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Television — Marquee Moon
Album: Marquee Moon
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Total ratings: 686

Released: 1977
Length: 10:34
Plays (last 30 days): 1
I remember how the darkness doubled
I recall lightning struck itself
I was listening, listening to the rain
I was hearing, hearing something else

Life in the hive puckered up my night
The kiss of death, the embrace of life
There I stand 'neath the marquee moon
Just waiting

I spoke to a man down at the tracks
And I asked him how he don't go mad
He said ''"Look here junior, don't you be so happy.
And for Heaven's sake, don't you be so sad."''

Life in the hive puckered up my night
The kiss of death, the embrace of life
There I stand 'neath the marquee moon

Well a Cadillac, it pulled out of the graveyard
Pulled up to me, all they said get in
Then the Cadillac, it puttered back into the graveyard
Me, I got out again

Life in the hive puckered up my night
The kiss of death, the embrace of life
There I stand 'neath the marquee moon
I ain't waiting, uh uh

I remember how the darkness doubled
I recall lightning struck itself
I was listening, listening to the rain
I was hearing, hearing something else
Comments (123)add comment
One of the best albums of my collections. Doesn't this deserve a little more than 6.8?
 dmiley wrote:

I couldn't help but think of the New Radicals.  

I'm hearing Mick's vocals from the new Stones album here (not so much the guitar). No doubt Mick was influenced by these guys, and vice-versa.
I couldn't help but think of the New Radicals.  
Love the guitar on this. Hard to imagine this is from 1977. Anyone else hear Wilco's "Impossible Germany"?
 kingart wrote:

Jan 28, 2023 1:52pm  Tom Verlaine, Founder of Influential Punk-Era Band Television, Dies at 73


May he Rest In Peace!!
Jan 28, 2023 1:52pm  Tom Verlaine, Founder of Influential Punk-Era Band Television, Dies at 73

Currently out of rotation. Who cares.
Masterpiece in every respect- musically, lyrically and in atmosphere. 
Catches perfectly the anxiety of the (so called modern) (hu)man.
Some little problem with the rhythm but it's good and fresh for 1977.
Exceptional song and the band. Their 2nd LP 'Adventure' is also very dear to me.
Patti Smith was having a concert in 2009 in my town (a dream come true) and Tom Verlaine was sitting in the back of the stage accompanying her on guitar.   
 ExploitingChaos wrote:
Unique sound for 77
The "77" in your comment brought Talking Heads: 77 to mind; some similarities, I'd say.
Bill. Rebecca. I have work to do. Now I have the Bass plugged in.
One of my favorites songs. Also one of those that you will never hear in commercial radio.
I love this.  There should be more songs that are looong, filled with soul like this.
unique sound . . . voice . . . guitar . . . I love it!
I thought this is new stuff 

a tad long but definitively good
Unique sound for 77
1977? Have heard this a few times here on RP, the guitar always caught my ear, but I  only looked up the info today. I did not know Television back in the day and thought this was some new release. Held up well.
 ziggytrix wrote:
Oh wow. LCD Soundsystem, Cold War Kids, Franz Ferdinand, The Killers, etc all kinda sound like this, but this was 30 years before any of them.

I thought it was Arctic Monkeys.
Stuck in the garage!!
that guitar in the middle part  is music to my ears!
thanks Bill.
Oh wow. LCD Soundsystem, Cold War Kids, Franz Ferdinand, The Killers, etc all kinda sound like this, but this was 30 years before any of them.
 dadofsammy wrote:
hmmm... Talking Heads, Television... Television, Talking Heads... Yup, the right band made it.
The choice wasn't binary.   You're also forgetting NY Dolls, Blondie, Lou Reed, etc.  Not sure "made it" is the point either.  Dylan sold far fewer records in his hey day than his contemporaries.
 rowdydaisy wrote:
Sorry but this is aweful.
Before you corrected the spelling, I was kinda liking the idea of using "aweful" as FULL of AWE...this shit is on fire!  It's an 8 to me.... Long Live RP!!
Is this the Television that saved Cosmic Love Child's life?
 dadofsammy wrote:
hmmm... Talking Heads, Television... Television, Talking Heads... Yup, the right band made it.
  Well, I guess it depends who you ask, but the band we would come to know as Talking Heads would/could never have existed were it not for what was accomplished and established by Tom Verlaine and Television.
Toon !
This song tickles me in every way, my favorite by a country mile.
 lemmoth wrote:

Look up your history son.  So many bands would not exist were it not for Television.


