonder sometimes if people who are so focussed on singers singing in key don't have some sort of physiological or neurological difference from those of us who don't care.

I say this from practical experience.  My wife goes nuts when I sing along exuberantly to songs like this (and I may be a tad or maybe more than a tad off).  She doesn't mind songs like this, but loves tuneful singers better.

Just wondering if it is impossible for some people to love singers with deep conviction, but not perfect tune.  Personally, I love a song that is belted out with passion and energy (and maybe a little or a lot out of tune).

I hear ya...I call it the "AmericanIdol-ization" of vocalists. We've become accustomed to this massive, belting, technically perfect style of singing (auto tune is a big part of this phenomenon too) that is often devoid of soul, blues, spirit, heart, whatever you want to call it. It can be a fine line between "soulful wailing" and unlistenable hack-ism, but I with you.
 NCEyeballKid wrote:
I hope folks will take this as a thoughtful comment and not snark.  But I wonder sometimes if people who are so focussed on singers singing in key don't have some sort of physiological or neurological difference from those of us who don't care.

I say this from practical experience.  My wife goes nuts when I sing along exuberantly to songs like this (and I may be a tad or maybe more than a tad off).  She doesn't mind songs like this, but loves tuneful singers better.

Just wondering if it is impossible for some people to love singers with deep conviction, but not perfect tune.  Personally, I love a song that is belted out with passion and energy (and maybe a little or a lot out of tune).

I hear you on this.  It's a different sensibility - some music needs or is enhanced with conviction even if out of tune or off key.  The rawness or realness makes the music more sincere or real.

To me, perfect pitch is easy now with Autotune and such - I prefer the grit of reality

Everybody in my alien space craft loves this song...
Never really thought these guys were any good, but I like them ok.
I hope folks will take this as a thoughtful comment and not snark.  But I wonder sometimes if people who are so focussed on singers singing in key don't have some sort of physiological or neurological difference from those of us who don't care.

I say this from practical experience.  My wife goes nuts when I sing along exuberantly to songs like this (and I may be a tad or maybe more than a tad off).  She doesn't mind songs like this, but loves tuneful singers better.

Just wondering if it is impossible for some people to love singers with deep conviction, but not perfect tune.  Personally, I love a song that is belted out with passion and energy (and maybe a little or a lot out of tune).
 Jelani wrote:

 Jelani wrote:

Better than net.
Love Modest Mouse - make me feel happy - Float On and Dashboard are epic.
This reminds me of Midnight Oil.

You're always waiting for that moment when the singing voice is in tune. Only it hardly ever is.

Terrific. More of them please.
This song makes me shake, shake, shake :)
I can't help but hear the same percussion sequence as The Who's Eminence Front.
Terrific song. So much fun. Great to sing along with. 
Had to stop what I was doing to check out who this is. It'll start at a 7 with a very easy slide up.

Everybody in my church loves this song...

marvelous...  love it...
eye luvs it
Didn't miss this boat. Great tune.
 Wizzuvvoz wrote:
I just like the guitar layering and Mercer's backup vocals. (a lot)
Dave_Mack wrote:

Damn! I never noticed him in there. Izzat really James Mercer from the Shins?

Mercer's singing at the end is my favorite part of the song...
 LPCity wrote:
Heard the first electronic beat and thought it was a slow version of Goodbye Girl from Squeeze.

Wish it would have been.

II met her in a poolroom
Her name I didn't catch
She looked like something special
The kind who'd understand
The room was almost spinning
She pulled another smile
She had the grace like pleasure
She had a certain style

Why don't we hear any Squeeze on RP?
We do need more Squeeze here. Bill occasionally plays "Take Me I'm Yours" but not much else. Would love to hear "Slap and Tickle".
 Wizzuvvoz wrote:
I just like the guitar layering and Mercer's backup vocals. (a lot)
Damn! I never noticed him in there. Izzat really James Mercer from the Shins?
Heard the first electronic beat and thought it was a slow version of Goodbye Girl from Squeeze.

Wish it would have been.

II met her in a poolroom
Her name I didn't catch
She looked like something special
The kind who'd understand
The room was almost spinning
She pulled another smile
She had the grace like pleasure
She had a certain style

Why don't we hear any Squeeze on RP?
FUN SONG. Quite different and interesting. 
Nice {#Angel} 

7 -> 8
Direct line of communication...
 ozzie1313 wrote:

Heard of but no nothing about the Mouse, vocals and tune reminds me of Steve Forbert who you don't play?

