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John Mellencamp — Stones In My Passway
Album: Trouble No More
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Total ratings: 288

Released: 2003
Length: 3:07
Plays (last 30 days): 0
(no lyrics available)
Comments (87)add comment
Here's a thumpin' version on video:

Wow. Wouldn't have guessed in a million years that was JCM. Quite likable. He should do more of that. Although I can stand John every once in a while, his attempts to sound so earnest and genuine always sound forced to me. The same rut Springsteen is stuck in. I liked this though.
Great song, great artist, one of my favs! If you like the sound of Mellencamp and Lisa Germano, check out Treehouse: www.myspace.com/treehouseonline
This is the first Mellencamp song I actually like. Maybe cause it doesn't sound like him.
First time I heard this song on the radio i had to pull the car over to groove...nearly swallowed my gum when I heard the announcer say it was John Mellencamp.
Real hot! Sounds alot like Plant, does pretty good an approximation. But not as hot as Led Zeppelin, never!
Bill is really rockin' the mix tonight!! Rock on with your bad self
I'm not a big Mellencamp fan, but every now and then, he does something I really like - like this.
Is it just me or do the Black Keys have a song that's very familiar to this one?
John getting a little bit funky....
hippiechick wrote:
I totally dig this song! Wish JM would do more with ths sound.
I usually think he is so-so. But I like the sound of this.
revevad1 wrote:
I have to kinda agree...
Yep. Me too. Normally I can't stand JM, but this rocks.
I totally dig this song! Wish JM would do more with ths sound.
I am getting more fond of this as I hear it. Good on RP for keeping it in rotation.
Ubaldo wrote:
Am I off base or is this song about an unfortunate medical condition?
Ahhahah, and Joe Puma Pumpkintent, I love that name! And the album title is an after surgery tribute
jgeyer wrote:
Not listening to RP the rest of the day. Mellencamp is a joke.
Would this be punishment served on John Mellencamp? on Radio Paradise? or done just as a form of self-flagellation? As for the song, I'm impressed with its bluesy quality. And some musician out there ought to be able to help with this: how does he get that scratchy sound from the guitar?
jgeyer wrote:
Not listening to RP the rest of the day. Mellencamp is a joke.
Oh wah, cry me a river because you heard one artist you don't like. Thanks for clearing up *MY* bandwidth! :) I dug it, not in a million years would I have thought that was JCM.
Not listening to RP the rest of the day. Mellencamp is a joke.
I know I'm going to get nailed by Mellenhead fans but this sounds a lot like Aerosmith. Production wise especially, and he's sounding quite a bit like how Tyler sings the blues. Cool, dug it.
emul wrote:
What the heck ? Normally I cannot tolerate more than 10 seconds of Mr. Pink Houses , yet I love this cut. I never would have found it if not for RP.
I have to kinda agree...
honeygirl wrote:
This is WHO? Dang... & I thought he was just a cute butt.
That's a polite way of putting it.
Stupid iTunes Music store, the one good song on this album and they have the album but without this song!
Am I off base or is this song about an unfortunate medical condition?
Now you have to play RJ himself. How about Hellhound on My Trail?
He may be talented but he's way out of his element here. All twang, no music, no thanks.
What the heck ? Normally I cannot tolerate more than 10 seconds of Mr. Pink Houses , yet I love this cut. I never would have found it if not for RP.
This version is far superior to the one they play on my local radio...
Nice bass and drums. Interesting turn by Mellencamp, a much under-rated artist, imo.
+1 for the Leo Kottke lead guitar -2 for the subject matter
I read a long time ago that at one time in his life The Couger smoked 7 packs of cigs a day. He would smoke in the shower. I tap my feet and nod my head everytime I hear this remake. Much love.
As this track attests to, and as anyone who has paid attention can tell you, Mr. Mellencamp has come a long way since American Fool and Uh-Huh. This is not an isolated instance.
I love hearing this song (hasn't gotten played out for me yet). I think it's the drumbeats that get to me. Makes me just wanna find a stick and bang on anything solid in reach.
This is WHO? Dang... & I thought he was just a cute butt.
AphidA wrote:
I said almost
Not half bad. Without looking at the playlist, I never would've pegged this as Joe Puma Pumpkintent.
dat is bad
Shatner passed a stone.
What an intro!! John Mellencamp......sorry But the tune is quite good. But John Mellencamp....... Ohwell.
bmo wrote:
I can't stand Mellencamp, but I'm almost buying this
Poor guy, he's really gonna be singing the blues when he passes the stones...
I can't stand Mellencamp, but I'm almost buying this
damien wrote:
sounds like Mr Cougar had 'traveling riverside blues' on his mind when he wrote this one!
John Melloncamp didn't write it, Robert Johnson - who also wrote Traveling Riverside Blues - wrote this song.
there isn't a bad song on the whole darn album--made me appreciate the sound of his voice much more than before
Candleben wrote:
Is this song an ode to passing kidney stones?
LOL. That's exactly what I thought. Nice one. Wow, Mr. Mellencamp's got some chops here. Where've they been hiding? ;-) Likeable tune.
Beastie wrote:
He deserves all his fame and glory.
Uh, no. I like this well enough, but "Jack and Diane" should have earned him prison time.
BKardon wrote:
Mr. Mellencamp you have no business causing me to tap my foot to your song. Please stop it sir.
LOL - I couldn't agree more! Upon until now, I wished he'd just stay in his little pink house and shut the hell up.
Wow- this is a pleasant surprise from old mellonhead. Good stuff!