Such as?
I have never heard this song or this Band... and I thought I knew something about rock 'n roll..  

Wow- Great song!  

RP got me again, teaching me what real music is all about.  

Now off to hear the rest of the album!
awesome . . . 10
 jukes1 wrote:

I’m not sure it holds up 41 years later.
Sort of like how Mozart is so dated.
Television made me what I am...
 noe.architecte169 wrote:
Not greats musicians but it's cool and fresh

Actually, they were all outstanding musicians.
This cheered up my Sunday, crack on
 ick wrote:
I hope most will recognize the masterful and interesting guitar playing on this.  In my opinion, it is genius, and was at the time of it's creation very different.

I’m not sure it holds up 41 years later.
I hope most will recognize the masterful and interesting guitar playing on this.  In my opinion, it is genius, and was at the time of it's creation very different.
man, this is awesome. what a way to start out my workday
By the way, Thanks so much for playing this today Bill. The memories that this song brings back , makes me smile on a Friday afternoon.   
See, some people love Dylan and think he's a god. No argument. 
I look at these guys, listen to a solid piece of work that changed my listening when I was a youngster. Love, love, love these guys. They changed a lot of things for me.
Has that "garagey" feel to it, but the guitar lines are more complex than one realizes.  The vocals get on my nerves a bit, and I roll my eyes when the critics freak out over this stuff, but I do like it.  Damning with faint praise?
Not greats musicians but it's cool and fresh
I love this song...like I love nails on the chalkboard or a cheese grater against the flesh.
Oh wait...Is that the band Television or did my smoke alarm just go off?
Saw Richard Lloyd a couple of years ago in a small club in Montana... He'd just gotten married and his bride wanted to see Yellowstone, so he booked a few shows out here. Was pretty odd (person/show/setting) but still awesome.
Feel like this song could have been recently released. Not 1977. Cool how ageless.
Love the psychedelic guitar twanging in this one. Reminds me of Quicksilver Messenger Service. 
 Giselle62 wrote:
this album's so great—-"See No Evil" "Venus" and "Elevation" are even better than this, in my opinion.

Yes,  this is a brilliant album - great song.  One of my escapes from the misery of high school.
Important historically, but not exactly great music.
 Jamunca wrote:
Thought this would garner better than 6.5.
Well, it starts out with a repetitive thing (& that voice) that may not garner fans (although I like that catchy twangy guitar hook) ....but near the end more is revealed musically. It still surprises me how sophisticated the last 1/5th of the song is.  Maybe the 6.5ers just didn't hang in there?
this album's so great—-"See No Evil" "Venus" and "Elevation" are even better than this, in my opinion.
Thought this would garner better than 6.5.
What a fascinating ratings distribution - I've never seen a histogram like this one 'round here before.
 bachbeet wrote:
I like it precisely because it's not a polished song.  It's raw and honors the roots of rock.

I like it precisely because it's not a polished song.  It's raw and honors the roots of rock.
Gawd, this is awful. Tuneless wanderings on the guitar at the end. Nothing more than scale exercises for 10-year-olds. And the singing couldn't be more grating.
Right towards the end before it all falls apart into guitar sparkles....
i love all entertwining guitar bands—-i can see how this could get long for some people, tho, it does for me, at times.
I think there's something wrong with people who don't like this. So ahead of it's time it's unreal. Not sure if anyone makes music like this anymore, shame.
Christ....End already.
I heard Chuck Prophet (local guitar hero here in the Bay Area) reference this album from the stage back in October.