I thought I was the only one who thought of Forbert when I hear this!
 romeotuma wrote:

volume just went wayyyy up...  love it...

 meinthecorner wrote:

You meant 'know' instead of 'no', didn't you? It took a few readings to catch that. Sheesh!
Yet another song & artist to listen for! And, whoah, ozzie1313! Steve Forbert! I had totally forgotten how much his early stuff kept turnin'
on my table back in the day! Thanks for the reminder. Maybe someone who's following this thread could upload some Steve! 
Yes, PLEASE.....some Steve Forbert!!!!!!!!!!!!
Steve Forbert clones with a Clash add-on so as not to be complete imitators.
I missed the boat with Modest Mouse.  The first song of theirs I'd ever heard was Float On which got so much commercial airplay that I got really sick of it.  I just have not gotten into them since.  This song is ok, but there is just something about them as a group that I just can't get into.
 ozzie1313 wrote:

Heard of but no nothing about the Mouse, vocals and tune reminds me of Steve Forbert who you don't play?

You meant 'know' instead of 'no', didn't you? It took a few readings to catch that. Sheesh!
Yet another song & artist to listen for! And, whoah, ozzie1313! Steve Forbert! I had totally forgotten how much his early stuff kept turnin'
on my table back in the day! Thanks for the reminder. Maybe someone who's following this thread could upload some Steve! 

Heard of but no nothing about the Mouse, vocals and tune reminds me of Steve Forbert who you don't play?

Very nice love the lyrics
I love the chorus in this song.  Really cool.
 Nerubo wrote:
This has rapidly grown into one of my favorites - the mordant self-deprecating humor appeals to me greatly.

Among the many great lyrics, I like this the most —

"We were certainly uncertain
At least I'm pretty sure I am "

Totally opposite for me. Every time I hear it, it grates on my nerves more. I logged in just to share my annoyance.
This has rapidly grown into one of my favorites - the mordant self-deprecating humor appeals to me greatly.

Among the many great lyrics, I like this the most —

"We were certainly uncertain
At least I'm pretty sure I am "

This guy writes great songs!
My favorite MM song.
Bought the album due to the "Dashboard" single which really is incredible but the album really bugs me...
 lmic wrote:
Fantastic lyrics. 8 -> 9

  I just like the guitar layering and Mercer's backup vocals. (a lot)

...our ideas held no water but we used them like a dam...
More mouse please!
Fantastic lyrics. 8 -> 9

I was interested to learn that the great Johnny Marr of the Smiths collaborated on this album and actually toured with the band as a member.
Hence some of the tasty and understated rhythm guitar methinks.
Dunno - something about the title of the CD...Makes me want to just give up before I hear the song... {#Lol} Seriously, I do love this song. And Modest Mouse have more than four aces up their sleeve. Those wicked musicians...  {#Sunny}
I like this song the more I hear it.
love it!
This band has a really unique sound,   . . . I really like them.

looking towards the future
we were begging for the past
we knew we had the good things
but they never seemed to last...
oh please just last!
 romeotuma wrote:

This song is both groovy and profound...

Well said, RT.  Wonderful juxtaposition, great performance.

Modest Mouse by ~ClintD23
Clinton Doughty ©2008-2010 ~ClintD23

Modest Mouse in Charlottesville, Virginia.

Can't take the mouse...ack.
Wow, mellow Mouse. This is fine.
A great tune, nice to see RT again.
haha I love this song.

Awesome song in spite of the doom/gloom album title (which I also happen to like). . .

Always good to listen to...

So THIS is where Cloud Cult get's its sound from...

Such a 'grounded' song, earnest and aware, in a hauntingly depressing but real way

The bits i like remind me of David Gray.
I normally don't care for Modest Mouse, so this is a pleasant surprise!  +1 for being unexpectedly good.
 Wizzuvv_oz wrote:
I even hate the "shake shake shake" part
and I give it a 10!
and it's my upload!
lush guitars
ed: sorry "shake shake shake shake shake". I think as a defensive mechanism I repressed the memory of two of them


I thought it was "shag, shag, shag..."  {#Rolleyes}
I don't know why I dig this song so much, but I do.  I especially like the guitar break at the end of the chorus.
{#Notworthy} What else can I say
 echoes wrote:


  yeah that was a little generous but I still think it's outstanding. 

 Wizzuvv_oz wrote:
I even hate the "shake shake shake" part
and I give it a 10!
and it's my upload!
lush guitars
ed: sorry "shake shake shake shake shake". I think as a defensive mechanism I repressed the memory of two of them


Seems like the kind of song that will soon get overexposed by a tv show or commercial...if it hasn't already. I like it.
Bill and Rebecca,,,, as long as you play personally unknown gems like this one,,, i will be coming back to your station without hesitation. Never heard this song before and I like it. You guys keep me on my toes with the music. Never know what to expect...
Modest Mouse is a close 2nd to Radiohead to me, amazing band and live totally mindblowing. I would rather hear "Parting of the Sensory" from this album though, brilliant and full on rockin'
Modest indeed, they don't even tour! No, wait I'm thinking of Agoraphobic Mouse. Scratch that.