Is this song an ode to passing kidney stones?
yeah, this was a pleasant surprise from John Mellencamp. Had not heard this version of the Robert Johnson tune. Very nice.
wow. this is rockin' i'm bopping along. unexpected from mellenhead
John Mellencamp?!? Where/when the hell did he learn to perform like this. I'm impressed. And its tasty.
Mr. Mellencamp you have no business causing me to tap my foot to your song. Please stop it sir.
Did anyone catch him on Howard Stern two months ago? He just picked up the guitar and sang a couple of hits, all on his own. He was amazing. He deserves all his fame and glory.
ploafmaster wrote:
Only Radio Paradise could find a Mellonhead song that I would rate with 8. Good job, Bill.
UH, what loaf said!
Only Radio Paradise could find a Mellonhead song that I would rate with 8. Good job, Bill.
This is so damned tasty! I can really chew on this!
Well, I just had to raise my rating on this from a 5 to a 7. It's really starting to grow on me.
This entire album is mostly covers of various old standards. Some nice (and different) arrangements. Quite a bit different from many of JM's other albums.
I too like this song a lot. It IS an old Robert Johnson song and has been done by many others. You have to listen to the original, though. I think John's best album is Mister Happy Go Lucky. It had a couple of hits, but the rest of the songs on it are very diverse and interesting. Good stuff.
I really like the bounce and sass of this song. I hadn't ever thought of Mellencamp as a blues shouter, but the more power to him for making the experiment. For me, it works just fine.
I LIKE the bluesy John Cougar, er Mellencamp!
Thanks to the folks that gave some JM info and for admonishing preconceived notions. FWIW - I like the tune and think it's some pretty "valid" stuff!
Wonder where the "bird that whistles/bird that sings" line originates from. Hear it in many songs...
Whoa! A Mellencamp tune that's not completely pop drivel! Cool!
Daveinbawlmer wrote:
From cutesy and immature to fake blues. Guess ya gotta try and stay relevent some how. RL Burnside stomps all over this and laughs
rl burnside is cool, but that comparison is kind of silly. anyway, one thing that rl burnside DOESN'T strike me as is gloating or vindictive (oops that's two things). i think that this is actually a robert johnson song (could easily be wrong). it's not "fake," even if you don't like the idea of mellencamp doing it.
Hello: damien wrote:
sounds like Mr Cougar had 'traveling riverside blues' on his mind when he wrote this one!
Two points: he never wanted the name Cougar -- the record company people did this without telling him, apparently. He did drop it as quickly as he could. I'm pretty sure that he prefers his own name. Secondly, I don't believe that he wrote this song, or any of the other songs on this CD, either. They are all old "traditional" songs. He did write a verse or two for "To Washington", though. Scarecrow was the album that opened my eyes to John Mellencamp's talents, and Human Wheels confirmed it. His early stuff is okay, and overplayed, but he definitely seems to get better with age -- and hopefully he can quit smoking and actually live to some ripe, old age. Oh, and this is my upload, btw -- I hope that people can get past their preconceptions about people and listen... All this CD seems to be recorded live in the studio; the sound quality is pretty rip roaring, and the music definitely has that lively "snap" that can only come from musicians playing in the same room together. Neil
stickittotheman wrote:
Big Daddy is still prolly in my top 40. Good album. This aint bad. Is it about gall stones?
Er, kidney stones. Passway...get it?
From cutesy and immature to fake blues. Guess ya gotta try and stay relevent some how. RL Burnside stomps all over this and laughs
sounds like Mr Cougar had 'traveling riverside blues' on his mind when he wrote this one!
Big Daddy is still prolly in my top 40. Good album. This aint bad. Is it about gall stones?
have been a closet mellenhead fan for awhile - much to the dismay of my friends. i've never heard this before but is one more reason i like him.
Sadly, I only am familiar with this song as the beginning of Colin James' I Just Came Back to Say Goodbye. Good to hear a real version.
trancefussion wrote:
For me these things go hand in hand and why shouldn't they?
They're different entities. I also find them hard to seperate, but nevertheless think they should be seperated. Maybe a good subject for a topic!
nice one from john, i've always thought he should've stuck with the "Paper & Fire" sound...although "Scarecrow" is good too.
truk77 wrote:
That was actually some pretty good bluesin' from Ol' Johnnie Cougar. He should stick with that style and leave the milquetoast rock behind.
Agreed, on both counts. More specifically, he should leave the Van Morrison covers behind. God, I hated that bit o' blasphemy. . . .
White boy has got blues cred ! Pretty authentic version...
Johray63 wrote:
More in general I think an artist's personality and his/her music shouldn't be confused too much.
For me these things go hand in hand and why shouldn't they?
People hate John Mellencamp for no sensible reason. People love blues music for no sensible reason. Which will prove to be the strongest nonsensible sentiment?
There aren't too many (whities ) who can perform a classic like this so convincingly well! Impressive, the more so because the production and accompaniment is so sparse (though great). Love that rhythm. More in general I think an artist's personality and his/her music shouldn't be confused too much.
One of the most annoying folks around ...and a lousy song.
That was actually some pretty good bluesin' from Ol' Johnnie Cougar. He should stick with that style and leave the milquetoast rock behind.
Beanie wrote:
I know a good surgeon who could probably help ol' John with this......
He actually does a pretty good job with this, though.
Beanie wrote:
I know a good surgeon who could probably help ol' John with this......
Yeah, this tune coulda been called "LITHOTRIPSY BLUES".
Not too shabby!
Good one from Mellencamp. Lots of fire and passion. I heard him at a visit to Howard Stern last month. Without much fanfarre, he played a couple of songs - and sounded great. His voice is still going strong after all these years. Here's hoping he continues like that for many years to come.
I know a good surgeon who could probably help ol' John with this......