It really increased my respect for him.

To the folks talking about Patti Smith: the latest Rolling Stone has a killer article about her and Robert Mapplethorpe (who took the cover photo for this album, BTW).

I loved these guys, back in the day. They had so much soul and character. It seems like yesterday. Oh well! {#Clap}

I like that Verlaine and Lloyd simply didn't give a shit about how long it took 'em to get everything they had to say on the table. Great stuff.
i was hoping this would come next ater hearing patti last night...
Ah, that explains Bill's playing the bit-o-fluff "Wildcat" - it makes a nice lead-in to this classic.

 a_genuine_find wrote:

Perhaps it's generational, I see some of the haters rating Patsy Kline 10 WTF indeed

Must be the case.  Yet folks like you (I looked at your list) and I rate plenty of post 90's and 00's music very highly.  The kids will learn i hope.

 lemmoth wrote:
Ok - riff starts and I go nuts.  Amazing song I've loved for over 30 ugh years since I first saw them in CBGBs

So I get to this page and look at the avg rating — 5   Decent WTF  

......................hesitating  A 10 if there ever was
Perhaps it's generational, I see some of the haters rating Patsy Kline 10 WTF indeed

 dionysius wrote:
So classic it drips Essence of Classic. For all fans of how the electric guitar can and should be played.

 keller1 wrote:
One of the most overrated albums ever.
why am I not surprised klueless keller strikes again

Brings back memories of listening to WRPI late at night
 BlueHeronDruid wrote:
Cold War Kids being strangled?

Can't help it. That kind of dry, tortured voice is far more unpleasant than nails on a chalkboard for me. There's no accounting for taste, of course.

Look up your history son.  So many bands would not exist were it not for Television.

Ok - riff starts and I go nuts.  Amazing song I've loved for over 30 ugh years since I first saw them in CBGBs

So I get to this page and look at the avg rating — 5   Decent WTF  

......................hesitating  A 10 if there ever was
Yea, not a bit Television fan; the guys voice can be grating, but I really do dig the guitar riff of this song!{#Bananajam}
God awful painful.... Bill must have had to leave for a loaf of bread

j7 wrote:
kinda long eh?

I guess the producer fell asleep halfway...
or did we just hear the entire album? {#Smile} 
Really effin' awesome. Wish I'd been there at the time.

It doesn't really live up to the album cover, but what could?
 vandal wrote:

How odd that I feel the opposite of you. . .


Yeah, quelle surprise.
 coding_to_music wrote:
Very cool ! very similar to Talking Heads '77 which was released the same year...
Both bands were playing around NYC in the early 1970's, though Television was formed slightly earlier (and they were the first "rock" band to play CBGB's).  Brilliant guitar work on their records.

 keller1 wrote:
One of the most overrated albums ever.
How odd that I feel the opposite of you. . .

Simply one of the greatest albums ever...but mainly because of Marquee Moon. I will listen to this several times in a row...best if you have to drop a needle on a groove to play it again.

The return at the end has to be one of the most beautiful play-outs ever.
 One of the few extremely highly rated albums that deserve all their praise.
Cold War Kids being strangled?

Can't help it. That kind of dry, tortured voice is far more unpleasant than nails on a chalkboard for me. There's no accounting for taste, of course.

