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Robert Plant — The May Queen
Album: Carry Fire
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Total ratings: 1848

Released: 2017
Length: 4:06
Plays (last 30 days): 3
Lay down in sweet surrender
Your love so warm & tender

Oh, sweet surrender, now
So warm & tender, now


Inside my waves are breaking
Oh! Light of my salvation

Oh, my waves are breaking now
Ooh, sweet salvation now


Out here the frei still burning
So long into my night...
Still captive and still yearning
Surrender to your light...

A heart that never falters
A love that never dies
I linger in the shadows
The dimming of my light...


The dimming of my light...
The dimming of my light...
The dimming of my light...
The dimming of my light...
Comments (68)add comment
 Jelani wrote:

Did he say 'Oh my waves of bacon, now'?

Just came to ask the same question - there were definitely waves of bacon!

Still got the voice (at least he did back in 2017)
Massively overplayed. There is soooooo much more...
 ecomaniac wrote:

If it weren't for his tenure with the great Led Zeppelin, this famedom-clinging has-been would not be played at all imho.  He has nothing new to offer.

Some comments just don't age well. 
 bkrans9 wrote:

Look, I'm all for recognizing the mortality of our rock gods and all, but can't Wikipedia find a less hideous picture of Rober Plant for his page?

I'd add the same for the wiki pics of Bruce Springsteen, and Beck...
Someone said if you're a wiki contributor you can change the pic(s) - anyone know if that's true?
Did he say 'Oh my waves of bacon, now'?
really? this was played yesterday. there's so much more...
Robert Plant: the showman must go on | Robert Plant | The Guardian
why do i want to hear Prodigal Son by the Stones after this? i keep hearing something in this song that is very similar in Prodigal Son...
 bkrans9 wrote:

Look, I'm all for recognizing the mortality of our rock gods and all, but can't Wikipedia find a less hideous picture of Rober Plant for his page?

Become a Wikipedia contributor and swap the picture for a better one.
RP's Main Mix has turned a bit into the "Robert Plant/Alison Krauss" station of recent, and I am here for it :-) 
 bkrans9 wrote:

Look, I'm all for recognizing the mortality of our rock gods and all, but can't Wikipedia find a less hideous picture of Rober Plant for his page?

Maybe it was the best one they could find.
Look, I'm all for recognizing the mortality of our rock gods and all, but can't Wikipedia find a less hideous picture of Rober Plant for his page?
I hope I sound that good at 70. Who am I kidding. I've never sounded that good. One of the greatest vocalists ever IMO.
GOOD TUNE!! ...but the album cover reminds me of Aqualung! ...it is a good thing that we don't have to listen to the album cover! LOL!
 Ptijoc wrote:

I never was a fan from Led Zep ' but these guy is incredible, years after a so good music! Old rockers never die!

True! The same for me. I'm very surprised by this guy, he's maybe better now than never. How did those old rockers to stay creative a such long time!
 EdEastridge wrote:


 Steely_D wrote:

Not sure if you've heard the massive amount or work he's done over the years, and the incredibly varied kinds of music he's done. I don't like all of it, but have a ton of respect for a guy with such a work ethic and talent.

Amen!  The commenter missed the memo.  Big time.
whatever robert tunes & plays is always freakingly awesome
 Yiungdrac wrote:
give it a rest a great talent varied interests huge scope of material what have you done lately and I love Brian May not queen may

It appears you have taken offense where there is none to be taken.
 rosehearty973 wrote:
Saw Robert a couple of nights ago here in Manchester, he had Seth Lakeman playing violin with him.  Fantastic show and great musicians.  Was lucky to be in front row and had a very very good time.  Highly recommend anyone to go and hear a nice clear audio especially for a concert  - nice and clear and the musicians were out of this world.  Great night and one i will remember for a long time..... along with Steven Wilson, Great Audio.... They really do care what we hear.
Some day, we'll enjoy such events again.  Now, I think of such happy times wistfully, with resignation.
 On_The_Beach wrote: give it a rest a great talent varied interests huge scope of material  what have you done lately and I love Brian May not queen may

The Queen May
(OK, it's a stretch)

 fatcatjb wrote:
I am tiring of this, brilliant or not. I need a Robert Plant break

 Steely_D wrote:

Not sure if you've heard the massive amount or work he's done over the years, and the incredibly varied kinds of music he's done. I don't like all of it, but have a ton of respect for a guy with such a work ethic and talent.

