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Béla Fleck — Magic Fingers
Album: UFO Tofu
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Total ratings: 497

Released: 1992
Length: 5:11
Plays (last 30 days): 0
(no lyrics available)
Comments (83)add comment

Victor Wooten changes its rate from 6 to 7 by himself.

Liked, " Happy Feet," better.
 shutter wrote:
Props to Bela's proficiency on the banjo but, sorry, his stuff is like listening to a classical tuba concerto.  Just doesn't quite do it for me.
I must agree, and the analogy is good. The only time I saw them perform (Hardly Strictly Bluegrass) they played what was basically background music, albeit at high volume. There's no real soul there, even if the soullessness is performed well.
 VermontBread wrote:
Victor... Quite simply the best bass player in the world.

 VermontBread wrote:
Victor... Quite simply the best bass player in the world.
A real treat!

Props to Bela's proficiency on the banjo but, sorry, his stuff is like listening to a classical tuba concerto.  Just doesn't quite do it for me.

Victor... Quite simply the best bass player in the world.
haven't read through the thread to see if this has been said already, but sounds like an interpretation of "Why Don't We Do it In the Road"
I hate banjos...
 nimesay wrote:
for a minute I thought I was listening to my coworker's cheesey cool jazz muzak station.  But no, it's RadioParadise...  Bummer.

One of the things that makes RP work for me and others, is the diversity of music we hear. I've heard music
from the 40's through the present, country, jazz, R&R, blues,ethnic, eclectic and exceptional. In fact, it's played so that I never feel like I'm listening to, too much of one thing. Radio Paradise is a one of a kind, it's the only station where you can hear Billy Holiday, Johnny Cash, and Pink Floyd back to back. It just doesn't get any better than this !   

BF = t greatest. Telluridebin 2004 kicked my head vertically UP as I gripped for Mr. Sun's TV Station. Colleague's rite: boring tune. Maestro at t wheel.

No comment rating.
for a minute I thought I was listening to my coworker's cheesey cool jazz muzak station.  But no, it's RadioParadise...  Bummer.
 calypsus_1 wrote:

magic, yes

**  8 **

great song BF plays some great stuff on banjo, Victor is just amazing , him with just a drummer  and you will see things ya didn't think could be done on a bass
Sure, good at the banjo, which is an instrument I love.  But, the song is just boring really.{#Zip-lip}