One of the most overrated albums ever.
just thinking this was talentless 70's noise and sure enough.
rowdydaisy wrote:
Oops! You got me. correction: AWFUL
honestly...CBGB's would have never been the same without this band! Music would not have been the same if it wasn't for CBGB's!
This song was so long that there were several plays from scrimmage during tonight's NFL game while this song was playing. As a matter of fact, posession switched from the Colts then the Giants then the Colts again. And there were even a few commercials with each possession change. After all that, this song was still going. Simply put this was a long song. I'll have to give it my undivided attenion next time to rate it.
hmmm... Talking Heads, Television... Television, Talking Heads... Yup, the right band made it.
'Venus' is the best track on this record. this isn't. 10min and 47 sec. got be bored after 3 listens. not suitable for an intense listening the song could have been better if they cut out the last part that comes after the loooong interplay.
repetitive, boring, no need to hear it again
Most. Excellent.
wouaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!! Amazing song!!!!!!!!! love T.V.
coding_to_music wrote:
Very cool ! very similar to Talking Heads '77 which was released the same year...
:snaps fingers: So that's why I like it! Good call.
OH MY GOD it doesn't END.
rowdydaisy wrote:
Sorry but this is aweful.
awesomely + awful = aweful, you were right the first time. also pretty craptastic.
Simple yet effective. 30 years old and still edible.
Something about this totally works for me... I dig it.
MickMan wrote:
So is your spelling.
Oops! You got me. correction: AWFUL
rowdydaisy wrote:
Sorry but this is aweful.
So is your spelling.
This is about as good as it gets for me....
its really sad that this is rated so low. Please play more TV, Bill!
Very creative guitar work. Nice. Kinda retro-psychedelia, and yet progressive at the same time. Wasn't too familiar with these guys first time around. Good to learn more about them.
Sorry but this is aweful.
ManchesterUK wrote:
Please make it stop !!!!!!!
It does go on. But I like it!
Very cool ! very similar to Talking Heads '77 which was released the same year...
Please make it stop !!!!!!!
Play more Television! They've made a lot of other great songs too..
physicsgenius wrote:
Television: Jazz Just Got A Whole Lot Worse To be fair, I didn't know the living dead could play guitar.
physicsgenius: 90% of Everything He Writes is Crap To be fair, I didn't realize the living dead could type.
maryte wrote:
Thanks for all the positive comments - this was my upload on the LRC. I'd actually uploaded once previously and had it rejected (and knew it had be rejected several times previously), so I was absolutely elated when it was added!
I tried and failed...
Television: Jazz Just Got A Whole Lot Worse To be fair, I didn't know the living dead could play guitar.
Thanks for all the positive comments - this was my upload on the LRC. I'd actually uploaded once previously and had it rejected (and knew it had be rejected several times previously), so I was absolutely elated when it was added!
A thousand times yes. A punk band doing jam rock and doing it pretty damn well....I've always considered it like taking two musical poles of the 70's and making it into a synergistic whole.
Helchat wrote:
I need to listen to them more..... LOVE Roxy Music! I'm curious, was that the Siren or Manifesto tour? 77/78 seems a little late for Siren and early for Manifesto...
It was Siren, 2 nights in a row, 1st in Toronto and the next night in Buffalo. We then drove to Ottawa (6Hours) to see them 2 nights later. Guess we were fans.
I happen to enjoy a nice, long song. Especially if there is some reasonably good musicianship involved.
houston wrote:
So Roxy Music is playing this concert in oh, '77 or 78 and my buddy and I get tickets. He forces me to get there for this backup band called Television. I'll never forget the dual guitars of Lloyd and Verlaine. This is not background music, party music or rocking music- this is music to sit and marvel at. Thanks Bill, its been a long long time. My buddy knew what he was doing - years later he formed the Cowboy Junkies
I need to listen to them more..... LOVE Roxy Music! I'm curious, was that the Siren or Manifesto tour? 77/78 seems a little late for Siren and early for Manifesto...
goes a bit too long, imho.
chucklesalmon wrote:
Just awful.
Yeah, as a whole. Too much rambling and noodling around, even though some moments of catchy riffs and changes. Maybe it needs a remix & editing down to 2:30. I didn't like Television then or now.
So Roxy Music is playing this concert in oh, '77 or 78 and my buddy and I get tickets. He forces me to get there for this backup band called Television. I'll never forget the dual guitars of Lloyd and Verlaine. This is not background music, party music or rocking music- this is music to sit and marvel at. Thanks Bill, its been a long long time. My buddy knew what he was doing - years later he formed the Cowboy Junkies
was wondering when this song would appear on the list. I've listened to it several times, and it sounds fresh every time