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PJ Harvey — Send His Love to Me
Album: To Bring You My Love
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Total ratings: 563

Released: 1995
Length: 4:01
Plays (last 30 days): 0
(no lyrics available)
Comments (149)add comment
I actually had a patient request I turn it up!
I actually just had a patient to request that I change the channel.
Yap, yap, yap, yapeeee? {#Ask}
Great Album! I will have to see if I can dig it up.
I like PJ a far amount but this just doesn't do if for me all that much.  Voice is irritating.

She's kinda just singing one note throughout the song.  Ehhhhhhhhh, I'm not too enthusiastic about this one.  Yeah, the vocal tic is annoying, too.
17 FlatCat wrote:

Too bad for her. She will wreck her voice very quickly doing that.


18 years since the release of "Dry" and still sounds great. How do you define "quickly"?

 FlatCat wrote:

Too bad for her. She will wreck her voice very quickly doing that.
she is "doing that" for some time already and she is "doing that" very well... I'd worry about her diet more than voice... 

pj harvey by *thicktheo
thodoris markou   ©2008-2010 *thicktheo

30 june 2008
badminton theatre, athens

copyright (c) 2008, thodoris markou. no unauthorized use allowed.

 chyk5 wrote:
Too bad for you. Your description lists the few of many reasons she is a singular talent.
Too bad for her. She will wreck her voice very quickly doing that.

i like "c'mon billy" and "long snake moan" on this album way more. video for "billy" is good.
 h9xh9xh9x wrote:
Sounds like Lindsey Buckingham.
Sounds like a woman with a sore throat. That catch in her voice is seriously irritating. Great singer, great songs, but this one is a pain in the ears. Looks like it's another RP fallow period, at least for the Nottingham jury - not a rating over 3 in the last half hour. Still, we keep the faith...

 suddenchad wrote:
Would you people stop with the PJ/Patti Smith comparisons? Two fabulous, female artists, whose main body of work stand almost two decadea apart. (Yes, I know Patti is still doing stuff and it IS great.) The idea of saying there would be no PJ without Patti is about as insightful as saying there would be no Beatles without Elvis. (Or something like that.) I'm so sick of RP listeners saying "Person Y is of no value because they remind me of person X who I love." Aside from you getting to feel oh so smug about your musical knowledge, If you want to extend that logic, there should have been only about about 5-10 musical acts in the history of pop music. Not exactly a world I'd be happy with.

You are right on with this comment.  As a huge fan of Patti and and PJ, (and Elvis and the Beatles and Elvis) I couldn't agree more.

 element1 wrote:
"Sexism" is "the belief or attitude that one gender or sex is inferior to, less competent, or less valuable than the other."  How is posting a sexy picture sexist?
Especially since Polly obviously posed for the photo with quite earnest intent.

Earnestly, I would lick her legs...
Hearing this "song" becomes my torture....
 Stefen wrote:

the devil made me post this pic of PJ.

No worries. I doubt PJ would object.

 Stefen wrote:

I know doing so is a bit sexist, but the devil made me post this pic of PJ.


"Sexism" is "the belief or attitude that one gender or sex is inferior to, less competent, or less valuable than the other."  How is posting a sexy picture sexist?

 FlatCat wrote:
This song becomes my torture. That yodel-y, gutteral, voice-destroying thing is so painful. Like Harvey usually.

Too bad for you. Your description lists the few of many reasons she is a singular talent.
 Stefen wrote:

I know doing so is a bit sexist, but the devil made me post this pic of PJ.


Yes.  It was.  More than a bit, actually.

But thank you!
Figures the guy from West Hollywood would post that picture!  {#Whipit}

I know doing so is a bit sexist, but the devil made me post this pic of PJ.

I like this song, especially the sound of her voice in it.  It may be "unrefined" or whatever, but that's why it works for me.
I couldn't agree with you more! Well said!

suddenchad wrote:
Would you people stop with the PJ/Patti Smith comparisons? Two fabulous, female artists, whose main body of work stand almost two decadea apart. (Yes, I know Patti is still doing stuff and it IS great.) The idea of saying there would be no PJ without Patti is about as insightful as saying there would be no Beatles without Elvis. (Or something like that.) I'm so sick of RP listeners saying "Person Y is of no value because they remind me of person X who I love." Aside from you getting to feel oh so smug about your musical knowledge, If you want to extend that logic, there should have been only about about 5-10 musical acts in the history of pop music. Not exactly a world I'd be happy with.