I am tiring of this, brilliant or not. I need a Robert Plant break
 stretcher wrote:
Hey criticizers, smarten up.  Plant has been at it for nearly 50 years.  As have other musicians with unbelievable tenacity for music.  You may NOT look at someone who has blazed the trails that Zeppelin (or Hendrix, or Stones, or Beatles, or Joni Mitchell, or Ted Hawkins, or Son House, or Hank Williams, or Black Sabbath ...etc) has, and then be critical with comments like "he's got nothing new".  Because you're listening, you're enjoying the paths that these minds have cleared for you.  So ... smarten up and be respectful.  You don't have to like it, but you have to be respectful.
Translation: Kids, if you don't like what I did, you are disrespectful. Plant doesn't need your pity place in history. He's got a mind-bending broad body of work to speak for him.
Hey criticizers, smarten up.  Plant has been at it for nearly 50 years.  As have other musicians with unbelievable tenacity for music.  You may NOT look at someone who has blazed the trails that Zeppelin (or Hendrix, or Stones, or Beatles, or Joni Mitchell, or Ted Hawkins, or Son House, or Hank Williams, or Black Sabbath ...etc) has, and then be critical with comments like "he's got nothing new".  Because you're listening, you're enjoying the paths that these minds have cleared for you.  So ... smarten up and be respectful.  You don't have to like it, but you have to be respectful.
 ecomaniac wrote:
If it weren't for his tenure with the great Led Zeppelin, this famedom-clinging has-been would not be played at all imho.  He has nothing new to offer.

"But he did - he did have all that stuff"  - Some of you old movie buffs might find that amusing. 
I've only heard a couple off carry fire and loved them both, plus the track off his 2020 album a few days ago
 On_The_Beach wrote:
The Queen May
(OK, it's a stretch)
You could have gone with "The May of Queen"
 neptunejeff wrote:
Long live Plant, Jagger and McCartney....legends  Oh, you mean Foul Mc cartney?

Long live Plant, Jagger and McCartney....legends  
The Wikipedia picture . . . I just wanna start singing. 
Aqualung my friend you see it's only me . . .
 Solanus wrote:

So what's the verdict for each?

Sorry for the delayed response...I tend not to track replies to my missives....the verdict?  

Beck's I'd label as outstanding...and I'm not a fan of his so you can color me surprised.  His is a good, "catchy" effort.

Plant I am a fan of, but as someone noted this might be more because of certain.....adventures....done many moons ago while listening to him and his famous entourage.  Ah to be young and (that) stupid again.  His is an interesting effort...but....it left me lukewarm.  An aging baby boomer version of a crooner trying to find a genre that fits his mystic.  

I suspect Eddie Vedder will follow a similar path for his generation.  

I don't mean this as a criticism.  Both are representational sign-posts for their generation; Plant, for better or worse, is mine.  Maybe not so much vocally, but tell me his photo doesn't remind one of a weary Viking Chieftain just looking for safe harbor?  We should all bear our age so royally, eh?  Heh! 

American Net'Zen
Tp all you naysayers, just sit back and appreciate a Master!
Jeezeuzz GAWWWWD no.

 On_The_Beach wrote:
The Queen May
(OK, it's a stretch)

 Cyclehawk wrote:
Excellent album, but it may a few spins before it grows up on you. Give it some time, you.'ll be glad you did.

I concur.
OK I now HATE this song. Too much webplay.
 On_The_Beach wrote:
The Queen May
(OK, it's a stretch)
Well spotted, fellow listener!

 sfyi2001 wrote:
Procedure for accurately rating Robert Plant tunes! :
1. Listen to song.
2. Rate what you heard. 1-10 
3.Subtract 5 from that number to allow for the fact that you tripped on Robert.


That's what I just did, and it's still an 8.
 sfyi2001 wrote:
Procedure for accurately rating Robert Plant tunes! :
1. Listen to song.
2. Rate what you heard. 1-10 
3.Subtract 5 from that number to allow for the fact that you tripped on Robert.


I always wonder- The guy has the voice, and his reputation allows him to tour with some great musicians, yet consistently releases this kind of mindless drivel. Its sad really. He got away with it back in the day and still does. 
Somebody please! Give this guy a song!

And who failed to tell the producer the intentional addition of the sound of "vintage" pops and scratches was in good taste here? Its not.

I'd say- If the voice and name weren't recognizable and the artist were relatively unknown, the average rating would likely drop significantly.
Reminds me of the Stones' Factory Girl form Beggars Banquet.
The Queen May

(OK, it's a stretch)

 Highlowsel wrote:
Here's something I did yesterday....based on RP's recent play of a selected piece of Beck's latest Colors I wandered around to Amazon and was about to buy it.  Hell, I did buy it.  Unusual for me because I'm not really a Beck fan, but his recent release perked my ears, and I'm nothing if not interesting in listening to new stuff sooooo.... 