magic, yes

**  8 **

secretagent214 wrote:
Anything by Bela Fleck is great. I remember when I first heard him and the Flecktones. I was walking around at a big music festival in Atlanta. Huge temporary stages were set up with all kinds of big name bands blasting the amps at full power. A little sax could be heard somewhere underneath, and after some searching I found them on a little stage with the volume low (relatively anyway) and a small crowd gathered around composed of people who actually seemed to enjoy the music. Especially considering I had no idea who they were, I was awed. It was definately the highlight of the festival.
Good story, I saw Bela with Nicklecreek in Asheville NC (which was there last concert together) and he was great, just him and the banjo. Each member of Nicklecreek joined him on stage for one song each.
Bela Fleck is (almost) to banjo what Hendrix was to electric guitar... he greatly expands it's range of expression.
radioparadisehead wrote:
You just called Victor Wooten "terrible" and an "undeserving artist." You should have to wear a t-shirt that says, "I said Victor Wooten is terrible." No joke, you would get laughed at constantly.
... Good idea. Here, majortom, put this on:
DoctorHooey wrote:
Amen. Drumitar = instant muzak
I agree. The "engineering" behind it is novel and innovative but has always diminished the quality of the sound of the band IMO. With that said, Future Man is a pretty darn good percussionist in his own right. He took on some more traditional (as well as some unconventional) percussion instruments at one performance I attended and rocked the house.
(writes crosses in the roof) A Béla Fleck song that I dont find completely annoying. Who'd have thunk it?
thatslongformud wrote:
Future Man needs to be Hit To Death In The Future Head with that drumitar BS....
Amen. Drumitar = instant muzak
I so cannot stand this banjo stuff
majortom505 wrote:
Terible song!! What's the point of playing it, to take up some time? Can this please!!!! There are way too many deserving artists to play tripe like this!!!!
You just called Victor Wooten "terrible" and an "undeserving artist." You should have to wear a t-shirt that says, "I said Victor Wooten is terrible." No joke, you would get laughed at constantly.
bogle raf
That was nice. I bumped from 7 to 8 and the average went from 7.3 to 7.4
ThePoose wrote:
Ask Victor that question, and he'll set you straight.
I'll gladly put Victor & Jaco up on identical pedestals.
I saw them this summer. Excellent show. Bela and the boys jammed with their two travel bands in different combos. Most worked realy well.
GregX59 wrote:
You know, I'm starting to think he's the best, ever. He's got it all - rock solid support, incredible solo ability, amazing dynamic range. I'm starting to think Jaco didn't have anything on Victor Wooten.
Ask Victor that question, and he'll set you straight.
radiojunkie wrote:
Listening to that bass... Who's Victor Wooten?
If you have to ask that question, you are clueless about the fretless--or any bass--player, for that matter.
The drumitar might not be cool. But the guijo is.... https://www.superchikan.biz/guijo.htm
crockydile wrote:
Wow. Victor Wooten on bass is amazing...I'm assuming that's the cat.
And it sounds like a fretless bass. Jaco Pastorius, who invented the fretless electric bass by ripping the frets out of his Fender with a pair of pliers and coating the fretboard with epoxy, called frets ''speedbumps.''
Future Man needs to be Hit To Death In The Future Head with that drumitar BS....
... Magic Mouth ... ...
MajorTom505 sort of has a point, but I have a reason: I dislike horns and strings together as the two featured instruments. If the stringed instrument is a plucked banjo, I like the combo less. But I will not judge this artist's total output by one infelicitous pairing.
Anything by Bela Fleck is great. I remember when I first heard him and the Flecktones. I was walking around at a big music festival in Atlanta. Huge temporary stages were set up with all kinds of big name bands blasting the amps at full power. A little sax could be heard somewhere underneath, and after some searching I found them on a little stage with the volume low (relatively anyway) and a small crowd gathered around composed of people who actually seemed to enjoy the music. Especially considering I had no idea who they were, I was awed. It was definately the highlight of the festival.
Wow. Victor Wooten on bass is amazing...I'm assuming that's the cat.
rah wrote:
anyone else hearing the melody to "Ain't No Sunshine..." running through this?
God thank you...this has been in my head since this album was in release. I just couldn't figure out what my mind was almost singing along with.
It's a 10, with a 5 point penlty for the drumitar. Future Man annoys the crappouta me.
this is sugar-scratchin' an itch I had! Thanks! I love bluegrass, Earl Scruggs, Tyminski, the McMurry Brothers. This is a little outside of that line, but still very, very, very good.
oesvends wrote:
Howard Levy. He also plays the, uhm, synth on this song.
Yup, good old Howard, from Skokie, Illinois. I miss the early days of the Flecktones.
Chunnamark wrote:
Anyone know who that is? (please no responses that include the words "synth" "axe" or "drumitar")