Would you people stop with the PJ/Patti Smith comparisons? Two fabulous, female artists, whose main body of work stand almost two decadea apart. (Yes, I know Patti is still doing stuff and it IS great.) The idea of saying there would be no PJ without Patti is about as insightful as saying there would be no Beatles without Elvis. (Or something like that.) I'm so sick of RP listeners saying "Person Y is of no value because they remind me of person X who I love." Aside from you getting to feel oh so smug about your musical knowledge, If you want to extend that logic, there should have been only about about 5-10 musical acts in the history of pop music. Not exactly a world I'd be happy with.

This song becomes my torture. That yodel-y, gutteral, voice-destroying thing is so painful. Like Harvey usually.
A lot of effort in one album, though critcally not so acclaimed. Great set Air - Bonobo - PJ Harvey. Works surprisingly well as always with RP.
I bought this album back when it was released, and no other record has ever pulled me in so immediately and thouroughly. I remember my brother coming in after 6 hours, asking me to put on something else :P

FWIW, I think the title track is the best, and I know of no other song from any artist that I could put higher.

Sadly I've never been able to attend a concert with PJ, but I hear she had a legendary performance in the new Norwegian opera house earlier this year.

Oh yes she has put her whole soul into this one and I LIKE IT!
I dig this song.  I love to hear a woman really put herself out there, as P.J. Harvey does on this song.  Raw and gritty.

 vandal wrote:

Polly Jean has yet to reach her own zenith, and is a devout practitioner of her own private brand of "what you hear is what you get."


If she can do better than "You said something", I'll be amazed. That song is god(dess)-like.

never get tired of this....
He he he! Totally.

 vit wrote:
Holy crap somebody get that guy's foot out of his stirrup before that horse drags him through a fence or something! What? It's PJ Harvey? Oh, er, nevermind, I thought there was an emergency.