But in that wandering I saw this and thought...hmmmmm....might be interesting so I bought it without having heard nary a tune.  RP confirms, with this tune, that this might not be anywhere near as stupid as it sounds like it could be.  I should receive both CD's today so I guess you know some of what I will be listening to going into 2018? 

Happy New Year everyone! 

American Net'Zen

So what's the verdict for each?
Here's something I did yesterday....based on RP's recent play of a selected piece of Beck's latest Colors I wandered around to Amazon and was about to buy it.  Hell, I did buy it.  Unusual for me because I'm not really a Beck fan, but his recent release perked my ears, and I'm nothing if not interesting in listening to new stuff sooooo.... 

But in that wandering I saw this and thought...hmmmmm....might be interesting so I bought it without having heard nary a tune.  RP confirms, with this tune, that this might not be anywhere near as stupid as it sounds like it could be.  I should receive both CD's today so I guess you know some of what I will be listening to going into 2018? 

Happy New Year everyone! 

American Net'Zen
Saw Robert a couple of nights ago here in Manchester, he had Seth Lakeman playing violin with him.  Fantastic show and great musicians.  Was lucky to be in front row and had a very very good time.  Highly recommend anyone to go and hear a nice clear audio especially for a concert  - nice and clear and the musicians were out of this world.  Great night and one i will remember for a long time..... along with Steven Wilson, Great Audio.... They really do care what we hear.
i kinda like this... will need a few more listens to know if i like it because Robert Plant's voice is burned into my soul (thanks to a serious teenage LZ obsession) or if i like it on its own merits. 
I can't really speak to the music, never having been much of a LZ fan, other than it's ok. Glad anyone is making music, whenever. But I mostly just want to costume the heck outta Mr. Plant. So much cape 'n sword work to be done with this one. 
 ecomaniac wrote:
If it weren't for his tenure with the great Led Zeppelin, this famedom-clinging has-been would not be played at all imho.  He has nothing new to offer.
Not sure if you've heard the massive amount or work he's done over the years, and the incredibly varied kinds of music he's done. I don't like all of it, but have a ton of respect for a guy with such a work ethic and talent.
I must say, Robert Plant's recent work has been very impressive. The Vegas Style shtick and the Jimmy Page thievery is long gone but the voice remains and the man has matured and, I dare say, even innovate.
 Ptijoc wrote:
I never was a fan from Led Zep ' but these guy is incredible, years after a so good music! Old rockers never die!

France is like that!  You nailed the Pont more than perfectly.  No need to be a French aficionado or an admirer of impossibly stubborn airships to get how to approach making a judgment regarding the art of what's old news staying news.  Classic rock as Literature.  Try that with the lyrics coming from the world hit wonderment-less among the Franklin Generation by headcount comparatively.  I'll give young rappers and some country artists a break tho, for a handful have served as the sort of undertoe that catches the biggest fish off guard by sheer talent being clearly evident without the Branding effort of the greedy, rabid canine exclusively self appointed Musik Industrie Markt Magi.  Sort of forges a new paradigm for "Minding the Gap."  The Achievement One!  
 hayduke2 wrote:
you go young man!!!

Would you mean go long or go weh!?!  Viv le Plan d'Rober ½ tt dose in the whole 2
I love Led Zeppelin but this is horrible.  Robert Plant as a solo artist used to be 'meh' but now he's 'Change the station! Change the station!'.  Sorry. 
Procedure for accurately rating Robert Plant tunes! :
1. Listen to song.
2. Rate what you heard. 1-10 
3.Subtract 5 from that number to allow for the fact that you tripped on Robert.

This lad will go far...
I never was a fan from Led Zep ' but these guy is incredible, years after a so good music! Old rockers never die!
Once again Robert Plant delivers.  Sounds great.  
Sounds a little Battle of Evermore-ish, but still a great groove! Yeah, we'd all love to hear him belt, but he still has good feel, and a great band.
Je préfère Factory girl des Rolling stones
Already sounds better then the last couple..
I really like this one. Gets me all groovy.

Well it's not exactly the Robert Plant I most like to hear, but hey..

Don't be alarmed now,
It's just a spring clean for the May Queen.

Excellent album, but it may a few spins before it grows up on you. Give it some time, you.'ll be glad you did.

If it weren't for his tenure with the great Led Zeppelin, this famedom-clinging has-been would not be played at all imho.  He has nothing new to offer.
Erm ...  not for me, thanks.  Sorry, fans.
you go young man!!!