Howard Levy. He also plays the, uhm, synth on this song.
Xeric wrote:
Woohoo! That harmonica! Makes me GRIN!
Anyone know who that is? (please no responses that include the words "synth" "axe" or "drumitar")
He is thick as thievs with my favrorite artists......... seen him once as a backup banjo......... (if there is such a thing). Okay I admit, it was a Bluegrass Festival!!! There, I said it.
majortom505 wrote:
Terible song!! What's the point of playing it, to take up some time? Can this please!!!! There are way too many deserving artists to play tripe like this!!!!
New around these parts pardner? If Bela Fleck counts as tripe in your book, I wonder how you can stand a lot of the other music here on RP.
Somebody bring me a plate of etouffee, would ya? 8)
Terible song!! What's the point of playing it, to take up some time? Can this please!!!! There are way too many deserving artists to play tripe like this!!!!
mezzanine wrote:
He's the mofo playing the bass. https://www.victorwooten.com/
You know, I'm starting to think he's the best, ever. He's got it all - rock solid support, incredible solo ability, amazing dynamic range. I'm starting to think Jaco didn't have anything on Victor Wooten.
anyone else hearing the melody to "Ain't No Sunshine..." running through this?
Saw Bela and Tony Trishka live once with my Dad - probably one of only a handful of concerts that we could enjoy together. If you ever get the chance, see him live - and if anyone ever doubted the sex appeal of banjo players, just see how many hot women are vying for his attention - there were several in the small venue were I saw him.
I have owned this CD for ten years, believing this song is the thuly most awesome song ever recorded. Still does, never changed my mind. Have almost worn out the CD. A 10.
radiojunkie wrote:
Listening to that bass... Who's Victor Wooten?
He's the mofo playing the bass. https://www.victorwooten.com/
Listening to that bass... Who's Victor Wooten?
Holy Carp! Listen to that bass!
Victor Wooten 8O
There's less than a thousand of us listening right now...and who's that strange person in the studio with Bill? ENQUIRING MINDS WANT TO KNOW!
Hey, what's the name of that insurance company with the duck?
Nebules wrote:
I really hate hearing the banjo played in this musical context. Yeah, I know is Bela Fleck, but it's still the banjo.
Bela is about the ONLY banjo I'll tollerate.
serenity5 wrote:
I've heard some truly great Bela....this ain't it.
Yes it is and so was that.
Woohoo! That harmonica! Makes me GRIN!
Johray63 wrote:
Well, I'd call it adequate at best. But maybe it's better he keeps it pretty straight forward with all the virtuosity going on around him!
That's because it is not a drummer. It's Victor Wooten's brother playing his own invention, the Drumitar. You love it or hate it. As a Telluride veteran I love it!
Bela's going to be doing some shows with Jean Luc Ponty and Stanley Clarke next year. That will be another interesting combination.
serenity5 wrote:
I've heard some truly great Bela....this ain't it.
The worst day of Bela Fleck is better than the best day of Brittney Spears ......
serenity5 wrote:
I've heard some truly great Bela....this ain't it.
But it is quality stuff and very listenable!! My foot was tapping and dancing all by itself while this played. Thanks RP!!
Railbird wrote:
I love this little piece. But since you mentioned the drummer I find that his work protrudes like a sore stick.
Well, I'd call it adequate at best. But maybe it's better he keeps it pretty straight forward with all the virtuosity going on around him!
I've heard some truly great Bela....this ain't it.
I really hate hearing the banjo played in this musical context. Yeah, I know is Bela Fleck, but it's still the banjo.
Platypus wrote:
needs to be seen live to be believed.
True. But they were much more dynamic back when they had Howard on harmonica...I saw them a lot back then, and their combined musicianship was awesome.
Bela Fleck music more than artistic is a crafted product...which means follows esablished patterns and eludes a risky creative process, therefore the end result is quite likeable...just checked the average 8 recieved so far...IMHO, this music is quite overrated...
sidetrak wrote:
The song name says it all. Wonderfully played!
The song name says it all. Wonderfully played!
Future Man's setup is pretty damn cool. Synthaxe Drumitar needs to be seen live to be believed.
Cool name how do you type that character : 鬡
ahhh. bela fleck consistantly produces listenable and mind engaging tunes. like this a lot. can't really think of a bela tune i don't like, now that i ruminate.
Yes, always nice to hear the Flecktones, one of my favorite bands. Vic is undeniably amazing on the bass.
Railbird wrote:
I love this little piece. But since you mentioned the drummer I find that his work protrudes like a sore stick.
The drummer (Future Man) plays some kind of electronic thing -- not a regular kit.
AndrewInScotland wrote:
Pretty nifty! I like! The drumming could be a better - but the harp and the banjo sound quite fine together.
I love this little piece. But since you mentioned the drummer I find that his work protrudes like a sore stick.
More please!
Pretty nifty! I like! The drumming could be a better - but the harp and the banjo sound quite fine together.