Great performer, album and song!  A bit rough for some tastes but it appeals to me.
Love it
Holy crap somebody get that guy's foot out of his stirrup before that horse drags him through a fence or something! What? It's PJ Harvey? Oh, er, nevermind, I thought there was an emergency.
Ntropy wrote:
I think you have it backwards. If it hadn't been for Patti paving the way for female rock poets, Polly Jean would just be another large-headed angry woman, with a scratch-blues voice.
While I agree with you in part, that Patti preceded Polly Jean and did much to set the bar for female rock poets, my statement refers to staying true to ones self. IMHO: Patti has sold out; much of her music has aged in an ungraceful way, and - she's become a cherished relic. Polly Jean has yet to reach her own zenith, and is a devout practitioner of her own private brand of "what you hear is what you get."
doctec wrote:
While I've never been a huge fan of her work, I've always respected her abilities as a singer, songwriter and performer. She's hard to warm up to, but she comes off as true to herself and her art and that's a heck of a lot more than you can say for some musicians who've amassed greater accolades and money than she has. Then not long ago she was the guest artist on KCRW's Morning Becomes Eclectic and as the interview progressed all I could think was "Holy f***, what a self-centered, self-aggrandizing everything-in-the-world-revolves-around-me person she is!" - and it became clear to me why I never put her on the same sky-high pedestal as some fans and critics have. Her MBE appearance should be in the KCRW archives ... sorry, but I'm too lazy to dig it up.
I'm a longtime fan of her music and appreciate your remarks about her abilities. Thanks for the info on the interview. I've seen her live 6 times, but I've never seen, read or heard an interview. I will definitely search for it.
While I've never been a huge fan of her work, I've always respected her abilities as a singer, songwriter and performer. She's hard to warm up to, but she comes off as true to herself and her art and that's a heck of a lot more than you can say for some musicians who've amassed greater accolades and money than she has. Then not long ago she was the guest artist on KCRW's Morning Becomes Eclectic and as the interview progressed all I could think was "Holy f***, what a self-centered, self-aggrandizing everything-in-the-world-revolves-around-me person she is!" - and it became clear to me why I never put her on the same sky-high pedestal as some fans and critics have. Her MBE appearance should be in the KCRW archives ... sorry, but I'm too lazy to dig it up.
Chi_Guy wrote:
Sorry... Pale Patti Smith knock-off (at best).
Have you listened to all of her work and not just this song? You should before making flippant judgments.
chyk5 wrote:
Hard to take as serious criticism from someone who gives high marks to Blur and Arctic Monkeys.
Sorry... Pale Patti Smith knock-off (at best).
StickerSticker wrote:
A poet? She writes with the angst and vocab of a teenager.
Hard to take as serious criticism from someone who gives high marks to Blur and Arctic Monkeys.
A poet? She writes with the angst and vocab of a teenager.
vandal wrote:
Patti Smith couldn't carry Polly Jean's jockstrap. . .
I think you have it backwards. If it hadn't been for Patti paving the way for female rock poets, Polly Jean would just be another large-headed angry woman, with a scratch-blues voice.
teapot wrote:
It is Polly Jean not Patti Smith.
Patti Smith couldn't carry Polly Jean's jockstrap. . .
chyk5 wrote:
That's too bad. You're really missing out on an incredible talent.
I know. My boyfriend likes her, but I can't get into it. I wish I could. Oh well.
joeychick wrote:
LOLOLOL ... anything to shut them up, right? I saw PJ Harvey years ago as an opener for U2 during their Elevation tour. My ears were crying. As they are right now. I don't really care for her voice, can't get past it.
That's too bad. You're really missing out on an incredible talent.
Jelani wrote:
Angry chicks need their mouths filled...
LOLOLOL ... anything to shut them up, right? I saw PJ Harvey years ago as an opener for U2 during their Elevation tour. My ears were crying. As they are right now. I don't really care for her voice, can't get past it.
Vandy005 wrote:
Yeah... Angry chicks rule!!
Angry chicks need their mouths filled...
lily34 wrote:
i thought it was polly jean? weird.
It is Polly Jean not Patti Smith.
Limpopoking wrote:
PJ Harvey's real name is Patti Smith
Well, she certainly could pass for her daughter anyway.
Limpopoking wrote:
PJ Harvey's real name is Patti Smith
i thought it was polly jean? weird.
Isabellesmith wrote:
Limpopoking wrote:
PJ Harvey's real name is Patti Smith
Wow, now I finally understand why I can't appreciate PJ Harvey. Because I have really tried to. You couldn't have explained it to me any more clearly. Thanks.
Limpopoking wrote:
PJ Harvey's real name is Patti Smith
No shit! And that's not a bad thing. Not at all. This song kicks asssssssssssss!
PJ Harvey's real name is Patti Smith
mandolin wrote:
...sounds like patti smith...
Baby_M wrote:
...going through withdrawal.
mandolin wrote:
...sounds like patti smith...
...going through withdrawal.
This is such a strong album, it's great to hear it on RP!
Yeah... Angry chicks rule!!
mandolin wrote:
...sounds like patti smith...
mandolin wrote:
...sounds like patti smith...
Is that a bad thing??
very annoying hate it
...sounds like patti smith...
Reminds me of my long unhappy marriage. Whew, am I ever glad that's over. :)
Patti Smith.....but I do love PJ
aliasnwonderland wrote:
Pleheheheheeeeze make it stop! I have heard PJ Harvey that I liked, but this is crap.
Pleheheheheeeeze make it stop! I have heard PJ Harvey that I liked, but this is crap.
Bleh I like all her other stuff but ugh!
Frater_Kork wrote:
Polly at her most accessible, great song, great album. Absolutely nothing wrong with her earlier rawer albums, they raged!
yup! for sure mate!
"How long must I suffer?" 4 minutes 20 seconds.
Polly at her most accessible, great song, great album. Absolutely nothing wrong with her earlier rawer albums, they raged!
karen wrote:
Channeling Patti Smith for sure.
That's who I thought it was too. Good tune.
lionirons wrote:
She's playing through an Orange...I think I'm in love.
It is an ivitation: " Send His Love to Me "
RichardPrins wrote:
She's playing through an Orange...I think I'm in love.
suddenchad wrote:
PJ, like any worthwhile artist, has numerous influences. If all you hear is Patti Smith, the problem is with your ears. And what is the obsession around here with criticizing things that are rough edged, unpolished, unslick? Most everything be slick and clean for you folks to like it? My absolute number one album of the 90s. A masterpiece as far as I am concerned.
Well said...and ditto re: A masterpiece
suddenchad wrote:
PJ, like any worthwhile artist, has numerous influences. If all you hear is Patti Smith, the problem is with your ears. And what is the obsession around here with criticizing things that are rough edged, unpolished, unslick? Most everything be slick and clean for you folks to like it? My absolute number one album of the 90s. A masterpiece as far as I am concerned.
YES! thank you! Your comment needs to be posted at the top of like EVERY song forum!!
Um, no. Guess you had to have been there ....
nuggler wrote:
karen wrote:
Channeling Patti Smith for sure.
What is with the cracked voice yodeling?It is completely,totally forced and fake sounding. Maybe this is really PJ ORourke the comedian.
I love PJ. This is by far one of her best albums.
One of the best song of PJ !
PJ, like any worthwhile artist, has numerous influences. If all you hear is Patti Smith, the problem is with your ears. And what is the obsession around here with criticizing things that are rough edged, unpolished, unslick? Most everything be slick and clean for you folks to like it? My absolute number one album of the 90s. A masterpiece as far as I am concerned.
tony620d wrote:
and boy is she HEAVY THIS MONTH. HOLY MOLY put her out of her misery.
wow...once enough was bad, but to quote yourself with something so incredibly stupid?? I feel bad even criticizing you because you must be somehow....challenged.
Last time I saw her she was opening for U2 I believe. Big arena and her voice filled every corner.
Channeling Patti Smith for sure.
PJ Harvey has a powerful, clear voice, but I could do without the rough edges.....Wreckless Eric could get away with it, but not her. All in all a fine song.
nice tune, nice girl.
always like the edge in the voice as if its close to breaking down!!
Everytime this starts I think cool-Patti Smith. But it's uncool.
Little_Wing wrote:
Thank you, thank you...love PJ...
I'll go with that ... Love PJ!
Thank you, thank you...love PJ...
tony620d wrote:
aunt flow is definately in town.
heheheheeee. funny.
luminousjune wrote:
In other news: I love this song. Great artist, great album. Thanks, RP!
luminousjune wrote:
HAHAHA wow you must be just nearing 12 years old because that is completely juvenile humor. I bet you have a poor history with women...oh wait, you've barely hit puberty, nevermind. Must be daddy's office you're visiting. Nice job quoting yourself there, chum. In other news: I love this song. Great artist, great album. Thanks, RP!
Yeah... uhm... NO. Bad song. Period. LOL!!!
with all that said, some say it ok to swim in a red river, just dont drink from it! But i never be swimming in PJ's Red River! Har!
Would be a much better song if it didn't have those vocals. Yikes!
ack. sounds too much like Patty Smith here...
luminousjune wrote:
HAHAHA wow you must be just nearing 12 years old because that is completely juvenile humor. I bet you have a poor history with women...oh wait, you've barely hit puberty, nevermind. Must be daddy's office you're visiting. Nice job quoting yourself there, chum. In other news: I love this song. Great artist, great album. Thanks, RP!
and boy is she HEAVY THIS MONTH. HOLY MOLY put her out of her misery.
i honestly believe we guys have our periods too, if the song can be attributed to that. i like it.
sexy girl... crappy song
tony620d wrote:
lovey song - MUTE
Is this guy a Tux understudy. One comment is all we need to know you don't like it. I've got some good knock-knock jokes my 5 yr old told me to flesh out your routine for a slightly more mature audience.
tony620d wrote:
and boy is she HEAVY THIS MONTH. HOLY MOLY put her out of her misery.
HAHAHA wow you must be just nearing 12 years old because that is completely juvenile humor. I bet you have a poor history with women...oh wait, you've barely hit puberty, nevermind. Must be daddy's office you're visiting. Nice job quoting yourself there, chum. In other news: I love this song. Great artist, great album. Thanks, RP!
PJ is very PS in this song - love them both
(ugh, I'm in a mood this morning!)
tony620d wrote:
and boy is she HEAVY THIS MONTH. HOLY MOLY put her out of her misery.
I don't think of myself as a particularly right-on sort of guy, but these comments still irritate me. One, because they're not funny; two, because PJ, and this song, are fantastic. In any case, there's hardly been a shortage of male artists who sing about shitty relationships - in fact, you could argue that's what started the whole thing off (ie.the Blues).
I like her voice....not the song
PJ rocks!!!
tony620d wrote:
aunt flow is definately in town.
and boy is she HEAVY THIS MONTH. HOLY MOLY put her out of her misery.
I like the way the guitar drives this song.
Art_Carnage wrote:
This sounds a lot like the Indigo Girls.
uh....what crack are you smokin? must be strong stuff! PJ is about the FURTHEST from the eternally sappy Indigo Girls a female rocker can get!